We provide this copy of the letter written to Joe by Edgar, not because we suggest you read it, but because it seems inapproiate to quote from Edgar's letter without showing his statement in context. Even though it was requested that Edgar clarify the story he told Joe, he doesn't respond to it (directly) in his letter. Men like Edgar seem ashamed (or they are instructed not to) to discuss this secret policy of unquestioning obedience to their organization, and certainly not in writing. We provide Edgar's letter, then, for those who might want to examine Edgar's statement of his qualifications in context. We also post the letter written to Edgar by Joe, which letter prompted Edgar's response. You will note, if you do consider Edgar's letter, it is curt and dry. Edgar withholds kindness becasue, as he says, he has faith in the arrangement which disfellowshipped Joe. Edgar cites the Bible only once in passing, but extolls over and over his faith in the prominent members of his cult. He will unquestioningly do what ever the organization tells him to do, just as he did when he lied to Sam many years ago. It is sad he has not learned to place his faith in the Bible after all these many years. It calls into question what his organization is really teaching him. (Matthew 5:37) Edgar's letter confesses he supports the organization's judgment Joe is wicked, without knowing the facts (he supports them in admitted ignorance). Any person who would join in rendering judgment against another should certainly have all the facts before doing so. (Matthew 18:15-17) [It might be wiser not to raise ourselves as judges over anyone.] Rather, this organization seeks people who will join in rendering judgments, without any knowledge of whether the person being judged is guilty of anything. Is that what you really want for yourself and your family? That is what membership in JW's will bring you will demand of you.

Click here to view Edgar's letter to Joe.

Click here to view the letter by Joe which prompted Edgar's.

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