Heaven or Earth?
Do you hope to live forever? Where?
Written: June, 2012
Updated: June, 2023

If you believe the Bible is the word of God, (1 Thes 2:13) that must mean having faith the Bible never contradicts itself. And, that we must believe "all" of it. All who "do believe" share this hope: They believe all persons who exercise faith in Jesus Christ have before them the hope of eternal life. (John 3:15-16 ; Romans 5:18-21 ; Matthew 19:29) Where, though... Where will we spend eternity? Whether our future will be in heaven or on the earth evokes much controversy among those who assert they are Christians. (Mat 17:5; 1 Cor 4:1-5) Those who like the idea of going to heaven will point to scriptures similar to John 14:2-3, while those who prefer the idea of living on earth will choose scriptures like Psalms 37:11 & Psa 37:29. (Please consider we are talking about a great danger here. If you are being misled by people who pick and choose scriptures to support what they want you to believe, they can make God's Word say anything... The danger is: Picking and choosing scriptures is the act of constructing a "doctrine" of "their" faith. That is how people mislead themselves and others. Go to: JustBibleTruth.com -> Select: Being Misled?) Please note and remember always: The Bible must be your only doctrine. Can seeing the overall theme of the Bible help us understand this dispute about our future, that can at first glance make the Bible "seem" contradictory? Please know: Yes!

One scripture many people use to support their belief Christians will live forever in heaven is 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18. We there read:

1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 GW . . . (15) We are telling you what the Lord taught. We who are still alive when the Lord comes will not go into his kingdom ahead of those who have already died. (16) The Lord will come from heaven with a command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the dead who believed in Christ will come back to life. (17) Then, together with them, we who are still alive will be taken in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. In this way we will always be with the Lord. (18) So then, comfort each other with these words!

It's easy enough to see why many believe that scripture, pulled out of context, indicates Christians go to heaven to live forever. My hope is to live on earth forever, but that scripture gave me pause. Please do know, if that is God's will, I will be pleased with whatever his plan is! Still, I do believe in "all" the Bible; and, that I have to work to understand God's truth. (1 John 5:20-21; Luke 13:23-27) The Bible truth can't be understood from one or a few scriptures. (Heb 5:8-14) If we do believe in "all" of the Bible, faith requires we consider other scriptures that seem to temper or refine that one. [The Bible never contradicts itself. (2 Tim 3:14-17; 1 Thes 2:13) If you see what appears a contradiction, you can know you have a misunderstanding, likely based on a lack of knowledge.] As we go on to consider some additional scriptures, some of which paint a picture of eternal life on earth, while knowing every scripture is true, I put before you another potential meaning for our being "taken up" in the clouds to meet Christ: Clearly, we need protection to survive the end of the tribulation and Armageddon [Armageddon being God's fast approaching or now revealed war to destroy the last of this wicked old world system.] (2 Pet 3:10-13; 1 Thes 5:1-11) I think that promised protection of our being "lifted up," might refer to our faith in Christ lifting us above the destruction [whether lifted figuratively or physically], and be what Paul is referring to by saying we will be caught away to meet the lord in the clouds; similar to how Noah and Lot and Rahab were all lifted above or out of the destruction on the earth in their day. (Mat 24:36-42) [Be careful what you are led to believe: At least one religious sect promises God will never allow a nuclear war because it would harm the earth beyond repair. What an ignorant and vain-glorious thing to say! (Num 11:23 of 18 & 21-24 & 31; Isa 59:1) What will those who have believed their teachings do if such a war does begin. Silly men spraying their nuclear devices all about might be exactly what God was talking about when He said the wicked will be destroyed by (or as by) fire. (2 Pet 3:10) Then again, just the other day, there was a thunder clap above or very near my home. It was so powerful I could actually feel the shock wave ripple through my head and chest. It was the most powerful thunder I ever remember experiencing. Some slightly stronger ones is all it would take to destroy the wicked; while the righteous were preserved alive by God's spirit; preserved by their faith in Christ! Anyway... Without too much wasted time speculating about what the Bible does not make clear, we can all share a sure hope in one thing it does make crystal clear: We can each have life and protection through our personal faith in the words of Christ! (John 11:25-26; John 5:24)] If Paul had actually been telling the Thessalonians we are all going to heaven forever, how could Psa 37:29 and Isa 11:1-12 and Job 33:13-30 and Ecc 1:4 and Psa 104:5 and Psa 37:10-11 also have fulfillment. They must all be true, you know? "All" scripture is inspired by God. (2 Tim 3:16-17) One sect solves this seeming contradiction [a contradiction to those without understanding] by asserting some [from only among "their" sect, of course] will go to heaven; while others [still just others from "their" sect] continue to live on earth. (Rev 7:4 and Rev 7:9) The scripture quoted above from 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, however, does seem to indicate there is only one group; joined of two groups. [Joined of Jews and Gentiles maybe...?] Also, Jesus intimated he was going to live on earth, as he promised us he would drink the fruit of the vine with us there. (Mat 26:29) Just remember: What is truth must include "all of these" scriptures, as well as all others! Don't be overly concerned with details, to the point of passing judgment on others... (1 Cor 4:5; Mat 7:1; Rom 2:1-11; Rom 14:4 of 1-4) Leave the Religionists to argue about their doctrine; using it as the basis of their judgment nonconformists are lost to God. Christians have faith in what they do "know" Christ said; and don't have to worry about what we don't yet know, "and" clearly and fully understand; "from the Bible." Also remember: God told us to listen to Jesus (Mat 17:5) and Jesus promised, if we just continue to listen to him, he will help us. (John 14:15-17; John 14:25-26) Then, we are free to learn and comprehend at our own pace, while also knowing and understanding the danger of being swallowed up by any one of many religious groups of men; each sect of them asserting we "must" follow "them"... (Mat 24:23-28) That is their "identifying mark," or their bad "fruitage," trying to convince you of your need to follow "them"; instead of directing you to read Christ's words for yourself (many do seem to imagine they are leading us "to Jesus," of course). (Mat 7:15-16a) But the simple thing to remember is this: "Actually" leading people to Jesus is simply telling them to read his words for themselves... (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)

As I said, my hope is to live forever here on the earth; along with Christ Jesus and all his other human followers. (Psa 37:27-29; Mat 26:29; Pro 8:22-31) [Jesus  will surely  "might" spend some of his time in heaven with his Father and some on earth with us. (None of us really know - maybe Jesus will serve as God's eternal earthly tether to mankind - Pro 8:31 of 22-31)] That hope of living forever on the earth is what I also believe the Bible as a "whole" teaches. The main thing I believe, which is a belief I hope we can share absolutely, is Jesus promised he will be with me forever. I don't want to shipwreck that faith worrying, or certainly arguing, about "where" we will live. Whatever is God's plan, that is what I want! "We" must all remember: Our only understanding of, and faith in God's plan, comes from the Bible; and, it "must come" from "only" the Bible and from "all" of the Bible! And anyway, once you express your faith in Christ, you take away my responsibility for worrying about you. (Eze 3:17-19) It is not my place to judge! (Rom 14:4 of 1-4) Whether we have true faith in the actual words of Jesus is, however, judging you along with each and all of the rest of us, right now... (John 12:47-49; John 3:19 of 16-21) I "live and exist" in that hope! Have you joined me there, in Rahab's home...? Have you joined me in singing the song of Christ? (Please visit JustBibleTruth.com -> select: R U Compliant? -> find the paragraph beginning: "If you haven't"... and read the few paragraphs between the red ruler lines.)

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