- - Bible Truth, or Religious Doctrine: In which do you believe? - -
(Written: April, 2012)

Webpage summary: All Religionists [anti-Christians] have a "tell" that lets you easily identify them; to tell them from Christians. (Mat 7:15-23) All Religionists want you to join their sect, promising you will be blessed by God for your association with their organization. All Christians rather direct you to read the words of Christ for yourself, from the Gospels. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Christians share "Christ's warning" that is the only safe way. (Mark 13:21-23)
The balance of this page only helps you understand that truth!

We are all quick to answer it is "Bible truth" we believe in, aren't we? And, we like to believe that is the appropriate response for ourselves. Does such an answer really reflect our true beliefs, though, or is it just what we want to imagine about ourselves? Maybe it parrots what we have been told by people we associate with? Could we be deceived? (Mat 24:11; Mat 7:15) Could we be deceiving ourselves? (Mat 7:22) Just ask yourself: Are you really a Christian? If your answer is yes, according to Jesus's words in Mat 24 and Mat 7 linked above, you need to ask yourself: When you think of trying to direct someone to God, do you use the words of God's son (knowing they are Christ's words because you have learned them for yourself), or, do you direct them to "literature" provided by some religious sect you are associated with? Religions mislead people! (Mat 23:15) It is just an easy thing to examine your faith: You need simply to verify that any Bible association you have is with people who teach only what the Bible teaches. (Mark 12:24) That means they actually study from the Bible, not their own literature. It is in your best interest, and a scriptural directive, to make such an examination! (Rom 12:1-2) You can only identify false religious teachings, and keep free of them, by listening to (becoming intimately familiar with) the words of Christ. (John 12:49) You need to become noble minded by proving everything you believe comes from the Bible, and from Christ. (Acts 17:11) That is, after all, the purpose and benefit of the Bible: So we can each one know what we are taught actually comes from God! (2 Tim 3:16) Helping you verify your faith using the Bible is the purpose of this website. That is one reason Christ came, to help us know what is true! (John 18:37) The words of Christ mean life (John 6:68-69; John 3:35-36; John 3:19) and God commanded you to listen to him! (Mat 17:5)

You must, however, be cautious not to be deceived by people whose real motive is just to maintain their authority over you; (Acts 20:29) as was the case of the religious leaders in the days of Jesus's preaching: John 11:45-48 GW (45) Many Jews who had visited Mary and had seen what Jesus had done (he had just resurrected Lazarus) believed in him. (46) But some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done. (47) So the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the council. They asked, "What are we doing? This man is performing a lot of miracles. (48) If we let him continue what he's doing, everyone will believe in him. Then the Romans will take away our position and our nation." • John 12:9-11 GW A large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was in Bethany. So they went there not only to see Jesus but also to see Lazarus, whom Jesus had brought back to life. (10) The chief priests planned to kill Lazarus too. (11) Lazarus was the reason why many people were leaving the Jews and believing in Jesus.

Religious leaders are the same today as they were when they killed Jesus and wanted to kill Lazarus. They try to appear nice on the surface, but they hide as they perpetuate the badness done by them and their group. (Mat 23:27-28) There are some simple questions you can ask yourself to be certain you are not misled by religion (being very different from Christianity): Does "your organization" discourage you from making yourself noble minded in comparing every single one of it's teachings with the Bible? Do they rather expect, or even demand, you become a Doeg by accepting and submitting to what ever they teach; without question? Do they imply you should just go along because they are the "good guys", or, because of the "good works" they do? Do they demand you trust them because they believe and assert they are God's "true servants," his "anointed ones," or his only "true" organization? Do they claim you are not wise enough to study the Bible on your own, but must rely on certain members of their group to "interpret" scripture for you? (John 7:49) Do they insist certain "special" individuals within their organization are infallible and above question? Do they imagine the books and magazines they produce (calling them Bible study aids) are "spiritual food" from God; as only the Bible actually is? (Gal 1:8) Do they equate your only hope for life with being an approved member of their sect? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have most certainly been misled. (Mat 7:15) You should stop following them. You must turn to following Christ through your personal knowledge of what he taught in the Bible. It is not hard. It requires only a little effort and it brings true joy of life! (John 15:11) There is a simple test to determine who your God really is: When you make choices of life, about what you will do and what you refrain from doing, what is your reason? Who are you concerned will be "happy" with your actions? Who do you worry about giving you praise? Whoever comes to mind when you ask yourself those questions, that is who you worship. A man wants to please his wife, of course, and a wife her husband. That does not necessarily make the wife a God to the man who seeks to please her. If he seeks to please his wife because he knows God told him to do so in the Bible, and so is seeking to follow God's counsel, that is good. If he seeks to please her without God in the equation, that is not good bad. Who you seek to please is your God! A woman recently found fault with what I watch on TV, saying I watch too much violence and will be effected by it. She's probably right! She, on the other hand, listens to preachers who promise she is righteous in judging me wicked because I don't go along with the teachings of their sect. (Mat 23:23-24) Is she following Christ or men? That is her answer to give, of course...

One protection can be that religious deception has remained the same through the centuries. That means you can recognize it: The churches, even the ones that proclaim Christianity, fight and fuss among themselves about doctrine of approved membership. In these last days, this very old problem is revealed by history and by the words of Christ. All who look to Christ can see. In the mid 1500's, John Calvin found what he believed was scriptural fault with Catholic doctrinal teachings that have persisted to support a pedophile priesthood for centuries. The Catholic response was to try and burn him at the stake. Calvin fled to Geneva where he formed a group and started his own new religion. The Catholics burned Calvin in effigy (they made some kind of life size doll and burned it in his name). Rather than continuing in the study of Christ's teachings that set him free, (John 8:31-32) Calvin set about creating his own new doctrine of faith and worship. If people wanted to please God, and Calvin of course, they had to believe what the Calvinist's asserted was true... Soon after, Michael Servetus also found fault with Catholic teachings and had to run away as well. Since they couldn't lay hands on Michael, the Church burned him is effigy just like Calvin. Knowing about John Calvin, Servetus fled to Geneva to join him, no doubt thinking John would welcome him. In a short time, Servetus found himself in disagreement with Calvin's new church doctrine and was burned at the stake by the Calvinist's. Michael is thus the only poor soul in history to have been burned in effigy by the Catholic Church and in the flesh by Calvin. Even with good intentions, that is what Religionists, by following their doctrines of men, always do. (Mark 7:7) While I have abandoned sectarian religion, the great difference in what I teach is I am not starting a new religion or church, or seeking to join someone who has. I have simply joined myself to, and encourage other people to join, the group Jesus started gathering 2000 years ago. The only way we can know for sure we are doing that, and are thus pleasing God, is by picking up a Bible and putting ourselves among those individuals who sat at Jesus's feet some 2000 years ago. (Mark 3:31‑35) His message has not changed and God had it recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. We can sit at Jesus feet by reading his words, but we have to avoid those claiming to speak for him. [Mat 7:15-20 mentions our need to recognize bad and good fruit: That is simple. Good fruit is directing you to listen to Christ, bad fruit is not directing you to Christ; but rather to doctrines of men.] Jesus said many would claim to speak for him in the last days. (Mat 24:23-28) He also said we should look for his return, which would be similar to the days of Noah. (Mat 24:36-39) Reading the words of Christ is your ark of deliverance for our day in time. Reading the words of Christ is sprinkling his blood (the blood of an unblemished lamb) above your doorpost for protection through the tribulation of our day. (Ex 12:5-7 & 22-23)

What do you think was the hardest thing Jesus had to contend with in his efforts to help mankind? Apathy? Indifference? How about self-righteousness and religious self-reliance? Those qualities made many of the people Jesus talked to deaf to the words he spoke. They heard his words, of course, but they couldn't get any useful sense from his teachings. They had other motives than knowing God by listening to his Son. Jesus even asked some of them why they were not able to understand what he taught them. (John 8:43) He then answered his own question, as he exposed their heart and their motives. (John 8:44) Finally, he made clear the reason for their failing. They didn't love the truth. They hated the truth and they hated Jesus for speaking it. (John 8:45-47) Those people weren't indifferent or apathetic, mind you. They were religions zealots. They had their own form of worship and it was backed up by their religious teachings. They did not want to be corrected; even by the son they were commanded by God to listen to. (Mat 17:5; John 8:48-55) Don't be like those ignorant or stupid people! If someone presents scriptural proof that exposes your religion as teaching lies, for  God's sake  your sake, listen. Don't defend your religion! If religion is asserting you need them in your life, rather than directing you to listen to Christ for yourself, they are teachers of lies. Just as in Jesus's day, this is not hard to understand, unless you have made the choice not to hear. (Acts 7:57)

As an example of the danger from religion, we might consider the Jewish religious leaders of Jesus day. They were anxious to "interpret" the law for their sheep (for the people they sought to lord themselves over). Jesus and his followers exposed the hypocrisy of those self important religious leaders. (Acts 18:28; Mat 23:27-33) For any person of Jesus's day to gain "real truth," they first needed to recognize the hypocrisy in those religious leaders who were saying "their group's" teachings were the truth, while Jesus was a liar. (John 10:20; John 8:48) Sincere people simply needed to seek/have knowledge of the Bible (Mark 12:24) and to gain an understanding of what the Bible means: That can only be accomplished by listening to Jesus. (Mark 9:7) Those religious leaders could see Jesus raise the dead and heal the sick, so they had good reason to listen and believe. Reading the Bible record of Jesus's teachings is how we can follow Jesus today. By reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we can still "listen to Jesus." It is the next best thing to actually sitting at his feet. In some sense, it is even better. We couldn't possibly have been present to hear all the things Jesus said and to see all he did as recorded in the Bible. God inspired the important things Christ did and said recorded in the Gospels. We have those recordings today, and we live in the time of their revelation. Their meaning is being made clear!

So you might find some people (me I believe) to provide some little guidance in leading you to Christ; but once you know about God's command to listen to his son, (Mat 17:5) Jesus is the only interpreter of the Bible you need. He is the only one you can trust! Explaining who God is and what He expects of us (interpreting the Bible for us) is one very important thing Jesus came to do. (Mt 11:27 ; Lu 10:22 ; 1 Jn 5:20 ; 1 Ti 3:16-4:3) Before Christ, when God spoke to men through their dreams, there sometimes needed to be an interpreter of those dreams. (Ge 40:8) God has completed the Bible record, however, in sending his son. (Heb 1:1-2) So... We no longer need to dream dreams or to have someone to interpret them. The completed Bible is the interpretation of life, and Christ Jesus explains his Father to us. Allowing others to interpret the Bible only leaves room for imperfect or wicked men to lead you along in their error. (2 Co 11:3 ; 2 Ti 3:13) The Bible is  a  the book for all people! (1 Ti 2:3-4 ; Ac 10:35) Knowing for your-own-self what the Bible teaches is the only way to verify who really are "the good guys"; who really are the true followers of Christ. Christians are identified very simply: By their obedience to Jesus's teachings. (Mt 7:15 ; 1 Joh 4:1) Obedience to Christ means directing others to listen to "Jesus" for themselves. (John 17:20) It is foolish to entrust your faith to any (imperfect) person or group. (2 Co 5:10 ; Ga 1:8) If you follow some man or group, and they are wrong, you are responsible. (Rom 1:20-21) That is why God gave us the bible: So we can each define and know for certain what "truth" is. (John 15:22; 2 Cor 4:2) We can know ourselves... In this way, everyone is responsible for their own faith, and no one is favored or has a leg-up. We are each one being judged by our response to the words of Christ. (John 12:47-50) Those who reject Christ are lost and those who accept him are judged for blessings by their expression of faith in God's son. (John 17; John 3:19; Jas 2:18-26)

Most every organized religion will assert their organizational doctrine, and the truth of the Bible, are one and the same thing. Do not be misled, they are very different! People who follow the teachings of Christ (as recorded in the Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) don't have or need any other doctrine. We are all imperfect, meaning we all make mistakes. To keep the mistakes in the thinking of men from corrupting the truth is why the Bible writers were led (or driven) along by holy spirit. (2 Pe 1:21) When Jesus taught people, he often quoted from the Hebrew scriptures (old testament) to prove and give credibility to what even the son of God taught. (Mr 7:6 ; Lu 2:23 ; Mr 1:2) In addition, Jesus performed miracles to prove he was the Christ of God and had authority to teach from, and even to expand upon, what had already been written in those (Old Testament) scriptures. Jesus was led by the holy spirit and he proved it! (Joh 5:30) Those miracles Jesus performed left no doubt his teachings came from his Father, (Joh 7:16-17 ; Joh 8:38) and that he was the Messiah who had been promised by God. (Joh 4:25-26) Christ was the hope looked forward to by faithful men and women since Adam's sin. (Ge 3:15 ; Tit 1:1-2; 1 Cor 15:20-22) The record of his life and teachings is what Jesus left for us in the Christian Greek scriptures (the New Testament). (John 14:15-17) That Bible canon was closed many years ago, and those sealed teachings of Christ Jesus provide the only acceptable doctrine for our day. Men must not go beyond those Bible teachings. (1 Co 4:6) Any Bible instructors who are sincere and have your best interest at heart will agree with that, and will encourage you to verify everything you learn using the Bible. (Acts 17:11) Whether other men and women approve your study or not, however, you have the task of verifying for yourself what Jesus taught using the Bible as your only standard of truth. (Joh 8:32) Don't let wicked or ignorant men convince you that is too hard for you to do, or you are too stupid to do it!

How, though, do so many seemingly well meaning religious groups go so wrong? Most of them started with noble aspirations to define Bible knowledge for themselves (like the Calvinists who follow John Calvin). Next, they want to form a named organization to support their effort. That's when Religionists go wrong! The only organization of "Christians" was started by Christ and a Christian's personal relationship with Jesus (their faith in him) is their only membership... Once Religionists establish an organization, they began to write down rules of conduct for themselves, and for others of "like faith." As they start to generate rules in their effort to protect their newly formed organization, rendering judgment over their "sheep" from those rules, becomes more important than continuing as Bible students of Christ. Trying to form an organization, then, proves to be their error and their undoing. What they all fail to grasp is the true Christian organization has already been formed, and it's membership roll is being kept in heaven. (Luke 10:20) We are individually made Christian by our faith in the teachings of Jesus, or we fail to become part of God's organization by our lack of faith. (Jn 1:12 ; Lu 5:20 ; Mt 21:21-22 ; Mr 1:15) It's no more complicated than that! (John 17) If you have allowed men to convince you of your need for them, in addition to your personal faith in Christ Jesus, you are most surely in trouble. When groups start judging people from their organizational writings, they have forgotten the "Bible rule" not to go beyond the things written. (1 Co 4:6) They go beyond the teachings of the Christ when their own rules become their new religious doctrine. (Ga 1:8-9) Soon, they start to measure people as righteous or wicked based on that doctrine. The hypocritical Jews of Jesus day were famous for their traditions (or doctrine) from which they freely judged other men, including Christ Jesus himself. (Mr 7:1-8) It seems all (or most) modern day organized religion is guilty of that same sin. Remember always: Jesus established the Christian congregation (or organization). Wise persons will try to join themselves to what Jesus started. Only the Bible explains how to do that! Basically, becoming a Christian means first becoming familiar with Jesus's teachings as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Then, you must make adjustments in your life because that knowledge gives you the ability to show love toward others. Demonstrating love for others is the real proof you truly believe in the Bible. (Joh 8:32 ; Joh 17:17) If you wish to join others as an aid in learning what the Bible teaches, you must be careful they are sincere Bible students who are attempting to be footstep followers of Christ Jesus. As we progress in Christian maturity, (1 Cor 3:1-5) we want to be able to make a defense of the hope created in us by the Bible knowledge we gain. (1 Pe 3:15) We all come in contact with people who want to assert this or that diverse religious doctrine, or maybe "their very simple one," is Bible truth. It then follows they would imagine their group is the only "true" religion. Such groups will also be anxious to judge other people based on whether they agree with their doctrine. To become mature and noble minded Christians, we must have (or gain) enough Bible knowledge to either refute such doctrine, or to accept it as being in harmony with Bible teaching. That is the process by which we grow to spiritual maturity as Christians. (1 Co 3:1-3 ; Heb 5:13-14) We don't need to fear freely listening to what people say about the Bible (as long as they use the scriptures). Then, we can encourage them by making clear we know what they say does indeed come from the Bible. Or, we might help them by telling them what the Bible really does say, if we believe they are in error. (Ga 2:11) We never have to dispute with them. Simply show them what the Bible teaches. What individuals choose to do with that knowledge of Bible truth is between them and the Creator of us all. Sometimes, we may not have enough scriptural knowledge to know if what someone puts forth as truth actually finds support in the Bible. It is OK not to know (assuming we have not yet had an opportunity to learn). (Ro 3:19 & 20) We should never, however, join with anyone by going along with what we do not personally know the Bible says; nor do we need to condemn them. A sincere "I don't know," along with an expressed hope in God through faith in Christ Jesus is always an acceptable answer. (Joh 17:3 ; Pr 30:4) We can take comfort in knowing they are responsible for what ever assertions they make in Christ's name! (Ac 5:1-10 ; Ac 12:21-23) Of course, as we gain knowledge of God's word, it does bring responsibility to be obedient to what we learn, and then to share that truth. (Lu 11:52 ; 1 Joh 5:3) If we truly love God, we do so because we have first come to know him. (Mat 11:27) We then love him because he is good and everything he does is perfect. (Heb 11:6) We love him because of our knowledge that He loves us. (1 John 4:19) Christian maturity takes time. Don't let anyone rush you to join in something you don't know about and fully understand. (Proverbs 20:25) Sincere persons who want to teach in Jesus's name should always have scriptural support for their teachings. If they don't, there is no reason to believe them! If they provide what appears to be scriptural support, but you are aware of scriptures that seem to contradict their teaching, it is wise not to accept their teaching. The Bible is never lacking, nor is it ever contradictory. If it seems there is a scriptural conflict, it simply indicates we have not learned all the Bible says about the matter in question. Never feel compelled to rush to make assertions about matters you are not clear the Bible teaches. (Pr 20:25) Learning Bible truth is a life long process that will likely continue right on into everlasting life. Certainly we will never find out all the works of our Creator. (Ec 3:11) The Bible says there will be new scrolls opened, (Re 20:12) but it is unknown how long we may continue to learn from the Bible as well. (When those new scrolls are opened,  יהוה  will likely provide miraculous indicators so we can know we can put faith in them, just as He did with the Bible. [Jesus and Moses (responsible for much of the Bible) both performed miracles to prove they were speaking for God.] will never leave us needing to trust blindly in imperfect men. The Bible clearly warns against our doing so. Until such time as those new scrolls are opened, the Bible provides us everything we need. The Bible is the one and only reliable source of spiritual food.)

False religions are not hard to identify. At first glance they seem different and diverse. A closer examination reveals two things all false religions share in common. First, they all have a doctrine defining their faith: They have declared a set of rules explaining what they believe, and they always assert those rules are based on the scriptures. Their doctrine may be built on a few scriptures, or it may be built on several. In all cases, however, they have some part of their doctrine which you must blindly accept based on faith in their group and/or its Bible understanding. If you don't see how their teaching is tied to the Bible, Religionists believe you must accept it anyway, so as to go along with the group and be "approved" (by God). The second thing they share is they all believe they are the lone caretakers of truth in the earth: That their group comprises all the faithful among mankind. The result is, all such groups deny you the right to have any personal Bible study outside the scope of their directives (their doctrine). Any serious consideration of the Bible, apart from their approved understanding, will define you an enemy of their organization. Religionists never explain all that when you join, of course. (I don't think some of them realize it about themselves.) If you disagree with them after joining, however, they believe (and tell everyone ignorant enough to listen) their judgment against you (for having questioned their teachings), defines you an enemy of God. If you realize you are in association with a group who renders such judgment over others, you have been misled. If you are a member of a group who claim they have produced literature that is an extension of the Bible, or that their writings are also spiritual food (as only the Bible is), you are being deceived. Those new scrolls the Bible speaks about will not be the uninspired writings of imperfect men, nor will they contain errors. If some group holds up some imperfect man (or group of them) as infallible and above question, you have been misled! Anyone who wants to embolden himself to add to (or expand upon) the teachings of Jesus, should also be raising the dead and healing the sick. They should be performing the other miracles Jesus displayed when he presented himself as God's mouthpiece (as God's word - Rev 19:13). When men abandon their search for the truth contained in the Bible, and start to protect, upbuild, and worship their organization and it's teachings, they have gone astray. If your organization has established doctrine from which they judge others, and that doctrine doesn't tie directly to the Bible, they are most surely wrong. Some organizations create special terms for their dogma (or doctrine), often trying to represent ideas they can't explain or even understand. Such terms are usually not even found in the Bible. Even so, their members will freely judge as wicked any who don't join them in their blind faith in that doctrine. A faith in something which can not be explained scripturally is blind faith! Jesus explained the truth very clearly. (Mat 18:2-4) If your organization has doctrine using words not found in the Bible, you should be in fear of their teachings. Those men and women who are faithful Christians are simply those who try to follow after Jesus, just as faithful Christians have been doing since Jesus's first appearance as a man on earth. (1 Cor 15:21-22) Faithful Christians try to learn what Jesus taught, and then to apply those Bible teachings in their lives. That is what defines a Christian, not the blessing or approval of any man or group. Really, who do such "splendid" (super-fine in their own mind - 2 Cor 11:5) individuals imagine they are: To boldly assert themselves as judges over others? In our day, true Christians live by faith (Rom 1:17) in the teachings of the Christ, not by obedience to the doctrines of men. Continue learning what the Bible teaches, and you will be set free from slavery to those who want to present themselves as your salvation. (Rom 6:16; Mat 24:23-28) Bible knowledge protects against being deceived. (Mark 12:24)

All this can be summed up very simply: Every person should find great joy in the fear of  יהוה . (Ps 112:1-2) Praise Jah, you people! Happy is the man in fear of  , In whose commandments he has taken very much delight. 2 Mighty in the earth his offspring will become. As for the generation of the upright ones, it will be blessed. Wisdom is actually born from the fear of (displeasing)  יהוה . Such fear should never be imagined as a bad thing. It is wonderful! (Ps 111:10) The fear of  יהוה  is the beginning of wisdom. All those doing them have a good insight. His praise is standing forever. Put another way: What every person should be in fear of is doing harm to themselves or to others. Each person who will have eternal life must realize: All God's ways are perfect! (Deuteronomy 32:3-4) Having knowledge everything He does is perfect, and that He always has our best interest at heart, (Isa 48:17) in turn defines disobeying God as doing harm to someone. That wonderful and loving fear of displeasing  יהוה , so as to avoid doing harm, is what all these groups are robbing away from their "flock." By demanding obedience to their doctrine, all false Christian organizations turn their flock away from the fear of  יהוה . They train members to be in fear of their organization's judgment over their righteousness. is watching every second of every day. (2 Ch 16:9) Displeasing  יהוה  is what their sheep need to be in dread of. (Psa 32:8) The leaders of all these groups are afraid their "sheep" will realize: Organizational judgments against individuals, or their approval of them, have no merit or meaning. Seeking such approval is a waste of time at best. Usually, it is far worse than a waste of time. When people seek the approval of organizations of men, (John 5:44) what they are really doing is bowing down to that group as their God. They are actually led to believe if they have the blessing of the organization, they are also acceptable to God... How silly! It is faith in Bible truth, understood through and based upon each individual's personal knowledge of the scriptures, that is what will provide them faith for life. (John 17:3) No membership among men can do that! It is the knowledge of the need to be in fear of  יהוה  and his Christ (Isa 11:2-4 ; Joh 1:32-34) that is being stolen away from those governed by religious doctrine. It is simple to understand, really, but it is hard to see for those individuals who have made the sad choice to worship men. (2 Cor 4:3-6)

There are some sad individuals who have been led to believe everyone determined to pattern their life after the Bible is being brainwashed. They are absolutely right! We all must realize, however, none of us are Creators. We are all just a part of Creation. We all have a Creator. And, since we are not Creators, whether we are wise enough to realize it or not, we are all following after some pattern of thinking. (Ecc 1:9-10) Some listen to drug users who assert taking drugs is just the most wonderful thing in life. If they really believe that lie, they are trapped by it. The lie is part of who they are! Some listen to great thinkers who say philosophy or science is just the greatest thing in life. We all listen to parents, friends, teachers, clergymen, and to so many others... All those people are trying to influence us: To brainwash us really. (Ec 12:11-12) Many of them may mean well. If we believe their lies, even sincere lies, we are still entrapped by those lies. Most of us would like to imagine we are free thinkers, and are above being influenced by other people. The truth is, believing we are above being influenced is perhaps the most dangerous lie. We are all, each and every one of us, being impacted by the things people say to us. Some are trying to influence us toward things that are based in truth and are helpful, and some are not. We are all, however, being brainwashed. All any of us can really do is choose who we will be influenced by. Choosing to place faith in the Bible may seem to be just another choice among many. We believe an examination will reveal the Bible to be the only good choice... It is, in reality, the only sensible choice and is one of only two available: Faith in truth or faith in lies. It is God's wondrous gift of free moral choice which allows you to choose to build faith in truth. (De 30:19-20 ; Jos 24:14-15) The Bible is truth! (Joh 17:17) If you don't believe the Bible, then you have believed a lie. You have believed the lie that the Bible is not truth. (Ge 3:4) In that case, you really have been brainwashed! We are all born being taught lies by often well intentioned people. While it may appear there are many choices being offered by them, there are really only two. You either come to believe God is our good Creator and He will always be our rewarder, (Heb 11:6) in which case you believe in the Bible (or you will come to believe in it). Or, among what appears to be the many other choices you can make, there is only the one second choice: You do not believe God is good, in which case you have been influenced to believe the first lie of record, that God is a liar. If you don't correct your thinking, you will receive the same fate as the woman who believed that first lie: She positively did die! (Ge 3:2-4)

We might consider the Bible as a sort of maintenance manual from our Creator, in a similar sense that the engineers who built your new car provide maintenance manuals for it. The Bible affords knowledge of truth, which gives direction and purpose to life. It is the only thing that can do so. Those who choose to worship the animals of creation, for example, will find it difficult making sense of life. Those who choose to worship wealth, or power, or (illicit) sex, or drugs and alcohol, will all find disappointment: They will all be unable to make sense of life. They are all rendered impotent by their lack of faith in truth. If you put gasoline in the engine crankcase of your car, and water in your transmission, it will be destroyed. It is similar for those who disregard the Bible and so instead choose to join people trying to do things their own way. Knowledge of what your Bible teaches can set you free of being lost to the confusion and bad directions rampant in this world. (John 8:31 ; Ecc 12:11-12)

The stated purpose of this website should become the purpose of your life: You should seek to learn and build faith in what Christ teaches. You should share that knowledge with others. (John 17) We warn you should always compare what is herein presented with the Bible. Use this site to learn all you can, but prove every single thing you learn comes from the Bible. The appearance of Jesus Christ as our Messiah is the theme of the Bible from beginning to end (from Genesis to Revelation). (Gal 3:23-25) Focus your attention, therefore, on what Jesus taught (John 6:44a; Mat 11:27) in the Gospels recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Then, put in practice what the Bible teaches. Doing so is a wonderful and upbuilding effort. (John 15:11) It is the most valuable process of life. (John 17:3) Being concerned for truth is what makes one happy. Jesus said so! (Mt 5:3) Our gaining happiness by means of fulfilling our spiritual need is a spiritual law, just as surely as gravity is a physical law. You can not deny God's truth any more than you can defy gravity. Learning Bible truth is a happy prospect, and while we never want to diminish that happiness, you do need to be warned to guard against those who desire to become (or remain) lords over your faith. Guard against those who demand to define your faith for you. (2 Pe 3:14-18 ; Mt 10:16-20) At the root of our being able to have peace is our learning the difference between what the Bible teaches and what men say it teaches, and then doing our best to build our lives around what we learn from the Bible. Those who love God and his Word manifest it in showing love for others. (Lu 10:25-28) If you sincerely draw to God through knowledge of His Word, you will receive protection. (Joh 14:27) That is one of the ways the Bible is alive and exerts power: Knowledge of what it teaches can give us peace. (Heb 4:12) It can give YOU peace!

We pray God's peace and protection on all men (and women) through their personal faith in his son Christ Jesus. (Lu 10:5-6 ; Ro 1:1-7 ; Joh 5:15-47) Like Jesus, we do not pray for those not looking for God so as to be called by him to Christ. (John 17)

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