Did God create snowflakes? The obvious unqualified answer is yes, for he created all things. (Revelation 4:11) But in being precise, did his creative team actually create snowflakes? (Genesis 1:26-28) That answer might not be as obvious.

Let us start by saying we don't know the answer. The Bible doesn't say, and what the Bible doesn't say, we don't know. We don't want to be found guilty of breaking the Bible rule against going beyond the things written. (1 Corinthians 4:6) All that said, the question seems worthy of a moments reflection as to what the answer "might be." What we know God created was water (or the atoms that form it), and the conditions for the water cycle which causes water vapor to rise up and then to condense and fall back down to water the surface of the earth. He also made the seasons so as to cause warm and cold. The conditions he allowed for in his creative process then, allow for the formation of snow flakes; But we don't actually know if he ever created one.

Men who study our world tell us snow flakes are so intricate in their formation that no two are ever exactly alike. Snow sometimes falls onto the earth to a depth of a few feet, covering hundreds or thousands of square miles. How many snow flakes must there be in one such snow fall? How many of them have ever fallen to the earth? Yet they say, no two are ever exactly the same. If we have a measure of health, the necessities for life, and if we are warm and dressed for the cold; it is a wonderful and most beautiful experience to be in the midst of snow falling on snow in an evergreen forest.

Our Creator is aware of every sparrow that falls to earth, and every hair of your head is numbered to him. (Matthew 10:29-31) It may well be He is aware of every snow flake that forms and falls to earth. Think of the diversity of just the snow flakes, as a tiny, tiny, part of his creation. Our Creator might find satisfaction in simply watching the snow flakes form and fall, and possibly without his ever actually creating one. Think then, about the overwhelming diversity in all the powerful spirit creatures, and the diversity in all the men and women who have become aware of the beauty of all Jehovah does; And have then chosen to worship him alone. (Revelation 4:8-11) Think of the joy He finds as he sees such ones give of their life's energy in choosing to be obedient to him. (Proverbs 27:11) Whether something as simple as the snow flakes actually do bring him joy, we, as sons and daughters with freedom of choice can bring joy to the Creator of all. That is clearly one of his greatest gifts to mankind! As upright and loyal ones strive to imitate Christ Jesus, they can magnify our heavenly Father by doing things just as He would want them done, and thus bring him joy. What a wonder all his creation really is! From the smallest to the greatest, his works are wonderful "as my soul is very well aware." (Psalm 139:14)

Please make special note we do not assert whether God actually created a snow flake. That is not the point being made. It is a simple reflection on the wonder and diversity of creation, and on the importance of our choosing "the way of life." (Joshua 24:14-15)

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