There are two misconceptions (or misdirections) that commonly undermine the efforts of sincere Bible students. They could have been considered among the failures of organized religion, but since they are so prevalent as to be common to most every religion, we decided dedicate a webpage to them. While these two treacherous teachings are very dangerous, they are also simple to explain and easy to identify. These Two Dangers are, developing a faith based on dogma, or becoming single scripture Christians.

Dogmas* present a real danger to those trying to learn what the Bible teaches. For the purpose of our consideration, a dogma is any religious teaching that does not find direct support in the Bible. Those who will proudly base their hope and salvation on such organizational teachings, will always assert their dogma is taught in the Bible, of course; But, they will assert, it is taught only by being implied. To support such a teaching, they usually come up with some word (or phrase) to identify their dogma. This word often does not exist in the Bible. Those with faith in Dogma will invariably be anxious to judge you as wicked if you do not share their faith. If someone asserts your salvation depends upon your faith in any teaching they can not specifically point to in the Bible, it is likely a dogma. If you look in a library (or do a web search of reputable sites) for the history of such teachings, you will most often find they originated some few hundred years after Christ Jesus. If it is a teaching that came into existence after Jesus, it most certainly is a dogma. The 400 years following Christ's resurrection was the period when the great apostasy gained control of the earth, (2_Thes_2:3) and such dogma's are at the root of apostasy. Any teaching that can be depended on as Christian, is clearly defined by the Bible. In the Bible we find all the teachings of the Christ. If the word defining or naming a teaching or dogma is not found in the Bible, it is going beyond the things written and is a warning sign. (1 Corinthians 4:6) Everything that "is written," and which we must not go beyond, you see, is written in the Bible. (The Bible gives us the terrible example of one who would follow what men say and teach, rather than God. His name was Doeg.)

A second very common danger is becoming a one scripture Christian. Organizations often pick one scripture [or a few scriptures] and build a religion on it. That is not Christianity! One could pick "an eye for an eye" from the Jewish law code, for example, and build a very harsh and unforgiving religion. We might see another group build a faith around the scripture that says we must have faith in the name of the lord Jesus and be saved. Such organizations will then teach there is no real need to go beyond that very basic Bible understanding. Jesus and his inspired followers, however, spoke also of the need to press on to Christian maturity. (Hebrews 6:1) They taught about our need to remain in the faith. (Acts 14:21-22) The Bible further teaches those who have endured to the end are the ones who will be saved. (Matthew 10:22) Jesus warned some would call on his name imagining they were saved, but would be rejected by him. (Matthew 7:22-23) To learn to become, and then to remain, a footstep follower of Christ requires an ever growing knowledge of the "truth," which is contained in the Bible. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Of course, if the scripture stating we need to "know and believe on the name of Jesus" is all a person has had time to learn and to put faith in, it may well be acceptable to our Creator. We are talking, though, about a form of worship, or religion, that asserts no more is needed than some very basic Christian teaching. Continuing to learn what the Bible teaches is fundamental to avoid being misled. (Mark 12:24) Knowledge of the Bible is the truth that will set us free of the misconceptions of men. (John 8:32) Knowing "the truth" simply means that every scripture you read supports your mental picture of what is happening and will happen. If a scripture doesn't fit, you have a misunderstanding. One scripture, or even a few, will likely not define truth as a foundation for an unwavering Faith which can provide everlasting life. (Heb_10:38-39)

*Dogmas - Ideas which we need to be evaluate as to whether they are dogmas, are actually mixed in the foundation of faith in most persons who study and express faith in the Bible. We are all imperfect and make mistakes. We should humbly recognize: There are probably areas of our faith where we have made mistakes. That is why we continue to study the Bible! There is, for example, a webpage on this site with a teaching that might be considered by some to be a dogma:

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We believe there is scriptural support for thinking about our life as existing in two worlds. If such support exists, it is not a dogma. That is for you to decide, of course, based on your own personal knowledge of the Bible. We herein present scriptures which we believe support the idea. If you place faith in any teaching, it should be because you find support in the inspired Bible, not because of the writings of imperfect men (including this website). You are the one, and the only one, who will defend your faith before the judgment seat of Christ. The Bible is the only defense you will have of your faith. Since the Bible makes no specific mention of the "two worlds" teaching, some might consider the teaching a dogma. Others might believe the Bible does indeed support that idea. The point we attempt to make is this, there is never room to judge another wicked, or even to judge their actions wicked, because he or she doesn't share your faith about any matter that is not directly supported by the Bible. (Romans 14:1-4 , Mark 14:6 , Mark 9:38-40) There is absolutely no reason to judge any person as wicked or righteous based on whether they agree with the "two worlds" teaching (as referenced above).

To illustrate: We can say with confidence that Christ Jesus is our savior! We can know it is not a dogma because it is directly taught in the Bible. (Acts 4:8-12) It then follows: Anyone who says that is not true is acting wickedly, and might be guilty of the unforgivable sin. If you care about people, you must warn them of that fact. [The Jews of Jesus day said Jesus performed his miracles by means of a wicked spirit. ((Mark 3:22) As a result, he warned them they might be guilty of blasphemy against the holy spirit. They saw Jesus raise people back to life, and cure the sicknesses of many, many, people. Rather than have faith in him because of the great witness his miracles gave, they chose to assert his badness by that very witness. (Mark 3:28-30) They had no excuse for their error.] We can scripturally judge anyone who says Jesus is not the Christ as performing a wicked act, because it is a direct contradiction to the Bible. Only the teachings of the Bible form a basis for judging the actions of another as wicked. Actions are not judged by what we infer the Bible says, mind you, but what it very clearly does say. (John_17:17 ; John 12:48) Even when people appear to us to be disregarding the Bible, we are not judges of who are wicked people. (Acts_9:1-22) God judges that! (Isaiah_33:22) The Bible does, however, clearly judge wicked acts. By quoting the scriptures, we help others judge themselves. The judging of ourselves is what we all must do all are doing. (John_12:47-48 ; Rom_2:14-16) Whether we choose to listen to what Jesus taught, or choose to ignore it, we are all judging ourselves by our response to those teachings. (1_Cor_1:18-25)

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