Spiritual Food
(Written: April, 2015)

What does the Bible mean when it uses the term "spiritual food"? (1_Cor_10:4) Is it important to understand the term?

The Bible claims [and we believe] it was written by men under the influence of holy spirit: We have faith, then, the Bible was written actually by God. (2 Pet 1:21) That it comes directly from God is what the term "spiritual food" means and conveys. Spiritual food is thus pure and safe!

Very simply stated: Spiritual food is the message contained in the Bible; and the Bible is the one and only reliable source of spiritual food! Having that knowledge is important because to fail to understand that simple truth can lead to your death. (John 17:3 ; Mark 12:24 ; Matthew 7:21-23) Recognizing what is and is not spiritual food means life! What scriptures though, give credence to such belief?

Please notice the Bible sometimes uses eating in a symbolic way. Jesus, for instance, told his first century followers to eat his body and drink his blood. (John 6:53 ; Matthew 26:26-28) Clearly, Jesus did not intend them literally to eat him, but to strive to become like him, to strive to know what he knew. To further help us arrive at that meaning, Jesus said "his food" was for him to do the will of his father. (John 4:34) In similar fashion, "our food" is to learn from and follow Christ. (John 6:28-29; John 17:3 & 6-10) In the Bible, Christ is referred to as the manna, or bread of life (John 6:48-51) that came down from heaven. (John 6:31-35) He told the Samaritan woman at the well she needed to accept waters of life from him. (John 4:7-26) All those scriptures define the Bible, and more specifically the words of Christ, as our source of spiritual food: The Bible is inspired by God and thus the teachings of Jesus came down from heaven [from our Father], as did the manna and the water which provided food [and life] for the Jews in the wilderness. (1 Corinthians 10:3-4) The Bible thus compares our feeding on Christ [our learning what he taught] to the Jews eating the literal manna that came down from heaven and fed them during their forty years in the wilderness. (Exo 16:14-18 & 31; John 6:28-33; Exo 16:35) The teachings of Jesus are life sustaining for us, just as that literal manna proved to be food for the Jews. Jesus is even referred to as the word of God. (Revelation 19:13) The Bible teachings of Christ, as the word of God, then, is the spiritual food coming down from heaven which we today must feed on. (1 Cor 10:3) Since the theme of the Bible centers on salvation through faith in Christ, our studying the Gospels is comparable to eating the body of Christ: That because Jesus gave his life to bring us faith built upon what is recorded about him in the Bible. As we study and learn what Jesus sacrificed his life to give us, we consume the value of his life. (2 Sam 23:13-17) We are sustained and gain life by feeding on him in that way. When Jesus was doing the preaching work, people sat at his feet to learn what he had to say. Since Jesus died and was resurrected to heaven, studying the record of what he taught is the way we can gather at his body. In other words: Our studying the Gospels is the same as sitting at Jesus feet and being taught by him personally. It is encouraging to note: When Jesus taught people, he also healed their infirmities (Luke 6:17-31) and fed them physically, (John 6:5-11) so they could be free to think about what he taught them [meditate on what he fed them spiritually]. It is even more encouraging to note the Bible identifies a time when physical healing would again accompany "feeding on Christ's body." (John 11:25-26) Feeding on Christ, then, is the manifestation of the hope of the eagles for our day. (Luke 17:37 ; Isaiah 40:29-31 ; Job 33:24-25) Our lives depend on feeding on Christ, because feeding on Christ is what defines one to be Christian. Christianity always manifests as love for God and for other people [which Bible knowledge empowers one to have and display]. (John 13:34-35)

Danger: It is only the true "spiritual food" [meaning it comes directly from God] which is alive and exerts power. Jesus said the words he spoke have life in them. (John 6:63) That is true in one sense because Christ's words grant us the ability to judge ourselves by means of our own conscience. (Heb 4:12; Rom 2:15-16; John 12:48; Luke 7:48-50) Christ's words also grant faith: As we learn what Jesus taught, and build faith we will have salvation through our obedience to those teachings, our faith will make it so. (Mat 24:36-39; Mat 8:13; Luke 6:19; Mat 9:27‑30; Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:48 of 42‑48; John 7:37‑39; John 19:34) The men and women to whom Jesus spoke are all long dead, of course, but the salvation of the righteous will reward them by means of the resurrection; just as it will be a reward for those actually feeding on Christ at his return. Thus, many of those fortunate to be alive at Christ's return, and wise enough to be feeding on his words, will never die at all. Do you believe that? (John 11:26) Bible prophecy and world events seem to indicate that is our day!

John was told in Revelation to take a little scroll and eat it up; so he might know and be able to share what was in that scroll. (Rev 10:8-11 & Eze 2:9-3:6) In like manner, we eat spiritual food in the form of the word of God [and more specifically the teachings of Christ Jesus - Rev 19:13]. These scriptures, then, make clear what the Bible means by "Spiritual Food." The words spoken by Jesus Christ are spiritual food. (John 6:63) Christ is the only reliable source of spiritual food.

There is great danger from some people and groups [from some religious sects]. They are trying to deceive us about what "Spiritual Food" actually is! To protect yourself, just always remember: Spiritual Food is the Bible; and the Bible is the only safe source of Spiritual Food! Some people have confused themselves terribly, or have become willful apostates. They have elevated and pronounced their own organizational teachings and writings to be Spiritual Food! (Mat 15:7-9; John 5:39-44) Asserting what "they write" is spiritual food is one method used by those who refuse to obey God's command not to stray beyond the things written in the Bible! (1 Corinthians 4:6) Claiming other materials are Spiritual Food is also a method by which the Bible can be hidden in plain sight. As individuals are led to imagine other writings are also spiritual food, it demeans the Bible. Some will assert my revealing this is just an attempt to be mean to those who have and follow their own doctrinal teachings [which teachings they proclaim are Spiritual Food]. We only cite the scriptures that expose them... People who equate other writings with the Bible are very dangerous to themselves and to others. These scriptures, then, represent God's effort to warn them; as well as to provide warning for others who might become infected with their thinking! Our attempt is, and it should be the same as yours, and theirs, is to be at one with Jesus and his Father in their work of dissolving [the darkness of] ignorance away into the light of truth. (Matthew 4:16-17 ; John 10:36-38 ; John 14:20-21 ; John 17:26 ; John 12:48-50) When ignorance is washed away by truth, what is left is one of two things: Righteousness or stupidity. Almighty God is then free to deal with people in either group. (John  15:22; Rom 9:22-24) [Stupidity is a willful choice not to see truth, and that means it is actually wickedness. - Pro 1:22-33; Pro 13:19-20]

Learn what your Bible teaches; for in it are the sayings of life. (John 6:68-69) Become very familiar with Jesus's teachings recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. That, then, the words of our Lord, is "spiritual food." Christ's words are the Spiritual Food provided by God (John 15:11-16) to nourish and protect us. [Christ's teachings are supported by the balance of the Bible, of course. - Gal 3:23-26]

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