Would you like to know your future? Can you? Do you have control over your destiny?

These first few paragraphs (in green text) represent an update to this webpage as of May of 2019. It was created in late 2013. Since that time, and since long before, we have had to witness world conditions getting worse by the day. The world news seems just one long horror story continuing day after day. All reasonable persons, then, are worried and wondering about what our future is bringing. Since the future is the most important thing of life, and most people are becoming more and more anxious about the terrible conditions surrounding us, (Luke 21:7...28) a fresh look seems reasonable. Considering our predicament along with the prophecies inspired in God's Word can help us have faith; faith the overwhelming problems faced by humankind will soon end! (Dan 8:23-26) In the midst of the chaos of this world, Christ is bringing all the bad to an end using his message: The words from is mouth are identifying and gathering (Eze 9:4) every single righteous person throughout all the earth. (Isa 60:1-9) The escalating wickedness and seeming lack of punishment (Ecc 8:11) is gathering those who are bad to join in the badness. (Prov 4:16) Those who are repulsed by the terrible things they see in this world are drawn to the words of Christ and are marked by their faith. (Eze 9:4) One way conditions have gotten worse (Mat 24:3-14) is every nation that still exists (as most seem barely able to maintain a reasonable standard of living for their current citizens) is being overrun by an influx of refugees fleeing nations being destroyed by war; or from the chaos in countries being overthrown by people who have no respect for God's will and direction. It seems many people have lost all respect for the rule of law. (All those who are willing to overturn existing nations apparently fail to appreciate God has allowed those nations to exist to protect their inhabitants against anarchy. - Eze 39:21; Romans 13:1-4; Mal 1:11) It is becoming ever easier to see why God told us to be in relative subjection to what ever functioning nation we might be favored to live in. (Submission to our nation is, of course, secondary to our submission to our Almighty God . [Romans 13:1-4; Acts 5:29]   יהוה  is the Hebrew form of God's personal name as He gave it to mankind in the Old Testament of the Bible. For English speakers, a "sounds-like" word is  • As we give thanks to God for the governments that protect us against hurtful people, we do appreciate it is far better to live in a nation where Bible study can flourish without government restrictions.) People who are willing to undermine their own nation, or that of others, for what they consider some just or noble cause, are thus doing so in defiance of God. No matter how they try to persuade people to view them, those who riot and cause harm, or certainly the loss of life, are just more terrorists. All those people who have no respect for the rule of law are just more terrorists. The majority of the earth are radicalized by some group or cause to the point of a self-righteous conviction they are right beyond all reason. Many of those zealots are then willing to harm people who disagree, thus taking their part among those destroying our world. (John 12:10-11) Self-righteous people will harm others if or when they imagine doing so will get them what they want. This whole world system is largely made up of gangs. That includes religion! They display a gang mentality in that their members are always right and to be protected no matter what they do. It can be a race, a nation, a sectarian religion or cult, or what ever group people form. Gangs will stand up for their other group members no matter what. If you think that is not true of the churches, confront a faithful Catholic about the child abusing priesthood and nunneries they have created over the centuries. It seems nothing could be worse than pedophiles. Even so, faithful Catholics (those faithful to their organization or gang) will defend the church, and continue to say they are God's true servants, even with the public exposure of their homosexual leaders. (1 Cor 6:9-11; Rom 1:20-32; 1 Tim 1:8-11) Make no mistake: What you say is right, and what you use your own lips to defend, that is judging you. (Mat 15:11) Whether you choose to learn or try to ignore, you are being judged by the words of Christ. (John 12:48) If you live in a nation that has a functioning government, one that affords some protection from the falling down of this world, you should be thankful for God's loving-kindness. If you are fortunate to have transportation to and from a job, and a home and food and clothing for you and your family, you should fall on your knees and thank God for that gift. (Rom 13:1-2) Be thankful because in every nation there are hateful lying people who are ready to destroy it all if they can't get their own way. Apparently, for some of them, destruction and dishonesty is the only way they know. (1 John 5:18-21) Avoid being lured by the grandiose lies religious groups promise if you join one of their sects. Groups of people harming other people, physically or spiritually, are wicked. Don't join them because soon, all the wicked will be gone! (Psalm 37:10-15)

Compounding the nearly inconceivable problems we already face is the evaporation of integrity. Most persons seem willing to lie to hide their transgressions (John 8:43-44) or to manipulate others. If they get caught bare faced in one lie, they just spin up another, or say it was a joke or is someone else's fault. (John 8:43-44) The disappearance of integrity is just one more proof God's Word is accurate when it says Satan is the ruler of this old world system. (1 John 5:19; 2 Cor 4:4; Acts 26:18) In addition to causing liars to be viewed by other individuals as good for nothing persons, the act of deceiving seems to make liars unable to recognize the dishonesty perpetrated by others who are also liars. Liars seem to believe other liars actually are the grandiose people they each one proclaim themselves to be. (2 Tim 3:13) People who know what God's Word says realize, in these last days, the very worst of the liars are sometimes selected as, or are able to seize control and make themselves to be, leaders of nations. God told us thousands of years ago it would become so. (Dan 8:23-26) Liars are drawn to each other and make deals together in order to take advantage of others. (1 John 4:4-6) They grow worse by the day and don't care who they harm or how much damage they do. (2 Tim 3:13; Mat 24:12) Do not loose faith as you see these things happening because it is exactly what God prophesied would come. (Mat 24:21-22) Also, do not be misled by people who want you to help as they believe they can save this world, often talking about the good they still see in some people. They can't save this world! (Gal 6:7-10; 2 Pet 3:8-10) To bring peace for those who still do have good in them, God must destroy the wicked. (Psa 37:9-13) Because of their willing choice to make themselves liars (John 8:44-45) and disobedient to truth, (John 17:17) bad people have no concept of obedience to God or of the spirit of truth. (John 15:19 & 26) When many people are foolish enough to believe their lies, it can sometimes place liars beyond the reach of man's law. That is stupidity on the part of such deceivers, (Ecc 8:11-13) of course, because God is always watching! (Luke 8:17; Heb 10:26-31) As this world continues to get worse, it seems everyone will be forced to awaken to truth, at least enough to recognize what part they are playing (Mark 4:22-23) either for the true God  יהוה , or against him (against his will). Jesus said "many people" will be surprised when they realize what part they actually are playing! (Mat 7:21-23) Numerous religious people, some calling themselves "Christian," actually imagine the hate they display toward individuals whom they have judged unacceptable to God amounts to a pleasing form of service to the God they worship:

What follows is an extreme example of religious hatred. You commonly see less severe examples, however, in what you hear from the mouth of religious people: You see the hatred "Religionists" have for those judged to be "disapproved" by them and their sect. Such hatred is directed and cultivated by their "preachers," or "elders," or "deacons," or "priests," or what ever they have chosen to call the men they follow and worship. Emanuel Samson provides the example we now want to consider. Emanuel is a black man whose trial got him considerable notoriety in May of 2019. He was found guilty of shooting and/or killing several white parishioners where they were attending a Church service. (The trial concluded and was in the news in 2019 - the actual shooting took place Sept. 24, 2017.) Samson now claims memory loss about what he did. Many wonder if his selective amnesia is just a lie as he tries to avoid punishment. His girl friend told the media Sampson hates organized religion. To be able to recognize the failure and often wickedness of organized religion (Mat 7:15-20; Rev 18) can be a good thing; maybe even a gift from God. (John 8:43; John 6:44a) To make the leap to imagine we are judge and executioner as to which individuals are wicked or need to die, however, is the height of failure to appreciate what Christ came to help us understand. (Mat 7:1-2) During his trial, Sampson seemed to be devoid of any fear of God or desire to please him. In the recordings they played of him, he talked about how he wanted to look good for the cameras; he wanted to look "flow" (what ever that means). It was obvious he only cares what "people" think of him. That is a common sad truth about all "religious" people. (Mat 15:9) While the misguided efforts by each religious group is bad, some persons in the midst of her (some of the members of false religion - Rev 18) may be just deceived and therefore remain ignorant. It was, remember, a misguided religious mob (gang) that tortured and crucified Christ Jesus. (John 18:38-19:16) Their ignorance is why Jesus prayed to his Father about them: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:33-34) While those tormenting Jesus were religious overmuch, and imagined themselves to be righteous and doing the works of God, (John 8:41; John 7:47-49) they were actually being led along by Satan as part of his religious organization; being misled to kill the son of God. (John 18:38-19:16) They were unable to see themselves for what they really were, and they refused to be warned by Christ. (John 7:19b-20) Don't make the same mistake! Jesus's teachings are the only thing that can help us first recognize, and then convict us of, our own sins. (John 15:22) If you are not listening specifically to Christ, you may be just like the very religious servants of Satan who killed him. (Mat 7:21-23) Only Jesus's words can instill in us a desire for repentance and change. Looked at another way, Jesus came to teach us how to become acceptable and willing citizens of his kingdom on earth. (Mat 6:9-10; Isa 11:1-12) That kingdom is now being established by Christ as he is selecting the survivors who will be its inhabitants. (John 3:19; John 11:24-26) Jesus did not come teaching us to harm or even to judge other persons. (Mat 7:1-2; Luke 9:49-50) Harming others in God or Christ's name, especially when there is an attempt to cover it over by lying, (John 8:43-44) likely leaves that person with only the dread of what will soon come upon them. (Romans 2:5-9)

Some harmful people may be like animals, unable to comprehend or even think about spiritual things. (2 Peter 2:12) At the very least, they fail to comprehend their own wickedness: They fail to realize their activity of judging and/or causing harm is an open witness to the bad spirit they have chosen. They fail to understand their own pietistic religious activity is marking them for death; and most probably a horrible one. (Psalms 37:12-20; Heb 10:30-31) Never let persons who cause harm or justify badness, (1 Cor 6:9-11) or let the often personalized viewpoint of the press (based on what the newscaster personally believes, or what they think will produce a popular story), glamorize divisive and bad behavior in your eyes while they whitewash wickedness to appear as good. (Isaiah 5:20-23) Listening to and really hearing Christ (including abandoning bad ways - Eph 5:3-17; Rev 22:14-21; Rom 1:20-32; 1 Cor 6:9-11) is the act of receiving (or the act of consuming) God's spirit. (John 6:63) Understanding the teachings of Christ grants life to the hearer. (Prov 4:14-24) If you don't believe in Christ, just say so. It seems more dangerous to say you believe, while you at the same time promote or condone what God's word says is bad.

After all we have seen happen to so many nations of this world, why can't people learn that when nations are overthrown by men, only chaos and suffering are left. All that being said, it is important to realize the governments of this world have been a temporary arrangement while mankind awaited the kingdom (Dan 2:44) with  יהוה 's Christ (or with God's "Messiah" or "Anointed One") as King. (That remains true whether those nations have wisely understood that truth, or chose to remain ignorant). The last king in the line of the kingdoms of this world will soon be destroyed by God (2 Chron 20:17a) just as their trickery and wickedness seems (in their own eyes) to flourish. (Dan 8:23-26) The survivors from among the nations who are turning to God, however, enjoy peace and happiness under the rule of Christ Jesus. (1 Cor 15:20-28) You don't have to try and imagine yourself a judge, nor can you even know who will live or who will not! We are each one being judged (we are each judging ourselves actually) by our response to the words coming from Jesus's mouth. (John 12:47-50; Rev 19:15) You can't possibly know who will survive until judgment is rendered. The only person you have the ability to judge is yourself: You are either living a life that displays faith in the words of Christ, or you think the Bible is just another foolish fairy tale. (2 Pet 3:3-7) No matter what you may assert in front of others about your relationship with God and Christ, (John 8:54-55) it is still your secret personal faith (true belief) that defines who you are! (John 3:18-19; John 8:12) It is not the true teachings brought by Christ, but religious sectarianism that actually is the death bringing fairy tale. (2 Thes 2:11-12; 1 John 4:1)

Jesus said his return would be likened to the days of Noah: (Mat 24:36-39) The earth had become so wicked in Noah's day, (Gen 6:9-14) God decided to destroy those causing the problems; just as He has decided to do in our day. (Dan 8:23-26) After the destruction of that wicked ancient world, God reseeded the earth with mankind by using just Noah and 7 others; they being saved as they were carried over the water in the ark they built. (Gen 7:23) In our day, rather than by flood, God is allowing the wicked to die by the tribulation our abuse of the earth and our fellowman has brought upon ourselves. Similar to Noah, those who will listen to God are being saved by means of their faith in his son. (Mark 9:7; 1 Pet 3:20-21; Heb 10:22-24) Our building faith in the words of Christ thus corresponds with our own personal ark of salvation. As the wicked go on deceiving and being deceived, (2 Tim 3:13) however, every single self-righteous religious person (along with all the members of the sect or gang they have chosen to  follow  worship) asserts and tries to believe it is an approved membership in their "church" or group that will save them. Their choice to seek the approval of the men who govern and control their sect amounts to their judgment of themselves. (John 5:44; John 12:42-43) They say they are pleasing both Christ and the leaders of their sect, of course, but they can't serve two masters. (Mat 6:24a) They consider the disapproval of certain individuals (or sub-groups among the men they follow) to be God's disapproval. In seeking the approval of their earthly leaders, they have closed themselves off from trying to please Christ. (John 12:42-43; John 5:44; Rom 2:29) In their mind, no one can please God without first joining their sect. The danger is, they promise and judge their sectarian approval is what you also need to be saved. If you believe their lies, their faith in untruth can become your judgment, as well as theirs. Listen to Christ and avoid being fooled by religion. (Mat 7:15) Many religious people sincerely believe they are right, of course. (Mat 7:21-23) Sincerity, however, has little or nothing to do with truth! A person who straps on a bomb to detonate themselves in the middle of a crowd that includes women and children is certainly sincere. Their sincerity and their faith in untruth, however, no matter how great, does not make real and true the promises made them that they will receive a reward from God. They were just fooled by their religious leaders. They were deceived to throw away their lives by spreading hate in an act against the true God. Religionists (as distinct from Christians) have all been deceived by the doctrines of men. (Mat 15:9; John 12:42-43) Religious people are deceived simply because they have not recognized their simple need to really hear Christ (John 8:43-47) and become Christian, by following his teachings as their only doctrine. (Acts 11:26) Following what other men have reasoned out (sometimes using a subset of the scriptures) is what makes any Religionist religious. (Mark 7:6-9) One thing you can know to be truth in the midst of all this religious hate, however, is not one single righteous person will be harmed by God's war as He brings an end of all this wickedness and suffering. (Eze 9:4-6; Mat 12:18-21) Life in paradise under the kingdom of Christ can be your future, (Isaiah 11:1-12) but your future is very much dependant on your faith. So... This new material is not so much to warn about all the new and worse problems we face each day, but to better understand and to reinforce our hope and our faith in our immanent deliverance. (Mat 24:36-39; Luke 21:25-28) In other words, we want to better understand what we can really hope for in the midst of this dying world. (Psalm 91:7-8) What action can we take to save ourselves? (John 6:28-29; John 3:19-21)

To most all the people Jesus healed or helped, he told them their faith made them well; (Mat 9:22) or, that it would come to pass for them according to their faith. (Mat 15:28; Mat 8:13) Based on what Jesus said, then, what should or can our faith be? Faith is the thing, of course, that Christ came to give; but our point is this: You must build that faith for yourself! (John 6:28-29) And... Your faith, if it is to really help, must be built on what is true. That, in turn, means you must actually know Christ Jesus; intimately. Not only must you know him, you must be known by him! (Mat 7:21-23) You must become a personal friend to Christ. (John 15:11-15) The name of Jesus isn't a good luck charm you just learn and then call on for help. (Mat 7:21-23) If you are really able to listen to and hear Christ, it means you are first drawn by יהוה and have been chosen by Jesus. (John 6:44a; John 15:16) Please listen and really understand: If you choose to follow Christ day by day, it means ingesting his words (eating his flesh and drinking his blood - Rev 10:9a; Eze 2:8) which amounts to a rebirth by the spirit of God. (John 6:44a) Actually listening to the words of Christ is the act of taking in God's spirit! That spirit of life from God (John 6:63) will consume your old selfishness and direct your newly chosen way of life. (John 3:1-21) This is not some magical mystery that's too hard for you to understand. Following Christ does not mean you are a good person. (Mark 10:17-18; 1 John 1:8-10) You just need to truly come to know  יהוה  by listening intently to the words He sent Jesus to bring you. (Mat 17:5) If you come to know God, it will make you desire to serve. (Rev 4:6-8) If your faith is to be one that will sustain your life, it must be based in your personal knowledge of what Jesus actually said. (1 Cor 2:9-16) You should be warned by my own words that what I am telling you is just an expression of my faith. I believe my faith is based in Jesus's teachings, of course, but so do some who call themselves Christian while they obviously are not. (2 Cor 11:12-15 & 2 Cor 11:1-6; John 13:34-35) If they are not producing good fruit (Mat 7:15-20) by directing you to read for yourself the teachings of Christ, they are not Christians. (2 Tim 3:14-15) Even I know what I express is partly my own faith.* Perhaps more honestly, I express the words I have organized to try and convince myself what I hope in is true. Only God knows how successful I am being. In any case, your eternal life is dependent on your personal faith in what Christ said, not on my faith or on what I have told you is true. (John 5:31-44) It is very dangerous to depend on what other people have told you Jesus taught. (Acts 20:29-30) Being careful to build faith in only the words of Christ will always keep you safe. Read the Gospels - over and over. Live inside them.
*[Faith doesn't have to cause people to be dogmatic and exclusory. (Faith in truth doesn't do that. It is faith in the doctrines of men that has that bad effect on people.) I am betting my very life on the fact my faith is real and is built on truth. Some possibly equally sincere and certainly devout religious individuals feel it is their faith that is based in truth; and have emboldened themselves to judge openly I am wrong. Some among that group are then anxious to publicly manifest their hatred, and for certain their judgment, that I am bad and an enemy of God. I don't feel that way about them as I believe, or at least I hope, they are doing the best they can. If they are really listening to Christ as they assert, they will be fine. Who am I to judge? (Mat 7:1; 1 Cor 4:5) Actually, they are already being judged by the response to Christ's words showing up in their lives! (John 12:48-50) I do believe the first test of true faith is love, (John 13:35) first learned from Christ and then shown for others; including those who don't agree with our personal beliefs (those who don't share our faith). It is strongly religious people who are judgmental and hateful, not Christians. (Luke 9:49-50) Refusing to hate other people does not mean you are not required to tell them what Jesus said. (John 17:20; 1 Cor 6:9-11) It just means you need to love everyone by having faith some of them will change their bad ways, while expressing the humility of knowing you don't have any idea who will change and who will not. Sufficient for you is to guard your own heart! (1 Cor 10:12)]

One thing it does seem we can share a common Bible knowledge of: World conditions are going to keep getting worse (Mat 24:15-31) until Christ steps in with the angels (at Armageddon) to destroy those causing the problems. (Rev 6:2) We must surely all realize that in large part, basic loving kindness and decency have died out among mankind. (Mat 24:12 - in context: Mat 24:3-12) (That seems the only explanation for so many sub-human acts of violence: In 2018 a group of 5 or 6 male and female teenagers in Nashville, TN, passed a pistol among their group as they took turns shooting a man they had robbed. They killed him in part, no doubt, because he was a different race. Such a lack of any basic human fellow feeling is why so many people are willing to strap on bombs and blow up women and children as they attempt to please the Gods they serve.) My personal belief (faith) is the problems causing harm and death will get more and more specifically directed toward those individuals and/or groups who are rejecting God's counsel, and especially towards those even more wicked persons who falsely claim to serve God. I believe that because the Bible teaches us when God struck the ancient Egyptian world power, He selectively attacked them using their false Gods. The ten plagues used the very things they worshipped to expose their false worship and to destroy them. (See Exodus 7:1 thru 14:31) So... It is not a good day to be worshipping false Gods (by following religious doctrine rather than Christ) or to be promoting Bible condemned lifestyles and activities as being good and acceptable to our Heavenly Father! (Isa 5:20) If you promote and justify what the Bible condemns, (Rom 1:24-32; 1 Cor 6:9-11) and you don't stop that badness, you can not be protected by God. (2 Cor 6:14-18) If you are not being protected by God, you are going to die! (John 8:24) The terrible conditions we face today are something mankind has never seen before! (Mat 24:21-22) What these scriptures we have considered likely mean is more and more people will just keep dying all around us, (Psalm 91:7-11) until the only persons left are those being protected by God. What really though, are the actual and specific steps we can take to protect ourselves? Having a clear understanding of the following point seems key to having a faith that will save your life: Jesus said the words he spoke to us are spirit and are life. (John 6:63) Please really hear what Christ there said: He said the "words" he spoke to you "are spirit and are life"! He also told a woman at a well she had to take in life giving waters from him. She responded that she knew the Messiah was coming who would tell her all things openly. (John 4:10~26) She thus indicated she understood taking in waters of life meant learning what Jesus was teaching. Christ said he was the bread of life coming down from heaven and we each one need to eat his flesh and drink his blood. (John 6:43-63) Using those illustrations, and several others, Jesus was teaching us we need to ingest God's spirit; and, that the one and only way we can consume the spirit of God is by listening to and actually hearing (John 8:42-51) Jesus's words. (Mat 4:4; John 6:63) Realizing your need to accept waters of spirit and life from Christ is important because you probably can't get God's spirit of life from the scriptures I present (nor by listening to any other person). You can only get the spirit of life from our Almighty God יהוה by personally listening to his son. (Mark 9:7) Listening to the words of Christ, beginning to end, forces your mind over the pattern of his thinking. (1 Cor 2:14-16) That heals and restructures our mind. That healing can then spread throughout our body. (Pro 4:20-23) What I say can help you have faith in Christ, but you still need to heal yourself by actually listening as Jesus himself speaks. (Mat 4:4; Psalm 119:50) (Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.) Do you get the overall sense, then, of what Jesus was sent to teach? Your unwavering faith in what is true is the mechanism of your continuing alive. Jesus's words are the wellspring source of everlasting life. (John 17:17; John 11:25-26; John 17:3; John 6:35; Rev 22:14-21) That means, of course, you must sit at his feet and listen... Not to me or any other person, mind you; to Jesus himself! Do God's pleasure. Become part of Christ's family (Mark 3:31-35) as sons and daughters of  יהוה . (John 1:12)

On the day Christ displays himself openly to judge the earth and heavens, building faith will no longer be an issue. Everyone will either have faith that puts them under Christ's protection, or they will be among those without faith and being (or having already been) destroyed. (John 3:16-21) At that point, salvation is a reality and no longer a matter of hope or faith. (Romans 8:24-25) What, though, about the time between now and then, while we live in the midst of this dying world with all it's suffering and danger. It seems faith will protect and keep us alive, just as we believe (have faith) it is going to. The details of that salvation remain to be witnessed, (2 Chron 20:17a) of course, and will likely vary based on personal circumstances and individual need. Never doubt or forget for one second, though, your salvation will be directly tied to your personal knowledge of Almighty God  יהוה  ; and based largely on what you have put forth the effort to learn from his son Christ Jesus. (John 17:3) The whole issue we raise is this: Does your eye of faith see you actually having a part in what God is doing? Doesn't that imply you must begin with knowing what  יהוה  is doing? For your own salvation, then, work (James 2:18-26) the works (John 6:28-29) of : Read the Gospel accounts [Mat 17:5] of the life and teachings of Christ in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. ~ We conclude by praying a warning for the religious preachers of this world, especially those who have a large following. This knowledge (JustBibleTruth.com) represents the awakening of mankind to the  value of  need for the truth from Christ. We note many of you are reading our website to gain knowledge of truth. Then, however, instead of directing your sheep to Christ and this website to learn truth for themselves, you use your knowledge to manipulate your sheep to gain their valuable things for yourself. (Acts 20:30) May   יהוה   and his Christ rain justice down upon you unless you repent and change. (Rev 22:18-20) ~ This paragraph is the end of the 2019 update to this webpage. The truth never changes, however, it can only be more clearly understood. Please do consider the balance of this letter:

On Friday, November 8, 2013, news caster Brian Williams stated the most powerful storm known to man hit the Philippines. He said the storm had 235 mile per hour winds and that nothing stands above ground level in such wind. This is just one of many examples indicating the world as we have known it is collapsing under our abuse. ◊ In the first part of 2014, the US government faces yet another financial deadline, and there is a group of zealots who are ready to tear it all down to further their agenda based on what they are convinced is “right.” We saw what such unyielding thinking did to Greece (and to other countries). ◊ The wealthiest of the wealthy have joined to hold meetings about how they can give to the poor. The first thing they did was ban the poor, and even the press, from those meetings. Many fear their meetings are just another example of the growing power of the wealthy to have control, and maybe their effort to be above law. ◊ In February of 2013, a meteor struck a glancing blow against the atmosphere over Russia, injuring thousands. It hit (fortunately) over a rural area but with much greater force than any nuclear blast created by men. Many wonder if most of the world even knows what damage was done. ◊ We have had several nuclear disasters in a world community with 500 aging and expensive to maintain nuclear power stations scattered about the earth. ◊ Perhaps the most terrifying thing we face, is that mankind has learned to redesign life. We have learned to manipulate the genetic blueprint of life-forms, so as to alter them into self replicating creatures that should never have existed. You surely know the best and brightest are being used to try and develop super-weapons from that technology. Some fear that (or other) science will release some new life or technology that will destroy us all. ◊ We face one disaster after another with economic and social collapse a constant threat. What would you think, though, about our encouragement to lift your heads up in the shadow of all these and oh so many other problems? These cataclysmic times should remind us all of what Jesus said when speaking about a then future day: (Matthew 24:21-22 ALT) "For then [there] will be great tribulation [or, affliction], such as has not been from [the] beginning of the world until now, nor never at all shall be. (22) "And if those days were not cut short, no flesh would be saved; but because of the chosen ones [or, the ones being selected], those days will be cut short. He went on to say: (Luke 21:26 & 28 GW) People will faint as they fearfully wait for what will happen to the world. Indeed, the powers of the universe will be shaken... (28) "When these things begin to happen, stand with confidence! The time when you will be set free is near." (or, “your deliverance is near.” - ISV) If, as Jesus said, these bad conditions are an indication we should "stand with confidence" or should "lift our heads up," because our "deliverance is near," then fear of them is rendered moot.

Some people will say conditions are no worse than they have ever been, and we just have better news coverage of the terrible things happening in the earth. While no single thing being done today is likely worse than things done for thousands of years (often done in the name of religion), it is obvious their frequency and permeation among mankind is far greater than in past days. As for morality, the world of our day seems akin to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah or the world of Noah's day. (Luke 17:26-30) It is, of course, for you to decide what your own faith is. You should understand what this is all about (why all this badness has been allowed to run its course for so many years). (John_15:22) The "last days" or the "time of the end" Jesus spoke about are here. (2 Tim 3:1-5 ; Luke 21:25-32 ; Eze 21:28-22:16) And, we are individually building faith as to whether we believe "our day" is "the time of the end." Even if "the time of the end" is off in the future, our need remains the same: We must build personal faith in the teachings of God's son. (John 12:47-50) How much better it is to live with the hope we are living during those last days. Evidence suggests it is not an unreasonable hope. It does seem unwise to develop a faith that our day is not "the time of the end." (Mark 13:32-33) Can having faith that we are not living in "the time of the end" preserve you alive if it turns out we actually are? (Heb 10:35-39 ; Mat 9:22 ; Mark 10:52 ; Luke 17:19)

We don't mention all the problems to frighten you, but to encourage everyone to understand where we live in the 6000 year revelation of God's purpose between the day of Adam's creation and today. That is the most precious gift we can own, to possess a living hope in the teachings of Jesus, and then to help others gain that hope. An understanding of what Jesus taught helps us realize why "the end" of this wicked system is a good thing, rather than something to fear. One man mentioned thunderstorms containing spectacular lightening which blow in off the ocean in the Florida evenings. He likes to be right on the ocean (on a covered balcony) to sit protected while watching the lightening storm out over the water. What is fear inspiring can also be awe inspiring, when we can know we are protected. (Please see Psalms 91 below.)

On Saturday after the huge storm struck the Philippines, someone expressed his belief those islands are infamous for supporting a wicked sex trade. He said those with money can go there and buy anything they might want, without fear of punishment (from their government). Even little children are being abused in our world today, often at the hands of religious clergy. Doesn't that seem as bad or even worse than Sodom and Gomorrah? This man's implication was that God struck the Islands because of the wickedness being practiced there. Even though we don't have any facts to join in his judgment, we note his observation so as to question whether we can know which actions are those being taken by God, and which are just natural events as a result of time and unforeseen occurrence. While we do look for God to act against wickedness, we also want to be careful about asserting (trying to judge) what those actions of God are, or will be. Please allow us to provide some scriptures in explanation:

The Bible tells us that for some period of time, God's angels hold back the (four winds of) destruction, and then they don't anymore: (Revelation 7:1-3 CEV) After this I saw four angels. Each one was standing on one of the earth's four corners. The angels held back the four winds, so that no wind would blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree. These angels had also been given the power to harm the earth and the sea. Then I saw another angel come up from where the sun rises in the east, and he was ready to put the mark of the living God on people. He shouted to the four angels, (2) (SEE 7:1) (3) "Don't harm the earth or the sea or any tree! Wait until I have marked the foreheads of the servants of our God." (Revelation 7:9-10 GW) After these things I saw a large crowd from every nation, tribe, people, and language. No one was able to count how many people there were. They were standing in front of the throne and the lamb. They were wearing white robes, holding palm branches in their hands, (10) and crying out in a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the lamb!" . . . (Revelation 7:14 GW) (14) Then he told me, "These are the people who are coming out of the terrible suffering. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb. (Revelation 8:5-6 CEV) After this, the angel filled the incense container with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth. Thunder roared, lightning flashed, and the earth shook. (6) The seven angels now got ready to blow their trumpets.

According to those scriptures, God protects the earth for a period of time while a marking of God's servants occurs. Then, (maybe in our day,) the angels release the four winds. The angels holding back that destruction implies those problems (producing the destruction the angels are holding back) have not been brought by God, but by mankind's determined course against the will of God. God has been protecting humanity from destroying themselves, so as to give life to as many as possible. When humanity reaches a tipping point, so as to become so violent there is no protection for even little children, the earth can no longer produce righteous individuals. (Gen 6:9-12) When there is no value left to create righteous persons, God can no longer protect those who have chosen to make themselves wicked. (1 Corinthians 15:33-34) There is no reason for him to protect wicked people. Mankind has thus brought a destruction (a tribulation) of our own making upon ourselves. We have polluted and ravaged the earth in too many ways to count, causing weather changes and seismic events. We have abused our fellowman, fostering hatred and resentment between groups of people. All that abuse and pollution by mankind is no doubt the cause of the calamity we face, and is the destruction the angels had been holding back. (Galatians 6:7-10 ; 2 Peter 2:9-13) As the angels release the force of our own destructive course, that tribulation will become a danger to everyone alive. In that chaos which results from society's breakdown, wicked men will become an even greater danger for the meek. (Ezekiel 38:10-23) The only protection  will be  is our faith. Remember how Jesus used to say: “Go. Just as it has been your faith, so let it come to pass for you.” (Mat. 8:13) or your faith has made you well.” (Mat. 9:22) He also said: “And in that day YOU will ask me no question at all. Most truly I say to YOU, If YOU ask the Father for anything he will give it to YOU in my name.” (John 16:3)

There will come a change as the angel's release of the destruction man has brought upon himself, (the great tribulation bringing about the anguish of nations [Luke 21:25-28] and causing all sincere persons to search for God – Matthew 24:21-22; Acts 17:22-28) and then the angels begin to strike the earth (bringing Armageddon – Psalms 2:2 ; Acts 4:26 ; Rev. 16:16 ; Rev. 19:11-21) to destroy the wicked. They will also be preserving alive every person marked as righteous by their faith in Christ. It seems we are living in the period of tribulation but before Armageddon. The tribulation is a judgment period: As the righteous are being marked for life by their reaction to Jesus teachings. (Eze_9:4 ; John_12:48) This judgment process has been going on since Christ started his preaching in 29 CE, of course, but our specific period is very different: It is different because those alive during our day have the chance of being preserved alive without ever dying. [(John 11:26) 26 and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. . .] Those who died before our day are different. They all require a resurrection to realize their hope. (Acts 24:15) 15 and I have hope toward God, which hope these [men] themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.

During this opportunity for the preservation of life, it is love shown for God and other humans which marks the righteous for salvation. That love can only come from personal and intimate knowledge of what Christ taught about his Father. (John 17:13~26) It is all such simple truth, and so beautiful and eloquent a solution! Ezekiel 9:2-6 GNB Then I heard God shout, "Come here, you men who are going to punish the city. Bring your weapons with you." (2) At once six men came from the outer north gate of the Temple, each one carrying a weapon. With them was a man dressed in linen clothes, carrying something to write with [a writer's ink-horn]. They all came and stood by the bronze altar. (3) Then the dazzling light of the presence of the God of Israel rose up from the winged creatures where it had been, and moved to the entrance of the Temple. The LORD called to the man dressed in linen, (4) "Go through the whole city of Jerusalem [The city of Jerusalem represented God's kingdom on earth in Ezekiel's day - it represented God's connection with mankind. Today, it is faith in Jesus that represents God's connection with mankind throughout all the earth.] and put a mark on the forehead of everyone who is distressed and troubled because of all the disgusting things being done in the city." (5) And I heard God say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill. Spare no one; have mercy on no one. (6) Kill the old men, young men, young women, mothers, and children. But don't touch anyone who has the mark on his forehead. Start here at my Temple." So they began with the leaders who were standing there at the Temple.

According to that prophecy by Ezekiel, those marked in their forehead are the ones "distressed and troubled" or "sighing and groaning" about the terrible pain and suffering they witness in the earth. They are people who are not overly concerned with being men pleasers. (Eph_6:6 : Gal_1:10) Rather, they are distressed about the plight of their brothers and sisters in Adam. That mark in their forehead (their concern or love for others - John 17:13 ~26) is their protection against being killed by the angels (at Armageddon). Even before that very selective destruction by the angels begins at Armageddon, however, Christians need to be protected against the destruction coming upon the earth during this great tribulation (the period through which the four angels protect humanity from completely destroying themselves). Love for God and our fellowman promotes obedience to and faith in God's word. (1_Joh_4:19) That faith will provide the identifying mark against destruction by the angels at the coming battle of Armageddon; and, prior to Armageddon, that same faith can help us draw God's spirit (John 16:23-24) to protect us (see John 16:1-3 above) during the tribulation (of our day - as the angels release the destruction we have caused ourselves). That seems to be where we exist in the 6000 year revelation of God's plan for the salvation of his creation. (1_Pet_1:10-12 ; Rom_1:1-4 ; Col_1:9-23 ; 2_Thes_1:3-10 ; Tit_1:1-4) The scriptures indicate we are living through the tribulation, soon to witness God's war of Armageddon. (2 Ch 20:17)

Most desire, and we all should have, absolute faith in what the Bible teaches. While building our faith, however, we must remain ever vigilant not to build faith in our own reasoning (or that of other men), so as to be misled to reach beyond what is written in the Bible. (1_Cor_4:6) To be protected, we must act with faith in what God is doing, NOT what others have told us God is doing. (Mat 7:21) The basis of such faith must be built on our personal belief God is good. (Heb 11:6) It is the Bible alone that explains how and why God is good. Having a balanced view of the Bible theme, then, might prevent us from rushing to judge the destructive force to hit the Philippines was an act of God: That because Armageddon (which will be an act of God) will destroy only the wicked. God will never destroy even one righteous person! (Gen 18:22-33) We must also recognize: None of us are judges of who is wicked. (1_Cor_4:4-5 ; Heb_10:30-31) [Please note: We are not emboldening ourselves to assert God's actions one way or the other in this matter. We wish only to urge caution about rendering a human judgment that God did strike the islands. (Human judgments are just opinions. Everybody has one and they are all different. Bible truth leads all true followers of Christ, and that same truth leads toward a unity of mind. - Joh_17:11) None of us know anything (spiritually) beyond what the Bible makes clear. (1_Cor_8:1-2)] Remember, God spared (held off destroying) a whole wicked city for the sake of three; as God's angels dragged Lot and his daughters (and others he tried to warn - Gen_19:12-14) out of the city. (Gen 18:22-19:17) Not to be overlooked, however, is the fact God did then destroy that wicked city. (Gen_19:23-26) He has destroyed others as well. (Gen 6:9-12 ; Mat 24:36-39) Being careful not to set ourselves as judges of the details of what God is doing, then, leaves the same task to each and every one of us: To exercise our own personal faith for salvation. (Heb 10:37-39 ALT "For yet [in] a very little while, the One coming will come and will not delay. (38) "But the [one] righteous by faith will live [or, the righteous will live by faith]; and if he draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him." [Hab 2:3,4] (39) But we are not of [the ones] shrinking back to destruction, but of [the ones having] faith to [the] preserving [alive of the] soul.) One thing seems clear for all to say: God did not protect the Philippines. (He might well have protected some of the individuals who did survive the storm. We want to understand the huge difference between God destroying something, and his not protecting it. At Armageddon, the wicked will be destroyed by God while every righteous person be protected. It is foolish to try and exist in between those being destroyed and those being protected. We might think we could do so by being found among those who are lukewarm. (Rev 3:16) Those who are lukewarm (those who have not fully made up their mind who they are spiritually) are likely not being protected, and may be in great danger right now. Our point is this: How to protect the upright while destroying the wicked is what God knows, and He is right now working it all out so as to help as many as possible. We don't want bad for anyone. Neither does our heavenly Father. (2 Pet 3:9) We are forced to recognize when little children die in such horrible events as this storm, in some cases, such a temporary sleep in death might actually serve as a protection against who knows what abuse they were enduring, or would have soon faced. Only God can see through all these problems and solve them. [From time to time the news reports some person has killed someone and then said an angel told them to do it. People who believe God told them to harm others are mentally ill or you are being influenced by a demon. God talks to you through the Bible. (Heb 1:1-2; Mat 17:5) Jesus did not teach us to kill anyone, (Mat 26:48-54) but to wait on the revelation of Christ! (1_Thes_1:9-10)] God can resurrect those killed by the tribulation from their sleep in death. The Bible explains God protected Moses by putting him to sleep! Moses led the Jews for some 40 years, but had grown old (120 years) and he sinned against God. For some combination of those reasons, Moses was not to be used to lead the Jews into the promised land. Rather than allow Moses to live out his last days in sadness, God put him to sleep in death. (Deu 34:4-8) God's friend Moses surely awaits a resurrection. (Mat 17:3 ; Num 12:1-3) All the potentially righteous who die, will soon be resurrected to a good life, (Luke 14:14 ; Acts 24:15) free from all abuse by Satin or even wicked men. Righteously inclined little children of Sodom, and of Noah's day, will be resurrected into the coming paradise as well.)

The only thing any of us really need to worry about, then, is also the only thing any of us have authority over: Whether we are personally doing our best to take in [and share] the teachings of God's son. (John 17:3) This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. (Proverbs 30:4) 4 Who has ascended to heaven that he may descend? Who has gathered the wind in the hollow of both hands? Who has wrapped up the waters in a mantle? Who has made all the ends of the earth to rise? What is his name and what the name of his son, in case you know? (Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14) 13 The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the [true] God and keep his commandments. (John 6:28-29) For this is the whole [obligation] of man. 14 For the [true] God himself will bring every sort of work into the judgment in relation to every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad. Help speed us to the coming paradise (Isaiah_11:1-12) and bring an end of all the suffering: Talk with your family, friends and neighbors, about what you learn from the Bible! (1 Cor 15:34 CEV) Be sensible and stop sinning. You should be embarrassed that some people still don't know about God. They must know! (John 15:22) They must be told! (Romans 10:13-15)

Following Jesus's teachings is NOT the same as trying to keep the Jewish law code (of the Old Testament). We must love God from our heart, and love to serve him because we know it is right; (Rev 4:8 & 11) because it is the best way of life and because serving God blesses everyone. Jesus explained what it means to be “keeping God's commands.” He explained what we need to be doing to gain protection during the end of this system: Matthew 22:35-40 GNB (35) and one of them, a teacher of the Law, tried to trap him with a question. (36) "Teacher," he asked, "which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" (37) Jesus answered, "'Love the Lord your God () with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' (38) This is the greatest and the most important commandment. (39) The second most important commandment is like it: 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.' (40) The whole Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets depend on [or are fulfilled in] these two commandments."

There is no command or law to make you righteous. Your righteousness is for you to decide and then demonstrate, based on your knowledge of (and obedience to) what Jesus taught. Your righteousness (your love) is yours to give. Being God's friend is what defines you to be righteous. (Jas_2:21-23) It is up to you to know well enough to understand how to become and remain his friend. Jesus came to help us know his Father intimately. (John_17:6-8) The gift of life is not something you can earn. The ability to know and love our Father is a gift that defines what you become by your act of accepting and honoring that gift. Put another way: To be protected during the tribulation  your worship or your service  YOU must be a person of value: Like Jesus, you must be a person who will not ever fight against God's perfect activity. (Acts 5:39 ; Mat_26:39 ; Ps_40:8) A group of angels in heaven demonstrate their righteousness in their worship of God both day and night. (Rev_4:8) At least during these terrible times of Satan's rebellion, those angels choose the safety of remaining in God's very presence. When Jesus walked the earth, he demonstrated his righteousness by telling everyone who would listen how wonderful his Father is. (Luke_4:43 ; 1_Pet_2:21 ; John_15:13 ; John_14:12) Jesus worked tirelessly (Mark_1:45 ; Luke 6:17-19) and he was greatly rewarded for his righteousness. (Php_2:9-11 ; Acts 4:12) The form of worship of those angels, and of Christ Jesus, are all acceptable; as each demonstrates their own righteousness. Neither Jesus nor the angels serve God because they are forced, or for the sake of a reward. Jesus unflinchingly proved that beyond question! (Php_2:8) The righteous serve our Father because it is the right thing to do. It seems, therefore, from what Christ taught, it is those individuals who are doing their best to show loving concern for others who can have the hope of being protected alive forever. Persons who are so self centered they don't even notice the pain of other people will not. (Matthew 24:36-39) 36 “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 38 For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; 39 and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 1 Peter 3:20 ALT (20) . . . when the patience of God kept eagerly waiting in [the] days of Noah, while an ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water” There was a recent episode from a TV program that examines people's reactions to extreme circumstances. They put a baby carrier on the roof of a mini van and started down the street when a car passed by. One woman who was "tested" in that way, slowed and tried to get their attention as she passed them. Failing that, she stopped her car in the middle of the road, jumped out of her car leaving the door open, and chased frantically down the road on foot trying to stop the van. Obviously, that woman cares about people. She didn't just say how much she cared, her concern motivated her to action. She just couldn't help herself. Her reaction is who she is! Her reaction demonstrates who she is, to God and to everyone else. People who care about other people are those who are acceptable to God. (1_Pet_3:10-12 ; 2_Chron_16:9) Their loving concern for others is the mark identifying them for life. (Eze_9:4) Don't be fooled by those who want to assure you it is membership in their church, or approval by their group, that means your life. The identifying and saving mark in your forehead is your love for others based in your personal Bible knowledge of (know God's name) and his Christ. (1_John_4:19 ; John_17:3 ; Proverbs_30:4 ; Acts_3:18 ; Rev_11:15) [For a brief period you have an opportunity to prove faithful under test. In all the millennia Jesus spent with his Father before he came to earth (as a man), he was never tested at cost. (Heb 5:7-10) There was nothing harmful in God's creation. (Pro_8:22-31) Satan brought the test on us all - along with pain and suffering and death. After paradise is restored, no one will ever be tested under badness again. (Isa_11:1-9 ; James_1:12) After that, because of the witness of Jesus and those of us who follow him, if any do turn to badness, they will fully understand what they are doing and will be destroyed before they can harm or corrupt others. (Acts 5:1-11) Those judged by to be his friends will be protected eternally (Ps_61:1-4 ; Ps_57:1-3) because everything about God is perfect, including his judgment of righteousness.]

Each and every single one of us is actually judging himself (or herself) by their reaction to the words of the Christ. (John 12:47-50) 47 But if anyone hears my sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I came, not to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 He that disregards me and does not receive my sayings has one to judge him. The word that I have spoken is what will judge him in the last day; 49 because I have not spoken out of my own impulse, but the Father himself who sent me has given me a commandment as to what to tell and what to speak. 50 Also, I know that his commandment means everlasting life. Therefore the things I speak, just as the Father has told me [them], so I speak [them].” (Heb_9:28; 2_Pet_3:10) Be cautious, then, that your faith is built on what YOU actually know the Bible teaches. That's only safe and reasonable, isn't it?

Verifying our faith is necessary because individuals can pick and choose scriptures to make the Bible say anything they want. We must constantly be on guard we are not being influenced by the thinking of misguided people. (Mat 7:15-29) Whether a scripture is in harmony with the theme of the Bible is how we can accurately understand it's meaning. Listening to Jesus by reading the Gospels is your only safeguard. We believe what is herein presented to be in complete harmony with the Bible theme, as revealed in it's six thousand year record since Adam. (We do realize this site is only a Bible study aid. It can help you know the who, what, where, and when, of the Bible books. After you have some background information, you should read and study the Bible itself with special attention to Jesus's teachings in the Gospels. [Even without being inspired, as only the Bible is, this website might continue to provide scriptural insight for some time.] If you are personally aware of scriptures which contradict what is herein presented, please tell us. We freely admit we are just Bible students and are anxious to learn. In other words, we strive to be Christians.) It is a most beautiful and exciting time to be alive, as long as you have a Bible based belief (faith) that you are protected. Please share this knowledge with everyone you associate with. (1 Cor 15:34) Don't let anyone you know be tricked to imagine (as so many people work to convince us all) it is being an approved member of some group organized by men that defines our relationship with God. Don't let any man or group render judgment over your faith. (1 Cor 4:1-5) The Ark of salvation for our day is our (your) personal faith through knowledge of what Jesus taught. (Mat 24:37-39) Jesus teachings are recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and . The balance of the Bible exists (and is important) to help us understand and have faith in those teachings brought by Christ. (John 17:3 ; John 12:49-50 ; Mat. 22:37-40 ; Gal. 5:14 ; Rom. 13:10 ; John 6:68-69) This letter is easy but also somewhat complex to understand. (Heb 5:13-14 ; 1 Cor 3:1-2) The truth has taken 6000 years for its revelation. The solid food (Heb 5:11-14) of the scriptures is, however, very important. (John 17:3)

The potentially scary times of our day are a prelude to a beautiful future for those building faith in the son of God. (Isaiah 11:1-12) MWT 11 And there must go forth a twig out of the stump of Jesse; (Jesus is a descendant of King David, and of David's father Jesse - Mat 1:1) and out of his roots a sprout will be fruitful. 2 And upon him the spirit of (know God's name) must settle down, the spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the spirit of counsel and of mightiness, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of ; 3 and there will be enjoyment by him in the fear of . And he will not judge by any mere appearance to his eyes, nor reprove simply according to the thing heard by his ears. 4 And with righteousness he must judge the lowly ones, and with uprightness he must give reproof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth. And he must strike the earth with the rod of his mouth [as we judge ourselves by our response to the words from his mouth - John 12:48]; and with the spirit of his lips he will put the wicked one to death. 5 And righteousness must prove to be the belt of his hips, and faithfulness the belt of his loins. 6 And the wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them. 7 And the cow and the bear themselves will feed; together their young ones will lie down. And even the lion will eat straw just like the bull. 8 And the sucking child will certainly play upon the hole of the cobra; and upon the light aperture of a poisonous snake will a weaned child actually put his own hand. 9 They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of as the waters are covering the very sea. 10 And it must occur in that day that there will be the root of Jesse that will be standing up as a signal for the peoples. [Prefigured by the serpent being hung on a stake to protect the Jews in the wilderness. - John 3:13-15; Numbers 21:7-9] To him even the nations will turn inquiringly, and his resting-place must become glorious. 11 And it must occur in that day that will again offer his hand, a second time, to acquire the remnant of his people who will remain over from Assyria and from Egypt and from Pathros and from Cush and from Elam and from Shinar and from Hamath and from the islands of the sea [Philippine Islands included]. 12 And he will certainly raise up a signal for the nations and gather the dispersed ones of Israel; and the scattered ones of Judah he will collect together from the four extremities of the earth. We desire to help you see, through eyes of faith, the paradise being established by the presence of the son of God (in the Bible's words, to help you see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory). (Luke_21:25-28 ; 2_Kings_6:15-17) This is the day, and the Bible is God's message to gather you for the protection of life. Christians are not gathered to some physical location, but gathered to a like faith in our mind and heart. (Col_4:12) It is a gathering by faith in Christ.

Matthew 24:31 ALT (31) "And He will send out His angels with [the] 'sound of a loud trumpet-blast,' and 'they will gather together' His chosen ones [or, elect] from the four winds, from [the] farthest limits of [the] heavens to [the other] farthest limits of them. [Exod 19:16 ; Deut 30:4]

Psalms 91:1-16 MWT (1) He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall rest under the shadow of the Almighty. (2) I will say of , my refuge and my fortress; my God; in Him I will trust. (3) Surely He will deliver you from the fowler's trap and from the destroying plague. (4) He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall trust. His truth shall be your shield, and buckler. (5) You shall not fear the terror by night; nor because of the arrow that flies by day; (6) nor for the plague that walks in darkness, of the destruction laying waste at noonday. (7) A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; it shall not come near you. (8) Only with your eyes you shall look and see the reward of the wicked. (9) Because You, O , are My refuge; if You have made the Most High Your dwelling-place, (10) no evil shall befall You, nor shall any plague come near Your dwelling. (11) For He shall give His angels charge over You, to keep You in all Your ways. (12) They shall bear You up in their hands, lest You dash your foot against a stone. (13) You shall tread on the lion and adder; the young lion and the jackal You shall trample underfoot. (14) Because He has set His love on Me, therefore I will deliver Him; I will set Him on high, because He has known My name. (15) He shall call on Me, and I will answer Him; I will be with Him in trouble; I will deliver Him, and honor Him. (16) With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.

Our desire is for you to share in the prophetic hope mentioned above, as well as in the book of Job: GNB (24) In mercy the angel will say, "Release them! They are not to go down to the world of the dead. Here is the ransom to set them free." (25) Their bodies will grow young and strong again; (26) when they pray, God will answer; they will worship God with joy; God will set things right for them again. (27) Each one will say in public, "I have sinned. I have not done right, but God spared me. (28) He kept me from going to the world of the dead, and I am still alive." (29) God does all this again and again; (30) each one saves a person's life, and gives him the joy of living. (Job 33:24-30)

[You will note many promises for a future paradise are tied to Abraham and to his seed. Abraham was used as a forefather of Christ. All who express faith in Christ are adopted as sons and daughters of Abraham. If you are a Christian and you read a promise to Abraham and his seed, it is a promise to you. (Gal_3:26-29)]

As to your hope for a bright future, then: Don't let any group of men trick you into imagining your future rests in their approval. It is not any membership approved by men that can help you! If you rest your hope in men, and they are wrong, you will pay the price along with them. (Mat 7:22-23) Read your Bible, and it will set you free of the danger of being misled by anyone! (John 8:31-32) None of us were born righteous. (1 Tim 1:12-18) There is no better time to seek God than now. (Acts 17:26-28) Recognize this simple truth: Any future hope any of us have rests in our personal relationship with our Father through our faith in the teachings of his son Christ Jesus. (John 6:44 ; Luke 10:22 ; John 17:3 ; Proverbs 30:4) It is just so simple and so beautiful! (Mat 18:1-6) Don't let men confuse it for you. Your hope rests in the kingdom of Christ. Jesus has been made king of all creation, so as to undo the works of the devil. (1 Jn 3:8b ; Php 2:5-11 ; Gen_3:15) When Jesus protects alive all those who are willing to learn, then resurrects such individuals who died in the past, and then after that; freely returns the kingdom to his Father; he will forever prove his Father's goodness. (1 Cor 15:20-28) By that act of freely submitting to his Father, even after he is given rulership and eternal life in himself, (John_5:26) Jesus will perfectly establish his Father 's right to rule: Setting God's righteousness as a touchstone for all eternity. (Rev_4:11 ; Isa_45:17 ; Rev_15:3-4) Seeds can remain fertile for thousands of years, unless they are burned. Seeds of untruth could last forever. The sacrifice by Christ, and his continuing to worship his Father by returning the kingdom, (1 Cor 15:28) burns up and completely destroys all seeds of untruth forever. Our Father's rule will maintain eternal peace over the earth, and among all creation. (Isa 11:1-12) The ability given Jesus to clear the reproach from his our Father's name (Mat 6:9) is far greater (John 10:29) than even his sacrifice to buy us back the right to life! (Gal 2:15-16 ; 1 Tim 1:12-16 ; Acts 4:8-12) Never again will there be any disturbance by anyone challenging our Father's goodness (Gen 3:1-5) or his right to rule. (Rev_4:11 ; Isa 65:25)

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