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Deuteronomy 18:9-13 NWT
9 "When you are entered into the land that Jehovah   () your God is giving you, you must not learn to do according to the detestable things of those nations. 10 There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, 11 or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. 12 For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah   (), and on account of these detestable things Jehovah   () your God is driving them away from before you. 13 You should prove yourself faultless with Jehovah  ( יהוה ) your God.

Deuteronomy 18:9-13 GW
When you come to the land that the LORD   () your God is giving you, never learn the disgusting practices of those nations. (10) You must never sacrifice your sons or daughters by burning them alive, practice black magic, be a fortuneteller, witch, or sorcerer, (11) cast spells, ask ghosts or spirits for help, or consult the dead. (12) Whoever does these things is disgusting to the LORD. The LORD   () your God is forcing these nations out of your way because of their disgusting practices. (13) You must have integrity in dealing with the LORD  ( יהוה ) your God.

Deuteronomy 18:9-13 LITV
(9) When you come to the land which Jehovah   () your God is giving to you, you shall not learn to do according to the hateful acts of those nations. (10) There shall not be found in you one who passes his son or his daughter through the fire, one that uses divination, an observer of clouds, or one divining, or a whisperer of spells, (11) or a magic charmer, or one consulting mediums, or a spirit-knower, or one inquiring of the dead. (12) For all doing these things are an abomination to Jehovah   (). And because of these filthy acts Jehovah  ( יהוה ) your God is dispossessing these nations before you. (13) You shall be perfect with Jehovah  ( יהוה ) your God.

Deuteronomy 18:9-13 GNB
(9) "When you come into the land that the LORD   () your God is giving you, don't follow the disgusting practices of the nations that are there. (10) Don't sacrifice your children in the fires on your altars; and don't let your people practice divination or look for omens or use spells (11) or charms, and don't let them consult the spirits of the dead. (12) The LORD   () your God hates people who do these disgusting things, and that is why he is driving those nations out of the land as you advance. (13) Be completely faithful to the LORD  ( יהוה )."

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You will note the reference windows often include more than one translation of the Bible. The reason is to strive to gain the best possible understanding of the original Hebrew and Greek. Since we don't speak those languages, we rely on those who have come before and made the effort to translate those texts into English for us. Considering several translations gives the benefit of the understanding of several translation committees or individuals.
The Translations we quote are:

ALT - Analytical Literal Translation

ASV - American Standard Version (by the American revision committee in 1897).

Darby - 1889 Darby Bible

DRB - 1899 Douay-Rheims Bible

BBE - 1965 Bible in Basic English

LITV - Literal Translation of the Holy Bible

KJV - King James Version

MKJV - Modern King James Version

NWT - New World Translation

Webster - 1833 Webster Bible

RV - Revised Version

YLT - Young's Literal Translation