There is a brief story in the life of King Hezekiah which is very encouraging. King Hezekiah ruled Israel during the time of the kings a little over 2700 years ago, from about 745 to 717 BCE; A little over 700 years before Jesus was born. How Jehovah dealt with Hezekiah may give us some insight into how God will preserve righteous ones alive during the tribulation of the last days; The tribulation which Jesus taught mankind would face in the last days of this wicked old system.

Hezekiah loved God and was a good king, and so he was loved by Jehovah. As we take up the account in the Bible: Hezekiah had become ill. In our day Jehovah deals with mankind through Christ Jesus, as we have the Bible with Jesus's teachings recorded for us. In Hezekiah's day however, Jehovah spoke to his people through prophets. Jehovah sent Isaiah the prophet to tell Hezekiah he should get his affairs in order for he would die from the illness he had contracted. Hezekiah prayed to Jehovah, and Isaiah returned almost immediately to tell him God would extend his life; And that He would protect him from his enemies as well. Hezekiah went so far as to ask for a sign that Jehovah would do these things and Jehovah complied. Isaiah asked Hezekiah whether he wanted the sun's shadow to move forward or backward as a sign. Hezekiah said backward, and Jehovah made it so. (2 Kings 20:1-11)

This account demonstrates the loving concern Jehovah has for his imperfect servants. It further illustrates for us that God is able to extend our life as he sees fit, and to solve any other problem we might have. This may well be a prefigure of the way God will preserve alive those who pray to him for help to survive the tribulation Jesus spoke of. Our prayers will of course be through Christ Jesus and Jesus will likely be the channel by which God's spirit will come to those who are protected. (Mark 5:30)

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