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The year 2026 is important!

2026 Marks the end of 6000 years of human existence, counting from the creation of Eve. Adam was an unknown bit older than Eve.

Sometime between the likely start of Armageddon in 2024, and the end of of mankind's first 6000 years of existence in 2026, Armageddon will likely be over and finished. As to how long that might take, we can only assume from the examples Jesus gave. (Luke 17:26-30) The destruction was nearly instantaneous in Lot's day, took a few days for Rahab, and as for Noah, he was in the Ark 370 days while the destruction of the wicked world of his day was completed.* (Genesis 7:6-8:22) Those accounts are all examples to us... But, we'll just have to wait and see what God has in store for our day.

The year 2026 is also noteworthy, of course, as the start of the seventh thousand year epoch of humanity. Will that coincide with the start of the thousand year reign of Christ. (Rev 20:4) We'll all see soon enough! What is your faith bringing you? See: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Deliverance?

*[Regarding the time of the destruction by deluge that destroyed Noah's world, (2 Pet 3:5-7) we are informed: “The waters continued overwhelming the earth a hundred and fifty days. . . . And the waters began receding from off the earth, progressively receding; and at the end of a hundred and fifty days the waters were lacking. And in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.” (Genesis 7:24–8:4) So the period from when the waters overwhelmed the earth to the time they receded was 150 days, or five months. The ark thus came to rest on the mountains of Ararat in April of 2369 B.C.E. Now you may wish to read Genesis 8:5-17. The tops of the mountains appeared nearly two and a half months (73 days) later, “in the tenth month [June], on the first of the month.” (Genesis 8:5) Three months (90 days) later—in Noah’s “six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first day of the month,” or in mid-September, 2369 B.C.E.—Noah removed the covering of the ark. He could then see that “the surface of the ground had drained dry.” (Genesis 8:13) One month and 27 days (57 days) later, “in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month [mid-November, 2369 B.C.E.], the earth had dried off.” Noah and his family then came out of the ark onto dry ground. Hence, Noah and the others spent one lunar year and ten days (370 days) in the ark.—Genesis 8:14. (Genesis 7:6-8:22)]

This brief webpage only conveys one event, but one which is related to several others... The importance of noting this is only one event is that the overall understanding of its interrelationship with the others is not self explanatory. (Heb 5:11-14) This page was created as part of a set of pages connected by graphs of events over time. The graphs were created to help understand, and now to explain, the interrelationships between Bible prophecy and current events, as they impact us in what I believe are the last days; (2 Tim 3:1-7) and, how I believe this event fits in with those others. Individual supporting pages like this will likely have little meaning without the graphs showing their interrelationships.

Those graphs can be viewed at:
Go to: "JustBibleTruth.com"; Select: "Important Dates?" or
Go to: "JustBibleTruth.com"; Select: "Sweet Dreams Are Made!"

It can be helpful to look at the graph and this [or any] supporting page(s) at the same time. Right-Click on any link to have the option to open the link in a new window to view both. The graphs with links are large files and may not work well or at all on devices with small screens.