Calculating specific dates for when things happened, as we look back into time and Bible history, can be difficult. This much we can know for certain [well, through faith]: Jesus Christ was born into the world in 1 CE [Christian Era]. That is important because for the first time in human history, the world had an event they considered important enough to build a world calendar system around. So today, in 2025, it is easy to calculate and talk about when something happened in that stream of 2025 years since Christ was born, because it all happened after the creation of our world calendar system. I was born, for example, in 1947 CE. For the roughly 4000 odd years before Christ was born, however, it was very different. Historians know from the Bible and secular history Adam was created roughly 4000 years before Jesus was born. So, they set that year as 4000 BC [Before Christ] and all the dates in between Adam and Jesus have to be calculated by counting backward from 1 BC, the year before Jesus was born, to the event in question. Before 1 CE, you see, mankind had no real calendar system. The ancients recounted events by saying it was the third year of king so and so, when so and so was governor of wherever. They recount eclipses so historians sometimes try and calculate which historical eclipse they were talking about to pin down when it happened. Such are the records Bible scholars and historians have to work with in deciphering such things as when Saul was anointed first King of ancient Israel. Point being made: There are considerable discrepancies among experts, and many do presume to assert they know exact dates for our history. Be careful not to let their pride or ignorance and/or errors undermine your faith. Using that example of King Saul, scholars say Saul came to power somewhere between 1117 and 1040 BC, depending on who you listen to. That is a range of some 77 years. As far as the date of Creation, I for many years believed some self described Bible scholars who had calculated the creation of man as being in 4026 BC; exactly 4026 BC, mind you. I now find there are considerable differences of opinion about that date, with many believing it was as late as 3974 BC or even a few years later. All we can know with scriptural certainty is Adam was created sometime around 4000 BC.
What I want to make clear in considering this: I now realize I have no way of knowing exact dates; nor is that important to me at all. And, I doubt you have any way of knowing either. I have really examined the Bible's history... While the Bible record for several centuries after Adam clearly documents a timeline of their relationship to each other in time from Adam to about Abraham, the dates of when men lived between Abraham and Christ are spotty at best. So, while we can pretty well know when Abraham lived in relation to Adam, exactly when Adam was born in relation to Christ is not clear. I believe the things recorded in the Bible did happen, so, what real importance is 70 or 80 years plus or minus as far as the actual date Saul became King? The exact date has no bearing I can see on a person having faith in Jesus as God's son and messenger. (John 6:28-29; John 18:37; John 12:49; Mat 17:5)
I bring special attention to this matter of not being able to know exact dates for two reasons. First: I talk about Bible history using dates because that helps it be real for me. It helps me see the revelation of God's plan of salvation spread out from its beginning in Eden in 4026 BC, around 6000 years forward to its conclusion in 2025 CE. If I know when the person I am talking about lived in that timeline, it helps me have faith as I see the flow of the outworking of God's purpose. Now having come to understand those dates might be off by a few years doesn't bother me. This is, then, my way of letting you know "I do realize" all the dates I use, indicating when things happened, might be off by a few years. It is also to encourage you not to let that cast doubt on your faith in Christ. Even God's son Jesus didn't doesn't know everything. (Mat 24:36) While Jesus doesn't know everything, he does know what you need to know to gain life. (John 5:24) I'm sure you don't let realizing Jesus doesn't know everything make you doubt what he "was sent" by his Father to teach, do you? (John 15:11-16) Don't let the fact I freely admit the dates I assign specific Bible events may be off by a few years make you doubt they happened. If God's Word says it, it is true. Most timeline dates of specific Bible events do not come from the Bible. Men have reasoned out most of them...
Second: The Bible has a very specific and concise purpose. It was created by יהוה to introduce you to Jesus Christ and him to you. (Mat 11:25-30; John 18:37; Mark 9:7) The sole purpose of the 6000 year Bible account, and all it's recorded characters, is to serve as a tutor leading us to Christ. (Gal 3:23-26; Acts 13:16-41) We must realize and have an unwavering belief: We have life only by our faith in the words of Jesus Christ! (John 6:28-29; John 18:37; John 12:49; Mat 17:5)
A problem for you in your search for God is this: Jesus warned God has a lot of enemies. (Mat 7:15) Making it even worse, many of God's enemies are sincere and don't know they have been misled by Satan. (Luke 13:23-28) One very successful tool of Satan is to form groups [Churches] who first create doctrines of faith and then argue among themselves about facts that have absolutely no bearing on faith in Christ. [One example of such a fruitless argument (Acts 17:21; 1 Tim 6:3-8; 1 Tim 2:8) is connected with Jesus Christ himself. Most Religionists agree with Christians that Jesus was crucified. One religious sect decided he was hung on a cross, while another says it was an upright stake. Yet another says he was hung on a tree. Since Jesus was crucified by the Romans, and they uses all three of those instruments to accomplish their task, no one today really knows what Jesus was hung on. Before you enter into such an argument, just ask yourself, does it really matter? Why, then, would you let someone drag you into a fruitless argument about it. If you had a child who was murdered, and two groups who pretended to be respecting your child were arguing and hating each other over whether your child was shot with a pistol or a revolver, would you be pleased?] So then, if someone says one of my dates if off by 50 years, don't join them in fighting about that and miss the point being made. Think about the lesson being given by God in making sure the event was recorded in the Bible, and how you can benefit!
The only real concern you should have about dates is in realizing "when" we are alive, and that this old world system is out of time. Jesus was asked, and then gave signs [or one composite sign, if you are an argumentative Religionist needing to warn me I crossed your doctrine by saying Jesus gave us "signs" instead of a "composite sign"] to indicate specifically when we should expect his return in Kingdom power. (Mat 24:3-14) We see everything Jesus mentioned would happen; happening before our very eyes. Are you taking that to heart? If you are, Jesus also said you shouldn't be afraid; if you really do have faith in him... The tribulation/Armageddon he promised, and that we now see, is the indicator of our deliverance! (Luke 21:25-28)
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