--- After Armageddon? ---
What Happens After the Start of Armageddon?
Written: October 2, 2024

This webpage is created after I believe the Bible teaches Armageddon started on October 1st or 2nd of 2024. That means, among other things, I believe the separating work by Jesus is over and everyone has been judged and marked for life; or for death. (Mat 25:31-34 & 41) In other words; we have faith in what Christ taught, or we don't; which has judged eternally we are who we are! (John 3:19 of 16-21) I believe, then, my days of trying to make excuses for my religious neighbors who imagine they are saved by their sectarian religious membership, as they hate and judge others while hiding truth (Rom 1:18-20) by spreading lies in Jesus and/or יהוה's names; or those who assert my Lord Jesus is a good man or even a prophet, but not God's promised Messiah, refusing to recognize and worship him as God's enthroned King; (Gen 3:15; Gen 22:18 of 15-18; Isa 9:6-7; Luke 1:30-33; Mark 11:9-10; Mark 4:10-12; Mark 9:1-8) along with those who proclaim they don't even believe God exists at all; it seems my days of trying to excuse them are over and done. They're not confused as I had hoped... They are who they are! Everyone has judged and identified themselves to be what they are by the faith they have built; for or against Christ as King. Armageddon means we can note much of the world has taken a stand in what they imagine to be for or against Zionism. Which ever side they believe they are on, most have actually taken a stand against Zion. (Heb 12:22 of 12:22-13:6; Rev 14:1-5; Psa 2:6-12 of 1-12) Please know and understand: The Bible teaches Zionism means giving support to God's now ruling Kingdom, with Jesus Christ as his enthroned King. [Go to: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Zionism?] Zionism has nothing to do with the wars of men against men. Armageddon is God's war! (Rev 16:14-16) Freely accepting God's Kingdom by Jesus Christ means your very life; as Armageddon is destroying all those who have not; what ever they may "claim" to or even imagine they support and believe. The only thing that matters is whether we know Christ by his words!

Armageddon means the righteous are righteous, while the wicked are past being able to turn back from their bad way... (Eze 39:1-13) And, יהוה says their faith or their lack of it makes the responsibility their own! (Rom 1:18-32; Heb 10:38 of 35-39) ••• If you are to call on our Creator to protect you; shouldn't you recognize and know יהוה to be God's Hebrew Name (Pro 30:4 of 4-6; Judges 12:5-6) as He used it over 6000 times in the original Bible text? (Exodus 31:18) The Divine Name sounds like to English speakers [as in Yea go team followed by Vah, like the first two letters of vault]. Knowing and pronouncing aloud יהוה's personal Hebrew name may mean your life. (Judges 12:5-6)  •••

Chart: After Armageddon?

Since I also believe the Bible teaches Armageddon is God's war to destroy the Wicked and preserve alive the righteous, why is it not all done and over already? That is to say: Why are the wicked not destroyed and we who love Christ already in the paradise יהוה intended when He planted Adam and Eve in the Garden? (Mat 25:34; Isa 11:1-13) I actually  believed   hoped  considered that it might be made so by now. (1 Thes 5:1-5) Jesus did liken Armageddon to the days of Lot and of Noah. (Luke 17:26-30) The destruction of the wicked seems to have taken just a few minutes or hours in the case of Lot. (Gen 19:1-26) The earth-wide destruction of the wicked in Noah's day, (Gen 7:1-8:17) however, did take a bit longer. It rained 40 days and 40 nights; but they might not have all been dead by then. In any case, Noah was in the Ark just a bit over a year. The earth-wide destruction of the wicked in our day, then, because the wicked and the righteous are all mixed together throughout the earth, might take a little time. If you are one judged for life, you must surely understand and truly believe it is your faith in the teachings of Jesus that has and/or will keep you alive during this destruction of all who are wicked [of all who reject faith (Heb 10:35-39; Heb 3:12-19)]. (Psa 91:7 of 7-11) I fear most people will consider these teachings of Christ as foolishness (2 Pet 3:3-4) right up until they are no more! (Psa 37:10-11) Then again, יהוה may use these words of Christ to strike terror in the hearts of those who have chosen wickedness by their refusing to build faith in the spirit gained through Jesus's words. (John 6:63 plus; John 3:19 of 16-21) How to deal with them, and what they are made or allowed to feel during their destruction, is God's choice! He may have chosen to have no concern or even knowledge of the cares or thoughts of the wicked, any more than we would be concerned for the suffering of a mosquito being eaten alive by a bat outside our home. Jesus did teach us not to pray for the wicked. (John 17:6-10) As for me, I want to be careful not to display the Jonah syndrome. [By my becoming overly anxious for the destruction of those "I feel" are wicked... (Jonah 3:3-4:11)] So, while I don't think there is much time left for the wicked, if you are one with faith in Christ, this knowledge is your hope and deliverance. Like Peter, maybe there is still time to learn from Christ how to make better use of God's Spirit to preserve ourselves alive! (Mat 14:23-34; Heb 3:12-19; Heb 10:35-39)

Go to: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Deliverance?

Since I didn't see the immediate destruction of the wicked I  expected  "hoped for" (Psa 37:13 of 10-15; Nahum 3:19) on Oct 1st or 2nd [of this year 2024], I must assume the troubles of the tribulation are going to rapidly escalate as, or to become, Armageddon. [October 1st did mark Iran's escalation of their war to destroy all Jews, as Israel seems to have decided to take the war to those vile leaders making plans to exterminate them and all their little ones, wherever those wicked war mongers try to hide! Armageddon means no one is above the danger... Oct. 2024 seems to have seen the increase in other world troubles as well (i.e. greater and/or worse "natural" disasters as in Florida and South Carolina).] The start of Armageddon surely means we will see more and more people dying all around us, (Jer 16:4 of 1-12) until the wicked who have refused Christ are all gone. (Psa 91:7 of 1-16; John 3:19 of 16-21; Mal 3:16-4:3) And, since I believe the Bible teaches Oct. of 2026 starts the 7th millennium since the creation of Adam and Eve, and I expect that to be the thousand year reign of Christ, (Rev 20:4) I also believe the Bible teaches Armageddon will be over and done before those two years are up [between the start of Armageddon in Oct. 2024, and the start of the 7th millennium in Oct. 2026]. You might not want to think of it so much in the light of who is being killed by יהוה, but about who has refused protection by him. They "have rejected" his gift of life; having judged themselves wicked and unworthy of life (Acts 13:46-47) by their personal choice not to build faith in what God sent Jesus to teach. (John 18:37; John 17:3; John 3:19 of 16-21) Even God himself can't help free moral agents [his potential free sons and daughters (John 15:11-16; Gal 3:26-29)] who don't want, and so chose to refuse to accept, his glorious offer of eternal life in Christ! (John 11:25-27) By their own choice to reject Christ, they have made themselves fit only for destruction... (Rom 9:22-26 of 19-26; Mat 22:1-14 of 1-22) As for me, I continue to read cited scriptures from the "Deliverance?" webpage, striving to learn more about our Father and his Son; and how to follow Peter's example in building stronger faith in the words of Christ; (Mat 14:23-34) which words lift us above the danger and bring life... (John 6:63 plus) I'm trying to learn from and build more faith in Christ, every day I have life! (John 17:3; Prov 30:4; Mat 17:19-20) Make no mistake, יהוה has been listening to how "YOU" have responded to Christ's words. (Mal 3:16-4:3) It is  my belief  "my faith" you been judged by "your" response! Your faith, however, must be "your faith" and be built on what you personally know Jesus Christ taught; unless you have rejected him... So, while "my faith" means nothing to "help you," it can also do you no harm! The Bible tells us יהוה is doing what He is doing and you can't change that. He has, however, made it so you can know what He is doing; (Amos 3:7 of 6-8) and then, it is "YOUR" faith alone that can save you... (Heb 10:39 of 10:35-12:3; Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:40‑55) Armageddon means, if you are a righteous person, judged so by your appreciating and loving the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, (John 3:19 & 21 of 16-21) Armageddon means it is יהוה's time to help as never before. Jesus said we should "expect" what we know God has promised, and then, we will have it! (Mark 11:24; Mat 21:21-22; Mat 18:19; John 15:7; John 16:24; Luke 11:9) Armageddon ["NOW"] is the time for your restoration to better than your youthful vigor. (Job 33:24-25 of 13-30) Do you believe? (John 11:25-26) Armageddon means, without our having to try and judge or even know who they are; it's time to pray for and to "expect" the wicked ones to die in the place of righteous ones. (James 5:16; Pro 21:18; Pro 11:8; Isa 43:4; Pro 13:22) Armageddon is a state of mind and heart, not a physical location. יהוה has been paying attention to your response of the words of his Son, and now, we witness his activities in the earth... (Mal 3:16-4:3)

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