--- Do you believe in Miracles? ---
How would you define one?
Written: November 2024
At the risk of giving away a personal fault in revealing my pride, or my arrogance, or just plain old foolishness; I want to share something with you that I must confess to believing. You should know all you can about what I believe, if you are one considering what I say...
I believe this website is a miracle! It is defined so for me because it has value that lasts forever... In demonstrating what our future holds, and what his Father sent him to do and teach, (John 5:19; John 5:30; John 6:35-40 of 28-40)
Jesus Christ restored life to those who had died and had started the process of returning to the earth. (Gen 3:19; John 11:25-27; John 11:32-34) He thus demonstrated how he would restore to life all he chose, by means of a resurrection; simply calling them forth from the dirt they had returned to. (Job 14:14-15; Acts 24:15-16; John 11:21-276; John 11:38-44) This work of mine is not, of course, that kind of miracle. But... I do consider it the most important and valuable accomplishment of my life; and, a miracle. So, while the creation of my website is not a miracle in the sense Jesus raising the dead was, helping people to become survivors of Armageddon actually is... Please consider then: What is important about life?
Importance of youth: During my early years I worked for General Motors in Delco Remy's Process Engineering department as a special machine builder. My work seemed important and I worked on some fascinating projects. One was a car starting battery assembly machine. I spent most of a year of my life working on it. It was most of half a city block long with many stations all tied and timed together. The operators just started it up and kept it fed battery cases, plates, insulators and other battery components. The thing whirred and banged and spit out completed batteries at the end. It was, I believe, the first design of such a machine. GM poured untold dollars into it's design and construction. While it was very impressive when it did work, it never worked reliably in production. So, it was an impressive time consuming project by many people joined in that effort; but, not one that had or brought real and lasting value. [Trying to be certain my memory is accurate, I tracked down and spoke with an old friend I actually worked with on that project. Leonard told me the machine actually did work out, and was sent to a Delco battery plant in Georgia. Even so, it would have become obsolete after only a few years.]
Around those same years, I decided to build myself a dune buggy. I bought a custom tube frame, a pretty blue metal-flake fiberglass dune buggy body and accessories, and an old Chevy Corvair. I cannibalized the engine and suspension from he Corvair and bolted them to the frame and then the frame to the body. After a few months of work in my spare time, the parts carried into my garage rolled out as my shiny new dune buggy. I did have fun driving it around for a few years, but in the end, it just wasn't very practical. Once again, a somewhat impressive [to me] and certainly time consuming project, but not one that brought real lasting value.
The largest project of my life by far, during and overlapping both those efforts and for all the 70 years before and since, has been my search for God. I tried to get to know him in my youth. Then, after a stint in the military including a year in combat in Vietnam, knowing God as my friend (James 2:23; John 15:14-15) took on greater importance and urgency. [Visit: VietnamJC.com]
After many disappointing and exasperating years of searching for God in the churches, my lifetime project finally took a turn upward 20 some odd years ago; simply by realizing my need to break away from the churches I had been looking to for help. The primary thing the churches actually helped me realize is they were really Satan's tools. Satan gets most of us believing that in the midst of all the churches, there is one true one! Wrong... Religious organizations are all bad. [True Christianity is certainly out there, but you won't find it in any church.] Religionists helped me realize the truth about them as each one, one after the other, threw me out for questioning their doctrine... That is something you should know: The churches first dissuade and then abandon [throw out, excommunicate or disfellowship] all sincere students of the Bible. And so, that leads to you reading my miracle! My miracle is the truth about religion. My experiences with the churches did produce some little benefit, but only in the sense that during all those years in their midst, I was studying and trying to learn what the Bible teaches. So, my time in association with them did gain me "some little" Bible understanding. It was also frustrating and exasperating beyond expression, however, because I discovered their doctrines actually worked in opposition to the Bible to hide or obscure its message. (Rom 1:18 of 18-23) All the churches I was disfavored to have contact with weren't really following the Bible at all. Worse, they had no interest in doing so. They each one had a doctrine of faith defining group membership and approval; a set of rules or a new law "they" had constructed for themselves. (Mat 15:8-9; Gal 3:10-14) With one religious group after another, I would join with enthusiasms as I tried to believe they really were Christians. But then, with each one, I reached a point where I had to say I didn't really believe part of our group doctrine and teaching was scriptural. I did so hoping and even believing they would appreciate truth. But, one after another, they explained as kindly as I guess they could, that their doctrine is what they believe and if I didn't agree, I would probably be better served somewhere else. Each group decided I was not acceptable to them. So, I have been dis-welcomed in every church I have had association with... Think about that; really! Each sect implied "judged" I was not pleasing God... Can you imagine anything more hateful? My whole problem through all those years was just really simple: I had been trying to find God but God hadn't been lost at all... I had just been looking in the wrong place! I had been trying to fit into a church or religion rather than following God's simple command to actually listen to what He sent his son to teach. (Mark 9:7; John 18:37; John 12:50; John 17:3) If we just read the words of Jesus Christ, he did warn us about the wicked as well as those who have allowed themselves to be deceived... (Mat 7:15; Luke 13:25-27 of 23-28)
Here, then, is my miracle as a gift to you. It is this sharing of what I was favored to learn from the Bible in the light of my life experience: The secret that keeps many people from seeing truth; Religion is not Christianity. Religion is Satan's tool. Religion is the enemy of truth. She is the harlot God said has controlled the sequential Kings of the earth for many centuries; (Rev 17:3-14) most notoriously so during the Dark Ages. Recognizing the notorious harlot of Revelation, then, is the secret herein revealed. The harlot that rides the wild beast is a composite of all the churches and religions. This knowledge of Christ's words can set you free (John 8:31-32) of being enticed by her to worship the wild beast. (Rev 14:9-12) So, twenty five or thirty years ago, when I woke and abandoned allowing myself to be influenced by church leaders and their doctrines, (Mat 23:1-15) and actually started listening to Jesus, [by reading the Gospel accounts of the life and teachings of God's Son (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)] I was set free. (John 8:31-32) And then, a few years later, I started recording my efforts to remain a free son of God on this website. [JustBibleTruth.com, started about 2009 or 2010.] I believe, then, I have witnessed a miracle in my being set free of religious ignorance and badness, and in helping others to escape. My lifetime project in search for God has produced a result in the Bible knowledge reflected on JustBibleTruth.com. The site is more than I did or could have imagined when I started. I just wanted to know God, which I realized meant trying to understand the Bible in the light of what had and was happening to me! This lifetime work or project, solidified or taking form in JustBibleTruth.com, has meaning that is eternal in value; to me certainly, and to others as well I think. There was no person or group warning people to avoid the churches and to turn directly to God's Son in the Bible when I received this revelation [uncovered it from the Bible, of course]. This website is still the only source I know that is warning against the dangers of false religion: Warning that Christianity and Religion are very different... Being blessed by organized religion is not a good thing! (Rev 18:1-10) Actual Christians are reading the Bible and following Jesus Christ, while everyone else is following their chosen religious sect's doctrine of faith and judgment.
The two works I mentioned I did in youth are certainly not outstanding. I have a brother William, and a friend Mike of youth, that each built a house for themselves and their families; not hired a contractor like most of us would, mind you... My brother built a large brick home with a full basement and he did it all, laid every brick, himself. And, he did it evenings and weekends while working full time in a steel mill. My friend built a large log home, cutting every tree and squaring all the logs to build the house himself. Those are projects that certainly have great value and do last a long time; God willing of course. In my own opinion, however, I still consider this work of creating JustBibleTruth.com more important than anything done by any human I have personally known. There are, of course, a host of Bible characters that likely did much more...
As for YOU: Bless יהוה by calling His Name. (Deu 30:15-20) Know and call on the True God of all Creation. Praise יהוה all you people... (Psa 96:1-4; Psa 99:2; Rev 19:6) Visit: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Chart: After Armageddon?
There is another way I consider this website a miracle. Last evening I was thinking of how I might produce a clear acrylic block with the name of יהוה floating in the center; so anyone who visited my home could see... And, so I could look at it myself! Then, I thought about putting something outside that could be large and light up to display our Father's name. Next, though, I remembered all anyone has to do is look up at the starry sky for the greatest light show imaginable. (Rom 1:18-25 of 18-32) That reminded me of wise King Solomon's words when he asked who he could imagine he was that he should build a house for our grand creator. (2 Chron 2:4-6) Finally, my chain of thought brought me to my website. It is the greatest monument to the name of my Father I think I could create; at least for now. This truth I have compiled over the years of my life, and then been blessed to be able to organize and share as JustBibleTruth.com, I consider a miracle. It is a miracle that God's Word enabled someone unlettered and ordinary to create such a wonder of truth. It is not really my miracle, of course. JustBibleTruth.com is my tribute to our Grand Creator and to His Name and to the instructions of life he provided us in Christ's words. (John 18:37b; John 3:36 of 31-36; John 4:14; John 7:38) Be clear: God has not whispered in my ear and there is nothing necessarily miraculous about what I know. My only strength I can boast in is my love for the Bible as God's inspired Word. Still, it is a miracle I can know such things, things too wonderful for me... (Psa 139:6-14) Perhaps the greatest value of my website: That YOU should know, that you can know and share with others, that our Father's Name is
(Hosea 1:10; Mat 5:9; Rom 8:18-19; Gal 3:26)
Your very life depends on talking about God's name and the teachings of his Son with others; with others who might not have heard... (1 Cor 15:34; Mal 3:16-4:3) If Armageddon has started, of course, everyone has heard and surely been judged...
Every time I talk with someone about the Bible, which is a lot, I feel compelled to explain having given my whole life, especially in the last few years, to JustBibleTruth.com. (1 Pet 3:13-15 of 10-16) My reason is simple! Working in and meditating on the interrelationship of these scriptures soothes my soul and gives peace in the midst of the turmoil bringing the end of this wicked world system we have created. As Jesus said, God's promises make me happy. (John 15:11) It is a dangerous and hurtful world nearly beyond human comprehension. Please carefully consider these words as being literal: Being immersed in God's Word grants me a peace and happiness that I believe is also and actually my life and my deliverance. If you are a kind hearted and gentile person in the midst of this vile world; my miracle, then, is happiness in realizing God's deliverance from the dangers. My miracle is also in helping you realize and understand only יהוה and Jesus, and "possibly" you, know if you are a Christian! (2 Cor 5:10; Jer 17:9; 1 Cor 10:11-12; Prov 28:14; Luke 22:33-34) That is a work very different from, and actually in opposition to, all and each of the churches I know about. They each and every one try to convince you it is being an approved member of heir sect that can make you pleasing to God. They are liars or misled... Expecting and believing I am helping Jesus set you free of deceit by the churches, then, is my miracle... (John 8:31-32) Now that you have heard this good news of Christ's Kingdom, (Mat 24:14) you should be talking about these good things (Luke 21:28 of 25-28) with everyone you know! (Rom 10:10) Doing so means your very life... (Mal 3:16-4:3)
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