--- Misleading and being misled! ---
Written: June of 2023

How can you avoid being misled
while also gathering with the faithful?

Paul warned of a grave danger
faced by each of us: Being Misled...

2 Timothy 3:13 Contemporary English Version . . .But evil people who pretend to be what they are not will become worse than ever, as they fool others and are fooled themselves. (Mat 7:15)

Or, from the 1889 Darby Bible Translation: 2 Timothy 3:13 . . .But wicked men and juggling imposters shall advance in evil, leading and being led astray.

What about you, is there any chance YOU are being, or maybe have been, misled?
Do you see the danger posed by false prophets?
(Mat 7:15)
Paul did go on to explain how to make certain
we have not, and that we do not, become victims of deceit:

2 Timothy 3:14-15 CEV . . .Keep on being faithful to what you were taught and to what you believed. After all, you know who taught you these things. (15) Since childhood, you have known the Holy Scriptures that are able to make you wise enough to have faith in Christ Jesus and be saved.

Isn't that a wonderful and simple solution: Just be certain you continue to have faith in the words of Jesus Christ! But, as Paul cautioned, you have to be careful your faith is really in Jesus. (2 Thes 3:1-2; 1 Tim 6:3-5; Mat 7:15-16; Luke 13:24-27) So then, an immediate unchecked and spontaneous response, who pops into mind as your teacher? Does Jesus spring to mind, he being the central character and theme of the "Holy Scriptures," or, is it the writings and/or approval of some sect of men you think of? Did so and so religious sect teach you the truth? When you want to defend your faith, (1 Pet 3:15) do you use Bible verses you remember, or, do you try and defend your faith using religious writings by some human or church. You surely do perceive the difference? Just how though, really, can people who express faith in Christ, and even believe they are following him, still, as Paul warned, be misleading others while being misled themselves (or because of being misled themselves)? Note: Paul explained in verse 14 of 2 Timothy 3, it was because they failed to remember who had been "their teacher," that teacher's identity having been explained to them by the "Holy Scriptures." (Mat 17:5) So the simple question is, again, who is "your" teacher? Be careful, it is way easier to be misled than you might at first imagine! I like how John Darby translated this verse in 1889, calling such misleaders "wicked men and juggling imposters." The people who are misleading are master deceivers. They are sons and daughters of the devil, asserting they are angels of light. (2 Cor 11:13-15)

Having recognized Jesus's (Mat 7:15) and Paul's warning about the danger of false teachers, a brand new question then emerges: How can we take to heart their warning to be careful not to allow ourselves to be misled, (2 Tim 3:13-15; Gal 6:7; 1 Cor 15:33; 1 Cor 6:9-11) while also applying Paul's counsel not to forsake the gathering or ourselves together? (Heb 10:24-25) Aren't those two instructions contradictory?
If you read the following referenced scriptures, you will find following the first directive to protect yourself from false prophets and teachers,
is also "accomplishing" the second encouragement to gather with fellow Christians.

How, then, do we do both?

I feel qualified to speak about this because at my age and with an unusual background, along with a lifetime of Bible study, I've had lots of very personal examples. I'm Murray Cummings and I served in Vietnam when I was young; surviving 60% of my U.S. Army company killed or wounded during my tour. (That's not an exaggeration or error. Only about 40 of my roughly 100 man company came home without becoming a casualty. [Visit: VietnamJC.com]) My Vietnam service is mentioned only to help you understand "who" my life has more or less molded me into; and, to help you appreciate why and/or how I arrived here: And that, because I have become convinced it is very important since we must all come to the same place! Since my first memories, I believed in and talked with God inside my mind. (That's not to say I was a good boy and man, I was not. My hope is I was rowdy because I didn't know better. - 1 Tim 1:12-13; 1 Cor 15:9-10 - Point is, I have looked for God from infancy, but largely doing so out of ignorance. [I don't think some ignorance of youth can be avoided.]) That tour in Vietnam sobered me about the value of life and our purpose in possession of it; leading me to more seriously search for God when I returned. Because of that background, and my early faith that the Bible is the only sensible source of knowledge about our Creator, it led me to search more so for people to help me learn what the Bible teaches, rather than wanting just to join and be part of a group. I wasn't really seeking people to pat me on the back and assure me what a good man I had become. I wanted to know who I am from the Bible and what God really wants me to do. As I'm sure you can begin to imagine, my background led me through a long string of church associations. The reason for that trail of churches is: I quickly but sadly learned the groups I was associated with had a "doctrine" they wanted me to follow, more so than being concerned about accurate Bible teachings. Their primary goal was to make new members and to use their doctrine to first enlist and then control them. Most seemed focused on gathering money and workers for "their" organizational growth and wealth! Teaching what is in the Bible was an afterthought at best. Their sectarian doctrines always just really amounted to an approval check list, used to measure (judge) who can be accepted and approved as a member of their sect. In one group after another, as soon as I learned enough about the Bible to inspire questions about some part of their doctrine that seemed unscriptural, they would politely (sometimes not so politely) suggest I really didn't fit in with their group.

While there were many individuals and groups who became dissatisfied with my "faith" in the Bible over the years, and that because I always put the Bible above their sectarian doctrine, there are two groups that seem worthy of special mention as really hateful examples. Of the sects I have known personally, these two most clearly illustrate why I warn about the danger of all the religions organized by humans; while making clear it is actually Jesus's warning that I give, and also share his teaching about how to identify and avoid worshipers of men. (Mat 7:15-16; Mat 15:9) Now I do know, what ever group you are part of, they will tell you they are formed by God, not men. Since they are all different and most judge the others lost to God, they can't all be right! You do see in the news on a fairly regular basis where one of these religious sects have wronged their members in some horrible way (some of them actually abusing little children)! The first illustration I use happened about 45 years ago; taken from my experience with an old friend and preacher named Lloyd Penley. Lloyd pastured the Broad Street Alliance church where my wife and I attended. We were friends and both had little children about the same age; so, we would often get a baby sitter for all the kids and go out to eat or... I like Lloyd. Soon, though, he and I had a disagreement about a doctrinal point. It wasn't even a disagreement, really, I just said I couldn't support a doctrinal assertion made by his church. Didn't say what he said was wrong, mind you, just that I didn't know, and so, couldn't say it "was" true! We had a visiting evangelist during the period of our disagreement and Lloyd suggested we all meet to discuss the matter. I invited them to my home and he and the evangelist and my wife and myself all sat around our dining room table to discuss it. Lloyd had a plan to enlighten me: I assume at the suggestion of the evangelist, Lloyd took a sheet of paper and drew a line down the center. He then started listing scriptures to support his doctrine on one side of the sheet, while he himself put the scriptures I looked up on the other side. Pretty soon, he had chosen to put about half a dozen scriptures on each side. From memory, the conversation that followed went something like this: I said, "Lloyd, I don't think we need to go any further. You just listed half a dozen scriptures to support both ideas. I can't imagine why you think I should not have any problem with faith in your understanding." He then covered up the side of the paper with the scriptures I looked up and said: "Do you see what it says here?" I agreed that I did. He then said: "Just don't worry about what it says on the other side." Really...? (Isaiah 44:14-17) He later conveyed to some of the people in his church and in my family I was plagued with a demon of confusion. Remember too, I didn't say he was wrong, I just said I couldn't see a scriptural reason to "support" his doctrine of faith. Can you imagine the effect on a wife being told her husband is plagued with a demon of confusion, by those she looked up to for spiritual guidance, would have on her and her marriage? Still, I was learning more about the Bible during that time; even in association with people "juggling scriptures" to mislead while being misled.

Fast forward a few years and my search led me to Jehovah's Witnesses, who assured me they were "Bible Students" above all else. I did learn some about the Bible during my association with their sect, but am not sure if it was because of them, or rather, in spite of them. They assert and many do believe they are teaching the Bible, of course, but what they are really good at teaching is their doctrine. They actually demand all members "openly express faith" their only hope, and the only path to God for anyone, is through an approved membership in their sect; rather than through personal faith in the words of Jesus Christ... Please know I never said or believed it was their sect that was my salvation! (They do assert, of course, faith in their sect and faith in Jesus Christ is one and the same thing. Danger: it is not! They appear to put their organization and it's teachings above Christ.) The Bible refers to itself and to Jesus Christ as "Spiritual Food" or "manna (bread) from heaven," in the sense that the teachings by both come down from heaven (from God) and are completely trustworthy. (1 Cor 10:1-4; John 6:28-35) I believe that! I believe the Bible is inspired by God, and so, is our only reliable source of Spiritual Food. (2 Tim 3:16 of 14-17) In other words, the Bible is the only writings in all the earth that can be accepted without question. And, I do believe that! After a few years of membership, some among Jehovah's Witnesses suddenly started saying they didn't like me referring to myself (or to our group) as a "Bible student," because they fancied themselves "Bible scholars." They next started to say all the books and magazines published by the sect are also Spiritual Food; as only the Bible actually is! They actually say, and "seem" to believe, no one can question anything said by the subgroup they refer to as the "anointed" or the "faithful and discreet slave." [Their "slave" is the small internally glorified subgroup responsible for their literature and for establishing sectarian doctrine: The "slave" sets the organizational rules that judge who can fit in.] I could not, of course, support the teaching that their writings are spiritual food and thus equal with the Bible. [The JW's sect openly (and rightly - Mat 15:8-9) condemns the Catholics for saying the Pope's edicts are above question. They further condemn the Mormons for their unquestioning faith in the book of Mormon; even while they actually do the same thing with their own "slave's" writings.] Again, I didn't openly accuse them of being wrong, I just said I had no scriptural reason to "join them in asserting" it was apostasy to question any of their writings. [While I  won't  "can't" support their unscriptural teachings, I also don't judge them, because I know we will each one stand before the judgment seat of God. (Rom 14:10-13) Which judgment, of course, we are each in the process of rendering over ourselves by our placing, or by our refusing to place, faith in Christ; all while carefully avoiding becoming followers of men. (John 3:18-19 of 16-21; Mark 7:7-9)] My doubting their doctrine did mean, of course, I had to caution everyone I spoke about the Bible with, that they should be careful of human teachings presented without scriptural support; just as I have believed and warned all (or most) of my life. I was summarily and very publicly disfellowshipped as an "apostate" and an enemy of God, and then my own wife and family, and all my imagined friends, were encouraged to have nothing to do with me. Sadly, most complied! Can you imagine what they do to families? It can be a nearly overwhelmingly sad experience to have to realize many of the people you trusted, as they asserted they were upright Christian Bible students, have really just been "juggling" or "distorting" scriptures to mislead and be misled. (2 Tim 3:13 of 3:12-4:5) Many of my Jehovah's Witness friends have sadly become Watchtower slaves; apparently abandoning being slaves of my Lord Jesus Christ. While recognizing I am not their judge, I don't think they can be both! What is their simple problem, and the one Paul warned about? It is the same problem my friend Lloyd had... They have all forgotten from whom they learned the truth and have turned to the doctrines of men. (2 Tim 3:16) Spoiler alert for any who read this, please know: It was and is from Jesus Christ we first learn truth, and to him we must continue to look to for advanced knowledge. (1 Tim 6:3 & 4 of 3-16; Heb 5:11-14) It is never their (or your) sect's "slave class" or to any other self proclaimed preachers! (2 Tim 3:14) Truth comes from the Bible, not the writings of any human organization. [Saying that explains my only encouragement: Read the words of Christ for yourself. - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John]

I've only mentioned two churches, but my life experience has been that all churches are just like or similar to the two herein considered. I have some dear friends who are Amish and Mennonites and Baptists and... Some of them warmly invite me to their meetings. One told me he would give me a prominent seat between himself and his brother. His heartfelt invitation is truly heartwarming for me (as are all the others)! At the same time, I have to realize his Mennonite sect refers to me (and all other nonmembers) as "The English" (which is a somewhat derogatory term). I could only be elevated above being among "The English" by becoming a member; which would mean, of course, accepting their doctrine. (A doctrine they are continually debating to divide themselves over whether God blesses those with cell phones and...) How sad! Most or all religious groups believe they are the only true servants of God; each one of those sects believing the members of the other groups are damned because they won't join them; by expressing approval of "their" organization's doctrine of faith. They each one do believe, of course, their doctrine is Bible based. The question that naturally arises: If they truly do believe in the Bible, how does "their doctrine" come into play and/or why does it even exist? Wouldn't the Bible be their doctrine? While each group believes their doctrine is completely different from all the others, they all do share the same death dealing error: All such groups have been misled to imagine they need to be followers of the teachings of the leaders of their respective sect to gain life. Generating that self righteous prejudice is the purpose of doctrine! And, that is the supreme example of teaching people to be judgmental and hateful... For many sects, following their doctrine means they must follow the "World Council of Churches" and the edicts of the "Nicene Council" (from about 300 years after Christ). For one sect herein mentioned, they must follow their own internal "faithful and discreet slave" (their group's law givers - formed about 100 years ago). Others believe in the "infallibility of the Pope" or in spiritual food from the "Book of Mormon" and on the list goes... If these many varied religions would just all turn to actually listening to Christ, using his words from the Bible as their only doctrine, their judgmental sectarian spirit would be replaced by God's spirit... (John 6:63)

Identify the doctrines of men. Don't be a stupid person... Realize: Bible truth never changes. One way to spot doctrine is the doctrine of men constantly changes. If you are part of some sect who is continually having to change their teachings, you can know it is the doctrine of men they are teaching. If they for years taught you men could not have beards, and then changed to say it is now OK, that is doctrine. If they said you can't have cars or a phone in your house, but then changed and say it is OK, that is doctrine. They will say their change is light getting brighter, of course; but God's Word says they are false prophets. (Deu 18:20-22) If people want to give you rules for life, instead of sharing a study of he words of Christ, that is doctrine... If individuals are careful to teach only what the Bible says, they will never have to change their teachings. If people listen only to the words of Christ for their direction, they can never be misled by the doctrines of men. (Mat 24:23-28)

"Just why" all "this world's" churches are lost is really so simple: God has given mankind only one command since Jesus was born. He spoke from a cloud to tell us to listen to his son. (Mat 7:15) God then explains how He is searching the whole earth for each righteously inclined person. (2 Chron 16:9a) When He finds one, his Spirit directs  them  us to Christ. (John 6:43-47) Then, those individuals listening to God's spirit follow Christ; by listening only to Jesus's words! God doesn't direct us to follow some Church or preacher, his spirit directs each righteously inclined person to Christ. (John 6:44) If you gain anything at all from reading this, please know and understand: God's spirit resides or exists in the words spoken by Jesus Christ. (John 6:63) Recognizing you are drawn to Jesus by God's spirit, and submitting to that Spirit by "choosing" to read Christ's words, (Mark 9:7) is the act or process of being born again by that spirit. (John 3:1-8) So, then, why are the churches lost? Instead of seeking God's glory by teaching you to follow God's simple command to listen to his son, all this world's churches feel the need to glorify themselves by trying to convince you your need is for an approved membership among them... (John 7:16-18; Mat 23:5 of 1-15) They all want you to believe you can't please God without their blessing. Nothing could be further from the truth! (Mark 13:19-23) Allowing themselves to imagine they are special because "they" are special, is where all Religionists go wrong; one after the other. We must know we are special only because we know Christ, (Gal 6:14-16) and encourage others to become special in that same way; not by joining us, but by personally and individually joining Christ. (2 Cor 3:4-18) But do also take heart, their common error highlights how you can identify false worshipers. (Mat 7:15-16) Please take special note this website is not about following me or some sect I am trying to create. [Go to: JustBibleTruth.com -> Select: R U Compliant? -> Read the paragraphs between the two red ruler lines (about half way through).] This site encourages you to read the Gospels over and over to familiarity with the words of Jesus... Who did I say you should follow? Are you starting to understand who we direct you to? Yes, we direct to familiarity with the words of Jesus Christ himself! That because Jesus is the teacher appointed for each one of us by God. And, because of Jesus's warning about false prophets, (Luke 13:26-27) he is the only teacher you can rely on! (Mat 7:15) That's what you learn from the "holy writings": (2 Tim 3:14-15) That you must be cautious you are actually following Christ, and that carefully following him is the only way you can become a Christian. (Luke 13:26-27) The instant a group forms themselves to "worship as a group," they start misleading and being misled. Christ is the only one we can follow, and we really can't follow him "as a group." Following Christ is personal. (John 4:21-26) Joining a group requires we judge or at least accept all other members of those we judge to be "our group," are also true Christians. We can not elevate ourselves up as judges to do that! We do "join Christ's group," of course, but we join as individuals. Groups can't do that. That's why Judaism, with their group law code (doctrine), couldn't work to establish their own righteousness. (Eph 2:14-18; Col 2:13-15; 2 Cor 3:4-18) To form a religious sect, the first thing any group has to do is appoint someone to lead, which means they also have to judge who the followers are. They are lost by that judgment. (Mat 23:1-15) Many religious sects do mean well, of course. But, to please God, we must all, individually and personally, follow Christ. (John 6:28-29; Luke 13:26-27) Here is where it can get confusing for some people: Our action in joining Christ does, of course, form us into a group. But the least bit of humility will help us all remember, none of us can know who else is approved into that "Christian" group. (Luke 10:20) All real Christians know our membership roll is kept only in heaven... (Luke 10:20) God might allow us to help some individuals who have been misled and trapped to imagine the approval of some sect has saved them. The way we might help them is by our making clear we will not, and why we will not, join theirs or any of the other religious sects of this world! Joining them would equate with our "judging" them righteous... We must not judge; either wicked or righteous! (1 Cor 4:5; Rom 2:1-2)

What, then, about God's command not to forsake the gathering of ourselves together as we see the day drawing near?

Hebrews 10:24-25 GNB Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. (25) Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another all the more, since you see that the Day of the Lord is coming nearer.

How can we fulfill that scriptural command to join with other Christians; and still protect ourselves from false prophets? (Mat 7:15) After my warning about the dangers of religions organized by men [actually Jesus's warning, including his saying they would use his name to deceive, (Mat 24:4-5; Luke 13:26-27; Mat 24:23-28)] along with my warning you need to avoid them all, every single religious sect will now attempt to use the above scripture as their common tool to paint me a heretic; and, to try and beat you into submission and attendance at "their" church. Each religious group will warn "their sheep" not to forsake the gathering of themselves together, and even more so as they behold the day drawing near. Amen to that scriptural encouragement! (Heb 10:24-25) We do need, however, to understand what Paul really means, rather than being deceived by what Religionists want you to join them in thinking that scripture means. Remember, it's "true meaning" can't contradict any of the above considered scriptures! What, then, was Paul there conveying to the Hebrew Christians? (The "Hebrews" were not a different titled sect, but a gathering of Hebrew converts to Christianity. They did not create a new "doctrine" for you to join "them." They were individual people identifying themselves as Christian, as do the people who support this website. They were all just "individual" followers of Christ!) Remember, as you consider these words in your mind and heart, each of the various religious sects is applying that same scripture about Christians gathering together (Hebrews 10:24-25) to "their" own sectarian religious group, asserting you have to be members in "their midst" to follow that scriptural command. Since many or most of them are spiritual enemies with each other, does that really make sense to YOU? Doesn't that mean they are holding "themselves" up as the ones you learned the truth from? As for me, I learned truth from Christ! You do remember Paul's warning in 2 Timothy 3:14-15 about remembering who YOU learned the truth from? Did you learn the truth from a sect of men, or from the words of Jesus Christ? (Mat 15:8-9) Just please consider and understand, our gathering with other Christians does not require we be part of any one of the many organized and titled earthly sects. (Mark 3:31-35) Actually, it requires we not be part of any such group! (Visit: JustBibleTruth.com -> Select: R U Compliant?) Know and remember: True Christians are grouped only by their shared personal faith in Christ; never by their membership in any group of men. Christians don't give themselves, or any group they have formed, a special name or title. They are Christians! (Acts 11:26) Christians understand they are identified only by their true membership roll; that roll kept only in heaven. (Luke 10:20 of 17-21) Christians "join" together, in fulfillment of Hebrews 10:25, by talking about what they have learned from Christ; exactly like I am doing with you right now. YOU can in turn do it for others, by sharing this letter with someone, as you join them in looking up and reading the cited scriptures. Even better, you can do it by joining with someone to read the Book of Matthew together, from beginning to end, (or Mark or Luke or John) as you share in partaking of God's Spirit that you absorb from reading Jesus's words. (John 6:63) You still should not be misguided to group together, maybe giving your group a name, so you can pat each other on the back for your great righteousness... Continue to follow Christ, not each other! (John 5:44; Mat 15:8-9)
   Visit: justbibletruth.com/HeavenOrOnEarth.html
         Or go to: JustBibleTruth.com -> Select: Heaven or Earth?

This may seem overly simple, but it wasn't easy for me to learn. I just always wanted to trust people who spoke in Jesus's name... (Mat 24:23-25) I truly wish I had had someone to share this simple truth with me when I was young. It could have saved me a boat load of heartache. That is, of course, if I would have heard; "and listened"! Are you hearing? More importantly, are you listening (taking it to heart)? (Pro 25:12; Pro 9:8 of 7-9) The good thing about those who have been deceived (or the bad thing, depending on your point of view) is this: Being determined to stay with a sect of deceivers, even after they are exposed, leaves the false Christian with one of only two options. Either they must continue to convince themselves to truly believe in their own deception (continue to believe their group doctrine; which I doubt God will allow - Isa 45:22-24), or, they must acknowledge they are among wicked liars; meaning their destruction is looming. (2 Pet 3:5-7; 1 Thes 5:1-11) Sharing the words of Christ will awaken those who actually are deceived in one of two ways. Either they realize they are being deceived and abandon their deceivers to actually follow Christ, or, they will refuse to learn and so join the ranks of the wicked. (Eze 3:17-19) In either case, really, it is problem solved! (Mat 25:31-34 & 41; Psa 37:10-11; Psa 37:27-29) It is God's final solution... (Visit: JustBibleTruth.com → When Fires Fall?)

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