--- Do you "desire" life under
the Kingdom of Christ? ---
Written: February 2023

(Encouragement for "the preservation of life"...)

This webpage organizes a lifetime of Bible study.
It is a synopsis of thousands of studies;
so as to organize the theme of all those scriptures into
one coherent picture or pattern of Bible truth.
Take your time, it might be a lot for one sitting. (Heb 5:11-14)
Carefully consider the overview of these presented scriptures...

Sadly, (or happily, depending on your awareness of our wonderful future - Luke 21:28 of 25-28), we live in a world where many or even most people are takers. They want (or are willing) to take advantage of (and even to harm) others to get what they want. Many of them feel justified (or even compelled) because they think the whole world is like that; and so, they feel the need to "get theirs." Sadly true, they are mostly right! Happily, we also live at the time in mankind's history when God is making all things better (Rev 21:5) by the kingdom of his Christ. What about you, though? Do you look forward to Christ ruling the earth; completely? (He is already ruling those who "actually" follow him, of course; but what about the rest? That also leads wise persons to ask, does the evidence [their fruits - such as their child abuse etc.] indicate most of the churches are actually following Christ? - Mat 7:16 & 20 of 15-23)

If you answered yes about wanting Christ as your King, that's a very good thing. Perhaps a more accurate, and certainly more revealing question would be: Are you a "compliant subject" of Jesus Christ's Kingdom? Do you realize the potential distance between imagining we want Christ as King, and being his "compliant subject"? I am going to talk about some really bad things happening in this world. Some people don't want to hear, feeling it is depressing. If you bear with me, you will understand the bad we are witnessing leads to, and is actually the sign of, a really happy ending. And, it's a happy ending promised by Jesus Christ, not just me. (Luke 21:28 of 25-28) I only parrot what I heard my Lord say. As you read, please consider that God is using the tribulation we have brought on ourselves, and which is in this day destroying this world, to force everyone alive to reevaluate their relationship with him. (Rom 14:11-12; Isa 45:23) Please, then, examine yourself; not according to your Church's approval, but in the light of the scriptures herein presented. Please just take the time to listen to this grand promise by Jesus Christ... Pray consider and understand, this is not a few word or one scripture solution. There is no such thing... (Heb 5:11-14; Rom 12:1) [If there were a simplistic or few word solution, that would have been Jesus's message! To know God you have to actually listen to Jesus Christ... (John 18:37; Mat 17:5)]

For those who have known me since my youth, thus being part of my formative years and helping form who I am; or for those who feel they would prefer a shorter read, skip below to the section between the two red ruler lines. That section is my best attempt at a view inside my mind space; providing a vision of, and scriptural support for, my faith...

To begin, you should understand  what I mean  "what the Bible means" by "Christ's Kingdom." Jesus followers understood "his Kingdom" to indicate a time when, as God promised, Jesus would rule the earth forever. (John 12:34; Luke 1:30-33; Isa 9:6-7; Rev 11:15) That's what I understand the Kingdom to be as well. (2 Pet 1:11 of 5-11) God has enthroned Christ as king (1 Cor  15:20-28) and is now judging all the inhabited earth by means of his son. (Mat 25:31-34; Acts 17:29-31) How, though, is that judgment, our judgment, actually happening? What is the process of staying alive? So very simple; really! How we individually respond to what Jesus said (the sword of his mouth - Rev 2:16) makes us the personal administrator of our own judgment; it is by our own faith we live. (John 3:18-19)

While Jesus was alive on earth, many people wanted to make him their king; right then. He refused. (John 6:14-15) Why? Jesus was 's  anointed King of the earth; (Luke 1:32-33) so, why would he refuse to allow people to make him what  יהוה God  had already said he would be? (Please do take to heart: is the personal Hebrew Name of God. Hebrew speakers tell me the Divine Name sounds like "YeaVah." [That's Yea, as in Yea-go-team; followed by Vah, like the first two letters of vault.] "YeaVah" is not a real word but a constructed English sounds-like. You should probably not write "YeaVah," or any other English word, to represent . (Ex 20:7) You should, however, recognize and use God's personal Hebrew Name! It's an easy thing. [Exo 20:7] The Divine Name is just four Hebrew letters written right to left: YOD [ י ]; HE [ ה ]; VAV [ ו ]; HE [ ה ]. The Name   יהוה   looks the same as it looked when God cut or burned it into the stone tablets He gave Moses. (Exo 31:18) Take a pencil and paper and practice writing each letter, and then the Divine Name! Become familiar with it. There is nothing more important! [Pro 30:4; Pro 18:10]) Jesus refused to let them make him king, in part, because they weren't ready. They thought they wanted him as king, but they were not "compliant subjects." What is the difference? The difference is they might have been asking for their own death... They wanted him as king because he healed the sick and raised the dead; and because he fed them when they were hungry. (John 6:5-11; Luke 6:17-19) But, most had no interest in following after Jesus to help him accomplish his Father's will. (John 5:36; Mat 19:16-23; John 6:28-29; John 10:22-28) They wanted the rewards of being around Jesus, but didn't want to be obedient to him so as to change who they were. (Luke 13:26-27; 1 Cor 6:9-11) Their real desire was to remain part of this world; (Eph 2:1-9) they just wanted to be popular! They could not, and you can not, follow Jesus and also be part of "the world." What does that even mean, though, to be "part of this world"? It includes a lot more than most imagine!

The Bible terms "the world," or "this old world system," simply refer to all the people who have divided and segregated themselves by hate and greed. (Eph 2:1-2) And please do take special note: Many of such "worldly" people are Religionists who imagine they are very righteousness. (Luke 13:26-27; Luke 18:9-14) This political party hates that political party. Perhaps most vehemently, this religion hates that religion (all the while professing love, of course). This race hates that race and on goes the list... If you think you want Christ's Kingdom, but are still involved in groups and organizations dividing our world as they spread hate, it must surely mean you don't know Christ at all; nor, do you really want him as king... He is in the midst of destroying all the wicked! (Dan 2:44; 2 Thes 2:7-12) If you are a compliant subject of Christ's kingdom, however, it means you have set yourself free of, and apart from, this worlds divisive influences. (1 John 5:19-21; John 8:31-32) Well, can YOU say YOU have set yourself free of hate? (Luke 18:11 of 9-14) Be careful! (Luke 13:23-28)

As an example of political hatred, on October 28, 2022, a man of one political party invaded House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home and beat her elderly husband nearly to death with a hammer. (They showed the attack on national TV. It seemed the police presence actually escalated the situation when they appeared at the open door with a camera and filming the wannabe killer. [That's what he wanted was to try and be "somebody," and they were giving him an audience. What did they really imagine would happen? Does that give the news media some responsibility in God's eyes?] When he saw the camera, the attacker wrestled the hammer free from Mr. Pelosi's shared grasp and struck him repeatedly. There was plenty of time for one of the officers to shoot him dead, or even to shoot out his shoulder. They are charged by God to take such action to protect the rest of us. [Rom 13:1-4] Even upright police officers [which the majority are] receive so much criticism in today's politically correct but non-compliant world, however, most can no longer feel free to do their job. As a result of society's refusal to comply with our laws, we today cower in our homes watching security camera footage of wicked people breaking into cars and businesses to steal whatever they want. The laws of man have been changed [or at least neutered by the controlling minority opinion] so homeowners, and even the police, are no longer able to use potentially lethal force to defend our property or subdue lawbreakers. We are witnessing the short lived time (or day) of the wicked. (Dan 11:30b-31 & 12:1; Rev 11:15; Rev 12:10; Eph 6:13) As the wicked continue to define (Mat 12:33) and make clear who they are, the righteous are [or are being] gathered from among the wicked into their faith in Christ. (Psa 92:4-7; Psa 37:12-13; Eze 7:5-6; Pro 1:10-33; Micah 7:2-4; Rom 3:12-26) We witnessed in the Chicago area, in February of 2023, when a off duty female police officer fought with a male attacker [Leevon Smith]. She repeatedly warned him she was going to shoot him if he didn't stop. He didn't and she did. He continued to assault her even after being shot; twice. After; Leevon died and his supporters cried "excessive force" and actually attacked the hero officer [who was no doubt in shock at the time] for not immediately switching "roles" from fighting for her very life, to applying first aid... They have sued the city for 10 million dollars. Really? When do they imagine the use of deadly force would be justified? Do they believe the officer should have allowed Mr. Smith to take her weapon and kill her? Non-compliant lawbreakers are destroying our society. Stores are being forced to close because of theft, leaving locals with no source of food and necessities. Then they cry the world is neglecting them. Functionally organized and law abiding society is disappearing... In Nashville, TN, in April of 2023, rebellious individuals invaded the House using bull horns so they could not be timed out by shutting off their microphones to stop them from talking [an established and reasonably peaceful way of giving everyone equal time]. They refused to comply with that established procedure and are actually viewed by some as heroes. Whether their cause was right or wrong, a society consisting of rebellious rule breakers can't survive! As an old friend from youth said recently: "We really have become a third world country." Someone who read my quote of his comment then asked "what is wrong with being a third world country?" My friend feels being third world is not so much about being poor, as it is about being a society who refuses to comply with the rule of law that frames and binds their nation. [Rom 13:1-4] A society or nation refusing the rule of law is destroying itself from within. My friend believes being "third world" leads to mass poverty and malnutrition [slow motion starvation] along with widespread violence and death. People who refuse to comply with law and order are seldom growers and producers, but "takers" from others [from the examples of history, even cannibals.] It is becoming more and more obvious my old friend is right! (2 Thes 2:10-11) Life as we have known it in America [and in much of the world] is over. What is left by all the rebelliousness against the rule of law [against the rules of society] is anarchy.) The man who beat Mr. Pelosi is so ignorantly twisted by hate, he still actually believes he did a good thing by doing his best to destroy that elderly man's life. He recently said "you're welcome" when some reporter gave him attention by actually quoting him, to those the wannabe killer imagines still approve. (What kind of reporter could really think anyone cares about what he has to say? The most pathetic thing is, there probably "are" people who support his actions; the Russians of course, but even some in our own nation? The whole world is being destroyed by lawbreakers like Mr. Pelosi's attacker, and by all those who don't condemn them. I don't have any illusion you or I can stop or change the wicked, mind you, but YOU can survive their destruction. Take comfort, though, can and is stopping destroying them all! - Psa 92:7; Psa 37:8-19)

What about racial hatred? Well, a 6 year old black boy recently (Jan 6, 2023) shot and nearly killed his white first grade teacher (Abby Zwerner, 25) at school! I know that sounds impossible, but it is "real life" in today's vile world! It seems a miracle Abby survived but she will likely not be the same. He shot her through her outstretched pleading hand and into her chest. He clearly wanted to kill her. Some will say that's not an example of racial hate because he's just a little boy. May be, though, that makes it the most real and worst kind of example. Fortunately for all of us, how much responsibility the little boy has is God's judgment to make. (Please do take note, however: does hold children accountable; if they understand what they are doing is bad. An example is the account of the two she-bears God used to destroy 42 children among a group of young "rebels" who verbally assaulted Elisha; even though they knew, or should have known, Elisha served God's ancient Jewish nation as his prophet. - 2 Kings 2:19-25) The boy who shot his teacher had the presence of mind, and/or help from someone older, to carry a loaded hand gun to school. He was then capable to hide it from people searching for it, and finally, to dig it out and shoot his teacher. (The people responsible to search the boy were probably [and understandably] too afraid of being assaulted by the ignorant and/or wicked minority media, for being "politically incorrect," to do a serious search. After, there has been not one word about holding the first grader's parents responsible. If not the parents, and not the boy, who do you think holds responsible? If you don't speak out against it, do you share blame? [Finally, on April 10, 2023, authorities became emboldened to charge the mother of the shooter with a minor crime.]) The first grader's actions do sound like premeditated attempted murder based on racial hate. If God doesn't deal with that boy, what will he do next? Who will teach him, or allow their children to attend with him? If for the sake of argument, however, the little boy isn't a good example of racial hate, on December 11, 2019, 19 year old Tessa Majors was attacked by four teenage black men. They assaulted the young white college girl acting as a pack. They encircled her and took turns stabbing her. When she bent forward trying to protect her torso, they stabbed upward into her face and neck. They left her to be filmed dying on a security camera as she staggered up a flight of steps seeking help. As I tried to review the facts of Tessa's murder to write this accurately, I found the news articles of the event have been scrubbed to remove most racial components. Most articles no longer even mention her murderers were black. Someone wants us all to imagine it was just a failed robbery, without racial hate. I can no longer find the video of her dying on the steps. Does "black" history mean history rewritten as some blacks (black racists) wish it had happened. God remembers... And, please know and be warned, 's wrath is being revealed against all those who suppress the truth... (Rom 1:18) God will likely resurrect Tessa soon, but what about her murderers...? I sometimes wonder what has happened to her vile tormentors since they slaughtered her. I doubt they did any jail time and if they did, they're probably out. I do wonder, though, if one of God's "she-bears" (2 Kings 2:19-25) destroyed them, taking the form of gang violence or disease or a drug overdose or... If not yet, probably soon! (Psa 37:10-11) The considerable black power their race have coalesced to enforce their will in America (and the world) sets their race largely above the laws of men: In Nashville, TN, on December 3, 2022, two black men out riding on the freeway shot and killed Caitlyn Kaufman, a 26 year old white nurse just trying to drive to work. The two good for nothing men (Judges 19:22-28; Judges 20:12-13) then conspired to hide their crime for many weeks. When they were eventually found out, one said the other had nothing to do with the murder and the supposed non-shooting conspirator to hide their murder was released with no charges. The confessed murderer (Devaunte Hill) said he was in a bad state of mind and so found guilty of second degree manslaughter. Really? Second degree manslaughter for maliciously and willfully shooting six times at a woman of another race without provocation, one of those shots killing her? Remember, he only had six rounds...

We must also note the "professional" black protesters who showed up in New York in May of 2023, to help (or to force) the black Manhattan District Attorney to charge and put in prison Daniel Penny (the white Marine who defended himself and others on the subway). Mr. Penny, in what appears a reasonable fear for his well being, risked his life to restrain black Jordan Neely. He obviously did not intend to harm him! Mr Neely was a panhandler who was acting erratically and threatening people on the subway. He had a long criminal history of drug abuse and previous abusive activity. One news writer commented New Yorkers are subject to similar abuse all the time. Have some people in our society been led to imagine "extorting money under fear" is acceptable behavior, some even believing it could be called a "job"? They showed a video of Mr. Neely: Having expended considerable effort and money to dress himself up like Michael Jackson, he was putting on an un-requested "show" as people around him on the subway looked down or away; seemingly hoping he would not engage them personally to extort their money or valuables. The N.Y. protestor said blatantly in the same interview; "we will not stop" until the Marine goes to prison. He was very angry they only charged the Marine with second degree manslaughter, having a maximum 15 year sentence. I never heard any autopsy results to know what drugs Mr. Neely had taken that might have contributed to his death... His family and friends said Neely was mentally ill. If so, why hadn't they had him confined? When black Tyree Nichols (in Jan of 2023) was beaten by 5 black Memphis, TN police officers, for blatantly refusing to stop resisting arrest, but then later died, where was that black protestor to make sure they got 15 years. (That is not me saying they should be charged or even fired...) Officials talked to them sternly and fired them, but I doubt they were even tried for a serious crime; and, I certainly doubt they did 15 years. Why is the Marine so special? Is it because he is White? By saying "we will not stop," I assume the protestor is referring to the black power base he is a prominent member of. What do "they" call themselves? Does he draw a "protestor" salary? He also said very plainly that going forward, if I am one who feels threatened and terrorized by a black man like Mr. Neely, this should be my take-away: Don't defend myself! Using the Marine as an example, and because of my seeing what blacks are doing to him, even if a black person makes me fear for my life, he says my take-away should be don't try to protect myself; until the terrorist lawbreaker kills or harms someone... "Don't choke," he said very clearly, should be "my" take-away! While I have never been racist, I'm trying to figure out how to avoid having my take-away be, or how can I avoid the feelings he is forcing on me be, that I am now terrified of blacks. Is that what he wants? How many blacks want whites afraid to be around them or even their children? A white friend of years past, who lives adjoining a largely black community, says he (and more so his wife) feel like prisoners in their own home, especially after dark? She is an attractive woman and was seated at a restaurant with family and friends when a black man walked up to her and told her she was pretty. He then went on to say she is a woman some of the brothers would like to fuck... Do you condone such abuse by any race? If you do, what does think of you? My state law says that if I am in reasonable fear for my life and person, or for that of others, I can shoot; let alone restrain. The black protestor says, however, no matter what the law says, "they" will put me in prison if I protect myself. This incident, along with the five black officers they did fire and harass in Memphis, for doing "their jobs" by subduing a black man who "would not stop" resisting arrest (but then later did die); it all seems to indicate the black protestor is right! He seems to be illustrating no one can protect us from black lawbreakers. What he seems to believe is the white race should not try to protect themselves, no matter what. I want to try and believe I am misunderstanding, but that seems to be what the black Manhattan D. A. and his protestor supporters want to make clear to us all... In the black protestor's own words, they "will never quit" until they get their way. I then hear them chant "no justice, no peace" as they threaten violence (some say that means gathering somewhere en masse to loot and burn a city) if what "they" perceive to be justice isn't done... Does that seem a serious problem for the rule of law in our nation? Who are "they" threatening there in Manhattan, and what are "they" doing to distort and control the rule of law? How was the Marine treated when he was held in jail? Was he left alone with black jailers? I do thank for telling me I should not fear the wicked factions of this old world system, because God and his Son can protect me and/or fix any harm they do me! (1 Pet 3:14 of 13-15; 2 Chron 20:17; Num 14:8-9) Black justice, or white justice, only does harm. While "this old world system" will not allow itself to be fixed even by himself (except by his destroying them all), you, if you desire and choose, can have Christ's justice!

Why isn't, really, deliberately shooting Nurse Kaufman with the gun Hill made the premeditated choice to load and carry, and then again made the willful choice to shoot at the nurse "6" times, why isn't that a racial hate crime of first degree murder carrying the death penalty? Why isn't the man who drove him, and then helped him hide his crime, also guilty? Doesn't society need to be protected from animals like them? (2 Pet 2:12-13) {TN does have the death penalty! [Now I do know some will say, if I want the death penalty, I am just like Mr. Pelosi's attempted murderer. He was no doubt deceived and misled to truly imagine he was striking out against the wicked. There are at least two glaring significant differences. One: While I want every single one of those judged wicked to be dead, (Psa 37:10-11) whether they are young or old, I do also realize their judgment must be God's. (2 Chron 20:17; Joel 2:30-32) While I don't presume to judge who is wicked, and realize I can't know God's judgments, I do support God's appointed superior authorities including law enforcement; (Rom 13:1-2) along with the justice they attempt to administer. Second difference: I won't join with other humans to pass judgment on anyone. (To behave so wickedly, as example, Mr. Pelosi's attacker had to have had his hate reinforced by some group or person he was associated with.) It is my faith Christ is appointed our only judge. (Acts 17:31) I thus try to live giving my support to Christ; by directing others to read his words for themselves.] So, while I don't want any "individual" to have to die, (2 Pet 3:9) I certainly do want their wickedness destroyed. Whether to change or die is their choice, however, not mine! (John 8:24)} If a white man shot a black woman to death for fun, do you think they would say it was a racially motivated first degree murder, or "second degree manslaughter"? If Nurse Kaufman's black murderer goes to prison, it probably won't be for long. The nurses' murderer's race has manipulated "man's law" so he'll soon be out to have another "bad day." The problem for the wicked is, however, and even more so now in the midst of the tribulation many or even most of us will not survive, (Luke 21:25-28) it is not the judgment of men the wicked have to fear. is not one to be mocked and He says we are all answering to him. (Rom 14:10-12; Isa 45:22-25) The tribulation we are existing in, having been caused by our resistance to God's will, is our own judgment day. And, one  good  great thing in my eyes, God says what the wicked fear most is the terror that will find them. (Pro 10:24)

Please realize: We are all now caught in the spiraling tribulation that is killing everyone not being protected by their expressed personal faith in Jesus Christ. (John 8:24; Luke 17:26-30) Noah and Lot survived by following God's instructions. 's only latter day instruction for us is to listen to his son. (Mat 17:5) Those refusing 's free gift of protection, found in Christ's words, (John 6:63) should tremble! Judas Iscariot, for example, after betraying and killing Jesus, felt some kind of dreadful remorse. He then went and hanged himself trying to escape the justice he feared would find him. Something broke down in his efforts, however, and he fell so that his bowels were burst open; apparently leaving him to die slowly in a pool of his own blood and guts. (Mat 27:5; Mat 27:6-8; Acts 1:18) They say that is a most painful and horrible way to die! (Luke 13:25-28) For my part, I wouldn't be troubled knowing it took him days to die! (Eze 7:3-9) Please be clear, is not one to be mocked and is holding each one of us accountable to receive precisely what we deserve; ignorance forgiven. (Gal 6:7) It is a fearful thing (for the wicked) to fall into his hand. (Heb 10:26-31 & Heb 12:28-29) [God does forgive our sins upon our heartfelt repentance, but, that doesn't mean we don't suffer in this old system for the harm we have caused. If you get drunk and tear your arm off in a wreck, God may forgive your sin of drunkenness, but, He likely won't regrow your arm (in this system); nor remove the pain it causes you.] If one of the four black men who killed the white teenage girl (Tessa), by stabbing her in her face and body, refused to be "willingly compliant" in their vicious crime, God knows. He also knows who did it, and, He knows who worked to protect them after. He knows who first encouraged them to become the animals who would do such a thing. God knows who promises the wicked they will receive a light sentence for their bad deeds if they just come forward and confess. He knows who then works to make certain they receive those light sentences. Why is there more fervor and rioting over a black man (Tyree Nichols) who died from injuries sustained at the hands of four black police officers, even while Mr. Nichols was clearly and unrelentingly "resisting arrest," than for the white first grade teacher shot by her black student? Or for Dr. Michael Mammone, the white doctor riding his bicycle when he was deliberately run down by a black man in his car (at 40 or 50 miles per hour in the midst of slow traffic)? That black driver, Venroy Smith, then got out of his car to run back and stab the white doctor to be certain he was dead; all the while muttering some racist slur about "white entitlement"? Where are the black faces screeching in the news about Dr. Mammone having been "treated like an animal." Many people believe white entitlement is long past; or reversed. They point to the fact blacks make up only about 10% of the U.S. population, but then note how many prominent jobs blacks have! Many (racist) blacks stick up for other blacks, right or wrong, qualified or not. Many black lawbreakers believe if they get just one black juror, they will get off. Venroy's black family and friends immediately came forward saying he was "acting erratically" just before he ran over the doctor. Is that their early efforts to minimize his sentence? White or black, or any other color, none of the racist human support for the wicked can protect them from . The tribulation we are trying to survive is  bringing them all  bringing us all exactly what we deserve, (Pro 10:24) including me; except as we are forgiven by our faith in Christ. Those who don't want to hear this will accuse me of being racist. I am not! I pray I am not. If I am, and refuse to change, it would mean I am refusing to allow to protect me. Please know it is a serious matter to me... Dear black people (righteously inclined black people), please see your need to join me in considering this evidence in the light of the Bible. The black movement has taken on a religious fervor with some imagining God is supporting it. Don't be duped because their movement protects you from the laws of men! is watching! (Psa 98:6; 2 Pet 3:7) [And, never forget, we are charged by to be compliant with society's rules, even though they are imperfect laws of imperfect men. - Rom 13:1-4] The hatred the black movement generates is becoming more and more obvious. Not just among those against it, but even among it's supporters. Even your babies are being infused with hate. Some wonder if weak minded (anyone persuaded to attack a school of young children is weak minded) school shooting transgender baby killer Audrey Hale was inspired by racist hate speech from some of her "friends." Before someone hid them, the texts she sent in the moments before the attack seemed to indicate she thought someone was going to be proud of her actions. Why have her last days texts and emails not been made public? Are her family and friends being duped to want the details hidden, by the very people who encouraged Audrey and are trying to hide who they are? What could have made her think someone would approve her? Who is really stopping her manifesto from being made public? Where is the transparency the demonstrators always demand when black harm is imagined? Are they working to hide or alter what the school shooter wrote, or maybe more importantly, what was written to her???

Please consider again, I don't expect what I say to change this wicked world or stop it from being destroyed... But YOU, YOU personally, if YOU want better, YOU can change. If YOU want to stop or avoid being "a compliant subject" of the harmful movements of this world, these scriptures can help YOU break free. (John 8:31-32) It is likely hard for blacks (as it is for all other races) to take stand away from racist haters. I can't imagine Venroy, for example, the black man who used his car to knock his white neighbor 15 feet up into the air and 40 feet down the road just because he was riding his bicycle, would be tolerant of any lack of support for his racist thinking. Sharing these scriptures might help you avoid, or at least mitigate, the wrath of people like him. If not, well, better their wrath than 's. The tribulation we have created, and the battle of Armageddon used to end it, is being allowed and/or used by God to be his she-bears (2 Kings 2:19-25) upon those He has judged deserve to die. (John 8:23-24) Be very clear: is bringing to ruin those ruining the earth, both those polluting and destroying it physically, as well as those undermining the rule of law to destroy the humanity and integrity of our society. (Rev 11:18 of 15-18) I heard someone say recently that many people are now poking sticks into the spokes of the wheels of our society. Don't make yourself a stupid person: Refusing God's command to become a "compliant subject" of the Kingdom of Christ, that is what judges you wicked; and stupid! (John 3:18-19 of 16-21; Pro 18:7) [Those slick attorneys, and religious and political leaders we see stick their faces out in the news to rehash and nitpick every word, only escalating racial hate, and all under the pretext of trying to make it better; they do seem individuals worthy of watching to see if one of God's she-bears gets them. - 2 Kings 2:19-25] Remember, though, racial hate is not a one way street. The tribulation is bringing us all what we deserve. Just know for sure and certain: Your only reliable hope of staying alive is 's protection based on your personal faith in Christ's words. (Rom 3:12-26) No human judgment can help, but their sectarian approval may undermine or distort your faith. (Rom 16:18) A hundred years ago, white Klu Klux Klan menders abused blacks just as badly. Flipping the coin to the other side of the issue is not the solution. My words cause racists on both sides to right now argue about which race did more harm to the other in the past. That would seem to indicate they have missed the point! All the other races are in the hate business as well. None of the people who express racial hatred, or religious or any other form of hate, should imagine they are "compliant subjects" of Christ's Kingdom. (Rom 2:6) If you are black, or white, or any other color, print this webpage and share it with everyone you know... If we are to live, if YOU want to live, YOU must abandon racist hate; which is really just another form of religion and/or peer pressure.

So, then, what about religious hatred? Well, that's the absolute worst of all. It's so bad because religious hatred is based in some distorted view that God is on the side of the hater. Since Religionists believe God is on their side, and against those who don't agree with them, there is no limit to the harm they are willing to inflict, all without compassion or remorse. The Israelis and Palestinian's actively killing each other today are just one example. Catholics and Protestants killing each other (and lots of innocent bystanders) in Ireland just a few years ago are another. Then, there was the untold hundreds of thousands killed by the so called Christian Crusades of the Dark Ages, and on goes the list. [The "Catholic Holy Roman Church" of the Dark Ages constructed torture machines to publicly execute those who spoke against the church; sometimes taking them days to die a humiliating death.] If Religionists are prevented by the governments they live in from killing each other, they pronounce judgment those who won't join and follow their sect are lost to God, and/or, assert "their enemies" will burn forever in torment. Don't be fooled, there can be no greater expression of hate than judging someone an enemy of God... Humankind certainly is being judged, of course, or has been judged, but our human judgments have no part or meaning. Except, of course, we are all judging our-own-selves by our response to Christ's words! (1 Cor 4:1-5; John 3:18-19 of 16-21) The Bible says those centuries of sins by the churches have massed together clear up to heaven. (Rev 17:3-6 & 12-15; Rev 18:4-8) That's why God says in Rev 18:8, all religions organized by men must be destroyed. (Visit: JustBibleTruth.com/TheEndOfAllReligion.pdf) [Please note that religion is very different from Christianity. Religions are organized by men who imagine they have gathered God's only true followers. While many of them may mean well, they really just debate and judge each other based on their sectarian doctrine of approval. Christians, being the opposite of Religionists, are "individuals" who are organized only by their shared faith in Jesus Christ. All true Christians realize their membership roll is kept in heaven, not by men. (Luke 10:20 of 17-22) Christians recognize the teachings of Jesus as their only doctrine...] No matter how much they try to imagine and proclaim otherwise, no man or group are judges of who are or are not Christians. (1 Cor 4:1-5) If you are part of a religious sect (any church or any other group or gang) whose leaders are patting you on the head and telling you what a wonderful boy or girl you are (in God's eyes), you are in grave danger... Being part of a gang, especially a religious one, is never a good thing! (John 18:37-19:16) Many of my long time church friends feel, at best, I am silly or just disgruntled because of some bad treatment I received in some of the churches I attended. One old church "friend" actually told some of our other friends I am plagued with a demon of confusion. My Jehovah's Witnesses "friends" have, as an organization, publicly judged me an apostate and some won't even speak to me or acknowledge my existence. A couple of my Amish and Mennonite "friends" very warmly welcome me to attend their meetings, but, I have to know their sect refers to me and other non members (to you) as "the English;" which is not a kind or complementary term in their mind. As they say: "With friends like that"... That's what all Religionists do, judge and belittle people who haven't or won't join to endorse their sectarian doctrine. Their respective doctrine always impels them to identify themselves with some name beyond or better than (they think) Christian: Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Jehovah's Witness, Nazarene etc. (Acts 11:26) Many among the members of the churches have confided the tribulation is causing a "new interest"; with people flocking to the alters to get saved and or baptized. That is all very good, if, of course, their purpose is to actually listen to Christ so as to become his true friends (only possible by reading his words to familiarity; [Mark 3:31-35]) and, they are building true faith demonstrated in love for others. (John 13:35; Rom 13:8; 1 John 4:20) The true followers of Christ are friends of his Father and are called Christians. (Acts 11:26) The true followers of Christ are every one my friends and love me. They all understand they are commanded to love others, (John 13:35) and, they "all desire" to comply. Not one of them is deluded by sectarian doctrine to imagine showing hostility and hate for me, including judging or referring to me in derogatory terms, is somehow an act of love... Imitate Elisha, call down 's wrath on those who embolden themselves to judge you wicked. (2 Kings 2:19-25, James 5:16) Be careful, though; that is very serious, and, you are responsible. [It does seem to me you should consider actually knowing Jesus's Father's Divine Hebrew Name, so as to address him personally through your faith in Jesus! - Pro 30:4; John 15:16]

What ever their reasons might be, and no matter how good they imagine those reasons are, all who refuse to abandon hate  are failing  "are refusing" to become "compliant subjects" of the Kingdom of Christ. They all must die; if they refuse to repent and change. (John 13:34-35; Acts 3:19-26) Young people tend to be ignorant (because the young can scarcely help but be ignorant; since they haven't lived long enough to gain knowledge necessary to express wisdom). It takes about 25 years to grow up physically so as to be able to walk and talk, and another 25 or 30 devoted years to grow up emotionally (to figure out what is real and important in life; and what we can depend on). At 50 or 60 years of age, then, if we are fortunate to have a measure of health and good sense (evidenced in seeking our Creator), we have gained maturity and wisdom to understand and to start to do good. (John 6:28-29) If you are young, don't be foolish enough to imagine, because you have learned to use a cell phone or computer, you are wiser than your aged parents who understand life (if they have listened to our Creator). So, because of that nearly unavoidable ignorance of youth, (Psa 119:100 & 104) it is the young (along with the slow witted) who are most effected as they grow and live amongst this worlds hate. They have no concept of God's large thoughts (have not exercised and strengthened their reasoning ability - Heb 5:13-14). They will pick one misunderstood sentence or statement, or one benign action, and kill someone over it. Many modern youth have no respect for their elders (Pro 16:31; Lev 19:32) and are quick to choose an ignorant side in any social debate, and then, be willing to harm or even kill those who disagree. (Admittedly, many of their elders do not love or fear God so as to deserve their respect. - Psa 14:1) Ignorant young people are thus the ones most inclined to take up a weapon and harm someone because of the hate they have been infused with (like a first grader shooting his teacher). Even wise and older ones among "Christian" households are often relegated to gatherers of water and wood, or baby sitters, the young failing to look to them for wise input or guidance. All those failures of society, "all" failures of society, are what the kingdom of Christ is changing. The willing choice of compliance to Christ's Kingdom is the only thing that can change "individuals" who remain part of this world; but, God must and is overseeing the change. He must do so to protect those who want to learn to be better, from those determined to keep causing the problems. God sent Christ to provide the knowledge necessary for the preservation of life and to give joy; (John 15:11) thus granting faith to protect those who are righteous. (John 6:63) We can only be judged righteous by our wisdom manifest in our personal faith in Christ. (So, is protecting all the "compliant subjects" of Christ's Kingdom. - John 15:11 & 16 of 11-16; John 14:13-14; John 16:23) But make no mistake, Jesus also came to destroy the wicked. (Acts 17:31; Rev 19:11-21) No religion or movement can help you! Only your own personal true Christianity can help... Please take special note of John 14:13. Jesus there told us we bring praise and honor to by asking for and accepting what God has promised; asking in Jesus name. Refusing to put faith in Christ is what defines one wicked. (John 17:3; Acts 2:38; Heb 6:4-6; Rom 3:21-22) Read this prophecy of Joel and then call on 's Name to be preserved alive (to preserve yourself alive)! (Joel 2:32)

The prevalence of hatred and violence we have scarcely touched on are just a tip of an iceburg of the tribulation destroying "the world" of our day. Always take comfort in knowing, God is not to blame... The tribulation has been brought by our own hand! We have polluted the earth as we pumped out thousands of billions (a humanly inconceivable amount) of barrels of oil, and then burned them in her atmosphere. Some believe the oil was present to lubricate and dampen seismic activity in the earth's crust, as it's plates float on the sea of molten rock forming the core... We now see, as never before, earth quakes, tidal waves, sink holes and other such tribulations. (A sink hole opened in Florida a few years ago and swallowed a man right out of his bed.) Our burning all that oil along with the earth's vegetation, as we have polluted and ravaged our home, has caused global warming and extreme weather. In addition to the problems of hate already mentioned, are the mushrooming cartel gangs now present in every nation; along with the suffering and pain they bring... We have seen them completely destroy beautiful nations like Mexico. [A Mexican cartel recently handed over asserted members they say kidnapped and murdered some Americans ostensibly seeking surgery in Mexico. Some like to think the cartel turned them over because they were in fear of the authorities. I would like to think they did it because they read my message (heard Christ's warning). What I really believe is they did what they think is good for cartel business. Lots of Americans travel to Mexico to spend money, probably a lot of them traveling to buy drugs.] The whole of the world faces economic and pandemic (some bio-engineered?) health problems. As a new terror for every person alive, Mr. Putin has demonstrated his whole nation of Russia has become a new kind of gang; a terrorist gang employing a new kind of terrorism. They are a gang of "nuclear terrorists" who are going to take what ever Putin wants; all the while threatening nuclear world war if any try to stop them. [Putin has clearly demonstrated his desire to pound Ukraine back to the stone age. (We have started to distribute this website on USB drives, because, as of June 2023, Ukraine no longer has internet to get to the site. Is your nation next? - Actually, as of August, 2023, Ukraine is visiting the site again.) Free enterprise nations like Ukraine and Taiwan are always more productive and able to do and build things totalitarian regimes can't accomplish. So, the wicked try to steal what they can't do. Putin targets apartment buildings with little children, for God's sake! Do you imagine he cares any more about you or your nation? If he has surrounded himself by a bunch of terrified ignorant "experts" who have convinced him he can survive a nuclear war, do you think he will hesitate? If he is suicidal, will he use nukes? Who will Putin attack after Ukraine?] China, as another totalitarian regime, seems to be aligning herself with Russia's insanity in this nuclear pushing and shoving. (Dan 11:40-41; Dan 2:44) China recently showed the world a video indicating she is preparing to destroy Taiwan using Putin's techniques... If or when the nukes start to fall, (Luke 21:10-11) will your "true faith" be in and Christ's abilities to protect you; (Psa 91:1-16) or will your faith be shipwrecked by your belief in the doctrine of some religious sect who has promised God will never allow a nuclear war. (Rev 14:9-12) Our entire world system is a house of cards now falling in on itself. This is what you should be "WOKE" to! The "world" is destroying itself and there is the one same simple solution available to each and every person alive; but, there is only the one: (John 5:39-44) It is not blind faith in some man or sect, but real faith built on truth! We each need to listen to and exercise faith in what we personally know Jesus Christ promised! (Mat 17:5) If you are made sad by all the hate and suffering in this world, and YOU sincerely want it stopped, is looking for you... He knows you feel that way; and, He cares! (2 Chron 16:9) If you are righteously inclined in that way, this message is for you! God is helping each one of such righteous persons in the exact same way: He directs us to his son (or draws us; or "drags" us as one translation words it). (John 6:65; John 6:37-45) Our being drawn to Christ by 's spirit is our rebirth to hear and get the sense of  יהוה's  only later day command to listen to his son. (Mat 17:5) That means separating yourself from all the divisive sectarian influences of this world; especially religion. The words of Jesus teach us to know his Father; and so, to have faith in all the Bible promises. (John 15:14-16) We can then know to expect protection, not to help us try to fix this world's tribulation, or to join others who are trying to fix it, (2 Chron 20:17) but to "survive it"; as we also, as individuals, join Christ to sound warning. (Luke 21:28; Mat 24:37-39) These are survival instructions for the righteous... Knowledge of this simple truth grants us to ask for his help, in harmony with his purpose and plan. Knowledge of Jesus Christ, along with an understanding of what he was sent to teach, gives us faith we will receive what we ask God for. (Gal 3:29 of 29-29; Gal 3:14 of 7-14; John 14:12-14) That means we can ask , and then have faith to expect, to live forever. (Job 33:13-30; Psa 37:8-11; Pro 10:24-25)

The truth is very simple! It remains even as Jesus himself said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and the one you sent forth, Jesus Christ"...• (John 17:3; Pro 30:4) God's work for you (John 6:28-29) is to read and reread the four short Gospels (Mat 17:5) to the point of an intimate familiarity with 's son. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Then, you should share with others your hope in Christ. Not your hope in some religious sect, or political party or gang or race, mind you; but your hope in the words of Jesus Christ! Print this webpage and give a copy to everyone you know. It provides a great topic for conversation. It offers life, not by you or by me, or by any other imperfect human or sect. It offers life supported in Christ's words... (John 6:63)

If your chosen work is to be hateful and tough and mean spirited, and to resist the rule of law, I'm sad for you. (Rev 19:11-18) Make no mistake, rebelliousness is the manifestation of "the spirit of this world." (Eph 2:2 of 1-10) Submission to Christ is the solution. Well, that or death! (John 8:23-24) If you have chosen to listen to Christ (John 6:28-29) so as to heal yourself, I share your happiness... (Luke 10:21; Isa 11:1-12) We Christians share a view forward to the restoration of our youthful health and vigor. (Job 33:13-30) Please don't imagine, I repeat for emphasis, that I say these things trying to awaken or to fix this old world system. Most do not even want to hear. Even so, they will hear! It seems many will hear, however, only to recognize their own impending destruction... (1 Cor 1:18) Everyone is being forced to hear! (Phil 2:9-11; Isa 45:22-24; Rom 14:11-12) The tribulation of the last days is well along and Jesus said this old system, and all those who support it, are going to die. (John 8:24; Luke 21:25-28; Mat 24:37-39; 1 Pet 3:20) They are dying! YOU, however, as an individual, YOU can save yourself and possibly other individuals who will listen to  your  Christ's warning. We who are compliant subjects of Christ's Kingdom do not pray for the people of this world. While we don't judge who is who, even as Jesus set the example for us, we pray for those has called out of this world and given to his son. (John 17:8-9 of 1-26) If you are taking this message to heart, that surely includes YOU... We pray for God to "drag" those following Christ free of this world and its influences; especially its religious influences. (John 8:31-32) Hallelujah! (Translation: Praise you people!)

So, if you look forward to Jesus destroying those who do you harm, you need to look around to be certain whether you also do harm to others in some way. (Ecc 7:21-22) If you are, stop! (Pro 21:18) The Kingdom of Christ protects only the righteous. What makes righteous is obedience to God's son. (Rom 6:16-23) It's not complicated and there are no excuses or exceptions. If you have set yourself free (John 8:31-32) of the hate consuming "this world," whether it be political, racial, religious or any other, you will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams. (1 John 3:19-4:10; Psa 37:10-11) Very soon now, without our having to worry or judge who they are, all the wicked will be gone; consumed by God's she-bears (Psalm 92:7; 2 Kings 2:19-25) as represented in the terrors of the tribulation of these last days; and/or, by Armageddon (Armageddon is God's final war which will soon bring the end of the tribulation; as He finally destroys "all" the wicked). (Psa 37:10 of 5-19) God didn't cause the tribulation. He is, however, allowing or using it while also offering YOU a way out! If you are a "compliant subject" of the Kingdom of Christ, see you soon in paradise. (Job 33:13-30; Isa 11:1-12)

If you haven't realized, I'm working to convince you I am special. But, while I do believe I am special, I need to be clear I'm not saying I'm special because "I" am special. You do see the difference? Just realize you are (or can be) special in the exact same way. In fact, and part of the reason for this writing is to those I was close with in youth. What I have learned from the Bible now leaves me wondering if you are gathered with me here in Rahab's home. [Please read on to consider what that even means! (Joshua 2:1-6:25)] Being favored to be alive now, during the time of Christ's Revelation (or his second coming or presence), makes us all special. We are much more special, of course, if we are listening to Christ's words! We are specially favored with the opportunity to be among those living forever without having to die. (John 11:26 of 25-26; Job 33:13-30; John 14:12) "Realizing" that truth seems a prerequisite of our "being special" and able to take advantage of the wondrous gift we are exposed to. The people in Noah's and Lot's families were special. The people resurrected by Jesus were special. Rahab and all her fathers household were special. They all "believed" they were special "and" they lived at the right time to receive what was special about them. You and I have opportunity for an even greater blessing! (John 14:12) [One conviction I need to make clear in the midst of explaining this Bible hope (my Bible hope), is this: If we are together in paradise, it won't be because you are friends with me; or because we are united as part of some group framed by humans. More likely, it will be because we are not! My point, which is lost to "this world" as a whole, then: We are not made Christian by our being friends, but made friends because of being Christian... It doesn't matter if you have known me for a week or for all my life or at all, if we have been intimate or even if you are my own child... We will be in paradise because we are "not" part of "this world"! (2 Cor 6:14-7:1) We will receive God's blessing of life (Job 33:13-30) because we individually know and have submitted to Jesus, personally. If you share my love for these scriptures and that simple truth, you are my true and eternal friend; I love you and you love me. Remember: It is what we "truly believe" that defines who we are! (Heb 4:13 of 11-13) Our being true friends of Christ requires, of course, that neither of us remain members of any sect or gang that freely judges or even harms nonmembers. Jesus said just "hanging out with" or "being around" even God's own Son "himself," wouldn't help us. (Mat 7:21-23; Luke 13:26-27) We need to "exercise" faith in Jesus. Think about this Bible truth: Faith in Christ can only come from drawing on his Father's spirit contained in Jesus's words; (John 6:63) and then, using that Spirit from to change who we  are  were. (1 Cor 6:9-11) We must be reborn by 's spirit as his friends, even as his sons and daughters. (2 Cor 6:18 of 14-18; James 2:23; John 15:14-15; Ruth)
        This letter is not like my previous preaching work! This is probably my last published Bible study effort. I've done my best to "talk the talk," and now, I want to "walk the walk." My uncle Lowell asked me just how I plan to do that! (A bit skeptically maybe?) Since this is a new ERA in human history, and a first for us all, I don't really know "how." This records my attempt to learn and understand it myself; while I also try to maintain a firm mental grasp* on it, and "then" finally, to answer my uncle's question. (1 Pet 3:15) First and foremost, of course, I plan to continue to sit at the feet of Jesus; (Mark 3:31-35) by reading and rereading the four Gospel accounts of his life and teachings, (Heb 12:1-3) all the way through from beginning to end. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Jesus warned that's the only way we can be certain we know him. (Mat 7:15-16; Mat 24:23-25; Mat 15:8-9)
     *[You should not ever imagine you could get bored with the Bible. While everything (every principle) the Bible teaches is simple and easy to understand, the overview (or picture) produced by all those teachings is complex nearly beyond human comprehension. It is, after all, God's solution to all problems... God's Spirit will help you understand your Bible; if you put forth some effort to actually read it, (John 14:26) and allow it to focus your attention on the words of Jesus. (Gal 3:23-26; Mat 17:5)]
     Really, though, hearing God's command to listen to Jesus (Mat 17:5) has been my effort for many years, so, what has changed? Like never before in history, this world is being "completely overrun" by people without integrity. (2 Tim 3:13) The wicked live to steal and abuse or have sex and to fight about everything imaginable; especially about religion. (Psa 12:1-5; Psa 5:5-6) [And, no matter what vile lifestyle the wicked practice, (1 Cor 6:9-11; Rom 1:24-27) they want to find or construct themselves a God that will approve. (2 Tim 4:3-5; Isa 44:14-20) This World's varied church sects, along with the worshipers of unnumbered non-Christian God's, are each one anxious to provide you a form of worship that will please "you"; (2 Tim 4:3-4) a worship that is also useless. (The true God , however, can protect... 1 Tim 4:1-3; 2 Tim 3:13)] As for me going forward, I'm just all fought out! I no longer want to dispute with (suffer) fools. (Psa 14:1) So, I now seek the life God prepared for his human children from the Creation of the world and the Garden of Eden. (Mat 25:34) I seek what Eve and Adam had in the Garden before they sinned... There was only happiness in the midst of peace and love with no concern anyone or anything would hurt them. So, this letter explains my attempt to understand "how" I can have and share what they had! In part, that means seeking out other people who are looking for that same gift; the gift in God's promises... (Mat 25:34 of 31-34; Job 33:13-30; Isa 11:1-12; Psa 37:3-11) Seeking to know and please , while tenaciously avoiding people who do assert faith, but then also imagine themselves so grandiose that I "need" to join and be approved by "them" to be blessed by ... It's amazing how few people actually directing others only to Christ there seems to be. Most are a bit like bumper posts in a pinball game. Everyone who "bumps" into them gains energy being "fired off" in some direction based on their faith in what they believe can help. I'm just trying to be certain I bump everyone off in the precise direction of Christ's teachings. And, I'm looking for others who understand and believe that same way. I'm looking for other members of the "Spiritual Israel of God."
        At 75 years old, I have been "with" people all my life because they wanted something from me, and/or, because I wanted something from them. We weren't vile people, mind you, just a bit self-centered; and that because we didn't really "know" Christ. Most of us thought we did know Jesus, of course... What most of us actually had was a church membership. The person who was closer to me than anyone alive during several formative years of my youth, recently confided she did some of what she did, things she is now ashamed of, because she wanted to be loved. Amen! We all did. While we thought we knew Jesus, most of us really only knew the sound of his name. (Mat 7:21-23) What my friend from youth said she now realizes she actually did need was to become Jesus true friend, meaning in part, we care more about pleasing him than pleasing "people" we know. (John 15:14-15 of 11-15) Now believing my whole life to have been a path of choices that led me to "right here," and being convinced this website is important to 's "last days awakening" of this world, (Isa 45:22-25) it makes me want to take a fresh look at my associations with the people I was close to in youth. Maybe I was drawn to them, or received a leg up from them, because they were on their way to this same place? The hope I describe does appear not to be for everyone. Some other friends from youth appear stuck emotionally and spiritually at 16. They still seek to appease the people who misled and teased or even abused them when we were kids. They seem especially drawn to people who did seem kind in youth (were popular), but it was only to use or mislead them. (2 Tim 3:13) Point is: Not all elderly people are wise; but, it does seem hard to become wise without the experience gained by some "attentive" years of age; that experience a basis (the acquired and required knowledge) for wisdom. We all must grow beyond our youthful ignorance. (Heb 5:13-14; 1 Cor 13:11 of 8-13) What I take from my knowledge gained through years, is the people who are true Christians "know" or "are friends with" other people, because of seeking to help them; not to use them. Intimacy with Christ is the only thing that grants that real love for others. Being friends with Christ would certainly preclude, for example, all these priests and preachers being pedophiles and... For all my life I've tried to gain a knowledge of truth, and to share it with others to help them. (Mostly just to help myself early on, of course, thinking God would reward me.) Now, I want to "really help myself"; (John 15:11) and then, to share that "real life." (1 Tim 6:17-19; Job 33:13-30) How could we really imagine we could help someone else if we can't first help ourselves. How, though, do I help myself?
        True joy from life is what I seek, (John 15:11) and, finding that I increasingly do have it, I now try to share my joy with you! Being 75 years old with the wear and tear of those years: Some pain in a shoulder I had a cancer removed from a few years ago, some heart trouble I hope is not too serious, increasing kidney or bladder problems, gout and arthritis trying to take away my mobility, and all topped off by the plethora of problems faced by all of humanity; all of it often causes me to wake in the wee hours just fretting. (Doesn't everyone...?) When that happens, I get up and review the hope gained from these scriptures, and then, go back to bed to sleep like a baby. Sometimes I feel guilty at the attacks of sheer joy I have from my life, even in the midst of all the suffering around me; that joy because of this scriptural hope our Father has allowed me to know. (John 15:11; John 16:24; John 17:13; Luke 10:20-24) That joy is what I want from life, and try to share with you! As a movie I saw tried to express it: "Thank you; more please"...
       So, then... True Christians (nice and loving people) are the people I want to "know" going forward! Problem is, never having had true friends like that before, I don't know exactly how... (I do know from personal experience, the church members many people "call Christian" and look up to as their leaders are not the people I am looking for. [Mat 23:1-15]) Meditating on (taking to heart) the words of Christ, as I talk about what I am learning while keeping our discussions free from judgment, to focus on Jesus's name and "his" teachings, is my hope of gaining those relationships. [We can never judge the heart (the goodness) of other people, but, Jesus did clearly teach us to judge and expose wicked actions. (1 Cor 6:9-11, Rom 1:24-32) That's how we learn to change; (1 Cor 6:11; Mat 5:17-22) or, are at least warned... (Exe 3:17-21)] If you have invested the time and effort to read to this point, my hope is you are my true friend of eternity. That will require you recognize this effort by me as being very different from "this world's" pattern of trying to draw people to some church or sect, or to follow after "me" (or them). The "world" is deceived to imagine there is a "right" religion and we need to find it. That is, I am convinced, one of Satan's most effective lies! Religions are "all" wrong, because they are all just groups gathered by humans. (Mark 7:6-9) Only Christianity is right, because "all" Christians are "the individuals" who are gathered by Christ! (John 6:44) I pray my writings can help you see your need to read and understand the words of Christ, and to read about our other friends of God who are alive in the Bible's record of history. (Heb 11:32-12:3) It is only "Christ's" words, however, that feed you God's spirit of life. (John 6:63; Heb 4:12-13; Mark 9:7) My writings encourage  everyone  "you" to have and share a "personal faith" in the words of Jesus, but "shared" with me only in the sense of us both knowing Jesus intimately and individually as "his" friends. (John 15:11-16) Please take to heart as I restate: There is no human approval group for Christians! An intimate knowledge of Christ can only come through reading and rereading "Jesus's" words. (John 18:37; John 12:50; John 17:3) By your segregating (but non-judgmental) choice to refuse to be led along by any of those Religionists anxious to judge each other, those judging all the people who haven't joined their same church or sect as lost or lesser pople, your avoiding them actually does join you with all the other "individual Christians" united only by our faith in Christ. Do you get that? Have you joined Christ (and me) in understanding that simple truth? (John 18:37; John 6:28-29) Making such true and everlasting friends is what I'm now trying to do for myself; and, to share with you. (Visit: JustBibleTruth.com/IHadADreamShortNewer.pdf) As I look about at all the confusing and judgmental sectarian teachings by the different religious sects, I confess to being a bit mystified and certainly overjoyed that has allowed me to see the simple truth I herein reveal (using Jesus's words)... In my eyes,  it is like  it is finding the keys of Christ's Kingdom on earth! (Mat 16:19a; Mat 6:9-10; Luke 22:18; Mat 26:29; 2 Pet 1:11 of 5-11; Col 1:13-14 of 9-23) Since I claim nothing special about myself except that I love and realize I am alive at the time of Christ's revelation, the fact I know this truth should also serve as warning: Since I can see it, could you have any real excuse for not?
        This, then, is my best effort to give you a view inside my mind space: To expose the joy of my reality by letting you see where I live. I live "here" in this faith, among God and Christ and the Bible Characters (2 Cor 6:16 of 14-7:1) who have populated the Bible's 6000 year record since Adam... We are all playing our part in this final revelation of God's purpose for the earth; just like our friends of history did. (Heb 12:1-3) Some of my friends thus include Rahab and David and Abraham and Ruth and Esther and Tamar and, I hope, you... These people of the past are all alive here in the secret interior room of my mind (interior room of my faith), (Isa 26:20 of 19-21) and much more importantly, they are alive in 's mind. (Luke 20:38 of 34-38) When first I meet Rahab in the flesh (after her resurrection), I will already know her because God's Word has shown me what she loves and hates. All of us today, who are gathered and reborn only into (or by) our personal faith in the words of Jesus Christ, (John 6:63; John 3:1-8) will now simply watch the destruction of all those choosing to remain joined to some religious group or other divisive sect of "this world"... (Mal 3:16-4:3; 2 Chron 20:17; John 17:3; Titus 1:1-4) So, if we were intimate or close friends in youth, this hope puts us past any harm we did each other, or any need to ask "what if" we had done things a little differently. We are now at the same point we would have been, what ever non-spiritual choices or actions we might have taken: We have accepted Christ and are joined awaiting a deliverance similar to Rahab's. Being alive at the time to have opportunity to live forever without ever having to die; (Job 33:13-30) that is a work greater than even Christ did! (John 14:12) And, because of the tribulation, young and old alike are right now facing the end of days (of this wicked "old world system") and have the one same and only hope: Personal faith in Christ. The tribulation has robbed the hope of a "normal" life away from everyone, young and old alike. (Mark 13:19-20) Some (foolishly, I think) say the most glorious act for a human is to give their life in support a truly noble cause. I don't want to die but to live! (John 14:12) Live or die, however, this is my hope and being found in support of truth is the most noble of all causes! Every hope and dream and relationship I have is measured against this reality; which is my faith. Are you my friend sharing my faith? If I am wrong, show me from the Bible! Let me know YOU...
(Mail: support@justbibletruth.com)
        One person was hurt or upset because he just had to watch as an elderly childhood friend die an agonizing death from a loathsome disease; and now hears me saying I hope to live forever. Why do I imagine I am so special, he naturally questions? Well, was Rahab special for keeping her family alive, while all their neighbors died? (Joshua 6:20-23 of 2:1-6:25) Rahab wasn't even a Jew. [Being a Jew or Jewish proselyte (convert) was the only way to please God before Christ. Since Christ arrived, Jew or Gentile, you must become a Christian. - Gal 3:26-29] Rahab was a Canaanite prostitute of the condemned city of Jericho. Actually, her whole race was condemned by God for their depraved practices; (Deu 9:4-6; Num 21:1-3) stemming from their worship of false Gods and their hatred of Israel. [As part of their worship, the Canaanites practiced incest, sodomy, bestiality, magic, spellbinding, spiritism and even the sacrifice of their own children in fire. Clearly, from God's Bible view, they deserved to be destroyed. - Deu 18:9-15] Rahab and all the city had heard of the miracles by the Jewish God (who is in our day the Christian God. [Gal 3:26-29; Heb 7:11-25]), which included splitting the Red Sea as He decimated the might of the Egyptian army to set his people free. Rahab was wise! When she found her city in danger from the God of the Hebrews, Rahab expressed faith in the true God by taking action to secure an oath of protection from God's people. Then, she obeyed what told her to do; and so, was blessed with his gift of life. Rahab was extraordinarily blessed even further to be used by God as an ancestress of Christ (as was the Moabitess Ruth who became Rahab's daughter-in-law, with Ruth's son Obed being King David's grandfather). (Mat 1:1-6) God didn't owe Rahab life. It was his gift to her for her wise demonstration of faith. (James 2:23 of 21-23) God certainly didn't owe life to the other complicit members of the wicked city of Jericho, because Rahab exerted faith in him. Rahab didn't cause the people around her to die because she accepted life... They were already dying (good as dead). She exerted herself (stepped from death into life - John 5:24) because she recognized what was real. Until the city fell, Rahab looked just like her neighbors, who did all die. The only perceivable difference was the faith that gathered her with her family into her apartment in the city wall; where the scarlet cord hung from the window as God directed. [Were all Rahab's family righteous, or were they kept alive because of her? I don't know! The Bible does teach righteous people can learn righteousness from other righteous people. (Pro 13:20; Pro 27:17) Jesus's 12 disciples did include 2 sets of brothers. (Mat 10:2-4) So, I'm sure you can now see why I want to reevaluate the close relationships I've had in youth...] After the city fell, the obvious striking difference about Rahab was she was alive while all the wicked city was dead. [That is God's Sacred Secret: (Mark 4:11-12; Rom 16:25-27) Rahab's scarlet cord prefigures faith in the shed blood of Christ, as the theme of the Bible running through its center from Genesis to Revelation. The Sacred Secret of is the sum total of the knowledge wrapped up in, and bought us by, Jesus Christ! (John 18:37; John 5:19-24)] Rahab's family stayed segregated with her in her apartment, spiritually separated from the vile world surrounding them, and that based on their shared faith. We who share a true (but individual and personal) faith in Christ must do the same. (Luke 17:26-30) Our common similar personal faith in Christ is our protection; it is our shared dwelling. This joy and hope I now reveal is foolishness to most of "this world." It is not foolishness! A modern day gift of protection similar to Rahab's, this time through the tribulation and Armageddon, is available to all... It is gained through absolute faith in the Kingdom of Christ as God's means, his only means, of saving! All who understand and have faith in these Bible promises are now gathered (through our shared faith) in our modern version of Rahab's home, anticipating the destruction of all that surrounds us. (1 Thes 5:1-5; 2 Pet 3:5-7) In that same sense, we are similar to Noah and Lot. (2 Pet 2:5-9) [As to those we care about who die? There may be seemingly "nice" people being killed by the tribulation, people who have not yet accepted protection for life by making themselves "compliant subjects" of Christ's Kingdom. If so, God may give them a resurrection and the chance to change. Fortunately, none of us have to judge or even worry about all that. To "stay" alive yourself, be like Rahab: Express your faith in the scarlet cord, doing that today by expressing your unflinching faith in the words of Jesus Christ.]
       You well know all these problems I have mentioned are real. Some ridicule and claim I can't prove what I say... (2 Pet 3:3-7) They will say my hope is just an escape, a place for me to run away and hide from their reality. They are exactly right! Their skepticism and disbelief doesn't mean, however, my reality is not also God's reality. (2 Pet 3:1-7) That's what I now set before you; it is what "YOU" must choose! (Deu 30:19-20; Isa 45:22-25) I remain convinced proof of what I say is obvious. is proving it to all who have good sense. YOU can see proof in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, including the rapidly escalating tribulation. (Luke 21:28) It is sadly and pathetically comical to see the churches try to ignore it, as they refuse to acknowledge the tribulation identifying the revelation of the established Kingdom of Christ and the destruction of the wicked. (Mat 25:31-34; Gen 1:31 of 26-31) All Religionists just want to keep up business as usual. ["Learn wonderful Bible principles," I heard one popular Televangelist beckon, as he eloquently encouraged faith in Christ. He went on to shatter my short lived hope in him by perverting Scripture trying to convince me God's message is to keep sending him (the Televangelist) my money. If you do that, he promised, God will bless you and all is well... How pathetic! How dangerous for all who follow, and certainly more so for him! (Acts 5:1-6; Psa 3:7)] I do know beyond question, 's promised hope from the Bible is the only thing that makes sense to both explain the problems we face, and give true hope. I know problems arise to cause harm even among family and close friends. Proverbs 14:30 tells us simply that “a calm heart makes the body healthy,” or from another translation, that "peace of mind is the life of the fleshly organism." Those are not just words. That is a promise from God. Meditating on and talking with others about the promises of Christ produces a calm heart and directs us away from dwelling on the things that cause strife and division. It helps us see how silly the cares of this world really are. [Unless, of course, someone is saying "Jesus is not" God's Messiah or Christ (but also not disparaging those who say they just don't know). According to Christ, his followers should not extend blessings to people who "deny" Jesus is sent from God! (1 John 2:22; John 17:9 of 6-10)] Most all "religious people," especially those who imagine themselves Christian, believe “they are peacemakers” and can “talk words” to provide solutions for the problems of others. They "anticipate" respect for their efforts to help... (Mat 23:13-15) Then, they become angry when their friends or family don't accept “their solution,” which they have so faithfully and lovingly offered. "True Christians,” on the other hand, realize Christ came to help "them" help "themselves"; (Luke 18:9-14; Psa 51:3) and, that only Jesus's words can bring peace to anyone. So, they talk about and share Jesus's words of peace and truth. Christians thus find true joy and peace by applying Christ's words to correct and help their-own-selves; and so, they help others (who are inclined to hear Christ [John 6:44; John 6:65; 2 Chron 16:9]) as a byproduct of helping themselves. (John 15:11) Sharing and talking about Christ's promises, sharing "his" words, that is the source (John 6:63) of our healing and is our eternal life. (Job 33 13-30) That is 's wonderful, simple, beautiful truth…! (John 17:3)

I saw some new religious group running "several" Super Bowl (2023) ads encouraging us to follow Jesus by becoming "like little children." (Mat 18:1-4) Let me say first, if they are running those super expensive Super Bowl ads, I'm certain their primary motive is to get your money; lots of your money. Their website encourages things will get better if we just express a little kindness. (2 Pet 3:4 of 1-7) That is "NOT" what God said... (Mal 3:16-4:3) There was not a word on their site about our simple and only solution being actually "knowing" Christ, by making ourselves intimately familiar with the four short Gospels. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Being "kind" is good, of course, and actually can help those who are righteously inclined; by directing them to Christ. But, as a solution to this world's problems brought by wickedness and hate, being kind is just a foolish solution! The wicked think kind people are just weak; easy pickings... [A member of one race was heard to say another race would always loose to his, because of the other race's conscience; that their conscience made them weak. What a dangerous thing to say under the shadow of a God who is good... (Num 12:1-16) I hope he's wrong about his race!] Kindness will not ever deter the wicked. Humanity's history has clearly shown the only way things get better for the wicked, is when fulfills his promise to destroy them all, as in the days of Noah and Lot (Luke 17:26-30) and ancient Egypt (Exo 14:5-28) and Rahab; and now in our day: one last time I think! (Psa 37:7-15) If you "are wicked," these words of Christ are exposing you to your own heart and preparing you (removing your ignorance) for your destruction... (Rom 10:11-15; John 15:22; Rev 2:16) My intent is just to freely offer this simple truth. It is your decision, and yours alone, as to what or who you think (have faith)  can  will save YOU. Building faith in Christ will then allow you to offer the same hope to all other "individuals" who will listen. As to those determined to imagine we can change "the world" by becoming like little children, do they fancy we should become like the first grader who shot his teacher? In tonight's world news (Sunday, February 12, 2023), Kate Snow reported on 14 year old Andreana Kuch. Andreana was a high school student that was bullied and beaten so badly she went home and killed herself rather than continue to live under her tormentors. The superintendent of her school has resigned and her daddy said he wants all the school board gone. The sad truth is, that won't fix anything. The school board is probably just a group of people who can't do anything to fix it. No human can... When a 6 year old known to have previously assaulted another teacher (by choking her from behind while she was seated), carries (is "allowed" to carry) a loaded hand gun to school to shoot his first grade teacher, becoming like little children is no longer an option. (The first grade boy's asserted words following the incident: Fuck you, I shot my teacher...) The very fabric of our society has become corrupt. (Gen 6:5-8) Viewing a whole university men's basketball team (New Mexico State University) as a sampling of our society, when they all take part in (or passively watch) the homo-sexual abuse of one of their teammates, with not one single member of the team offering help, there seems nothing left of our society to save; except some few righteous individuals scattered among those wicked who are helpless apart from יהוה's protection. (Gen 19:4-11; Luke 17:26-30) [Their whole basketball program was suspended, but I expected and have now noticed, the powers of "this world" didn't let the ball club be shut down long. They have tried to sweep their badness under the rug and it's back to business as usual... I guess they wickedly reason that if the Roman Catholic Church can get away with abusing children for centuries, who is going to worry about a few innocents on a ball club. (Rom 1:18) If you are the person abused by them, or one being abused by others like them, take heart, God is watching and will soon destroy all the wicked. (Mal 3:16-4:3) It might help to give them a copy of this letter, as you also express your faith in and submission to the Kingdom of Christ!] (Rom 10:10 of 9-13) For a larger sampling of the character and moral value of "this world," we might consider the whole nation of Russia. They are a nation of people who support (or passively condone) the murderous activities of their president Putin. (There are now reports of some Russians standing up against the murderer.) The world WOKE up to support Ukraine when Putin started his invasion; but have gone back to sleep and what is happening there is no longer even mentioned in the news. The Russian nation is allowing Putin to send hundreds of thousands of their young men to risk being slaughtered by people fiercely fighting for their lives and homes. Putin slaughters his own nation's sons and daughters to gain support for the war he claims others started. I suppose he thinks if he forces Ukraine to kill enough Russians, he will get popular Russian support for his war. The U.N. helps Ukraine to a degree, and everyone praises their efforts, but except for a few individuals, the world leaves Ukrainians to do the bleeding. Recently, Yevgeny Prigozhin has appeared to be the true leader of Russia; Putin seeming to be just his talking dummy sitting on Yevgeny's knee. It seems the Oligarghs just amount to Russian Cartel leaders and Russia not really a nation but a Mafia. Yevgheny's troops are fighting against Ukraine and his criminal gang's influence apparently extends into Ukraine. A Russian defector fleeing the fighting was captured (inside Ukraine) and returned to Yevgheny. Yevgheny then had one of his stooges very publicly take a sledge hammer to the defectors head. Yevgheny recently threatened to pull his forces if Putin didn't illegally and reprehensibly fire bomb a besieged Ukrainian city. Putin complied. (In June of 2023, the Russian "regular" army attacked and killed many of Yevgheny's Wagner fighters in Ukraine. Being out in the field with his men [rather than hiding as an armchair leader back in Moscow], Yevgheny headed the Wagners to Moscow to seek retribution. Putin thus displays one of two conditions exist. 1: Either he is willing to unleash his bombs on his own soldiers if he thinks they are a bit out of line, or 2: He is not in control of his military. It naturally leaves me to wonder if has now turned his attention to this mass murderer of children to destroy him. That does not mean I believe I know the details of what is doing. All I know is God is doing what He needs to accomplish his will [consider Esther] and that He has allowed men to be rulers of nations to stave off anarchy. (Rom 13:1-7) That does not mean those world leaders are his servants... (Eph 2:1-2) Some have been horrible men causing great harm; but, anarchy kills "everyone." [Remember: The human race chose to live apart from God's rule! (Gen 3:1-15) God has thus tolerated human rulers to keep us from completely destroying ourselves, in that way allowing us freedom to rule ourselves, because independence from God is what "we" caused to be; what we forced on ourselves... (Gen 3:1-15)] Putin's recent horrible activities have just made me consider: We might be reaching a point where Putin has killed as many as anarchy would. Once he does that, there is no reason for God to keep tolerating him. Then again, since we now live in the tribulation bringing the end of this old world system, maybe horrible men are just the leaders God  needs  "is using" to finish bringing the end of this system. What is happening does doubtless leave the Russian people wondering [fearing] if Putin has now brought home to them what he has been doing to other nations for many years. [It has come to light (August, 2023) Putin cowardly broke his treaty with Prigozhin and murdered him. Yevgheny was a field forward combat leader of men who were fierce and loyal. How many Russian Soldiers, especially among the Wagner warriors, now want to assassinate Putin for his recent murder of what many consider a loyal Russian, and for the men and women on the plane with Yevgheny?] As for us who have faith in , let us avoid entanglement in men's affairs as we hope in יהוה's Christ!) (2 Chron 20:17)

Putin's lack of common sense seems to be infecting China: In addition to demonstrating they have a plan to attack Taiwan, we have seen them using the cartels to distribute their fentanyl into the rest of "the world." How can they not realize the cartels are right now infecting their own nation? Now, in Feb 2025, we see some in the US talking about swallowing up Canada. Will that require an invasion? It seems the whole world has become vile and just stirring up consternation and strife. I do understand individual Russians and Chinese, and the basketball team, and others, being hesitant to speak out. It can be terrifying to speak against power; especially the wicked. There is some trepidation as I write and publish this... They say Russian supporters of Putin are active in this country, and they just uncovered a Chinese "police state" police station active in New York harming people they felt were against the interests of China as far as California. Then too, some racists might not like what I say... But, either my faith is real, in which case can, and I believe will, protect me; or, it's not. If my faith is a fairy tale, then, as the Apostle Paul said, I am most pitiable among men... (1 Cor 15:19) You should print a paper copy and/or save the electronic version of this webpage to your computer or phone. With all the unrest in this world, fueled by the same hate for truth that killed Christ, you never know when this website (or the whole internet) might be taken down. (In June of 2023, the Ukrainians stopped being able to come to the website. - In August, however, I note they are back.) If you have this webpage and a Bible, or even just a Bible (along with the understanding you should use the Bible to listen to Jesus - Mat 17:5), you will be able to continue to learn from and draw to Jesus Christ. In any case: All you have to do to speak out against this world's wickedness is to share this webpage, along with your encouraging expression of faith in Christ's Kingdom.

Just like Lot, your only hope is to be one of the "righteous" individuals who are trapped living amongst the wicked sodomites and even worse "Religionists" of "this world" (having to live in the midst of all their hate and deceit, along with the wickedness and the perversions they try to call "love"). (Rom 1:18-32) Integrity has become a joke to "this world." People famous for making a mockery of honesty and virtue and morals have become presidents of great nations. The wicked have massed together so as to even conceive elaborate group plans ahead of time: If one of them targets an old person to break into their home or business, or a wicked family terrorizes a neighbor living near them, and then one of the wicked gets caught and/or harmed or killed by the property owner, the intruder or tresspasser (terrorist) always has a well rehearsed and group supported false reason for being there. They are liars. And, we must all realize, only God can fight liars. (John 8:44; Rom 1:18 of 18-27) Often actually helping the wicked lie and hide; the popularity seeking minority controlled portion of the media will rush to judgment to hold the innocent property owner who killed someone wicked responsible, without even examining the facts. (Micah 7:3 of 2-8) I saw an elderly woman who shot a neighbor through her door, when that neighbor was pounding on her door and threatening her, found guilty of a crime. Really? The basketball teams behavior, and the Russian Nation's behavior, leaves sensible persons to wonder if they are just "all" wicked; (Gen 19:4 of 1-26) or too terrified by gang leaders to even speak up. What do you think יהוה feels about it? It seems He says in his Word the Bible, it once again reflects a society (a world wide society) needing to be destroyed. (Gen 6:11-14; 2 Pet 3:8-13) You can't stop the rapidly escalating avalanche of wickedness... To protect "yourself," however, listen to Christ and build faith to survive the ongoing tribulation and  fast approaching  Armageddon. Armageddon is to us what Jericho's walls falling down was to Rahab. Armageddon is God's looming and final war to destroy all the wicked left alive in or by the proliferating tribulation. (2 Pet 3:5-7; Mark 3:31-35; Luke 17:26-30) Be for sure, nothing is going to stop it... (Acts 17:29-31; Rom 1:18-2:2)

Here, then, is the "happy ending" I promised; or really, promised by Christ! In the past, my message has been about educating and changing people (about preaching; using Christ's words, of course - Rom 10:11-15; John 15:22;)). This is not that! This is mostly for people who already have faith... These are survival instructions for the righteous! So, I don't mention all these humanly unfixable problems to terrify or even alarm you. Well, perhaps to alarm... It is a fool who refuses to realize what is true! You must not choose to remain ignorant about what is happening. (Mat 24:37-39; 2 Pet 2:5-9; Rom 1:16-18; John 3:34-36; Rom 2:5-11) I tell you these things so you can know and understand: is fixing all these problems; right now! (Acts 17:29-31) He just wants you to understand and join in "expressing faith" in his "way" of fixing it, and, to wait patiently for his protection through "this world's" destruction. (2 Chron 20:17) You help condemn the wicked by openly expressing you are a compliant subject of Christ's Kingdom... What God does not want is for you to join any of the Religions or other sects of "this world," who all have their own way (through group membership and approval) of trying to fix "this world" and make it better... [If you can personally be kind and help someone who is expressing faith, of course, (someone claiming and giving evidence they are not part of this world - John 17:8-9 of 6-10) you should certainly help them. (James 2:14-17)] What wants you to do, like ancient Lot, is to abandon this "old world system," along with all their failed efforts to fix our problems. (John 5:34; Mark 7:7-9) Jesus said you need faith, so when you see all these bad things consuming "this old world," you will know to hold up your head because your deliverance is near... (Luke 21:28) If you are like most of us, you're so traumatized by just living among so many wicked people in our day, (2 Pet 2:7-8 of 5-10) a happy ending can seem impossible. Not so! (Consider Esther.) When we have to see younger pictures of beautiful Audrey Hale, that poor little girl (emotionally) beat up and abused to form or even force her into the transgender baby killing thing she became, it is just too heartbreaking to conceive. (I'm not judge, of course. Audrey may have been wicked through!) Babies shooting teachers... It just all has to end! Seeing so much bad can cause us to want to think about and dwell on just the good people of this world, and it does appear there are a lot of them. It is sadly obvious, however, the righteous are overwhelmed by even more who are just bad or wickedly stupid. (2 Thes 2:8-12) Once people stop searching for God and are judged wicked by him, they really are stupid. There is no coming back from that... (1 Sam 2:22-25) Wicked people will only get worse! (Rom 1:24-32) The proliferation of wickedness is why life in this old world system has become so painful. (2 Pet 2:8 of 5-9) We see videos of the wicked in stores filling carts with, not food because they are hungry, but expensive perfume because they want to be rich. And then, just leaving the store with no one any longer free to shoot them for their crime! They are destroying society... The world has once again become filled with violence, just like they chose to be in the days of Noah. (Gen 6:5-8; 1 Tim 1:8-11; Rom 1:18-2:2) And, again like ancient Noah, "we" need to find favor in God's eyes. In our day, we gain God's favor not by faithfully building an ark, but by faithfully learning from and expressing faith in Jesus Christ. (1 John 3:23; John 6:25-29) That's why I study the Bible, therein finding the only peace I know; finding peace in knowing very personally both God and his Christ. (Pro 30:4) I draw close to God so I can have hope, along with "a real and persisting faith," in the happy ending Jesus promised. It is just as Jesus himself said in Luke 17:26-30 GW: "When the Son of Man comes again, the situation will be like the time of Noah. (27) People were eating, drinking, and getting married until the day that Noah went into the (ark) ship. Then the flood destroyed all of them. (28) "The situation will also be like the time of Lot. People were eating, drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. (29) But on the day that Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from the sky and destroyed all of them. (30) The day when the Son of Man is revealed will be like that. (Note: Have YOU, like Lot, "left" or separated yourself from "this wicked world"? Did you note in Hawaii [and other areas consumed by fire as well], the 60 - 120 mile per hour winds produced blow torch like conditions that cremated bodies past even being recognized from surrounding ash. [Mal 3:16-4:3] Don't you be confused: Refusing to put faith in Christ is defining yourself an enemy of יהוה. [John 3:18-19 of 16-21])

Jesus also said, when we witness it continue to get worse and find ourselves surrounded by a world without hope (today it seems), we should life up our heads because it means our deliverance is near... Please just carefully listen to Jesus's own words from Luke 21:7-11 GNB: "Teacher," they asked, "when will this be? And what will happen in order to show that the time has come for it to take place?" (8) Jesus said, "Watch out; don't be fooled. Many men, claiming to speak for me, will come and say, 'I am he!' and, 'The time has come!' But don't follow them. [You must read the words of Christ to be certain you are following only him!] (9) Don't be afraid when you hear of wars and revolutions; such things must happen first, but they do not mean that the end is near." (10) He went on to say, "Countries will fight each other; kingdoms will attack one another. (11) There will be terrible earthquakes, famines, and plagues everywhere; there will be strange and terrifying things coming from the sky.• Luke 21:25-28 GW: "Miraculous signs will occur in the sun, moon, and stars. The nations of the earth will be deeply troubled and confused because of the roaring and tossing of the sea. (26) People will faint as they fearfully wait for what will happen to the world. Indeed, the powers of the universe will be shaken. (27) "Then people [with eyes of faith] will see [through the Scriptures] the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory [as Christ's words expose the truth in hearts - Rev 2:16; Heb 4:12-13]. (28) "When these things begin to happen, stand with confidence (and hold your heads high)! The time when you will be set free is near."
That deliverance, supported by God's necessary killing of the wicked, is what is now happening. It is clearly exposed by Bible prophecy and the rapidly escalating corruption and wickedness destroying  our  this wicked world. Even so, there are and will be soothsayers (powerful politicians and Religionists) who will tell you to hide your eyes, or to just look away from the evidence that the tribulation is bringing the end of this old world system. None of them want you to consider Christ's words to be your source for God's spirit (John 6:63) and the only solution to survive our end of days. They all think they have your solution but have any of them even read the Bible?

The self-proclaimed wise and powerful of this world scoff at this truth and assure if you just keep giving them your money and support, everything is fine with the world... (2 Pet 3:3-7) They assert if everyone was like me, the world would shut down. It won't shut down. It is being destroyed, but there will be people to keep it going until God's final destruction. Those people who believe in their own solution is precisely why He is destroying it... Jesus told someone to follow him, just like I am encouraging you to do. The man said he needed to first go and bury his father (possibly implying he needed to care for his aged father until he died). That man was actually explaining to Jesus he believed he needed to do his part to keep "the world" going. Jesus told the young man to follow him and "let the dead bury their dead." (Luke 9:59-60) Some of the concerns of this world are important, like the young man's concern for his father; but, there are and will be people of "this world" to care for the "world's" needs; including the burying of the young man's father... So, I say: Follow Christ and let the dead of this world bury their own dead; (Eph 2:1-5) while you, for your part, try to awaken them to the real life. (John 5:24 of 19-30)

The effort by those who try to involve you in this world's activities is actually wicked, even though their works are heralded as righteous by many or even most. Their efforts offer only false hope and are really Satan's effort to misdirect you from Christ. (Eph 2:1-7) "This world" wants you to join then in demonstrating (and rioting - many wicked people are obviously only taking part so they can be free to plunder). Members of "this world" want you to demonstrate in support of more gun control, so as to get guns out of the hands of the wicked; or less gun control, to keep guns in the hands of the righteous. They want you to join them in protest so you can protect the lives of the unborn, or, to protect the rights of women. Join this movement or religion or race, or that, but in all cases, it is to help "them fix" this old world system. By holding themselves up as a solution, they make themselves just another part of "this divided and wicked world;" (John 15:17-19) as they encourage you to give your attention and support to an unnumbered list of their imagined solutions. They are all really, don't you see, just the dead burying their dead! (Luke 9:59-60) All of their solutions are just Satan's efforts to keep you from listening to the words of Christ. Jesus, all the while, admonishes you should become submissive to his Kingdom as you give it alone your support.

I'm not saying abortion or gun control or many of "this world's" other causes are not important. They are important! At least some of them are important; even to God! The point is, however; we must recognize the "real" solution to all these problems, and that the "only" real solution, is "God's" solution. (2 Chron 20:17) You must realize protests and activities to make new rules and laws won't help because  nobody is  "the wicked are not" abiding by the laws we already have. And, since lawbreakers justify themselves using lies and deceit, no human can judge to identify and kill them; all. God realizes we can't fix anything except ourselves. But, He sent Jesus to explain how He can; first judge (John 3:19 of 16-21) and mark and separate, (Mat 13:49-50 of 44-50; Mat 25:31-34) and then finally kill, (John 8:24) every single wicked person. (Mat 25:31-34) We are witness to his using the tribulation and Armageddon to do just that! (Eze 8:17-9:8) Also important, He is patiently teaching YOU to understand as He does so; to understand what He is doing and why; if you are one who will just listen... Having "Laws" can't work, and in part to help us understand why, God gave mankind a perfect Law Code through Moses thousands of years ago. That Law was done away with because it was weak and ineffectual. (Heb 7:18-25) But unlike even the perfect Law of God, which failed because of mankind's refusal and/or inability to comply, "God's spirit" can effect change that grant's life; eternal life! (John 6:63) God's spirit is contained in and gained only through Christ's words. (John 6:25-29; Heb 7:18-25; Rom 8:1-11) The Law Code was given through Moses (in part) to demonstrate people can not be controlled by even perfect laws that try to constrain them from outside. They must control themselves from within, by their own conscience, acting inside their own heart and mind. (Rom 2:14-16) An intimate understanding of the teachings of Christ is the only thing that can effect that change in people, in YOU. If YOU want to survive the tribulation, you must demonstrate that you know and understand that simple truth... Choosing to join or remain part of the efforts by "this world" to save themselves, well, that probably indicates you don't know at all! (If you are part of a religious sect that has labeled itself [and you] anything besides or beyond "Christian," you are surely part of this world! - Acts 11:26) But you can know what is happening: If Christ's words are true, and this is the tribulation he promised, it will keep rapidly getting worse until Armageddon brings the end of everything associated with this wicked and rebellious "old world system." These Bible words are your warning: The "end" of the 6000 year test mankind brought on themselves is being revealed now! (2 Pet 3:10 of 8-10; Mal 4:1-3; 1 Cor 3:13-14) Keep these words in mind as you see destruction rapidly escalating to overwhelm "this world"! (Hab 2:2-4) The simple question you need to ask yourself in the midst of it all, is this, "Do you believe Jesus?" (John 11:25-26) Do you really believe in Jesus's promise of a happy ending? Soon, it will be made just so. Whether you believe has nothing to do with it happening. What you believe has absolutely everything to do with whether you survive. The wicked try to pervert justice and hide this simple truth (Rom 1:18) but they can't possibly succeed. (Isa 54:17) Print this and share it with everyone you know. In that way, you warn the wicked their time is done. [Jesus taught all those who hope in and support anything besides the Kingdom of Christ are lost; they are defining themselves wicked.] (Psa 37:8-13) The only true joy of life (John 15:11) comes from immersing yourself in the words of Christ; because by doing so, you infuse yourself with God's Spirit. (John 6:63; John 17:3) Please hear and take to heart this prophecy uttered by Joel: Call on 's Name and be preserved alive! (Joel 2:28-32) Become intimately familiar with God's personal Name. (Exo 20:7) Praise ... Praise "my Father the Good!" (Mark 10:17-18) That is my joy and my healing... (Rev 4:6-11)

Being a physical person, caring for the things of this world, will never allow you to have life. (1 Cor 15:50) You must be born again by holy spirit. (John 3:3) That is not magic or hard to understnad! That just means feeding on God's spirit contained in Christ's words. (John 6:63) Doing so lifts your body above the effects of corruption; (1 Thes 4:17 of 15-18) that corruption being the basis and foundation of "this old world system." Let's join Christ and live forever in paradise on earth.

Instruction summary  for staying alive forever: (John 6:25-29)
Listen to Christ (read the four Gospels over and over) to familiarity with his words; realizing your choice in doing so is taking in 's spirit. (John 6:63) That spirit (John 14:15-17) will then help you build a true faith (help you to sincerely believe) you will have "all" God has promised. (Heb 4:12a; Mark 11:24) Then, you must be cautious not to let anything; no person or group, nor any desire of your own heart, cause you to hope in or support anything besides that Kingdom of Christ. Don't let even those with good intentions undermine your very personal Christian faith!!! (Luke 13:26-27; Mat 7:15-16; ) Don't let anyone or anything, beyond the words of Jesus Christ, make you believe you do or do not have real faith. Then, having your own true faith in what YOU personally know are Christ's words, simply accept 's promised gift of eternal life, by praying for and then "expecting," to have it. (Job 33:13-30; Mark 11:24) That is the view inside my mind; and, I am convinced, that is faith for life eternal! [Scriptures for faith to eternal life and health: Luke 6:19; Mat 9:27-30; Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:48 of 42-48; John 7:37-39; John 19:34]

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