--- Real Friends? ---
Are your friends real and true;
or, are they counterfeit?

Written: June 2024

Are you like me in being pained from a life of having friends that are not friendly? For my part, going forward in life, I want only real and true friends. How, though, can we have those?

It is my experience few people have many, or even any, real friends. If you have some good and loving friends, you should give thanks. You are blessed. What do I even mean, though, by fake or counterfeit friends; and why would I bring them up?

Because harmful people parading as friends are a common problem but most people don't even realize! Even if they do realize, most don't have a clue how to deal with the problem. We all have so called friends we do business with or that want to do business with us. We have neighbors and acquaintances we like to call friends. We have immediate family and extended family we surely could consider friends. Right? We have people we like and are attracted to, or they to us, and want to date them. Surely they are true friends... Maybe. Maybe not.

None of those are necessarily the kind of friends I seek. True friends want and promote peace and love, and, are upbuilding and encouraging to be around. Most of all, true friends are people who never, ever, pose a threat to me or to anyone else. But, you might think, how could people I view as my "friends" also pose a threat? It is actually quite common to be among family members and so called friends who are a danger. Some of such people actually desire others to fear them. If you don't even know what I'm talking about, you are fortunate!

This letter is not for everyone... My suggestions will be regarded as foolishness or weakness to many or even most people. (2 Pet 3:3-4 of 3-7) The world is becoming more and more ignorant... My meaning is they are not able to think large thoughts. (Heb 5:11-14 of 5:11-6:3) Some will not even be able to comprehend or certainly to understand this hope I express... (1 Cor 3:1-3) If you, however, have been seeking the truth of God, this is for you! If you have always believed there is a God who is good and would help, (Heb 11:6) this is for you. It is to help you realize and understand, God is searching for you. (2 Chron 16:9)

Perhaps the greatest problem facing family and friends lies in establishing headship. That does need to happen, and it "will" happen, one way or another. When people live together in a family or even a society, decisions need to be made from time to time that are for the entire group. Deciding what is acceptable behavior within the group is necessary to have peace. How, though, can such decisions be made? For a real life arrangement that promotes a happy and peaceful family or group existence [a non-Jerry Springer life], decisions of behavior and headship [having someone with decision making authority] must be made "and" agreed to. Focusing on our own household, how do we decide who will be in charge among our immediate family; and, what rules do we need to have for ourselves and for our extended family, and for those visiting? There are two basic ways headship gets established, lets call them the scriptural way or the worldly way. The scriptural way is to try and pattern our "family" or "friend" behavioral arrangement after faithful Bible characters like Abraham and King David.
[Please do note: I refer to it as a scriptural arrangement and not a spiritual one! That is because spiritual can only be known to exist, for certain, between individual persons and God; not among or between humans. The problem is humans can pretend they are spiritual, but God judges and knows personally all who actually are. (1 Cor 4:5 of 1-5) And, God's judgment of friendship means your life. (Mal 3:17-4:3; Isa 41:8; Jam 2:23) Whether one is following scriptural guidelines, however, is not a matter of heart and can be seen in their actions. (Heb 4:13 of 11-13) Some self-asserted wise men of this world refer to the headship arrangement I speak of as establishing a "pecking order." Their own choice of words helps us understand why God would refer to some of such people as animals. (2 Pet 2:12) We are not in this instance trying to steer or judge a persons spiritual relationship with God, just to establish an agreement of behavior that is patterned after scriptural teachings. Whether people go along with the familial agreement is their choice, of course, but compliance could determine if they are to remain part of the family. Parents often force young children to comply with family standards. (A loving parent will order a toddler not to play in the street, and then, force compliance with a spanking if the child disobeys.) Becoming young adults, children are sometimes banned from the household if they can no longer comply with it's standards. {Make no mistake, lovingly disciplining children is God's direction. (Pro 29:15; Pro 13:24; Eph 6:4 of 5:28-6:4; Pro 22:15)} We must try to avoid liars when establishing our familial or friendship agreements. If one demonstrates they are a liar, no real relationship with them is possible. Liars don't really exist! A news caster once said of Adolph Hitler after hearing him speak: "There is no man, there is just the noise that he makes!" There can be no agreement between light and dark... (Titus 1:1-2; John 8:44; John 3:16-21)]
The other way of choosing headship is the worldly way; it might be thought of as "the pecking order way" or "the Jerry Springer way"... [Referencing a TV show where Springer, in my opinion, often made fun of dysfunctional families by having them on his show to fight publicly among themselves. It seemed they were being used as emotional gladiators.] I know lots of people who seem to govern themselves in that worldly way, and, some of those have family members that are dangerous. In one otherwise pleasant family, an uncle was beaten so cruelly by his drunken nephew the uncle is disabled for life. Headship settled, I guess! Two brothers in that same extended family fought with one being severely injured. And again, I assume headship was settled. There have been allegations of wife beating. Why, you might ask, would I publish such a graphic and personally specific letter? Because that's the point I want to make; this example I shed light on is really not personal at all! It's also not rare! We all know of similar and even worse scenarios among friends and family members, sometimes with them actually killing each other. Truth is, most everyone alive has suffered some similar form of abuse; hopefully not from their own family, but somewhere. If not from family, then at school or work. This needs to be talked about openly because when people think they are the only ones, they have little hope of effecting change. When they know it's common, it becomes easier to talk about. I became friends with a man in a plastics factory whose job station was right outside the plant manager's office. They interacted many times during the day. The plant manager seemed pleasant enough to me, but my friend confided he tormented him such that he often threw up in the shower before coming to work! Many students are terrorized at school by their bigger or stronger or meaner peers. Entering 7th grade in my youth, they put us all in a city wide school with lots of abused kids. Those abused youth had little at home and for some, abuse seemed all they knew. They terrorized me for a couple of years, stealing lunch money and just having fun at my pain. I was, however, growing to be a big strong kid. While I really hated the idea of hurting someone, I was finally forced to realize; if I would viciously fight to cause pain and draw blood when they attacked me, it didn't really matter if I won... People who pick on others are always cowards. Cowards want to bully, not fight. Really hurting them during an attack would cause the whole cloud of them to move on to a softer target. My solution wouldn't work for most people, and especially not in today's vile world. First, most bullied people are not big and strong. Even if they are, or are able to work to get really tough, today's class of bullies have lost all morality; they or their friends [fellow gang members] will just shoot anyone who stands up. One reason I talk about these dysfunctional families and groups openly, rather than pretending it isn't happening and everything is alright, is many people feel less of a man or woman because of having to endure such abuse. And, some have to endure it year after year as a way of life... That should not be. That should never be! Openly talking about our abuse might help. It might help the people doing such vile things understand how other people view them. Some don't have any idea how disgusting they are, or even that there is a better way. When you hear ignorant news casters say there is more good news than bad, you can know they are just born with a silver spoon and have no touch with reality. Don't let their silly remarks add to your pain, or undermine your faith God does see your pain and suffering. (2 Thes 1:6-12; Zech 2:8 of 7-12) Do not be fooled that God doesn't care: Armageddon, which is the destruction by God of all who are wicked, along with those choosing to remain ignorant, is looming or already started. (1 Thes 5:3 of 1-5; Mal 3:16-4:3)

The question we are still left with is what kind of friends and family we want; and, what are we willing to subject ourselves to in order to keep/protect them? Can we do better? If so, how? Many feel trapped in a family [or in a group of "friends"] they know can be harmful and abusive, but don't know how to escape. First and foremost, make the abuse and pain harmful people cause as public as possible. Do not feel shame because of wickedness done you by someone else! Feel pride in exposing them. Many nations have law enforcement that can help those being abused. Ask people for help or advice. One confounding problem can be, in many cases, such dangerous people have periods of time when things go pretty well. Many of them have some really pleasant qualities. If, though, they are drunks or addicted to drugs, what is really to be expected? If their history has been one of drunken rages and doing harm, unless they are showing serious signs of regret and change [repentance], they will probably continue doing harm. Any person caught in such a family is faced with the decision of whether to remain a member. Do they continue to choose to support and protect those drunkards and druggies, what ever crazy thing they might choose to do next; or, do they choose to abandon the current family members causing harm. Whether choosing to try and escape those doing harm, or continuing to try and help them, we should  give  "offer" them the only true hope and possible chance for help the abuser can receive: We should give them the admonition to pick up a Bible and read the words of Jesus Christ, in that way choosing to repent and heal themselves. Every drug abuser [drunks included] needs to be warned they themselves are the only one who can help... They must help themselves. That means first being confronted, often through the eyes of others, with what they actually are. (Mat 9:13 of 10-13) The Bible says drinking [drug abuse] is a willful choice and those who continue in it will be destroyed. Our loving Father would not punish people if drug abuse was a sickness or disease that couldn't be helped. It is a sickness, of course, but it is a willful choice to be sick! (Mat 24:48-51; 1 Cor 6:9-11) If you are member of a family that includes such harmful persons, you should consider what your cost will be in trying to support them. What if there is a man, for example, in one household of an extended family of three or four other households, who has a drinking problem so serious he has done willful harm to family members in a drunken rage, even causing permanent damage. What if he then decides to bring a woman into his household; a woman who seems addicted to drug abuse, bringing in immorality and "friends" who steal anything of value. What if there are children who need to be cared for and to go to school. Cars of his own household get wrecked or damaged, and then, those of the extended family households. Soon, the whole extended family is car pooling to haul kids and loaning cars, and then soon, "everybody" nearly grinds to a halt. Remember: These are likely not "bad people" we are talking about! We certainly don't judge they are. (Rom 12:17-19) We are not asserting you should not help them, just that you are wise to count the cost! Every single person has some wonderful qualities; (John 3:16-21; Acts 17:29-31) and, addicts clearly do need help. It's just that they have "made the choice" to be drug abusers [drunks are drug abusers], and drug abusers are destructive. It's probably not that they intend to be, but when choosing to be under the influence of chemicals, things get confused and taking care of and protecting the things and people around them, or even in their charge, becomes unimportant. Drug abusers can consume the whole world and it will never be enough... And, the whole world can't help them. Only "they" can help themselves. Even God can't help them, unless they choose to turn to him and accept help [along with his protection, that does include accepting his standards of right and wrong]. (Psa 37:27-29; 1 Pet 3:10-12) יהוה doesn't force people to love him or be his friends. (Hos 11:3-4) How useless and worthless would that really be? It would be neither love nor friendship! God intended a paradise of loving free sons and daughters (Rom 8:21 of 18-22) when He set Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. By their choice to do harm, they threw it all away. If God supported the wicked, could even He remain clean? (Lev 5:2) Through our choice to take advantage of Jesus Christ's sacrifice, God remains righteous while giving that opportunity for life to us who are born sinners; and thus, even if we are repentant, "deserving" only of death. (Rom 3:26 of 19-26)

Drunks and drug abusers have seemingly made the choice not even to consider that gift from God, or, they have rejected it. They have chosen drugs and/or alcohol as their God. When they get stressed [have a bad day], it is substance abuse they look to for relief and help. Most addicts have simply believed Satan's lie that it is way-cool to be a drunk, or, that there will be "some" benefit in doing so. All drugs ever bring is harm to users; "and to those around them." The best we can do is warn them to find help and joy in Christ, (John 15:11) but, it is to your own great harm [and maybe theirs] you imagine you can make the choice for them. To help themselves they have to really and truly believe Christ can help. (Jam 1:5-8) Then, they have to believe he will! It seems a waste of your life existence to try and help someone who doesn't want help. (Mat 7:6) The simple truth is, if any person truly wants help, they will turn to God. (Acts 17:26-27 of 22-28) He is watching for them to do so. (2 Chron 16:9) God then drags each person looking for him to put faith in the words of His Christ. (John 6:44-45 of 41-45; John 6:65) You can, therefore, choose good for yourself; by your own turning to Christ... Who is there knowing whether your encouragement for them to follow your "good example" in serving Christ might help them. It is always, however, "their" choice... Just be careful you don't get swallowed up in one of the many religious sects misdirecting people they must become members of their sect to join Christ. We join Jesus Christ by listening to and obeying Christ, (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) not by joining some sect of humans. And again, not trying to decide for you if you should continue in association with your current family and friends. Just warning you should consider the cost to your own spirituality. Allowing yourself to be turned away or distracted from establishing your own friendship with God, by falsely imagining you can or even that you "need" to help someone who doesn't want help, is death dealing and foolish. The whole or our lives really boils down to a very, very simple choice: Are we becoming a friend of יהוה through our personal knowledge of and faith in the words of his son, which grants us God's gift of life? (John 6:63; John 5:24; Pro 14:27; John 17:3) Or, are you refusing his loving offer, which means you will continue on dying in your sins...? (Mal 3:16-4:3; Acts 17:29-31; Mat 12:31-37; John 8:24)

The sad fact is, it is even worse for many people. Some seemingly have no friends at all except what are effectively gang members. Growing up in what is really a terrorist environment, where resistance to rule of law is the norm and even encouraged, can only produce people who have no love for God in that they have no respect for man's authority. (Rom 13:1-4) Resistance to rule of societal authority destroys peace and promotes anarchy. It has in large measure caused the tribulation destroying our world! Groups of such people can produce only chaos and more wicked people. (Ecc 8:11-13) As the numbers of the wicked have continued to spread and increase, (2 Tim 2:15-19 of 14-26) thus threatening the existence of all righteous people, (2 Pet 2:7-9) God has been moved to act to fulfill his promise to destroy all the wicked at Armageddon. (Mal 3:16-4:3) Most of this world will continue to believe and assert hope coming from obedience to God through faith in Christ's words is foolishness. (2 Pet 3:1-7) The only important question [for you] is, what about YOU? Deciding how to live your life, and what friends you want to seek out, does depend largely on what you decide about your own faith in our Creator. Do you believe in God? Do you really? Do you actually and truly even know him? (Pro 30:4; John 17:3) Like Abraham, are you able to talk with יהוה and "expect" Him (Mark 11:24) to respond to your prayerful requests and observations, because you are his friend? (Gen 18:20-33) Do you really comprehend what a special meaning that has for you, and especially for our day in time? (Mat 25:31-34; Mal 3:16-4:3) Never since Adam and Eve, have humans had the opportunity to live forever. (Job 33:13-30)
[Go to: JustBibleTruth.com Then Select:   יהוה's 2 Groups!]
To stand for righteousness is, and can only be, accomplished in your personal choice to join yourself to Jesus Christ. Please understand: You can't know God by joining any humanly organized group, religious or otherwise. Joining Christ does, of course, join you to all the others who have and are joined to him. But my point is, you can't join "them" by joining "them" [any group of humans] to get you to Christ... You can't really even know who other true Christians are! Some who claim they are Christians, don't you see, are wicked pretenders. (Mat 17:5) Some others may mean well but are just lost in their ignorance of Christ's words! (Luke 13:27 of 23-30) Some, too, are real and true Christians. But, and again my point, YOU can't ever judge who is who. (1 Cor 4:5 of 1-5) For that reason, I hope you see, you can't join them [true Christians] by joining them. You must join them by joining Christ. Remember: It doesn't lastingly impact us whether those around us are sincere or not. What ever "they" are, we just need to be certain "we" are actually following Christ... Becoming his friend by reading and re-reading his words, is the only way you can join others who love Christ because they have also joined him in that same way. (Mark 3:31-35) If you don't know Jesus through your personal knowledge of the Gospels, (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) you probably are not his friend. (John 15:15)

At what at first appears the opposite end of the spectrum from being inducted into a gang, or finding ourselves part of a dysfunctional family, is being inducted into one of this worlds seemingly endless number of churches. There are big churches, little churches, strict churches and barely churches. Surely we could find some true friends there! In my experience, that is not so. People who will agree with you on the surface, and praise you for your expression of wisdom in "joining their sect"; yes indeed, you can find plenty of those. But true friends, not so much. Most churches show themselves to be Satan's tools: No matter what you want from a church, unless it is truth, it is easy to find one that approves you. (2 Tim 4:1 of 1-5) Want to continue practicing homosexuality or stealing or being a drunk? You can find a church that will imagine they can give you God's blessing as you do so. If you believe the Bible, however, it plainly explains you are a fool if you believe them! (Rom 1:24-27 of 24-32; 1 Cor 6:9-11) Such churches are steering you toward death; all the while using the name of Jesus and/or some attempted English translation of God's Hebrew name to mislead you. (Pro 30:4) You don't need a church to die. You were born headed to the grave... (Rom 5:12; Rom 6:23) What you need is life through truth! (John 5:24) Only your personal knowledge of what Jesus actually taught, gained from a personal reading of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, can make you יהוה's friend and grant life. (1 John 3:14-16 of 13-18) While most all churches claim to follow the Bible, all that I know teach their own doctrine, which many of their members have been misled to actually believe is the same as teaching the Bible. How sad for them! (Mark 7:7-9; Mat 15:1-9) You can easily spot false prophets: If they assert you "need" their sect of men and women to help you, they are false prophets. You can easily spot true Christians: If Christians join together to study, it is not to listen to each other. (Mark 3:31-35) It is to read the words of Jesus Christ from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Also, Christians will not glorify themselves; they will make clear your only "need" is to follow God's command to listen to Jesus Christ. (Mark 9:7)

What about the "different" choice I have been promising. There is a another action you can take, besides "joining yourself" to and submitting to some family or gang or church or club or... You can become a sincere student of the Bible and a friend of Jesus Christ. There are lots of us who have done that, both present and past. To become a friend of God, we need only join with those looking intently at the chief agent and perfecter of our faith, Jesus Christ. (Heb 11:32-12:3) You need to make yourself a member of God's one and only organization, by learning from (Mat 17:5) and expressing faith in the words spoken by Jesus Christ. (John 17:3) It is very personal. It is never associated with approval by any man or human group. Knowing me won't help you. No human can help; beyond encouraging you to listen to Christ. Only your personally knowing יהוה through the words of His Son can help! (John 6:63) Read: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Then, read them again!
•     I recently asked a person I consider a close friend if he was keeping up his Bible reading. "Yes," he responded, "my mother writes me letters regularly about the Bible"... We all know, don't we, reading the uninspired writings of other humans is not Bible study? Reading the Bible with a focus on the words of God's son is Bible study; (Mark 9:7; Acts 16:30-31; John 3:16-18) and, is the doing of God's will. (Mark 3:31-35)
•     In a similar encounter, I was talking with a group who identify themselves as Bible students; also stating they are brothers and sisters of Christ and sons and daughters of יהוה. That assertion really draws me to them! (Gal 3:26-29; Mark 3:31-35) It makes me believe there may be some sincere Christians in their midst! In this conversation, they were lovingly trying to encourage me toward some of their group's Bible study books. I wanted to explain how I have, for at least the last 20 or 30 years or more, started understanding what it means to dedicate myself to looking intently at the Chief Agent and Perfecter of my faith, Jesus Christ... (Heb 12:1-2) What I was trying to convey is when I study the Bible, I mostly just read the Bible inspired by God, rather than uninspired books; (Ecc 12:11-12) while trying to keep my focus on the words of Jesus Christ. (Mark 3:31-35) I further shared [or reminded them] God has given us only one command since Jesus appeared; when He spoke from a cloud to specifically tell us to listen to his son. (Mark 9:7) The simple idea I wanted to convey: When I study the Bible, I just actually focus on the words of Christ from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. While that is my focus, I do study from the whole of the Bible. I didn't say it to them in our conversation, but there  can be  "is" great danger in uninspired books written by humans. (Mat 7:15) I was about to reinforce my admittedly simple Bible philosophy, which I believe is the Bible's teaching, by sharing or reminding them of the scripture telling us the whole of the Bible, apart from the Gospels of Christ, serves or exist as a tutor to lead us to Jesus. (Gal 3:23-25) It thus seems perfectly clear [to me] from the Bible we should read the words of Christ to familiarity, and then, direct others to follow God's command (Mark 9:7) and do just the same... (John 17:3) Before I could share the "tutor leading to Christ" scripture, one of them interrupted to direct me to one of the "groups books" titled: "How to Study the Bible". I am sure of two things: They mean well and they left our conversation feeling they had planted seeds of truth in me, and hoping [probably praying] their seeds would take root in me to lead me to "their" enlightenment. I can't fault them for that, I have the exact same thought and feel the same about the simple clear Bible truth I shared with them. I hope these scriptures will direct them to Christ. As I said, they are convinced they do know him and I don't dispute they do. That illustrates why we must listen to Christ and not each other. We all think we are right; meaning we think others are wrong. We should feel that way, respectfully! (1 Pet 3:15) We must recognize we are all just works in progress. Being a work in progress is really good, though, as the alternative is remaining among the dead. (John 5:24; 1 John 3:13-15; Rom 6:4) My point is this: Only Jesus truly knows what we need to hear and that is precisely what he taught. All any of us really have to give is to direct other people to Christ... The problem with these examples is this: How can the man in the first example be certain how much of his faith is in what Jesus actually taught, and how much is in what his mother believes Jesus taught? They might be very different. In the second example, how can one studying from the recommended book be sure they are not misled by the special terms and ideas of the book's author? His ideas might be very different from God's instructions on how to study the Bible. Right now, all sensible people are wondering how these words of mine are any different? That's my point. You can't possibly know if they are. The difference is, though, I only encourage you to hear God's command to listen to his son (Mark 9:7) and then to do just that. Don't you see, that just can't be bad advice...
Note as addendum: Out of respect for the kindness I believe these people tried to extend me, I did review the book they encouraged me to read. The book starts saying some wonderful things about the Bible, and then recommends 5 basic approaches to its study.
1).   Exhaustive Topical Examination.
       I would say that simply means use a concordance so you know what the words you read in the Bible actually mean. That can be good, but does involve the opinions of the concordance writers, along with any errors in understanding they might have. The concordance will allow you to consider everywhere in the Bible it uses the word or phrase in question, which is good.
2).  Study Symbolic Language.
       Understanding how words that are the same or similar can have different meanings based on use. Also, understanding how some words are not used literally but to convey an idea. An example would be the language Jesus used toward those religious hypocrites whom he said strain out the gnat and swallow the camel. (Mat 23:23-24) And again, examples are: The heavens and earth that then was; the heavens and earth that are now; and the new heavens and new earth. Knowledge of symbolic Bible language is good, of course, when used in support of the knowledge Jesus Christ was sent to bring. (John 10:25 & 29 of 24-29) It certainly seems knowledge of Christ's words should come first. Reading the worlds of Christ from a good "cross reference" study Bible, and checking the references, will provide knowledge and understanding of symbolisms. Jesus actually coined or first used most of them!
3).   Study Time Frame.
       Know who you are reading about and when they lived. That's also good, but again, understanding that the Bible as a whole exists as a tutor leading to Christ, and God's only later day command to listen to his son, does give us a basic overview of Bible chronology. The Bible records 2000 years from Adam to Abraham [who is the father of the Jewish nation and forefather of the Messiah], 2000 years from Abraham to Christ, and 2000 years from Jesus preaching work to our day; our day being the day of Christ's second coming or presence. Jesus, again, being the central theme of the Bible; reading and understanding his words should be the foremost goal of your life.
4).   Importance of Context.
        Context is very important! Reading God's command to the Jews that tooth should go for tooth and eye for eye, (Exo 21:23-25) might seem, taken out of context, to fly in the face of Jesus's teaching on forgiveness. Understanding that Jesus came to bring something better than the Law Code, helps put the Law into context. (Heb 7:18-19; Col 2:13-14; Eph 2:13-18) Again, just understanding God's command to listen to his son, and that the balance of the Bible is a tutor to lead you to Jesus, puts most everything into context. The details of Bible history will fill in over time as you study and understand the life and teachings of Christ.
5).   Study of Type and Antitype.
       Understanding how many of the Bible teachings that have meaning for us, often have another and often more powerful second meaning. Rahab surviving the destruction of Jericho has a powerful meaning in our seeing how God can preserve alive those who seek to serve him. It has an even more powerful meaning in seeing how the tribulation and Armageddon in our day makes our lives similar to living in the falling down walls of Jericho; and then, in our understanding how to take in Christ's words (John 6:63) to build faith (Rom 10:16-18) to channel God's Spirit (Mat 17:20) to preserve ourselves alive by faith in God's promises. (Job 33:13-30)
Summation: I would never have looked at this book except out of respect for these Bible students and their apparent loving-kindness. Even so, I am left feeling, and I hope you can understand, following God's simple command to listen to his Son [by reading the Gospels] will automatically accomplish everything this book suggests. And, it does so without the need for using or even coining words that don't occur in the Bible; words like "type" and "antitype." Also, it is accomplished without reading books written by men who might unintentionally introduce unscriptural ideas. (Luke 13:25-27) Rule of thumb: If someone wants to teach you about the Bible, and feels the need to use words not even found in the Bible, be very suspicious. (Mat 7:15) Antitype and dispensations are words not found in the Bible. I do understand they can be argued to be words to help us better understand ideas presented in the Bible. It just seems better "for me," if I use the words directly translated from the words actually inspired by יהוה in the Bible, to help people understand what He wants us to know. And, please remember, what He wants us to know is precisely what He sent Jesus to teach. (John 7:16; John 8:28; John 1:14-18; John 6:41-58; John 14:23; 1 John 3:24; John 15:10) Since teaching us about his Father is Christ's assignment, it means none of us are needed but might prove useful by directing others to Christ!
Warning! Please understand the reason I mention these encounters: If anyone ever asks you if you are keeping up your Bible reading, I pray you will never say "yes, I am reading the letters on JustBibleTruth.com." That is not "Bible" study. "Actually reading" the Bible, with an emphasis on the words of Jesus Christ, that is Bible study. (John 6:28-29) That is doing the will of God. (Mark 3:31-35; John 15:11-16) All I [or any human] can do for you is encourage you to read the Gospels for yourself. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) My own Bible study has largely become my life's existence. Some feel I am neglecting my family and friends by not giving them more of my time and energy. I pray forgiveness if any of that is true. This, however, writing these daily devotionals, is the best way I know of giving them my attention and help. This work is where I am convinced the scriptures have called me. My whole life seems to have directed me to this point; to sounding the warning about the tribulation and Armageddon. The ancient Prophet Ezekiel was given an assignment to lie publicly for 390 days on his side, and then, 40 days on the other; as a witness against unfaithful Jerusalem. (Eze 3:17-19 and Eze 4:4-7) God just expects us to do what He asks us to do. (Mark 7:9; Col 1:1-8; Acts 12:24) He sent Jesus to explain what that is. (John 18:37; John 8:31-32) I am most pleased that you are today reading [hearing] my assignment from יהוה through Jesus.

As an old man, I am sick of being around people who are nice and sweet to my face, but secretly hate or at best dislike me. I just don't want any more of such "friends." Don't you feel the same? Do you know people in your church [or family or gang or...] you don't really like? Maybe you perceive they are unkind or unloving or even dishonest. Maybe they flaunt God's standards in other ways. Maybe they are sneaky and deceptive. What can you do? First, be careful you are not just being judgmental! (Mat 7:1-5) If, however, their actions are unrighteous, and they remain an approved member of the sect they have chosen, and you continue willingly joined with them, don't you share responsibility for the bad they do with your approval? Does it matter to God? Trust me, it does matter to יהוה. (Mal 3:16-4:3)

Back to that something better, or that superior way of choosing friends and governing your household! It begins with every member making an agreement to try and have or form a group, or to reform your existing group, so that it governs itself scripturally, following the examples of men like Abraham and King David. That will mean having the patriarchal male [eldest] function as head of household. It might be that not everyone will want to go along. That doesn't mean they are bad. A problem we all suffer, is seeing ourselves through rose colored glasses. Few people are able to see themselves as other people see them; and certainly not as יהוה sees them. Jesus came to teach us how do that. (John 15:22) Just making hurtful people aware how they are viewed, and that there is the possibility of something better, maybe by sharing the scriptures in this letter with them, might awaken and help them join themselves to God... If not, it might help them gain the good sense to fear the results of harming others. (Mal 3:16-4:3) In that way, any understanding you are able to help them gain might help you as well! To have peace for yourself, may require rearranging who are members of the household you choose to be part of, or even relocating or separating from them to be by yourself. It is better to be alone in peace with a meager existence, than living in a wealthy home in fear of harm or of having to endure verbal abuse of yourself or others. (Pro 15:16-17) In my own case, being old and retired, I have to this point been blessed to be able to pretty much control who is a member of my household. Even so, it is very hard to maintain an environment where there isn't a lot of dissension and even fighting among family members. [There can, of course, be "true" peace only among those who are the real followers of Christ!] I love the partial peace I am able to have that allows me to study God's word so as to write devotionals like this. My effort is to share my love for Christ and his Father, along with the wonder contained in the promises they have made to those who love them. My desire is to help you see the wonder revealed in how God dealt with people who loved him in the past. [Go to: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Chrisian Bright Spots?] My effort is to help everyone see the glory God has revealed to us through Christ. (Heb 11:1-12:3) I want everyone to see how to gain God's help and protection right now! [Go to: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Deliverance?] In what ever family or circumstances you find yourself, you can have  a  "your" part in helping Christ in his work: Let everyone know you have personally submitted to Jesus Christ. [Go to: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: R U Compliant?] Even with some failing health, I do know my favored circumstances are rare... I work hard to maintain the freedoms God has seen fit to allow me. If you can't isolate yourself from harmful people, whether they be physically or spiritually harmful, start reading the words of Christ and share [talk about] the faith his words build in you with others in your group. Talk about the wonderful principles God shows us in the way He dealt in the past with those who love him, like the example of Rahab and Ruth. [Go to: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Rahab And Achan?] The rewards of making yourself a friend of יהוה through your understanding of what He sent Jesus to teach, (John 6:63) are simply immeasurable... You refuse to do so at your peril! (Mal 3:16-4:3) If you love Christ, see you soon in paradise! (Mat 25:34; Isa 11:1-13)

I tried to keep this letter as short as possible. Even so, it admittedly takes some time and effort to consider the scriptures contained. One very religious person suggested, "I don't really want to read all that. Long letters like that don't help anyone! Why don't you shorten it up and make it brief?" I simply asked, "If our loving Creator could write us a one page letter to tell us all we need to know about him, wouldn't He do that?" (John 17:3) The person refused to answer my question. When people refuse to answer simple viewpoint questions, it might indicate they are not serious about any truth that might come from the conversation. Jesus seemed intolerant of such attitudes. (Mat 21:23-27; Mat 22:41-23:15) [God actually has shortened or simplified the Bible as much as He possibly can: He first explained how the Bible, outside the Gospels, is a tutor explaining all, but importantly; "leading to Christ." (Gal 3:23-26) Then, in addition, He specifically told us to listen to his son. (Mat 7:15; Heb 1:1-2) God's only latter day command is to learn what He sent Jesus to teach! (John 12:49 of 48-50; John 8:28; John 5:19; Ecc 12:13 of 11-14) That all boils down to your need to read and become very familiar with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, where four different faithful men, under inspiration from God, (2 tim 3:16-17) did their best to recount their own understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. What a simple and most beautiful wonder! It seems nearly too wonderful for mere mortals to comprehend; and yet... It is not beyond the sons and daughters of יהוה! (2 Cor 6:18 of 14-18; John 1:12 of 6-12; Mark 3:35 of 31-35)]

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