--- The Israel of God? ---
Unless you are a disciple of Jesus Christ,
meaning his willing and attentive student,
the "New Jerusalem" (Rev 21:1-4) or "Israel of God" (Gal 6:15-16) is likely not who you think!
Are you one? (John 17:11) Please consider Jesus's words...

Written: January 2024

When you read the scripture telling you to pray for Israel, who do you think that means. (Psa 122:6) Be careful! The ancient fleshly nation of Israel, defined by being Abraham's Fleshly Seed born through Jacob, is not who the Bible is teaching you should pray for; not in our day. (Mat 23:37-39)

I beg you consider a new scriptural thought: Consider your need to realize and identify the "new Israel of God," the second Israel, the one only recently brought to birth [or given a rebirth as a New Creation] in these last days [in the last 2000 years since Christ appeared]. Who do "you" believe God is talking about when He promises "current and future" blessings on his "New Creation"; (2 Cor 5:17-6:2); or, on the "new Israel of God"? (Gal 6:15-16; Rom 9:6-8) Those promises include not only being preserved alive, but also the restoration and healing of our bodies to a better than youthful state! (Job 33:13-30; John 11:25-26) That naturally gives rise to some "new" questions: Is the modern day "Israel of God" the same as the "natural State of Israel" from Bible history? Please comprehend what I am asking: Are there two Israel's of God? Is there a "natural physical Israel" of Bible fame, and, a new and different "spiritual Israel"? That is: Is the modern day "Israel of God" different from the "Jewish Nation" of bloodline descendants of Abraham through Jacob? Please take special note: There is sound scriptural reason for my question; please consider what the Apostle Paul wrote in about 50 CE: Galatians 6:16 of 12-16 MWT It is those who want to please [impress] others by making a good showing in the flesh (Mat 23:5 of 1-15) who would force you to be circumcised [follow Judaism], and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. (13) For even those who are circumcised do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised [to identify yourself as a member of "their" religious sect] that they may boast in your flesh. (14) But far be it from me to boast except in the torture stake of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. (15) For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation is something. (16) And as for all who walk by "this rule," peace and mercy be upon them, even upon the Israel of God.

Have you really taken to heart what God said in that last verse? Do you understand? Who is the "Israel of God" whom God also referred to as the "New Creation"? Did you note; He promised "they" would have his peace and mercy? And, did you embrace God's explanation: That your knowledge of our need to become a "New Creation" is a "new rule" for us to live by? Is it your rule? He said you need to understand and embrace, as the basis of that rule, that neither is circumcision [being a natural Jew] anything nor is uncircumcision [being a non-Jew or Gentile] anything, but being a "New Creation" is what is important! In other words; in large part, it is understanding and living by that "new rule" that transforms you into a "New Creation"...  Choosing to follow  "Following" Christ, then, transforms you into a "New Creation."

Because this material is so very important, and is also a "new" thought for most people, I ask these questions again: What, in more detail, is that "new rule" and "New Creation"? How can you become one? (John 7:37-39) Also, how does becoming a new creation connect with the modern day "Israel of God"? And finally; is the "Israel of God" there spoken of different from "fleshly" or "natural Israel" [are they different from those who make up the ancient Bible Jewish Nation formed of the bloodline descendants of Abraham through Jacob]? (1 Cor 10:14-22) You need to be familiar with these terms to understand God's salvation in Christ. (Heb 5:11-14) Can you have a real and life saving faith in what you don't understand? Some additional scriptures will help you realize and understand that "New Creation" actually is synonymous with the modern day "Israel of God," and, to know they are "very different" from fleshly Israel... To really comprehend who the modern day "Israel of God" is, and whether you are or can be one of them, it will help to know a little about Jewish history. In any case, if you profess Christianity, you should certainly know some about the Jews; because the Savior you proclaim is Jewish. (Mat 1:1) And, God sent Jesus first to the Jews. (Mat 15:24 of 22-28; John 4:19-23)

The Jews, as God's ancient nation, rejected the Savior God sent them. They rejected and killed the son of God! (Mat 21:33-46) So, knowing what they were about to do, Jesus told the Jews their house was abandoned to them [their Jewish arrangement no longer had value in approach to God]. Going forward from that rejection, the Jew's only hope is the same as all the rest of mankind. We must each one put faith in Jesus Christ... (Mat 23:38 of 37-39) That faith in the words of Christ (John 6:63) grants us an adoption and birthright as sons and daughters of Abraham, and as members of the Spiritual Israel of God. (Galatians 6:16 of 12-16; Gal 3:26-29; Gal 3:6-9; Rom 4:13-5:5) All the future blessings God promised ancient Israel will come to Spiritual Israel; to us who express true faith in what God's son taught! (John 17:6-10) Even though you can't judge to know who other Christians are, as you can never be certain if people are what they claim to be, (Mat 24:23-28) the true followers of Christ are the "Spiritual Israel" of God all the same; and, Jesus specifically taught they are the "only" ones you should pray for. (John 17:6-10) Just realize you don't need to know who the other true Christians are! Simply understand in your heart God knows who they are, and do your best to help others realize, the only "individuals" you are praying to to give his Spirit to and help (John 14:25-26 of 23-27; John 15:26-27) are those chosen by God to follow Christ... (2 Chron 16:9; John 6:44-47; John 11:25-26) [ יהוה is God's Hebrew Old Testament Name.] Never pray 's blessings on sectarian groups of men; or, for specific blessings for any individual [beyond asking God to give them what blessings they will accept]. You are not their judge to know if they are bad; nor can you judge or even know if they are good! (Mat 7:1-2; John 3:17-19) We can, of course, pray for to help everyone who will accept his direction to simply listen to his son. (Mat 17:5) Just understand and appreciate: יהוה has said all who refuse to listen to Jesus need to die! (John 3:19 of 16-21) All who do listen to God's Son are members of the Israel of God and will live forever! Isn't that an eternal joy to know. Whether this picture looks anything at all like what Christ's Kingdom will actually look like, it should help you understand what is happening! Isn't being a member of God's Spiritual Israel an eternal joy to be part of... (Rev 21:1-4; Rev 3:12-13)

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