About Jesus Christ
(Written: May, 2011)
Christ is the theme of the Bible. Jesus is  יהוה 's  provision to break up [destroy] the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8) First mentioned in the promise to Eve in Gen 3:15. [Recognize  to be God's personal name, recorded over 6000 times in the Hebrew Old Testament text.] Immediately following the first sin in the Garden of Eden, [which sin brought all Adam's offspring into captivity to sin and death (Romans 5:12; Romans 8:20-21)] as recorded at Genesis 3:15,   יהוה   uttered the first promise of a coming savior: God there stated He would "raise up a seed of the woman" [the "son of man"] who would crush Satan's head. About 2000 years later, God stated that coming "seed of the woman" would also be the seed of Abraham, and would bless all nations of the earth. (Gen 22:15-18) Some 2000 years after that, Jesus Christ was born as that seed of promise. Its been another 2000 years and Christ has returned as King...

Two distinct prophecies about Christ:
Throughout the Bible, we find additional prophecy teaching more about the coming of the Christ. (Link to the major Bible prophecies about the Messiah.) And then finally, we have the record of those who witnessed his arrival as the ransom sacrifice some 2000 years ago. (John 1:29‑34) Then and thereafter, we find the Bible teachings of the Christ himself, as he promised to return as King of Creation. (Luke 21:25-28 - You should become familiar with Christ's words in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.) Jesus taught us how to behave, so as to take advantage of his ransom. He taught us what to expect at his second coming; as God's appointed king. (1 Cor 15:12‑28) He told us his return was important and we should keep on the watch for him. (Mark 13:32-37) Creation has been suffering together since Adam's sin, awaiting the arrival of the kingdom of Christ and the deliverance it will bring creation. (Romans 8:22) Just as pre-Christian Bible students looked forward to the appearance of Christ, and to know his identity, so Bible students of our day should be looking forward to Jesus's second coming; this time as king of God's kingdom. What a wonderful time to be alive!