--- Israel's invasion a sign? ---
Is it Bible Prophecy fulfilled?
Is it Armageddon?
Written: October 2023
Are you joined with Christ in singing "his" song; the song of the lamb?
"Great and wonderful are your works,
God, the Almighty. Righteous and true are our ways, King of eternity. (4) Who will not really fear you יהוה and glorify your name, because you alone are loyal? For people from all the nations will come and worship before you, because your righteous decrees have been made manifest.'"
If the invasion of Israel was the start of Armageddon, your survival depends on your understanding that is God's war and not yours; (2 Chron 20:17) and, on your talking about "your belief" [your faith] with everyone you can. (Mal 3:16-4:3; Zech 14:1-3; Rev 16:13-16; Rev 19:11-18; Hab 2:2-3) You should understand Armageddon will escalate rapidly until God's will is finished in the earth. (1 Thes 5:3 of 1-5; Dan 11:27; Dan 11:44-12:3) There is no stopping Armageddon, but, there is surviving it. Simple question: Are you actually in support of God's King; "or," are you doing what "you" or some religious sect thinks is right? Be very careful! You can be doing only the one "or" the other... (Mat 24:24-25) You must make the choice and then put forth the effort to step out of death and into life; by simply taking advantage of God's provision of life through your "personal faith" in the words He sent Jesus to bring! (John 5:24; John 8:51; 1 John 3:14-15) Now I know that sounds just too simple to be a real protection, but it isn't! (2 Kings 5:1-14; 1 Cor 1:21-2:10) Question, though, are you sure you really even know what Jesus said? That knowledge is contained in four short Bible Books (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and nothing else can be relied on to help! In the midst of our world full of churches who are religious liars along with some possibly sincere but confused mis-directors (Luke 13:25-27 of 24-28) mixed among them, I pray you can "find" and expose for yourself that simple but most valuable treasure of truth: (Mat 7:13-14; Mat 13:44; Mat 7:21-23) Your very life is in knowing the actual words of Jesus Christ! (John 6:63) And, of course, on your exercising faith in his words! (Mark 5:36 of 35-42; John 3:17-19) JustBibleTruth.com and this letter exist to help you realize and know you can't be a friend (John 15:11-15) of Christ by being a member of if you are deceived by one of the many religious sects that have convinced themselves they are God's chosen organization, and you have to be approved by them to please God... Jesus clearly warned about against them. (Mat 23:1-15) You can read in the Bible about many such people who were misled in Jesus's day. (Mat 23:29-33; Mat 23:15; Mat 15:7-9; Mat 6:5) JustBibleTruth.com exists as the example of some who have set themselves free in these last days. (John 8:31-32) Don't be deceived to join a church. You must know Christ by personally reading his words. Then talk about what you learn from Christ. (Rom 10:11-15; Mal 3:16-4:3) Even if you are a little over zealous, by following Christ's directions to warn people and are a bit early, you are just overzealous; but still alive! If you miss the signs, (Mat 24:29-31) or choose to refuse to warn your neighbors, (Eze 3:17-21) you will be dead. (Rev 3:3; Rom 13:11-12; Dan 12:4) Whether you choose to know and understand what these words are revealing for you, or choose to remain ignorant and continue on dying as part of this world, (John 8:24) "the end" is still upon us! (2 Pet 3:8-13) Most people are slumbering in an ignorant faith that some religious sect or other affiliation is helping them. Being the antitype of Christianity, religion is always bad: Hamas soldiers, for example, "along with all their supporters," mutilate and murder women and children. Palestinians "cheered in mass" when captive Israeli prisoners were publicly displayed as they were paraded into Gaza. They actually "imagine they are serving God." Israeli soldiers "and all their supporters" mutilate and murder women and children, "imagining they are serving God." Zealots among the many and varied churches and religious sects, "and all their supporters," judge non-members enemies of God and unworthy of life; and all the while, they all "imagine they are serving God." Many of such wicked individuals are even emboldened to call themselves "Christian." (Mat 24:24-25) The hatred that caused Catholics[asserting their Christianity] and Protestants [also calling themselves Christians] to slaughter each other for centuries during the dark ages still smolders. They killed each other even within the last 100 years in Ireland. Can you not really see all those groups are spiritually similar or even exactly the same? (1 John 3:14; Eph 2:1-5; Rom 13:8-12) They are all spreading hate while trying to convince you they are doing God's work! To be truly zealous for any "religion" defines you a hater of nonmembers, and therefore, an enemy, actually, of Christ. [Christianity is not religion!] Which among the many religious sects do "you" really imagine really "judge" God is blessing? Can't you see; they have "all" woven themselves into the very fabric of this world's tribulation! They "are" the tribulation... Those who "make the choice" to worship false Gods are destined to remain ignorant; or to trade in their ignorance for stupidity! (Pro 18:7) Even if you do recognize [God's Hebrew Name] from the Bible as the "one true God"; and Jesus Christ as his son; but then try to worship in a way not specifically directed by God, that is still just you separating yourself from life. (John 4:22 of 14-26) Hear and obey God's only latter day command to listen to his son. (Mat 17:5) Life in this vile and insanely wicked society seems no longer about doing anything to change or save the wicked members of this world, those who have rejected Christ; (1 John 5:18-21) it is about "you" surviving their destruction... (Luke 17:26-30) Most important for you to understand: If you are a friend of peace and you love our Creator; Armageddon is a "good" thing for YOU! (Luke 10:5-6; Luke 21:28)
Please consider, then, God's simple clear instructions for stepping from death into life. (John 5:24) So, while the command to put faith in Christ is simple, you should be prepared to exert yourself a bit... (Luke 13:24 of 24-27; 1 Cor 3:1-2 of 1-11) This letter, I believe, summarizes the whole of the Bible; culminating in your opportunity and absolute need for faith in Christ. (Gal 3:23-26) The Bible is the one large thought from God expressing "his" one solution to all our problems... (Heb 5:11-14; 1 Cor 3:1-23) You really must "should" take advantage of your opportunity to know Christ and his Father!
With the breaking dawn of October 7, 2023, Hamas fighters who had invaded Israel during the night attacked unarmed Israeli children and women just trying to have life. They slaughtered well over 1400 and carried away hostages numbering in the hundreds. (1 Sam 30:1-8) The question many are asking is whether this assault on Israel is scripturally prophetic; a sign of the end times. (Luke 19:41-44; 1 Pet 1:17-21) Going further, could the invasion of Israel even be the start of "Armageddon"? By meditating on the following scriptures, you are making the wise choice to take in God's "Good News of the Kingdom"; that is, "the Good News" Jesus Christ promised "everyone" would hear, just before the end! (Mat 24:14 of 3-14) Jesus came in part to bring that "Good News" for/to YOU! [Your only other option: Remaining in death (John 5:24) by rejecting the benefits of God's Good News; thus showing you consider as worthless the knowledge provided by God [through Christ] to preserve you alive... (John 3:17-19; Heb 6:4-6) In other words, doing nothing is ignoring the "Good News," which is refusing to climb into the modern day "ark" God has provided. (Mat 24:36-39) Since Jesus mentioned there in Matthew 24, that a lot of bad things are going to happen "are happening"; why would he refer to his warning as "good" news? Being able to understand how it is "good" news, which does include learning how to make it "good news" for you, is why you need to listen carefully to Jesus's words. In either case, whether you choose to listen or refuse, Armageddon still means you are taking or have taken responsibility for yourself! (Eze 3:17-19; John 15:22)]
The invasion of Israel evokes strong emotions in most people; but, you will probably get as many different answers about its prophetic meaning as the number of people you ask. Be careful: Since what we are considering is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, and the fulfillment of most Bible prophecies are not understood until after they are fulfilled, (Mat 13:14 of 10-17) what everyone is giving as answer may be just "their opinion." Only Jesus was trained by his Father to give you the truth you need to hear. (John 12:48-50; John 8:31-47) And, even Jesus didn't know everything. (Mat 24:36) Jesus "does" know, however, what you need to know to gain life! (John 6:63; John 17:3) Because of this world's and the Bible's intertwined history, the invasion of Israel is an issue most people are concerned about! Books are written about how Israel plays into our future, and some of them, even when they are more science fiction than Bible prophecy, have gained a following. I seldom read books apart from the Bible, even [or maybe especially] when their author [or his followers] claim they are Bible study aids; or even future revelations. However, after having two unconnected friends of many years independently recommend the same book, with one asking me to read it as a favor of our friendship, I did read volume one of what proved to be a series of several books. In them, the author imagined a future where Israel was dealing with a miraculously stalled Russian invasion. [He implied in support of his fabrication, scriptures like: Eze 38:8-39:10; Psa 37:14-15.] He further exaggerated his vision to speculate pilot-less airplanes falling from the skies all around the earth; their missing pilots having been raptured away. The vision he expressed doesn't really seem rooted in Bible truth. So then, because I know there is considerable interest by a lot of people, I write to share with you what "I believe" the invasion of Israel means. My study is just my best effort to understand it for myself, and so, I record it so I can review the linked scriptures often. And, so others who have interest can consider them. In other words; I need to and am in the process of, reasoning out (Rom 12:1) and understanding how Israel's invasion effects "my" faith! [And yes, that does mean you should examine what I say in the light of the Bible, because what I will be sharing is in part, "my faith" and in some measure my opinion! But, I believe and I pray, it is an opinion based on (or at least consistent with) the scriptures. (1 Cor 7:39-40) This, then, reflects my current Bible study...] Let me start by making clear I do believe this invasion of Israel is in fulfillment of Bible prophecy, but also, I don't believe it is significant in the way most Religious people believe... You will need to consider the following scriptures to fully understand what that means. Put simply, I believe Israel's invasion is important because it is a "wake up call" for all the earth. It should be a wake up call for you! If you want to continue alive, you should seriously consider the following presented scriptural hope!
➔ Restating the focus of this study: We herein consider whether the invasion of Israel is in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. And, does Israel's invasion help us to identify "the time of the end" of this old world system; so we might be prepared and know what to expect? Jesus did say we should be prepared! (Luke 21:34-36; Hab 2:2-3) Put in other words, could the attack on Israel actually be the start of Armageddon? And then very importantly: Is Armageddon actually a "blessing" for those who are righteous? Next obvious question... Who are "the righteous"? What defines or identifies them? The Bible clearly does speak of Israel's importance in scriptures such as Luke 21:20-28, where Jesus tells us (GW):
• "When you see armies camped around Jerusalem, realize that the time is near for it to be destroyed. (21) Then those of you in Judea should flee to the mountains. Those of you in Jerusalem should leave it. Those of you in the fields shouldn't go back into them. (22) This will be a time of vengeance. Everything that is written about it will come true. (23) "How horrible it will be for women who are pregnant or who are nursing babies in those days. Indeed, the land will suffer very hard times, and its people will be punished. (24) Swords will cut them down, and they will be carried off into all nations as prisoners. Nations will trample Jerusalem [representing God's rulership of the earth by his anointed King] until the times allowed for the nations to do this are over. (25) "Miraculous signs will occur in the sun, moon, and stars. The nations of the earth will be deeply troubled and confused because of the roaring and tossing of the sea. (26) People will faint as they fearfully wait for what will happen to the world. Indeed, the powers of the universe will be shaken. (27) "Then people will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. (28) "When these things begin to happen, stand with confidence! The time when you will be set free is near." •
As to our need to recognize the time of the end, please take special note Jesus said we should stand with confidence when we recognize the things he promised; because it would be it is the time for our deliverance... So, then; Armageddon "is" a blessing for the righteous!
That terrifying prophecy had a prior [and partial] fulfillment when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70 C.E. As the prophecies have said, she was rebuilt. Note Luke 21:27 there mentions something we didn't see fulfilled in that first century destruction of Israel. No one saw Jesus coming in the clouds. It is time for the finality of the fulfillment of that prophecy. Who, though, is going to be destroyed in our day by Armageddon? Can you believe, and do you believe, Jesus's words that the whole world is about to be destroyed? (Mat 24:36-39; 2 Pet 3:5-7) These now well known and understood words of Jesus Christ are elevated as clouds of truth exposing him openly to all who choose to see; maybe eventually even to those who don't want to see. (Isa 45:23 of 22:25) All are being destroyed, except those having climbed into their ark [the modern day "ark" being faith in the words of Jesus Christ]. As a quick preview of God's provision for life we are about to consider: Having true faith in Christ transforms the faithful (John 7:37-39) into a "New Creation"; (2 Cor 5:17) making them members of the spiritual "Israel of God" (Galatians 6:16 of 12-16) and subjects of "New Jerusalem"! (Rev 3:12; Rev 21:1-4) You might ask: What does that all mean? As we consider what that "does" mean, please very specifically take note and understand what it "does not" mean: It "does not mean" salvation for all those asserting Christianity based in their sectarian church and/or their approved membership in it; or for those still looking for God's protection in being blood-line descendants of ancient Israel [Jacob]. The Bible says deliverance is for the "New Jerusalem" and/or the new "Israel of God." (Gal 6:16 of 12-16) A new thought you should seriously consider: Do you understand what it means for YOU to be protected as a "New Creation" and a member of the new "Israel of God"? Don't you really think you should?
There are many scriptures about that first prophetic fulfillment; about the natural state of Israel being destroyed and/or dispersed and then returning to their homeland, which prophecies we have seen fulfilled. And, there are lots of "preachers" trying to teach you about that. There can be little doubt the "Nation of Israel" has played a large part in God's plans and purpose for the earth, and for you and for me and for every person alive or dead. Jesus Christ was born a Jew; I mean really! (Mat 1:1) Israel's importance is, in the mind of many people including me, a given basic truth. So, I'm not going to spend a lot of time talking about it. (If you would like to further consider the importance of Israel and Zionism [Zionism* is probably not what you think], using what God says about it in the Bible, here are some additional scriptures: Exe 5:5; Zech 12:3; Psa 122:6; Micha 2:12; Isa 2:3; Luke 1:31-33; Gen 12:1 & 3; Gen 15:18-21; Deu 9:4; Psa 89:18-29; Psa 102:13-16; Zech 12; Eze 37; Eze 38)
Rather than belabor what I consider a basic Scriptural and historic truth, then, because many people already share a belief in Israel's importance; and many are already teaching about that,
I beg you consider a new scriptural thought: Consider your need to realize and identify the "new Israel of God," the second Israel, the one only recently brought to birth [or given a rebirth as a New Creation] in these last days[in the last 2000 years since Christ appeared]. Who do "you" believe God is talking about when He promises "current and future" blessings on his "New Creation"; (2 Cor 5:17-6:2); or, on the "new Israel of God"? (Gal 6:15-16; Rom 9:6-8) Those promises include not only being preserved alive, but also the restoration and healing of our bodies to a better than our youthful state! (Job 33:13-30; John 11:25-26) That naturally gives rise to a "new" question: Is the modern day "Israel of God" the same as the "natural State of Israel" from Bible history?Please comprehend what I am asking: Are there two Israel's of God? Is there a "natural physical Israel" of Bible fame, and, a new and different "spiritual Israel"? That is to ask: Is the modern day "Israel of God" different from the "Jewish Nation" of bloodline descendants of Abraham through Jacob? Please take special note: There is sound scriptural reason for my question. Just consider what the Apostle Paul wrote in about 50 CE: Galatians 6:16 of 12-16 MWT
• It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh who would force you to be circumcised [follow Judaism], and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. (13) For even those who are circumcised do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised [to identify yourself as a member of "their" religious sect] that they may boast in your flesh. (14) But far be it from me to boast except in the torture stake of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. (15) For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation is something. (16) And as for all who walk by "this rule," peace and mercy be upon them, even upon the Israel of God. •
Are you really taking to heart what God said in that last verse? Do you understand? Who is the "Israel of God" whom God also referred to as the "New Creation"? And did you note; He promised "they" would have his peace and mercy? Then, did you embrace God's explanation: That your knowledge of our need to become a "New Creation" is a "new rule" for us to live by? Is it your rule? He said you need to understand and embrace, as the basis of that rule, that neither is circumcision [being a natural Jew] anything nor is uncircumcision [being a non-Jew or Gentile] anything, but being a "New Creation" is what is important! In other words; in large part, it is understanding and living by that "new rule" that transforms you into a "New Creation"... Choosing to follow "Following" Christ, then, transforms you into a "New Creation." Because the answer is so important, and a "new" thought for most, I ask these questions again: What, in more detail, is that "new rule" and "New Creation"? How can you become one? (John 7:37-39) Also, how does becoming a new creation connect with the modern day "Israel of God"? And finally; is the "Israel of God" there spoken of different from "fleshly" or "natural Israel" [are they different from those who make up the ancient Bible Jewish Nation formed of the bloodline descendants of Abraham through Jacob]?
(1 Cor 10:14-22) I believe you need to be familiar with these terms to understand God's salvation in Christ. Can you have a real and life saving faith in what you don't understand? Some additional scriptures will help you realize and understand that "New Creation" actually is synonymous with the modern day "Israel of God," and, to know they are "very different" from fleshly Israel... To really comprehend who the modern day "Israel of God" is, and whether you are or can be one of them, it will help to know a little about Jewish history. In any case, if you profess Christianity, you should certainly know some about the Jews; because the Savior you proclaim is Jewish. (Mat 1:1) And, God sent Jesus first to the Jews. (Mat 15:24 of 22-28; John 4:19-23)
➔ As a basis for proceeding; if you don't already know, let me now introduce you to something wonderful you certainly should be familiar with! (Pro 30:4; Joel 2:30-32) Please recognize and become familiar with The Name . [Sounds like Yea•Vah.] Those four Hebrew letters are the Hebrew Name of our Creator, just as he gave it to Moses on the stone tablets some 3500 years ago. (Exo 31:18) The Nameיהוה is a unifying sign for all righteous peoples of earth. Wouldn't you think each member of "the Israel of God" should be familiar with our Father's name? (Mat 5:9; Gal 4:6-7; Rom 9:25-26) Our Creator's name is יהוה!
Some basic Bible history will help you understand today's hatred between the "natural Jews" and their neighbors: Why have they worked for generations to kill "exterminate" each other? Did you know it is all because of their faith in their chosen God...? It can all be summed up by a history that is brief to tell but long in the years it has consumed [having consumed lots of years from a human perspective]. About 6000 years ago, right after our first parents sinned in The Garden and brought death to us all, gave humanity hope by promising He would raise up a descendant of Eve who would destroy Satan and all his works. (Gen 3:15; 1 John 3:8 of 7-8) About a thousand years out of Eden, however, the earth had become filled with violence. Demon worshipping mankind had become so wicked and vile, no good thing could be produced by them. [It was no doubt the kind of worthless "loveless" world that would have produced first graders who would shoot and try to kill their teacher; as we have actually seen in our day... (Mat 24:12)] So, God was forced to destroy that wicked world. All, that is, except righteous Noah and his family. (Gen 6:13-22) יהוה's perfect creation of humanity was thus preserved in Noah's deliverance. After the flood of destruction mankind had brought upon themselves, God set about protecting future humankind [the descendants of Noah] from so quickly coming back under demonic influence. To stave off the influence of false God's, and so protect us all, God chose Abraham and the nation of people he was blessed to produce, and gave them his perfect law code; to separate and protect them from false worship and the wickedness it produces. About 2000 years after Eve, then, and a few hundred years after the flood, Abraham was born. Abraham was a righteous man such that he came to be called God's friend. (James 2:23) God would use Abraham to protect the world from so quickly gravitating back into wickedness and again needing to be destroyed. Additionally, and more importantly, God's Law protected his nation born from Abraham so they could remain clean enough to be used to produce the Saviour of "all" humankind. God said the promised blessings to mankind would be fulfilled through Isaac, Abraham's son born miraculously in his old age; and then through Isaac's son Jacob who was renamed Israel by God. (Gen 32:28) The 12 sons of Jacob thus became the 12 tribes of Israel. So, you see, not all born of Abraham are really Israel. (Rom 9:6 of 6-18; Rom 4:7-25) Natural Israel [or fleshly blood line Jews] must all be born through Abraham's grandson Jacob and then through Christ. [Jesus Christ was born a Jew. (Mat 1:1 of 1-16)] Just please know and remember, all these things happened because made a covenant with Abraham that would benefit "all" of righteous humanity; not just the Jews! That Abrahamic Covenant thus amended and/or expanded God's promise of deliverance by the seed of Eve; (Gen 3:15) as He further promised that all righteous humankind would be blessed by Abraham's descendant. [Abraham himself, of course, was descended from Eve. (Gen 22:15-18)] About 500 years after Abraham, the Jewish nation was established from Jacob's 12 sons and given God's Law Code to protect them. They "voluntarily" accepted the Law Code and so entered a national binding contract with God based on their adherence to that Law. (Exo 24:3 of 3-8) For 1500 years from Moses to the birth of Christ [or 2000 years from Abraham to Christ], being a Jew was a very good thing. It was necessary! To be pleasing to God, you had to be born a Jew or to become a Jewish proselyte [Jewish convert]. Did God use the Jews as his nation because they were "good" people? Please know and understand this important point: The "goodness" of the Jewish nation really was definitely not God's reason for blessing them. (Deu 9:4-6) He used them because they were fortunate to be descendants of his friend Abraham, and so, the righteous among them were being used in fulfilling God's promise to save alive "all of righteous humanity" using Abraham's descendant [Jesus] to do so. The Jewish nation was thus used by God to produce the promised Messiah. (John 4:22) Jesus is, then, the seed of the woman, (a descendant of Eve - hence Jesus is referred to as the "son of man" - Mat 9:6-7 of 2-8) he is a son of Abraham, (Mat 1:1) and, he is the Son of God. (Mat 16:13-17) All of humanity had been looking for that Messiah (John 11:27 of 25-27; Mal 3:1; John 6:14) based on God's promise to Eve in the Garden; and even more so after God's expanded covenant with Abraham. When Jesus was born into the Jewish nation and presented himself as their promised Messiah, however, the Jews, "as a nation," rejected him . [Some individual Jews did put faith in Christ.] The "Jewish nation" as a whole, hung Jesus on a tree [or a cross or a stake - I pray you are not so self righteous as to be lost in "debating" such sectarian terms so that you miss the point being made...] as an evil doer and murdered him... (Acts 10:34-43; Mark 12:1-12)
Does your picture of humankind as a whole start to come into focus in the light of these scriptures? [Like 's ancient Kings were commanded to write for themselves a personal copy of the Law, (Deu 17 14-15 & 18-20) you should might want to "make yourself" a little chart similar to this or this or maybe this one. If you "really" want to know יהוה, your understanding of our history should mature beyond this.] The natural Jews of today kill their neighbors because they "believe" they are still God's chosen nation of people; and, are still being protected by him as "his" nation. They were for a time! (Gal 3:23-26; Acts 13:46; Mat 23:37-39) The Palestinians and their neighbors, many of whom believe they are also great nations descended from Abraham; but by Ishmael (Gen 21:8-21) or one of Abraham's other sons, (Gen 17:4-6) hate and kill Jews because the Jewish God chose the descendants of Abraham's grandson Jacob to bless and give their forefathers homelands to. (Deu 9:1-6) Problem for them is, the Jewish God was and remains the one "true" God יהוה, not because of the Jews, but because He "IS" God. Still to this day, many non-Jews herd themselves toward death by refusing to turn to . To be acceptable to , they must acknowledge what is true and obvious: It was for their own wickedness their forefathers were driven out and their land given to the Jews, but not either because of the goodness of the Jews. (Deu 9:1-6) It was and is, "all" of it, after all, God's land to do with as He pleases! (Psa 50:10-17) Today, that has all become just ancient history: Everyone today, no matter what we were in the past, must be "reborn" as a "New Creation" simply by turning to faith in the words of Jesus Christ! That includes understanding and fully accepting God has sometimes killed wicked people throughout human history; and, He is about to kill a lot more! (Acts 17:29-31; Isa 2:2-4; 2 Pet 3:5-7; 2 Pet 3:10-14) People define themselves wicked by refusing God's rulership of the earth; (John 3:17-19) which you should by now have come to understand is rejecting "Zionism." (Psa 110:1-2; Psa 145:8-21) Rejecting Zionism is rejecting our now reigning King Jesus Christ! So you see, [Zionism is not what most people think it is... Zionism is "not" the rule of the earth by the fleshly state of Israel as bloodline descendants of Jacob, along with the US and other supporting nations. Since ruled the earth for a time through King David,
it will help to understand that ancient Kingdom of God was "good" because it was a rulership to help "all" of mankind. It was good because God was using King David and the Jews to produce his savior of "all" humankind. To protect all of humanity, then, God killed those who fought against Zionism as represented in past times by his anointed King, David; David ruling from Mount Zion in ancient Jerusalem. Do not be confused; Zionism always refers to the rule of the true God of the Bible over the whole earth, through "his anointed King." While that was for one brief time in history King David, all must now realize it is the true followers of our King Jesus Christ.] God thus used and protected the Jewish nation in his purpose to produce Messiah, which did sometimes include killing their enemies. But do observe, killed "the Jews" all the same when they rebelled against his perfect standards. (Num 26:9-10) Rebellion against God is what makes and/or defines people wicked, irrespective of race. God kills those who disobey because disobedience to him always kills and/or harms others. Just remember, what God does is always for the good of "everyone" who is righteous: In ancient times, everyone who chose to do so could become a Jewish proselyte; and thus receive the protections of being Jewish. Many did just that! [Consider Rahab. - Josh 2:1-6:25]Please understand, however; what I say may not be for the benefit of a large portion of this world! (Jer 25:32-33) While everyone "will" hear this message, [or have opportunity to,] it will probably not be widely "popular." (Mat 7:13-14) Then again, since it will gain some notoriety, maybe it will gain popularity as well... (Mat 24:14) God is helping everyone who will accept that help! What I share is for the benefit of all of YOU who are righteous: Everyone who chooses to do so today can become a Christian; and receive the blessings and protection of being a member of the "New Creation" and/or of the spiritual "Israel of God." Just begin to understand this really simple scriptural fact, the "Israel of God" today is made of "the individuals" made righteous by expressing real and true faith in Jesus Christ. (John 3:18-19 of 16-21; Gal 6:15-16) Don't confuse true Christians with those who are bloodline Jews, or with those approved by some sect"calling" themselves Christian... (Gal 3:19-29) Know Jesus Christ as his personal friend, and thus be known by him. (John 15:11-16; Mat 10:32-33; Luke 13:24-27; John 7:38) Read your Gospels! (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
What, then, about the natural Jews alive in our day? Does being a blood line descendant of Jacob, which are the only natural "Jewish" descendants of 's friend Abraham, does that mean they are still protected by God? That is what this writing is to help you decide. What I should tell you, and do "try" to tell you, is only what the Bible says about the matter. Your faith should be your own! The point of this Bible study, again: Are we, or can we be, part of the modern day "Israel of God" and receive the blessings God promised them? (Gal 3:26-29; Gal 6:16; Rom 9:6-8)
When Jesus appeared, he many times and miraculously identified himself to the Jews as the son of God. (John 3:16-21; John 6:35-40 of 35-69) He explained to them he was the Messiah in lots of different ways, while he also warned they were turning their backs on God if they rejected him. (Luke 6:17-26; Mat 23:1-15) Finally, he told the Jewish Nation their house was abandoned to them; their only hope going forward would be as "individuals" who did put faith in God's Christ [in his anointed one]. (Mat 23:37-39) Jesus came first to the house of natural Israel, (Mat 10:5-6) but when they rejected him he turned to the gentile nations. (Acts 13:44-47) It was, of course, always God's plan to offer salvation to the Gentiles as well as Jews. That's why He told Abraham "all nations" would bless themselves by Abraham's seed. (Gen 18:18-19) Neither was it ever God's intent to provide salvation to the wicked among the Jews, just because they were the seed of Abraham. (Rom 9:6-8; Num 15:27-16:50) So, then, and this is very important to understand, after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, being a blood line Jew is not the basis for making you a friend of God, or even a true descendant [spiritual descendant] of Abraham. (Rom 9:6-8; Gal 3:26-29; Rom 11:13-26; Rom 9:6-18; Rom 4:7-25) Today, whether we were born natural Jews, or born Gentiles, we must exercise faith in Jesus Christ to become a new creation as God's true sons and daughters. (2 Cor 5:17; Gal 3:26-29; 2 Cor 6:17-18) I believe that requires we first know what Jesus said; or else, how could we believe? (Rom 10:11-15) Read your Gospels... (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Please understand as you do so: Building faith in the words of Christ is your rebirth as a new creation. (2 Cor 5:17 of 16-19; Gal 6:15-16 of 12-16) That rebirth adopts you as a spiritual son of Abraham; and, a member of the Spiritual "Israel of God." (Gal 3:19-29) What an absolute wonder! Please understand this all happens based on your personal faith in the promises of as delivered you by his son. (John 6:67-69) Although many religions and races and nations will try to convince you otherwise, no human organization, no matter what glory they might have had in their past, can bless you or grant you a good relationship with . (Acts 4:12) Being protected, by being a friend of God, is a personal matter and solely dependent upon "your" personal faith in what Christ was sent by his Father to teach; sent to teach you! (John 6:44-47; John 15:14-15; John 17:3; John 14:10-17) How could you please God if you disrespected his great help and gift to you? (Heb 6:4-6)
So, then, is יהוה protecting the Jewish Nation because they are the natural blood line descendants of his friend Abraham. I don't presume to say who God is protecting, but, these scriptures seem to question whether that is a safe hope. Your faith is yours, of course, and between you and . What I do know "absolutely believe" is faith in Jesus Christ "can" help you. (John 5:24; Acts 4:12 of 8-13)
If, then, I doubt whether God is protecting fleshly Israel, why did I say I believe they have a big part in awakening mankind. [Again, I don't presume to say God is not protecting them. I just don't know.] Their modern day importance lies in the very fact that many or even most people have divided themselves into one of two groups: The first group who believe God is protecting fleshly Israel; or, into a second group trying to prove He is not! That perceived importance, then, whether it is true or not, serves to wake people up: This is the time of the end and the life saving need of every person alive is to put their unwavering faith in the words of Jesus Christ. (Mat 24:14 of 11-14) Jew or Gentile, we are all in [or have refused to get in] the same boat as it were. Both the Covid pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine woke the world up for a few months, but, even with the increasing "natural" disasters and unrelenting onslaught of other problems, most of "this world" has gone back to sleep; back to worrying [dreaming] about football games and music festivals and partying down. We see the powers of this world keep people in constant turmoil as they first build up, and then abandon, other nations they had looked to and treated as allies... The world has become ungoverned and ungovernable; and worthless as individuals. I saw someone seeking joy from life by buying a half million dollar Lamborghini sports car, and then spending many thousands of dollars to add a gaudy after-market paint job; all while the earth's children are starving and being slaughtered. If you are one of the few still blindly [ignorantly] enjoying the best this world has to offer, brace yourself: God will not allow anyone to sleep through. (Isa 45:22-25) Everyone has to hear, "and so have the chance to recognize" what is happening; to recognize what truth is. (Mat 24:14) They "must" hear, don't you understand, to give them that chance for life! (Rom 10:11-15) God doesn't kill without first giving warning. (Pro 14:32; Rom 6:23; Eze 3:18-21) Rest assured, Abraham's reborn spiritual sons and daughters who are now surviving in Ukraine or Gaza [those made Christians by faith in being reborn as members of God's new creation (Gal 3:26-29)]; they are "not" asleep. They must each one by now realize they only have one hope: It is their personal faith and hope in Christ. The awakening being forced upon each one of us is we are caught in the midst of the earth wide tribulation. The invasion of Israel focuses attention on and reinforces that truth; and may actually be the start of Armageddon. Strengthen your faith; Jesus said it is going to get worse for those not protected by their belief in his words. (Mat 24:21-22; Mat 8:10-13) Soon, everyone left alive will understand their only hope, and then finally the only reason they are still alive, is because of their protection through their personal faith in the promises of Christ. What about you? Do you know what is real? Do you have faith? Is your faith really in Christ? (Mat 24:23-25) If you live in Ukraine or Gaze, or any other war torn nation, your only hope is to try to separate yourself from the violence. It's the same really in any country you live, since in all of them we must now witness sheer evil overwhelming righteousness, as the wicked foolishly undermine the rule of law. (Rom 13:1-2) If a gang tries to force you to join them to steal or do harm, or any hateful sect wants to enlist you, even to serve what they imagine is God, this is what I would [and do try to] say: "I love and look to his son Jesus as my king and only teacher. (Gal 3:23-26) My Father won't allow me to join any human sect, and still receive his blessings." (1 Kings 8:43) Making that statement as a witness to our Creator and his Son does require you be certain you actually do know God's Name. (Joel 2:30-32) According to Joel, you should know God's name to be the same name the Jewish descendants of Jacob knew, and still do know it to be: God's Name is . If you do have faith in Jesus Christ, prove it to yourself! Print this webpage to help explain your faith in God. Then, give a copy to, and talk about it with, (Mal 3:16-4:3) everyone you know... Doesn't trying to pretend the tribulation isn't happening just leave you as part of the problem? Even if you do see some flashes of light here and there [acts of loving-kindness] among members of this world, (John 3:19-21) you must still realize that world as a whole is wicked and is being destroyed! (1 John 5:19-21) The righteous are the individuals in most danger [if they keep themselves separated from יהוה's protection]! (Mat 24:21-22)
Zionism...! The invasion of Israel is thus important because it focuses the attention of all the earth on the fact that our "current world war" is about Zionism! Whether they have chosen even to learn what Zionism really means, combatants carry signs showing they have chosen one side or the other over what they "imagine" is Zionism. What I am about to say is simple to understand,
but it is also a bit complex... What we are considering is, after all, the greatest story ever told; and, it is God's one true thought to solve all problems! I assume the complexity might be in part God's way of weeding out those who don't really "desire" to understand how to change to become better. (Mat 13:14; Mark 4:11-12) Please comprehend this "Good News" now being revealed to YOU: The "World's" part or "side" in this War of Armageddon is made up of "every human" involved in killing others! Can you really think about what that means...? It means those fighting against God includes "everyone" involved in the fighting; except Christ and the angels. (Rev 14:6-7; 2 Chron 20:17; Rev 14:14-16) Do you really understand? Both those trying to support what "they imagine" is Zionism [those supporting the natural fleshly state of Israel], "as well as" those wanting to destroy what "they think" is Zionism [fighting on what "the world" is deceived to imagine is the opposing side]; are actually, all of them together, making up just one side in what is really "God's war" against all the wicked of this world... And, they are all fighting "actually against God"! (Acts 5:38-39) That will come as a shock to many. So yes, make no mistake; if you are involved in killing your brothers in Adam [or in supporting those who do], that is surely your stand against God. You should also realize this "is" a "world war": Everyone is involved!
Everyone alive, then, including you, has made a choice which places them in one of three groups. Carefully consider though: Those "three groups" make up only "two sides" in an ongoing war that is God's: The "two sides" are, of course, those on God's side and those against him! Put another way, by our choices
All the world's armies, as they fight
to destroy each other, are really just
gathered to Armageddon and fighting actually against God.
(Rev 19:17-19;
Rev 16:16; Acts 5:38-39)
we have each one made [or are making], we have accomplished Jesus's separating work of placing ourselves on his right hand or his left. (Mat 25:31-34 & 41) That's just two sides, right? Christ separates those on his Father's side, from those against him. So, why would I say our choice has put us in one of "three" groups? Because most all of those who have chosen the side against God, are fooled... They have made choices that have separated "their side" against יהוה into two groups; those for and those against fleshly Israel, which they imagine is Zionism. The point being made: Both of the first "two groups" we are about to consider, form just "one side" of the war of Armageddon, they are the "side" fighting against God and are "calling and imagining" their stand to be for or against Zionism [for or against the natural nation of Israel].
Modern day Israel of God!
The only people not fighting against God at Armageddon, are those who have separated themselves from this world; by following the teachings of Jesus Christ. (Mat 25:31-34; 2 Chron 20:17)
Fighters against God are identified as each group kills members of the other group over their religious beliefs. Each group, of course, believing or at least asserting they are fighters on God's side. Really, though, just Satan's tools.
You should identify and know the "two groups" making up the "one side" against God: The first group in the side against God are the godless hordes [all the nations who have chosen to follow men who taught them faith in God is a fairy tale for the weak minded] as they are combined with the worshipers of all the Gods different from the true God of the Bible. (John 4:20-22 of 19-26; Mark 13:21-23) The gob they all together form is united in being determined to destroy the second group, which may at first seem odd, because that second group is also fighting against God. The "two groups" are actually on the same side! The second group of them is the natural State of Israel and all their so called Christian supporters. [This second group all have Bible in hand as they claim to know the true God of the Bible and imagine they are fighting for Him against those attacking what they think is Zion.] (Jer 6:22-23; Joel 2:1-16) [To restate: Even though they are trying to kill each other, those two groups are actually formed into one side, and most not realizing they are fighting against God! As witness against themselves, many in both those groups carry signs that claim they are fighting for or against Zionism. They don't actually understand what Zionism is... They "should"! If they actually read the Bible, they would... Zion was the ancient City of David where King David ruled the earth from Mount Zion, protected by God because David was 's anointed King. (Psa 2:6) Zion later came to refer to the whole city of Jerusalem; representing the pre-Christian center of the worship of the God of the Bible. Christ Jesus has been referred to as the greater David by those who believe David's Kingdom over the earth was a prefigure of the coming kingdom of Christ. (1 Cor 15:24-28 of 1-34) That "is" what God said! (Mark 11:9-10; Isa 9:6-7; Luke 1:30-33) These two modern day groups, locked in fighting against each other; and actually against God, erroneously imagine Zionism means rule by the Natural Jewish State of Israel. That is not what it is! Zionism represents the rulership of the God of the Bible over the earth, by his anointed King... For a period in history that was King David and natural Israel. (Luke 1:30-33) In our day, it is Jesus Christ and his followers. The natural State of Israel rejected Jesus Christ as king, and is still waiting for their Messiah to appear. Who ever you are; don't be deceived: Fighting against Zionism is fighting against the rule of the modern day anointed Biblical King, appointed by the one true God: Fighting against Zionism is fighting against the Kingdom of Jesus Christ! (Psa 18:50; Luke 1:30-33)]
Then, there is the very important "third group"[and forming the "second side" in the war: God's side]. They live right in among those first two groups and are identified by not joining in harming anyone. That third group is comprised only of the individuals who actually are on "God's side," placed there by their personal living sacrifice (Rom 12:1-2) witnessed by their expression of faith in Christ and their refusal to cause harm... (Rom 10:10)
Even though many of the people involved in this war of Armageddon are yet trying to refuse to understand, submission to the kingdom of Jesus Christ is what our present world war is really about. (Isa 4:2-3) And "that," really is Zionism... Here is where that third group, the group of all the "individuals" actually "on God's side," can be seen. The third group is all the faithful Christians living right in amongst the first two groups... Those Christians are endangered by the activities of the first two groups making up this world. (1 John 5:19) Humanity's division over what they imagine is Zionism is not an accident. (Eze 38:1-39:10; Rev 20:8) This is very important for YOU to understand: It is God's protection of "Spiritual Israel," rather than fleshly Israel, that is the true focus of this war. (Isa 18:7) It really is about Zionism! Are you being protected? If you are a true follower of Christ [very different from having an approved church membership], your faith in Christ makes you a member of the Spiritual Israel of God; a citizen of Zion, and, "I believe," that means you can't remain joined to any of the sects of this world. (Rev 18:4-5) That includes those "trying" to protect "fleshly Israel."
To repeat, so I [and we all] might become conversant with these ideas in our prayers, there are two Israels we might think to support. You can receive God's blessing by supporting only one of them. Those trying to protect the first Israel [the nation of blood line descendants of Jacob (that is, "fleshly" or "natural" Israel)] want to kill all those trying to destroy the nation of Israel. Those hating and trying to fight against the natural state of Israel, as they imagine that to be Zionism, obviously want to destroy all Jews; natural or spiritual. [This is not the first time God's enemies have attacked his people! Hitler tried to destroy natural Israel; and, the extermination of a wicked tribe or race of people (the Agagites) who were trying to destroy the ancient natural Jews is what the short Bible Book of Esther is about.] In our day, however, this world's war [Armageddon...?] is actually about the protection of the second Israel of God. It is about "Spiritual Israel" [those reborn by their faith in Christ (John 3:3 of 1-8)] rather than the "natural State of Israel" [comprised of the blood line descendants of Jacob]. Without realizing, "the people of this world" are all actually fighting on the same side... The enemy of God has deceived all the nations to fight against "true" Zionism; because they are all believing Satan's lies by his false religions. (Rev 16:13-14) So, while the nations are ignorantly attacking and killing each other, all believing they are in service to God, they are actually attacking Jesus Christ. They attack Christ by harming or putting in danger those living in their midst who actually are Zionists; having made themselves so by their individual true faith in Christ. They are putting me in danger, and they are putting you in danger; if we don't have יהוה's protection! And that is what this is all about, how to have God's protection... Are you a member of the spiritual Israel of God? To restate, because it is different from anything heard before, (1 Cor 2:9-10) and is our reality currently unrealized by most: On what "the world" believes to be one side of their world's war [the battle of Armageddon?] are those who hate the natural Jews and their rule. On what most imagine is the other side, are those trying to protect "natural Israel" because they imagine that is fighting for God. Living in amongst both groups, which two groups are unwittingly on the same side [gathered by Satan against God], is the actual "spiritual Israel of God". (Gal 6:15-16; Eze 38:10-12 & 14-16 & 18-19 & 21-23) Spiritual Israel is all of those individuals who have separated themselves from all the sects of this world, separated by their faith in, and their allegiance to, the actual words of Jesus Christ. Spiritual Israel is the "New Creation" comprised of all who understand what I am saying, because they have willingly submitted to Christ Jesus as their Lord and King. That means they refuse to take part in "this world's" war. They are not trying to protect, or to destroy, the natural state of Israel. The members of the spiritual Israel of God all bow before and appreciate the rule of God's true King; Jesus Christ. That makes them, can't you now see, the only true Zionists. They understand Jesus is now ruling them from Zion. He is in the process of taking over rulership of the whole earth; which includes destroying all his enemies... (Psa 110:1-2) Whether modern Zion is or will be on the site of ancient Jerusalem, we will just have to wait and see. Wherever it is, it is being established by God, not men! We can know only what the Bible reveals... (Rev 21:1-4; Rev 3:12; Heb 12:22-24) God doesn't explain everything, but He tells you what you need to know and who to listen to so as to know him and to gain life. (Mat 17:5; Mat 11:27) Listen only to Christ! (Mat 7:15) Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
In my effort to understand and really believe this myself, let me try and clarify; because of the considerable ignorance surrounding this "Bible truth." (Rom 16:25-27; Mat 11:25-27) If my writing is a bit repetitive, please forgive me. Being an old man after a lifetime of Bible study, having lived a life in disappointment of religion, but all the while retaining hope God would reveal himself to bring an end of the wickedness and suffering surrounding us, and now to have hope I see that deliverance being revealed before my eyes; it is a bit overwhelming in my spirit. Trying to organize my thoughts, so as to explain to you the hope I now see being revealed, well, that's the very best way to understand and build my own faith. I re-read these scriptures often... So, then, do you want some "Good News"? Want the best news ever heard? Whether you wisely choose to open your eyes (2 Kings 6:15-17) and see, so as to benefit yourself and all who will hear you, (Mal 3:16-4:3) or rather choose to continue on dying with "this world" (John 8:24) in ignorance or stupidity, you are still having "your" part in
יהוה's "real life" play or drama: (1 Cor 4:9) We are each one having our part in enacting the greatest story ever conceived or told. It has run for 6000 years from Adam to the Revelation of Christ we now witness: Jesus is now ruling the earth from Mt. Zion [yet unseen to the eyes of those without faith]. (Luke 1:32-33; Rev 3:12; Rev 21:1-8Zech 2:10-13, Heb 12:22; Zeph 2:10-13) In this, the closing act of Adam's play [that closing bringing the end of sin's influence], we witness Jesus still ruling "in the midst" of his enemies [but only briefly with them still alive]. (Psalm 110:2 of 1-7 - Praise you people!)
The October 7, 2023 invasion of the nation of natural Israel is one more powerful sign that humanity is caught in the tribulation our refusal to submit to God has created. (Luke 21:7-28) If God didn't intervene, our religious war would soon destroy humankind completely. (Mat 24:21-22) Thankfully, He has intervened! יהוה has provided us a modern day "ark of salvation" which is simply our faith in the words of his Christ. (John 17:3) Before Christ, God spoke to mankind in many ways. (Heb 1:2 of 1-6) Since Jesus appeared, however, God has given only one command: To "listen to his son." (Mat 17:5) What I have just shared with you is the Good News of the Kingdom; the "Good News" Jesus came to preach. (Mat 24:14) So, don't you see, any real hope you have is the same as my hope: Whether you are a young Jewish mother lamenting the kidnapping of her teenage daughter, who she taught not to hate anyone; or an aged Gentile Ukrainian fending off the Russian hordes... It makes no difference if you are a man or a woman, or free or a slave. (Gal 3:26-29; 1 Cor 10:14-22) At 76 years of age, thus nearing the end my days according to this old world system, our hope is the same! The single only thing that matters is whether we have faith in the promises of Jesus Christ. (Job 33:13-30; Isa 11:1-12; Psa 37:1-29) The battle of Armageddon, which is God's war to end this world's tribulation by destroying all evil eternally, certainly including killing "all" those "causing" the tribulation, (Rev 16:16 of 13-16Rev 19:19 of 11-21) is going to kill all that do not adhere to the salvation lovingly provided in his son.
God's "Sacred Secret" is the sum total of the knowledge he sent you by means of Jesus. (Mark 4:10-11; Rom 11:25-26) Armageddon is God's simple and eternal solution to evil: After the witness we have of the 6000 years of mankind's dismal efforts to govern themselves, you either have faith in God's provision of life through his son; or, you are still hoping in one of mankind's failed solutions. (John 3:19 of 17-19; Mat 24:21-25) I suppose some might still be trying to ignore it all... Just stop! Failure to put faith and hope in Christ likely means you have chosen a side with one of the factions prosecuting this world's war. I would think having faith in Christ would first require you actually know what he said. (John 13:34-35) How much knowledge is required for acceptable faith, is, of course, between you and and his son. A safe bet is to be found reading your Gospels. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Just please seriously consider: If you are giving your efforts in support of one of the factions of this world, the world that is destroying itself by pitting nation against nation, you should examine if you aren't still being a part of the problem; rather than using your life's energies to herald God's solution: By helping יהוה make known the Kingdom of his Christ. We see other nations refuse to accept Palestinian refugees from Gaza; because they know Hamas terrorists would be fleeing in their midst. Do you imagine should accept them into the kingdom of his son? (Col 1:13 of 13-23) If you want to survive this tribulation, and Armageddon, you need to separate yourself from this world system by making known "your" faith is in Christ. (Mal 3:16-4:3; Mat 10:32-39) Not by being part of some sect asserting their Christianity; but directing people to personal faith in Jesus by their own reading of his words. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Faith in what Christ taught gives you a new birth as a new creation. (John 3:1-8; 2 Cor 5:17 of 16-21; Gal 6:15-16) If you are reborn as part of that Spiritual Israel of God, you will be protected... Be careful, though. It's not as important what you "say" you believe, (Luke 13:24-28) while in the midst of your religious paramours. (Mat 26:33-35 of 31-75; Mat 23:1-15) What is important is what you really and truly believe and are resigned to in the secret person of your heart; (1 Pet 3:3-4; Mat 5:14-16) when there are troubles and you have no human support. What you really believe defines what you do and who you are. In the midst of this world's war over what they think is Zionism, are you fighting for one side or the other in "their war." Or, do you actually and truly support the kingdom of Christ; by doing your best to share these scriptures with those on both sides of "this world's" war... (Mal 3:16-4:3) While this will seem like a fairy tale or even gibberish to the factions of this world; foolishness to those not personally being drawn to Christ by his Father, (John 6:44-47) it is only what "you believe" that is important for you. Soon, what all doubters say or believe won't matter at all. (Psa 37:10-11) They really don't matter even now. (John 8:24; 2 Thes 3:1-2) All that really matters for you is what you truly believe is going to happen: Have you heard and taken to heart Christ's words about your need for faith? About how your faith can help YOU? (Mat 8:13; Luke 6:19; Mat 9:27‑30; Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:48 of 42‑48; John 7:37‑39; John 19:34) Do you believe Jesus? If you have joined Christ [and therefore me I hope] as a member of the "Israel of God," (Rom 9:6-18; Rom 4:7-25) I would love to hear from you. [support@justbibletruth.com] Let me know you are praying for me. (James 5:16) Also, report any problems with the website.
Please consider again this important point: If you are able to understand what I am saying, it means you are special. God's sacred secret is being revealed to you and in you. (Mat 11:27; Mat 13:16-17) I don't know exactly what makes us special, but whatever it is identifies us to our Father in his search for the righteous. (2 Chron 16:9) [Maybe these verses partially explain what God finds special about us: 1 Cor 4:1-5] Put in other words: If you are able to understand what I am saying, it likely means you are being drawn to Christ by God's Spirit. (John 6:43-47) If God is not drawing you to Christ, Jesus's words will sound like a fairy tale at best, or even unintelligible. (Mat 13:10-17) If you are drawn by God, He is giving you the opportunity to become a "New Creation" and a member of the true "Israel of God." (Gal 6:15-16) Let me now add, as I try to avoid calling down יהוה's wrath on my own head; (Luke 17:1-2) by possibly stumbling you with falsely making you believe you are not being drawn by God, please be clear: I'm not saying everyone who has trouble understanding what I am saying is not being drawn by God's Spirit. What I am saying is "those people" who are not drawn to Jesus by God's Spirit will never understand. They just can't. (Mat 13:13-17; 2 Thes 3:1-2) As an old man with many years of Bible study, what is happening in the world is only now coming into focus in the light of these scriptures. If you haven't previously trained your mind on the words of Christ, (1 Cor 2:14-16) so as to divorce yourself from false religious teachings, beginning your Bible study with this material may seem difficult. (Heb 5:11-6:3) That doesn't mean you are not drawn to Christ by God's Spirit. Stick with your search for truth. If you are being drawn [I believe simply meaning you are sincerely searching for the true God], God is helping.
One local preacher recently said he believes this is Armageddon as he went on to assert we live in the most terrifying time in all of human history. That can be true; but, he seems to have left out the most important part. He left out the happy ending! [I wonder if his "true" effort and ministry was to fill his collection plate, and thus to convince us our helping fill it would be doing our part to "help [him and] God" fix this world. Don't be deceived. This world is not going to be fixed. "This world" is being destroyed! (1 John 2:15-17; Acts 17:29-31; 2 Pet 3:9-10 of 8-13)] What the preacher seems to have left out, as I like to point out and believe, is we live in the most "exciting" time in all of human history! Whether it is exciting or terrifying is entirely dependant on what you personally believe. Which it is for you is based on whether or not your life course demonstrates you believe Jesus Christ... If you personally and truly believe Jesus when he warned about the bad things coming, those things we now see happening, it is good that you have faith to believe! Do you also believe, however, and this is key, his words in his conclusion of that warning [or promise]? Do you believe him when he also told you, that when you recognize the things he was warning about, you should hold your head high because it means your deliverance is near? (Luke 21:28 of 7-28) Do you have absolute faith in your protection at his hand? We don't, of course, want anyone to have to die. God doesn't want anyone to die. (2 Pet 3:9-13) The simple fact is, however, some people are belligerently forcing God to kill them... (2 Thes 3:1-2) God has warned mankind over and over they need to follow his instructions so as to learn how to stop harming and killing each other. (2 Tim 2:14-16) He has patiently allowed time such that we live today in the vile world our temporarily tolerated disobedience has wrought. (Acts 17:30) This world's badness thus serves as an eternal witness to the results of our contentious refusal to accept God's kingship. So, we have forced God to kill those refusing to stop killing others. (Gen 6:11-12; Rev 11:18; Acts 17:29-31) Common sense and our history dictate there can be no other solution. Even so, God continues to warn his destruction of the wicked is looming "happening." He is telling you, just like he did Noah and Lot, how to separate yourself from those being destroyed for their wickedness. You must first stop being part of the problem! One very important point to understanding your part in this drama, however, you have to realize it must be God who kills the wicked. Because humans have no ability to first identify and then kill only the wicked, we must be very careful we are leaving that to . (2 Chron 20:17) None of us can even know who the wicked are, let alone how to destroy "only" them... God knows; and, is destroying every single one. (Psa 37:10-11; 1 Cor 6:9-12; 1 Cor 4:1-5) Whether each person puts true faith in Christ is what judges them. (John 3:16-21) Our own personal expression of faith in Christ also helps expose God's enemies. (Job 19:19; Mat 10:32-39) God and his Christ are identifying every single wicked person! (1 Cor 15:12-28) We all have to recognize: We are in the midst an earth drawn up in battle at Armageddon. (Rev 16:14-16; Rev 19:17-19; Jer 25:32-33) We either believe the words of Christ, and are waiting for God to destroy all the enemies of humanity and "true" Zionism, (2 Chron 20:17) or, we are dug in among them, imagining we can judge for ourselves who should live or die. Doesn't matter which side you have chosen if it isn't Christ's side. If you have chosen to be actively involved in "this world's" war, I fear you are without 's protection. What, then, about you personally? Have you put your absolute faith in Jesus Christ? Are you in that way choosing to dwell in the secret place of the most high, thus "expecting" and waiting on deliverance at his hand? (Psa 91)
Here is the point of this Bible study: Do you perceive having knowledge of these scriptures leads to a test we are each one giving ourselves? (John 3:19) The Bible promises the "last days" would find all the nations of the earth gathered in battle against Zionism; against the rule of God's kingdom by his anointed one. Your test is whether you support any one of this world's factions. The kingdoms of this world are all warring against the true God's rule of the earth. (Rev 19:17-19; Rev 16:16) Our simple test, then: We need to ask ourselves if we are certain we are found by to be supporting his kingdom by Christ. Have you asked that of yourself? Are you sure your answer is true? It is easy to be fooled if you haven't actually been listening to God's Son. (Mat 7:12-24) Remember: Armageddon is God's war, not yours. (2 Chron 20:17) Be very sure you understand that not one hair on the head of any righteous person (any person expressing faith in Jesus Christ) will be harmed by Armageddon. (2 Sam 14:8-11) So, then, can you testify that you are absolutely certain you are not a part of any group causing harm to any, even one, innocent person? If you are causing harm to the innocent, can you really imagine you are a follower of Christ and pleasing God? (Isa 42:1-4) If you are causing harm, don't you really just remain part of those nations causing the tribulation? Any sane person understands the natural descendants of Jacob (Israel) want and need a place to live in peace and safety. We can understand the righteous among them should be protected from those who want to slaughter them. We can also understand Palestinians feel the need to live free. The righteous among them need to be protected to do so. Did you note the common good thing among them? The unifying thread for help among the groups is it is "the righteous" among them who deserve "have accepted" protection. The wicked among them do not! And that is the point... What and who judges righteousness? That should be clear to all! Our Creator must decide what is righteous... [I saw a father in Gaza morning the death of his emaciated little boy who starved to death. The father didn't show the same signs of starvation. Why...? Could some be so vile as to sacrifice such children to gain support for their cause. Only God can judge such horrors. (2 Kings 6:24-30)] What, then, is God's standard for defining righteousness? That is very simple to know! Righteousness is simply having faith in the words of the one our Creator sent to teach us... (John 3:19 of 16-21) We must all accept and support true Zionism. Understand, that's not fighting either for or fighting against the rule of fleshly Israel. Giving support to Zionism is supporting the Kingdom of Christ; not by killing people over the Kingdom, but by having and expressing absolute faith in it. That is precisely what "all" the individual members of the spiritual "Israel of God" are doing; identified as each member expresses personal faith in Jesus Christ as יהוה's king of all the earth. Christians each and all refuse to join in harming the innocent. That is the choice YOU are making. But, what does that really mean? What that means is the point of this study and is what you have to decide for yourself! Your decision is your faith. As for me, I do my best to refuse to join or support those fighting for fleshly Israel, nor do I join those fighting to exterminate them. That does not mean I am a pacifist. If someone breaks into my home to harm me or my family, I will do my best to protect us; including doing bodily harm or causing death. Here is the question, then. Does the summation of my stand [my "faith"] make me a part of "the Israel of God," meaning I am acceptable to our Creator? Some very religious people say my faith makes me God's enemy... (1 Cor 4:3) I believe, of course, my faith does make me acceptable to God. I pray it does! But, I also understand that is what we are all waiting to find out about ourselves. (1 Cor 4:1-5) My prayers are with all who obey by following Jesus Christ... (Mat 17:5) My prayers are with those who support Zionism, which must, I think, include first understanding what Zionism actually is... My prayers are with all who obey יהוה's command to follow Jesus Christ... (Mat 17:5) My prayers are thus for Zionism. My prayers are for יהוה's Kingdom by Christ to completely rule the earth; including the destruction of all the unrepentant enemies of my Father. (1 Cor 15:12-28; Dan 2:44; Acts 3:19; Isa 11:1-13) If you have embedded and entrenched yourself with any of the factions of this world, I fear we may be too far along in the stream of time for you to be helped... That is based on your decisions about what your faith is, of course. Well, it's yours and יהוה's and/or Christ's decision! If you love and know Jesus Christ personally, this encouragement is for you. We have arrived! It is now time to express faith for salvation just like Christ over and over taught YOU to do. [Jesus's words for faith to eternal life and health: Luke 6:19; Mat 9:27-30; Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:48 of 42-48; John 7:37-39; John 19:34]What to you do, then, when the people of this world encourage you to pray for Israel?Many will point out it is a Bible command to pray for Israel. We can see that it is! (Psa 122:6) You should ask yourself, however: Are you trying to pray for the natural blood-line descendants of Jacob;(Jacob was renamed Israel by God - Gen 35:10)or, are you praying for God's "New Jerusalem; his "New Creation"? (Gal 6:15-16) Are you praying for the spiritual "Israel of God"; which is the "New Creation" brought to birth by God's Spirit by having drawn each of them to Christ? (Gal 6:15-16; John 3:1-8) Have you learned from these scriptures to understand the difference? When you pray for "the Israel of God"; do you understand that prayer is for all of the followers of Christ from every nation, including Jewish converts to Christianity, as well as non Jewish and/or Gentile Christians? (Gal 3:26-29; Gal 6:15-16; Mat 6:9-10) After having gone to such great lengths to bring Christianity to birth out of Judaism, (Mat 5:17; Luke 4:16-21) which included a refining or gathering of the truly righteous from among physical Israel, do you really believe it would please him for you to try and pray for what used to be. (Gal 3:23-29; Mat 23:37-39) Wouldn't that be joining yourself to the physical nation who rejected and killed; (John 19:12-16) and who continue to reject down to this day, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Do you think that will please God? You can't have it both ways. Christ is your Lord; or he isn't! (1 Kings 18:21) I appreciate someone who shared they really didn't like this letter; feeling I am just lumping Jews in with Palestinians. I try not to judge anyone... If your faith pleases God, I am happy! Be very clear, however: The Bible has lumped you into one of two sides. (Mat 25:31-34 & 41) Either you are following the words of Christ[no connection with church membership or approval]thus making you a member of the true or spiritual "Israel of God," (Eze 20:38; Eze 20:40-42) or, you are not. There is no neutral ground! Express your faith in Christ; or death awaits... This letter is meat, not milk. (1 Cor 3:1-3) Understanding, however, means your life! (John 17:3) What is your source of help? Read your gospels to familiarity: Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.
Can't you really see, if God is good and is consistent, mankind has made it so He must destroy this world's badness? (Gen 6:11-13; Luke 17:26-30) In working so hard to destroy and do harm to our fellowman, mankind has fallen not just south of "Godly"; we have dropped below even being human! The earth has become savage, filled with and largely led by, savages... (Gen 6:11-13) If you live in constant fear from "this world," (1 John 5:19-21) let me just say you would be ignorant or even stupid not to. On new years eve in 2024 in NY City, NY, the news showed a video of a black man pushing a white man in front of a subway train without reason or provocation. His two friends or gang members seemed to support his actions... Wherever you live, your neighbor may be a terrorist preparing to kill you. The very worst are often the young but "sincere believers" in what ever cult or religion they have been opinionized by [equate radicalized by]. The Nashville, TN news showed, sometime in the first half of December of 2023, dash cam footage of a car stolen by young people. Whether they knew, the car recorded their voices and the carnage as they purposely ran down innocent pedestrians in parking lots, laughing as they hit them. [Inexplicably, the video didn't make the world news and has apparently been pulled. I couldn't find it in a search made Dec 16, 2023.] All such hateful people, all those who cause and/or help hide such harm, just need to die! [By God's hand, of course, not mine...] If you don't have a neighbor wanting to harm you, a volcano may erupt or a sink hole open up under your feet! Whether you agree, you can surely understand, after Humas killed hundreds and then abducted little children and women to drag down into the holes they live in like rats, having prepared decades in advance to use the innocent as shields, and then cheering in mass as their captives were paraded into Gaza; you must understand why Israel feels the only way to deal with Hamas is to exterminate them all. Humas leaders erroneously imagined Israel would not hurt them for fear of harming their innocent shields. That human tragedy should help you understand, humankind as a whole has made God know the only way to deal with the wicked among us is to destroy them all. (Gen 6:11-12) One big difference: If you have made yourself part of this old world system, (1 John 5:19-21) don't imagine God can't destroy you without harming someone innocent, even one; no matter what pack you hide in. (Acts 17:29-31; 2 Pet 3:5-7) While Christianity is our solution, religion is the largest part of the problem. Do you understand the difference? Our faith in the Kingdom of Christ is our hope and only salvation! If you have made the choice to abandon those causing the tribulation, and thus become part of the later day "Israel of God"; you are surely demonstrating your faith by doing your best to talk with others about what Jesus Christ came to teach. If you are thus "making," or "have made known" God's righteous decrees, then also recognize the importance of joining in something new: Join me in singingthe song of the Lamb. The song of Moses was written after the deliverance of fleshly Israel from Egypt. (Exo 15:1-21) The song of the Lamb is sung by "the Israel of God" after deliverance out of this wicked old world system... Have you been delivered? Here, then, is the song of the Lamb:
(Revelation 15:3-4) And they are singing the song of Moses the slave of God and the song of the Lamb, saying:
“Great and wonderful are your works, God, the Almighty. Righteous and true are your ways, King of eternity. 4 Who will not really fear you, , and glorify your name, because you alone are loyal? For (people from) all the nations will come and worship before you, because your righteous decrees 'have been made manifest.'”
Is this all true? God knows I don't know; beyond what I have built faith in from the Bible... It is my faith, and therefore, it is "my" truth: Well, I "try" to believe and keep my faith alive and real... I believe I "am singing"[trying to make clear] that God's righteous decrees are made manifest; in or by the words of Christ. (Rev 15:3 of 2-4) I do realize I have to really and truly "believe" if I am to be benefited by my hope's living revelation. As we now see יהוה's perfect solution to all our problems playing out before our eyes; every person is selecting "their part" in "God's" drama. Who really, in all the earth, has not picked a side over what they imagine is Zionism; over protecting [or destroying] the natural State of Israel? Spoiler alert: Those not taking part in this world's war are the true "Israel of God," comprised only of those "individuals" putting their faith in Christ... (2 Chron 20:17) How are you involved? Knowledge of the words of Christ is important! Without knowledge of Christ, righteous people might grow up among Hamas and become radicalized to believe their cause justifies killing the innocent. Without the words of Christ, righteous people sometimes grow up among the descendants of Jacob[Israel] and become radicalized to believe their cause justifies judging and killing the innocent. Saul, who became the Apostle Paul, was deceived in that way in his youth. (Acts 26:1-31) Without the true words of Christ, righteous people may grow up being radicalized by any one of many religious sects to judge nonmembers enemies of God and unworthy of life [most being influenced to hate nonmembers of their cult]. It is only "individuals" actually "taking to heart" the words Jesus Christ exactly spoke who can break that cycle of hate; in their own heart! I'm an old man now, (Psa 37:25) having believed in a God who is good since I have memories. (Heb 11:6) Believing He is good, not just in the sense that he exists, but that He is my friend and therefore my helper. You should be aware most main stream Religionists do not endorse my faith; what I am convinced is my "scriptural" faith. My expression of faith in these words of Christ, don't you see, shows up the uselessness of their religious belief in their chosen sect of men. (Luke 13:25-28) What with Jesus's many warnings, (Mat 7:15) however, the fact they despise me doesn't really trouble me much. (1 Cor 4:3 of 1-5) What I do know is the Bible is the only sensible explanation of God of Everything. It then follows, if the Bible is true, my hope must be true. Isn't that what all religious people are waiting to see, though, really: When the smoke clears, who will be left standing? If there is a God who is good; then the Bible must be true because it contains the only sensible explanation of who God is and how we got "here"... Just remember, as you consider my words: Unlike most of the churches, my preaching isn't to put me in a position to take or gain anything from you. It is just my best effort to help; both myself and you! Read your Bible. Having heard God's only later day command to listen to his son; (Mat 17:5) abandon religion and focus on reading the words of Christ: Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. You have to know that just can't be bad advice!
Do you hear and realize: God's righteous decrees have been made manifest... His witness seems complete! (Rev 15:3 of 2-4) Maybe the only ones who haven't heard and don't know, are those who don't want to hear; (Acts 13:46 of 44-47) and those who have chosen to align themselves so strongly with this world they can never hear. (Heb 6:4-6)
Summation... Purpose and intent of this webpage/website: Reveal the intent of the Bible!
First, to help you realize your need; and then, to introduce the very personal skill set of making use of God's spirit!
(Mat 14:25-31)
This page is long and with lots of cited scriptures... Really, though, to what end or benefit? To awaken you to יהוה's wondrous truth! (2 Kings 6:15-17) And, to explain where the righteous dwell and why you will find happiness there! If you are in Ukraine or Gaze and are yet alive, you are awake to the need for this truth I mention! You understand what our world is becoming; what it means to have your environment of life invaded or overrun by people trying to kill you. [VietnamJC.com] The important benefit of that knowledge: It can grant you widsom to realize יהוה God the Almighty is the only one you can rely on to protect you. People making light of or ignoring God are receiving what they deserve and will soon be gone! (Psa 37:10-11 & Rev 20:10+) If you don't live in Ukraine or Gaze or China or Taiwan or Russia or Haiti or some other nation in turmoil, this is my effort to be certain you are also awake: Disaster is all about... (Psalm 91:5-12) When some mad or demon worshipping shooter or gang enters your place of business, or your school, subway or bus, or invades your home, or pulls up alongside your car, only יהוה and his son Christ Jesus, in conjunction with your own faith in God's spirit, can protect you. (Acts 17:29-31; Psa 9:7-12) You don't need some churchy hypocrite trying to get you to join his club. You need personal faith in the words of Jesus Christ! The world has lost all common sense and respect for authority; the resultant tribulation destroying our world is escalating rapidly. Armageddon is looming or has begun... Not to fear! Armageddon is God's final and perfect solution to bring an end of all these horrors; while protecting the righteous alive. (Luke 17:26-30) If you are not already, we will all soon be like those living in Ukraine or Gaza, in the sense of knowing only God can protect. (Isa 45:23 of 22-25) Soon, the only "individuals" left alive will be those protected by יהוה's spirit through their personal faith in the words of his son... (John 17:3) How, though, can we use God's Spirit to protect ourselves? First, just know me talking about this world's problems doesn't cause them. You knowing and talking about the tribulation doesn't cause it! Armageddon is God's plan for the deliverance of "all" who are righteous. You are a fool if you refuse to recognize the warning signs Jesus gave to identify the tribulation and Armageddon. (Psa 14:1; Luke 21:7-11 & 25-28 & 31) You need to learn how to protect yourself by understanding this: Faith in what Jesus Christ taught is your personal link to God's Holy Spirit. (John 6:63) And, that Spirit is real power, power beyond our comprehension. (Luke 17:6) Do you strive to understand what that means?[God will not, of course, grant his spirit if you haven't demonstrated you can use it wisely: You must have proven you are a "true follower" of his son... (John 3:16-19)] What can Holy Spirit do in your life? Jesus promised it can do anything you need... (Mat 17:20) It helped Peter walk on water and... (Mat 14:25-31; Acts 3:1-8 and Acts 4:5-13) You should build a true faith in Christ's words, a faith that can protect you alive. (Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:40‑55) Jesus taught us over and over our faith would save us and he used Peter to demonstrate it might take some practice for us to develop our complete and absolute faith in, and our ability to make use of, God's Holy Spirit. (Mat 14:25-31) Peter didn't doubt Jesus, since he still called out to Jesus to save him when his lack of faith lost his control of God's Spirit; as that Spirit supported him above the danger. In this account Peter illustrates the difference between JustBibleTruth.com and all the churches and religious sects I know about. Religionists all tell you an approved membership in their sect is what you need. Conversely, I warn listening to Jesus as he teaches you how to personally utilize God's spirit to protect yourself, is what you need. Which do you think the people surviving in Gaza and Ukraine need to hear? We need to maintain a faith enabling us to use God's spirit to continue to walk with Jesus on the glass sea floating above the tribulation of this world. You can sustain your life by your faith in God's Spirit. (John 14:15-17) The only thing that matters for you is this: Do you actually know what Jesus Christ promised, (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and then, to you really and truly believe? (John 11:26) So, then, are "you sure" God's spirit is protecting you? If you are such a Christian, see you soon in paradise! (Isa 11:1-13; Psa 37:10-11)
Click this link to a Webpage containing referenced Scriptures.
Purpose: If you want to print this webpage you are now reading, to share with someone who is without computer access [in Gaza or Ukraine or is poor or computer illiterate]; you will likely want to print this linked page containing most of the referenced scriptures that support it.
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