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"Opinionization," is that bad?
Not to be confused with having an opinion!
Written: August 2020

A more familiar term you might compare it with is radicalization. People often say individuals who have been brain washed to believe the teachings of terrorists are radicalized by those groups. Radical terrorists flew airplanes into the World Trade Center, self-righteously proclaiming and imagining they were doing good or even serving God: There would be "no peace without justice" they cried. While most terrorists consider themselves warriors of God, they are considered "enemies of the state" in most nations. Many countries kill them indiscriminately. Radical opinionization seems the same thing. Consider: Recently, in the early stages of the Covid crisis, two men got in an argument over whether to wear a mask in public. One killed the other. That is opinionization in the extreme, and sadly, that is what our society has come to. Those men were opinionized by the two radically divided groups who each one believe we all should, or we all should not, wear masks. Please explain how that differs from radicalized terrorism? More importantly, does opinionization impact your relationship with God and Christ? It really does!

It is natural for people to have opinions. Many today, however, have become so puffed up with themselves they imagine their opinion to be absolute truth. [1 Cor 4:5] They can then fancy themselves righteous in doing harm to those who disagree, because they  believe  presume they are defending truth and right. One man thinks he has a right not to wear a mask and that forcing him to do so takes away his freedom. He is prepared to harm those who try and force a mask on him. Another feels we must sacrifice some individual rights for the common good of humanity, and is ready to harm those who won't protect what he is convinced is the common good. (That is, in fact, what a society or even a nation of people is: They join together to form rules of society for the common good of their group or nation. Then, they appoint people to enforce those rules. Those who rebel and fight against the rule of law are destroying their own nation or society... Those nations who are more righteous try to form rules for the good of all humanity. I don't know if any of those nations remain.) As individuals and subgroups, and even whole nations it seems, continue to abandon any form of integrity, it can make going along with our own nation harder. We are all forced to realize most people never open their mouth except to manipulate others and/or to gain something for themselves or their gang. Greed and selfishness govern everything (not being directed by God); and then, most are willing or even anxious to lie to cover up what they are doing. As people become more aware of that hypocrisy, they realize obeying God's command to go along with the rule of law [Romans 13:1-2] can be hard; because many groups within society say they are doing good but are actually subverting law and order. So... Society becomes degraded to the point one man kills another for wearing, or for not wearing, a face-mask. Opinionization has fractured society earth wide. Majority mob action and rioting is not new. It has happened before in mankind's history. In the ancient city of Sodom, the whole city, from the least to the greatest, came out to satisfy their selfish depraved desire with no regard for others. [Gen 19:4-5] In such a scenario, the righteous have no chance apart from their hope in God. [2 Chron 16:9] That was the case with Lot. Be careful to understand: When people gang together like Lot's city did, with no consideration for righteousness or justice or even for other people, and especially when they disregard the will of God, it does allow God to see and judge who they have made the choice to be. When the wicked are made aware what they are doing, (the sodomites were made aware of their badness by the activities of righteous Lot as he lived among them) and yet continue their wickedness, it frees God to act; [John 15:22] as He did against Sodom. [Luke 17:29-30] Judging the wicked is one reason God has tolerated wickedness for a period, [Ecc 8:11] and the condemnation and destruction of the wicked is what we are seeing happen today. [Isa 26:10; Rom 9:22-24]

What is the solution, then? Be for sure, there is no human solution for the tribulation (and fast approaching Armageddon) which is destroying this wicked old world system. (Armageddon is, in fact, "God's solution" for the tribulation, as He finally and forever destroys all the wicked.) But do take heart, there is a solution YOU can avail yourself of... If everyone alive would just practice living by what Jesus Christ actually taught (not what religious people say he taught), there would be peace and harmony and a better life for all. What do you think the odds are, though, that everyone alive will embrace the teachings of Christ? Even if you personally take to heart and follow everything Jesus said, it won't keep your neighbor from trying to kill you when you choose to go out wearing a mask (or, the other neighbor trying to kill you for going out without one). Please consider God's solution is really simple! Actually, you see, everyone alive "is" going to live by what Jesus taught. [John 12:46-48] That does require submission to Christ for the common good! [Rom 14:10-12; Isa 45:22-24] Well, submission or death! This Bible knowledge puts before you a choice. [Deu 30:19-20; Deu 11:26-28] Choose to become a compliant subject of Christ's Kingdom, for the common good, or, continue your course of dying in the tribulation or at Armageddon. Willing submission to Christ is the manifestation of love. [Mat 17:5; Mat 22:36-40; John 17:3]

So, not to worry! Addressing opinionization (along with all other problems) is God's purpose as explained in the Bible. Simply stated, the Bible teaches God sent his son to teach us, among other things, how to escape our plight of being subjected to the rules and laws of other imperfect humans. [Ecc 8:9; Acts 4:12; John 6:28-29] The Bible does teach us to subject ourselves to the nation we live in, [Rom 13:1-2] but also teaches that is a temporary and relative arrangement. God's kingdom by Christ is established and we must submit foremost to it. God's kingdom is in the process of destroying this world's kingdoms! [Dan 2:44] There has to be, and there is going to be, the perfect rule of law. Everyone alive will submit. [1 Cor 15:20-28] That law is perfect because it is the law of love. [Mat 22:38-40; James 2:8] (Now someone will say: "Forcing people to submit to the teachings of Christ doesn't seem loving to me." Actually, though, it would be good even if God was forcing them; which He is not. Wicked people, you see, are never happy. As we note everywhere in society in our day, they just keep killing other people as they live in fear and hate. Russia's Putin is one of the most powerful men alive; and yet, he lives in absolute terror someone will poison his food or... We saw the black leaders in Chicago (July 2020) pleading with their followers to "please put down your guns." There is never happiness in warfare and there can be no peace [Isa 57:19-21] among people who refuse to submit to and follow Christ. So they may not know it, or certainly admit it, but it is a loving kindness of God to put all these sad wicked unrepentant creatures out of their misery. [James 1:25; Isa 57:20-21 of 19-21] You don't need to concern yourself, however, with any of that, and especially not with judging who is wicked or good. [2 Chron 20:17] And remember, everyone is already dying at their own hand, because of humanity's rebelliousness. God wouldn't have to kill anyone; we'd all be dead soon enough if He didn't intervene. He is intervening! [Mat 24:21-22] To gain your own life, you must be certain you are following Christ your-own-self!) Learning to live by God's law means simply that we listen to and learn from the son God sent to teach us what we need to know. [John 8:12; John 3:19] As for those people who refuse to submit to Christ, they will soon be gone. [Psalm 37:10-11] Rebellious and unruly people have created a world where we are all dying. What God has wonderfully done is send a righteous individual as a life raft to save us from our flood of destruction overwhelming mankind. [John 5:24] If you want to live, you just need to get on the boat: You just need absolute faith in Christ. [Mat 24:38] Forming worldly opinions (which is really just choosing someone to follow) will keep you on the path to death. You need to get on the ark of deliverance by choosing to pick up a Bible and read the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, to learn what Jesus actually did teach. [Mat 17:5] You can't get what you need by listening to me or any other person. No matter how hard we humans are working to learn to abandon our own opinionization, we all remain a work in progress. Only Jesus (not any religious leader) has the perfect knowledge to set us free. [1 Cor 15:1-34] Only Jesus can, then, teach you how to become free. [John 8:31-32]

Opinionization is not all bad... In case you haven't figured out, opinionization has infected me (I  hope  pray) more than anyone. It is my opinion the teachings of Jesus Christ are our only hope in the face of the world wide disaster that will soon kill us all; if God doesn't help, " us  YOU." (Just realize and understand, God is destroying this wicked world, not helping them... [Mat 25:31-34 & 41; John 17:9 of 6-10]) The majority of society, it seems, think I am foolish in my faith. What about you? We are all brainwashed, or put in other words, we have all had our thinking influenced by someone. The only choice we really have and can make is who "our influencer" is. No matter what we try to imagine reality to be, the only choice we really have is whether we are supporting Jesus Christ (supporting good), or, opposing him. There is no other choice and there can be no in-between. [Deu 30:19-20; John 3:16-21; John 8:24-30] Make the wise choice to make your opinion the same as that of my Lord Jesus Christ. [Rom 15:5-6; Php 2:5; Eph 3:10-12; 1 Cor 2:14-16] Be my true friend of eternity!

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