Many of these scriptures have
God's Hebrew Name used or cited where most Bible translators used "LORD" or "Lord" or "Jehovah" or "Yahweh" to
replace God's Personal Hebrew Name; which they did everywhere the original Hebrew Text contained
יהוה as God's only scripturally approved form for his name.
[Please note: The oldest copies of the original Old Testament Bible text contain יהוה over 6000 times!] When Hebrew speaking Jews pronounce יהוה, it sounds like "Yea-Vah" to English speakers. [That's like "Yea" go team followed by "Vah" sounding like the first two letters of vault.] Everyone alive should recognize and be able to pronounce יהוה. Really just take a minute and LOOK at it... You should not write "Yea-Vah" to represent our Creator. That is just a made up "sounds-like" similar to those listed above.