a page title
2024 The Start Of Armageddon?
Eternal Life Granted
and Judgment Completed?
For You: Reward of Life... Or Destruction?

For reasons I hope this page considered the linking parent graph, ["Important Dates?" or "Sweet Dreams Are Made of these!" ] and their referenced scriptures make clear, I believe 2024 is the year Christ will or has started ruling all Creation; which also means he begins or has begun the process of completing the destruction of his enemies. Put more succinctly, Armageddon will begin in early October of 1924.

Life brings us all some measure of pain... (Job 14:1) Please know I have suffered personally, which just means I don't want anyone else to suffer. I do hope for the salvation of as many people as possible. You surely know God wants that too. (2 Pet 3:9) All that said... Armageddon must come or no peace is possible, and, "when" it needs to happen is God's decision alone. It does follow He would let his friends know! (Amos 3:7) As the destruction of wicked humanity commences, won't God's servants need to know what is happening so as to have faith and to not be afraid. We must all know and understand, humanity's badness has forced God to  end  destroy this terrible and wicked old world system. The only question is when. (Acts 17:31 of 30-31) You should for sure know, in trying to give his human sons and daughters as much chance as possible, God has taught us about the coming destruction of the wicked for many centuries. (Acts 17:29-31; Luke 17:26-30; Mal 3:16-4:3) And, we have seen many other Bible prophecies fulfilled. If you haven't heard God's warning, you haven't been paying the least bit of attention... Our day, however, we have made new! The earth has become fully pregnant with wickedness. (Gen 6:5) Society has become so vile it is an unfit place for righteous people to live! (2 Pet 2:8 of 5-10) God did promise He would let us know what to expect when we needed to know. (Amos 3:7; Isa 42:9 of 1-9; Isa 46:8-11; Num 23:19; Hab 2:3)

Given the 6000 years of God's continually dealing with us, including sending his own son to die to pay for our sins, as Jesus also taught those who would listen to know our Father and Creator, (Mat 11:27 of 25-30; John 12:49) it seems He has given ample time and warning about our need to place true and real faith in what we personally know Jesus Christ taught. (Mark 9:7) Who among all humanity hasn't heard of Jesus Christ. And, who among them can't have access to a Bible if they wanted it? Most people rather seem to have rejected God's offer and attempts to help. (Dan 9:8-10) So now, judgment day is upon us... If you have true faith in the actual words of Jesus, (Mat 7:15) your faith will protect you alive. If you have refused יהוה's command (Mark 9:7) to build faith in what He sent Jesus to teach, (John 5:30 of 25-30; John 4:34; John 18:37) you will die. It is all those with true faith in Christ who will continue alive forever! (Mal 3:16-4:3) The bolded text of this paragraph can be read innocuously and without concern if the person chooses. And yet, those who are wise know these words are the summation of the purpose of mankind's existence. And, faith in them means your very life!

What, though, will October of 2024 and the start of Armageddon look like? Isn't that exciting to see! The Bible prophesied the start of the Great Tribulation in October of 1914 [when Christ was being enthroned as King of the earth (Mat 24:21; Mat 25:31-33)]. That prophecy was identified by students of God's word some 25 years earlier; and true to Bible prophecy, 1914 brought WWI identifying the start of the Great Tribulation and marking Christ's presence as King. Will 2024 bring an immediate outbreak of new and greater horrors for the wicked, or will we just see the present troubles escalate to worse, until all those choosing stupidity by refusing to mark themselves for life by building faith in what Christ taught are dead. (Psa 37:10-11) What ever October of 2024 and the start of Armageddon brings, it seems it might logically be over and done with by October of 2026. It is very important to understand the start of Armageddon is for the purpose of killing the last and all of God's enemies eternally, but more importantly, it is for the granting of eternal life to Christ's friends; (John 15:14-15) to God's friends. (James 2:23; Mat 25:31-34) Will those of us who are God's friends be rewarded with our being judged for eternal life being finished and completed in early October of 2024? Won't it be wonderful to see what that will feel like? Will that not mean the sorting of the sheep and the goats is over and everyone is judged who they are? Only the destruction and blessings will be left. In Lot's day, the destruction seems to have taken only a few minutes. In Rahab's day it took part of one day. In Noah's day, well, Noah was in the Ark a few days more than a year; but the destruction of the wicked was probably over a good bit before that year was over. Maybe not, though! (Luke 17:26-30)

The year 2026 is another important date... You might like to consider how! That year 2026 is made important in its being at the end of six thousand years of human existence; so, it is the start of our seventh millennium of humanity as created by God. It seems logical to wonder if 2026 will begin the one thousand year reign of Christ? (Rev 20:4) If so, it would seem all the wicked would need to be gone at it's start... Let's pray it be so! Almighty God יהוה 's will, of course, be done and not our own. (Mat 26:39)

This brief webpage only conveys one event, but one which is related to several others... The importance of noting this is only one event is that the overall understanding of its interrelationship with the others is not self explanatory. (Heb 5:11-14) This page was created as part of a set of pages connected by graphs of events over time. The graphs were created to help understand, and now to explain, the interrelationships between Bible prophecy and current events, as they impact us in what I believe are the last days; (2 Tim 3:1-7) and, how I believe this event fits in with those others. Individual supporting pages like this will likely have little meaning without the graphs showing their interrelationships.

Those graphs can be viewed at:
Go to: "JustBibleTruth.com"; Select: "Important Dates?" or
Go to: "JustBibleTruth.com"; Select: "Sweet Dreams Are Made!"

It can be helpful to look at the graph and this [or any] supporting page(s) at the same time. Right-Click on any link to have the option to open the link in a new window to view both. The graphs with links are large files and may not work well or at all on devices with small screens.