--- Christ Riding a White Horse? ---
Have you imagined him that way?
Written: July 2024

Many of even most people have some idea about seeing Jesus Christ riding forth from heaven on a white horse! That does seem reasonable... since the Bible tells us at Revelation 19:11-16, quoting the English Standard Version [or translation]:
(11) Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. (12) His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself. (13) He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. (14) And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. (15) From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. (16) On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.
So, then, isn't it is logical for people to "expect" to happen just what those Bible verses prophesy is going to happen? But, what about our "seeing" it with our eyes?

It does not take a great deal of Bible study to realize these verses identify God's Son Jesus Christ as the rider of the leading white horse. (See also Rev 6:1-8.) So, most every religious sect that claims faith in the Bible has some vision and teaching about just what these verses mean. Many envision being taken to heaven to be with Jesus at or near the time of seeing him ride forth on his white horse. And, that's the point you need to consider: What do these Bible verses mean to you? Could putting forth effort to understand mean your life? (John 17:3; John 3:15-16)

Everything the Bible says is "literal" as defined by "being free from exaggeration or embellishment." What the Bible says is going to happen is exactly what is going to happen. Does the fact this vision is literal in the sense of being certain to happen, however, also mean we are able to look up and see Jesus riding from heaven using our human eyes? Spirit creatures are literal in that they exist and are real, but their existence is in their own realm or place of existence; and, our human senses can't detect them at all. An angel can walk among humans [what ever an angel walking among us really even means] and the humans will be unaware unless the spirit creature decides and is allowed by God to reveal themselves in some way. Please consider as an example the prophet Elisha and his attendant. The attendant woke up to find they were surrounded by the Assyrian Army. Elisha told him not to worry, there were more who were with them than those who were against them. Then he prayed for God to open his attendants eyes so he might see the literal reality of the spirit realm. The Bible says the attendants eyes were opened and "behold, the mountain was full of horses and war chariots of fire all around Elisha." (2 Kings 6:15-17) Do you suppose those were visible chariots of fire, which the attendant and Elisha would then be able to see running around doing battle with the Assyrians? Of course not! In another account, the Bible tells us how an angel of יהוה passed through the Assyrian camp of Sennacherib and killed 185,000 of his soldiers. There was no chariot of fire, or any outward sign at all. They just woke up in the morning to find much of the Assyrian Army dead. (2 Kings19:32-37) [ is God's Hebrew Name as given Moses on stone tablets. (Exo 31:18)] When Pharaoh, as self proclaimed God to the Egyptians, defied and taunted יהוה such that an angel of death passed through Egypt to destroy the firstborn among the Egyptians, including their firstborn new or replacement God in the person of the son of Pharaoh; there was no commotion except as Egyptian families awoke to find all their firstborn dead. (Exo 11:4-7) The presence of those angels were very real and literal. But, they were real in the spirit realm with only "their actions" being a visible reality in ours. The visions given us by God to help us understand the spirit realm is not really what our eyes can see, beyond his provided vision: The spirit realm is invisible to humans except as יהוה chooses to make us aware. It seems unlikely the prophecy of Christ's ride from heaven as king of creation (I Cor 15:12-28) will be [or is] visible to humans, by using their eyes. We likely must see and know using our eyes of faith in God's Word. Then again; יהוה's will be done! If it is invisible to human eyes, that does not mean it isn't real. God's judgment is very real and is already happening. (Acts 17:29-31)

The judgment period by Christ is at least 2000 years long. It is and has been going on since Christ appeared and preached the good news of the Kingdom to mankind. (Mat 4:23; John 18:37; Mat 24:14) For those 2000 years since Christ appeared, people have been putting faith in him, or, they have been refusing to do so. (John 11:25-27; John 5:24) That is their own judgment of themselves; there is no middle ground. (John 3:18-19 of 16-21) [There may be some who didn't have the chance to hear Christ's words, and to accept or reject him. Any righteously inclined among such individuals will receive a resurrection and be given the chance to decide. (John 5:28-29 of 25-30)] Those who reject Christ forfeit their hope of life. While I don't know if I personally endorse their belief, some make the argument the judgments between 29 CE when Jesus started preaching, and up until 1914 CE when he was enthroned as King of the earth, (Luke 1:30-33; Rev 11:15-18) were only judgments to life: They believe there were no judgments to death during that nearly 2000 year period; only judgments of righteousness as God chose friends of those expressing faith in his Son. They use 1 Pet 4:17 of 16-19 to support their belief God was only judging "his own people" during that time. Either way, at least since Jesus was seated as King in 1914, [See: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Sweet Dreams Are Made!] he has been separating the sheep from the goats, (Mat 25:31-33) which indicates a judgment as wicked for those who refused to choose God's Son as their king. Those who have put faith in Jesus since his preaching work started 2000 years ago are alive already in God's mind, (John 5:24; Mal 3:16-4:3) so if they die or have died in the flesh, they will be resurrected to eternal life and given the kingdom prepared for them from the founding [or creation] of the world. (Mat 25:31-34) What and where is that Kingdom? Jesus promised he would drink the product of the vine anew with us in the Kingdom of his Father. That indicates it is here on earth. (Mat 26:29; Luke 22:18; Isa 11:1-13) God told Mary He would give Jesus the throne of David his father, again, here on earth; and that he would rule forever. (Luke 1:32-33) Ezekiel prophesied the same. (Eze 37:24-28) God promised his prepared Kingdom by Christ would come down to earth and to mankind. (Rev 21:2 of 1-4) Those faithful who are living now, during this revelation of Jesus Christ as King, will never die at all. (John 11:25-26) Jesus asked if "you believe this"? (John 11:25-26) If that is your faith; Jesus said that is a very good thing... (Mat 8:13; Luke 6:19; Mat 9:27‑30; Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:48 of 42‑48; John 7:37‑39; John 19:34)

Many of the churches twist and wrangle the scriptures (2 Pet 3:16 of 14-18) to believe they are going to heaven. [While I don't see or endorse their hope scripturally, maybe some of them are... My point is, while I disagree with them, I am not their judge! If they proclaim such a hope, asserting God's word as their authority, they make it a matter between them and God; seemingly taking responsibility for what they say... (John 15:22)] There are some scriptures, I believe taken out of context, that would seem to support Christian's going to heaven.
    • Please visit: JustBibleTruth.com -> Select: Heaven or Earth?
All the scriptures I am aware of tell me I am going to live forever here on the earth. (Psa 37:27-29; Mat 5:5; Pro 2:21 of 1-22; Psa 37:9 & 11 of 9-14; Rev 21:3) In preparation for that paradise on earth, (John 14:2-3) the year 1914 began the eternal earthly rule of Jesus Christ as king of David's kingdom [at that time still seated in heaven, but exercising authority over the earth in the midst of his enemies (Psa 110:2 of 1-3)]. (Eze 37:24-28; 1 Cor 15:12-28) He will soon or has come down to us. (Rev 21:1-4)

A fellow Bible student felt he needed to correct me recently, saying I am making too much of God's judgment, as he asserted God's purpose is to teach and extend kindness [forgiveness, I guess]. That is certainly God's purpose. (Eph 4:31-32) But, יהוה's Word also tells me his purpose centers around breaking up [or undoing] the works of the Devil. (1 John 3:8; Gen 3:15) So... I don't think I am in error when focusing attention on God's judgment. (Acts 17:29-31) The undoing of what Satan did must include יהוה destroying "all" those who are wicked [wickedness is displayed and judged by any individual's rejection of Christ. (John 3:18-19 of 16-21; John 17:3; Mal 3:16-4:3)] If God didn't kill the wicked, don't you see, they would just ruin everything again. God said his creative works there in the Garden of Eden were prefect [good]. Because Adam and Eve later used their freedom as God's children to tarnished creation, doesn't mean there was anything wrong with God's efforts; or, that "all" his human children would prove themselves bad if given the chance. Breaking up or destroying the works of the Devil, to the great joy of all of us alive today (John 5:24), would seem to include the reestablishment of the paradise יהוה created and said was "good," including people living forever in it. (Gen 1:31-2:1; Psa 37:10-11 & Rev 20:10-13 & 21:8 & 2:11) Don't become one of those missing the sign(s) Jesus gave so we can know we are in the last days. (Mat 24:3-31; 1 Thes 5:1-5) The "Great Tribulation" destroying our world indicates the final and eternal judgment by יהוה is happening now; or is at hand! (Mal 3:17-4:3) This world's soothsayers, telling us not to worry and all is well, only confirm Jesus warning. (1 Thes 5:3 of 1-9) Not to worry; your personal faith in the words you have made sure Jesus Christ actually taught can protect you alive!
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Christ's return in "Kingdom Power" in 1914 CE: To understand and have true faith in Christ's return, please note something I have only recently come to understand: Realize the difference between the "Tribulation of 'Those' Days" or the "beginning of birth-pangs of distress" (Mat 24:6-8 of 3-8) on the one hand, and the "Great Tribulation" (Mat 24:21-22) or "Tribulation of the 'Last' Days" on the other. To have faith in the date of Christ's return, it's important to understand Jesus did distinguish between that "Great Tribulation" [same as "Tribulation of the Last Days"] and a tribulation he referred to as the "tribulation of 'those' days" or "the beginning of childbirth pains." (Mat 24:4-8) He there makes the distinction between the "start" of the tribulation running up until the "far more severe and relatively short 'end' part" of the tribulation. That distinction is necessary because the "beginning" of the tribulation, and its "bitter end" [or the Great Tribulation] are separated by a bit over 25 centuries. That means the tribulation started hundreds of years before we were even born, but the more severe final part, or the Tribulation of the Last Days, only started in 1914 and is still happening. [See: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Sweet Dreams Are Made!] That distinction is important, then, if you want to understand when Jesus returned as King of the earth. But, this is probably for more serious Bible students. (Heb 5:11-14) Don't allow your faith/hope in Christ to be stressed in worrying about these facts. Because we are now living in the "Great Tribulation of the Last Days," however, this knowledge might have large bearing on faith in Christ for some people... [See: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Sweet Dreams Are Made!]

Here again, then, is what presents a problem in Bible chronology for some Students of God's Word: While speaking prophetically with his disciples, Jesus told them on one occasion: "Immediately 'after' the tribulation of 'those' days," the son of man would appear as King to start the separating of his sheep from the goats. (Mat 24:28-29 of 23-35) In that same teaching, however, Jesus went on to mention things would get rapidly worse, as he indicated the "Great Tribulation" or final part of the days would be in connection with and thus after, or would actually be a sign of, his return as King to "begin separating" his sheep from Satan's goats. (verses 32-34 of 23-35) He said we should recognize that "Great Tribulation" as a sign to help us know his separating work was in progress. (verses 32-34 of 23-35) Jesus had also said earlier the "Great Tribulation" would be something the likes of which the world had never seen, including during the time of the tribulations beginning days; or to say, the "Great Tribulation" would be far worse than the "tribulation of 'those' days." (Mat 24:21-22; Mat 24:28-29 of 23-35)

The "tribulation of those days," which then turns into or is ended by the "Great Tribulation of the last days," facilitates or even causes people to make the choice that divides them. That is how Jesus is separating them: They build faith in Christ, or, they reject faith! Jesus went on to say in verse 34, (Mat 24:34 of 23-35) the generation alive when the separating actually started, would not pass away until it was done. The "Great Tribulation" would be a part of or a prelude to "the end," as well as part of the sign of Jesus's presence or arrival as King. It would thus indicate he had started the final or "end times" separating work. (1 Cor 15:12-28) Do you take note of the problem here being resolved? Without this understanding of the tribulation in two distinct parts, some of the considered scriptures say the tribulation would come before Christ's enthronement, while the second set of verses clearly say the Great Tribulation is after Christ's enthronement; and, that "Great Tribulation" is a sign of both Christ's enthronement and the start of his final separating work; bringing the end of all badness! (Mat 24:3-22 of 3-31) Some have asserted both scriptures can't be right, and then selected themselves a faith in one of the understandings "or" the other... (Isa 44:14-20)

Well, the problem for them is, "all those scriptures" are correct... (2 Tim 3:16-17) We just need to understand Jesus was speaking of two periods during one continuous tribulation [a very long tribulation from our human perspective]. Please realize: Starting shortly after God's friend Abraham lived, God ruled the earth by means of his kingdom through or by using the sons of Abraham. The Nation of Israel was the kingdom of God and ruled all the earth. God's temple in Jerusalem thus represented his Kingdom on earth. We can thus think of God's Kingdom ruling the earth, using Abraham and his sons, starting before or about 1513 BCE, when the Law Code was given, and up until 607 BCE when God's earthly Temple and Kingdom was destroyed. At that time, when God's kingdom by his chosen nation was destroyed in 607, the Gentile Nations started to rule. (Luke 21:24) While those Gentile nations were not God's servants, He did exercise some control over them to protect the earth from anarchy. (Rom 13:1-4) So, a measure of tribulation [or the beginning of the tribulation or the birth-pangs of distress (Mat 24:7-8)], did logically start for the earth with the destruction of Jerusalem and God's temple in 607 BCE. (Dan 9:26 of 24-27) The tribulation that would obviously plague the sons of men from the removal of God's kingdom over the earth in 607, until Christ's enthronement in 1914, brought about the horrors of what we now know as the Dark Ages among many others. The tribulation might actually be thought of as the Dark Ages. That was not, however, the "Great Tribulation" Jesus warned about, saying that "Great Tribulation" (Mat 24:21-22) would come after the "tribulation of 'those' days" and would be worse than anything men had ever seen. (Mat 24:8 of 3-8) In addition to the prophecy He gave foretelling the coming of Jesus as King in 1914 CE, God also prophesied the arrival of Jesus as the Messiah in 29 CE. The Jewish nation was thus expecting his arrival. (John 4:29; John 7:25-26; Luke 3:15) Because Jesus didn't present himself as they thought he should, the Jews rejected and killed him. As to God's human kingdom over the earth being lost in 607, while the Israelites were able to return to their homeland 70 years after Jerusalem's destruction, they remained subservient to the Gentile Nations. God's human servants would not rule the earth again until Christ's enthronement in 1914. (Eze 37:24-28) Christ's Kingdom now rules in the hearts of faithful Christian men and women, and in God's eyes; but not in the eyes of this world. Thus, since Jesus started preaching, and especially since his enthronement 1914, he has been subduing in the midst of his enemies; (Psa 110:2 of 1-3) using his followers to spread his words [the sword of his mouth]... (Rev 19:15-16 of 11-16; Rev 2:16) The second part or greater tribulation, that "tribulation of the last days", started in 1914 and is very different from the tribulation "of those days," which started in 607 BCE. (Mat 24:8 of 3-8) As part of the Great Tribulation, the First World War broke out in 1914. Since then, there has been a string of huge and serious troubles. Jesus noted that would be [now is] an identifiably different tribulation from the "wars and rumors of wars" of previous generations. (Mat 24:4-6 of 3-14) The outbreak of the "great tribulation" likely corresponds with the angels releasing the four winds of destruction (Rev 7:1-3; Jer 25:32-33) previously held back, now to allow the destruction to run it course in fulfillment of God's purpose to destroy the wicked. [See: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Sweet Dreams Are Made!]

So, with that history, this paragraph forward reveals what "I believe" we now see happening. We are in the midst of what Jesus referred to as the "Great Tribulation" and awaiting or seeing the start of Armageddon. Christ came and was seated as King to his lifesaving work of separating the sheep from the goats in 1914; as people are forced by the terrors of the "Great Tribulation" we have created, to judge themselves by recognizing their undeniable need to put faith in Jesus's teachings for life; or, by their still refusing to believe him; (John 3:18-19 of 16-21; John 17:3; Mal 3:16-4:3) as they belligerently continue on their path to death. (John 8:24) The churches were aware of Christ's arrival as King in 1914, but when he didn't take up rulership of the earth in the way they expected or thought he should, they refused to warn people of his arrival. They returned to their money making business, or what ever they had been doing. So, similar to the unfaithful Jews awaiting entry to the promised land after being set free of Egypt, (Deu 8:1-11) God abandoned them to wander 40 years in the wilderness of spiritual darkness; until the ones who were old enough to understand what they had done in rejecting and failing to announce the arrival of the Kingdom of Christ died off. Then, in about 1954, God finally [finally from our short sighted human perspective] started or invigorated the positive aspect of the separating work by awakening individuals to the knowledge Christ "is" King. [See: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Sweet Dreams Are Made!] God awakened them to their need to actually listen to his son (Mark 9:7) and to abandon the sects of men they had been following... (John 5:39-44) If you call yourself, or support others who call you anything besides or in addition to "Christian," you have likely been misled. (Acts 11:26) Now, seventy years after the new reawakening of the preaching work in 1954, which is one generation, (Psa 90:10) as well as the length of time the ancient Jews were separated from their homeland, the truth is revealed and understood among all who have been searching! (2 Chron 16:9) During these years, Christ's Kingdom has been established in the hearts and minds of his faithful followers throughout all the earth... It must now be time for Jesus to end subduing "in the midst of his enemies," (Psa 110:2 of 1-3) and to openly destroy all the remainder of them. Likely in the fall of 2024, centered around the first part of October as the prophecy indicates, Armageddon will break out or be completed on this old world system, and only the followers of Christ will survive. (1 Thes 5:1-5; Mal 3:16-4:3) [See: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Sweet Dreams Are Made!] Paul there told the Thessalonians God's destruction of the wicked would happen instantly or suddenly, as birth pains on a pregnant woman. Whether instantly in God's eyes means 1 second or 1 day or 1 year or 100 years in our perception of time, I certainly don't know. God knows! Whether the spirit creatures activity in administering that judgment will be made visible to human eyes, we will have to wait and see... What I do believe is the followers of Christ will be or are being protected. (Zec 2:7-9; Mal 3:16-4:3) I am not talking about the Catholics or Baptists or Protestants or Mormons or Jehovah's Witness or Muslims or... being protected. I am talking about the individual true followers of Jesus Christ are protected. What about YOU? Have you read the Gospels to the point of knowing Jesus intimately? (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Or, are you still depending on what some sect of people have taught you and judged about you?

I personally like to think Armageddon will be visible so everyone will know what is happening to them. Maybe it's just my imperfection that wants the wicked, all those who have rejected Christ and caused harm, to "knowingly" suffer for the pain they have caused. Then again, God knows I have done lots of harm over my years. As I have come to know my Father, it seems more likely He will just let them die without a whimper, by an increase in the activity of the tribulation to become Armageddon, allowing them to die in the stupidity they have chosen and cultivated for themselves; (Rom 1:28-32) and thus without any further warning of what is happening to them. It does seem they have all had ample warning through exposure to Christ's words, but chose  ignorance  stupidity instead. It might bring me a bit of joy in knowing they suffered, but they will soon be dead and out of existence. (Psa 146:3-4; Ecc 9:10) What good would them having suffered then do. The fact they threw away the chance for the eternal life God offered them seems punishment enough... After that, then, and very soon or even now, is when the human sons of God (Gal 3:26-29; Gal 3:5-9) will once again be princes of the earth, (Psa 45:15-16) with no need to explain our faith or fear those who have none! (Psa 37:10-11) We will thus be judges of even the wicked angels, (1 Cor 6:3) by our display of loyalty to our Great God יהוה through our personal faith in the words He send his firstborn son to bring! (John 18:37; John 17:3; Mal 3:16-4:3)

I believe we witness and are living in or through the "Great Tribulation of the Last Days." All the churches I know say I am wrong or even a fool. They each one assure "their sheep" they should not worry about my rantings; that all is well and will be fine! Isn't that just them fulfilling Paul's prophecy about them, when he warned false prophets of the last days would proclaim there is "peace and security," when their false cry of peace actually indicates sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them? (1 Thes 5:3)

There is a realization this study has brought or reaffirmed. Since youth I have known when a preacher or clergyman tells parents God took some little child to be an angel for God, we can know that is a silly lie. God doesn't kill little children! All the death and suffering has been caused by Satan and by Adam and Eve's sin. Still, God had to "allow" all that suffering for these 6000 years of human history. Why would a God of love do that? Easy; to help you and to help me! A life of seeing all the suffering in this world helps me understand; I probably couldn't love God and appreciate my need to be absolutely obedient to him, if I hadn't seen the suffering that comes from disobedience. It seems it has all been so  I  "we" could really and fully comprehend that simple truth. Maybe realizing and understanding our need for abject obedience to is actually another sign it is the time of the end: It is harsh that anyone has to learn such a truth so starkly... Still, eternal life is the most wondrous gift imaginable... and is surely worth it. Maybe everyone who really has come to understand why God has needed to allow wickedness to exist for this past time, now comprehends יהוה's goodness and is being blessed by him... Remember too, while God has tolerated wickedness, He didn't cause it. We did! God has fixed it...

Be very careful to hear as I restate my warning: This is what "I believe." [See: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Sweet Dreams Are Made!] God has not whispered in my ear. God speaks to me from the same scriptures you have. You are responsible for your own faith! This reflects the only understanding I can see that includes all these referenced scriptures. Whether you realize his warning to you, or choose to remain ignorant as you trade in ignorance for stupidity, Christ's words have made [are making] you and I both aware; and responsible! (John 15:22) This reflects "my" faith, however, and therefore my expectations. Your own faith should be an expression of what you "expect" to happen to you... (Mat 8:13; Luke 6:19; Mat 9:27‑30; Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:48 of 42‑48; John 7:37‑39; John 19:34) At 76 years of age, most of it spent studying the Bible, I have never before set or believed a date for the end of this old world system and God's deliverance. Some could argue [some actually do publicly declare], after growing old spending a lifetime looking for deliverance at God's hand, (Visit: VietnamJC.com) this logic of mine may in some measure be born of desperation. Still, seeing so many of this world's children increasingly suffering so much... I "know" God has noticed. (Gen 6:5-8) He noticed ancient Sodom too! (Gen 18:20-21) God didn't need to come down and visit [send angels] to know what the Sodomites were doing. He could see that... He needed, or at least He wanted, to know if any of them would abandon their badness if given the chance. So, He sent them Lot and the Angels. (Gen 19:12-14) Every single one of the Sodomites showed themselves filled with badness by continuing to try to assault Lot even after being struck blind. (Gen 19:9-11 of 6-11) As for you, He sent you Jesus Christ! If never before, you have this day been made responsible (Deu 30:15-20) by hearing these words of Christ. (John 15:17-24) One thing I'm sure we can agree on: Whether my faith is accurate as to the timetable of the destruction of all the wicked, (Psa 37:10-11 & Rev 20~) above all else, God's will be done! Are you one of those יהוה is listening to and taking note of... Actually, you are now warned that you are! He is listening to your response as you hear these words of his son. (Mal 3:16-4:3)

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