--- Sweet Dreams are made of these: ---
Of Hope and Faith and Truth!

Do you have pleasant hopes for your future?
Written: Sept 2024

These charts reflect my hope for our future, for our immediate future. The Great Tribulation created by mankind has turned our whole world into a falling down house of cards. But, the great trouble does also indicate the enthronement of Christ as King. [See: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Christ on White Horse. These charts were done to help me (and you if you like) understand and have faith in that ride of Christ; including understanding the difference between the "tribulation" on the one hand and the "Great Tribulation" on the other.] We are all living in conditions similar to the crashing down walls of Jericho. (Joshua 2:1-6:25) Question then; have YOU expressed faith for protection like Rahab did; or, are many of us like her long dead neighbors? They all died for not being like Rahab, by simply paying attention to God's activities and expressing faith in what they could see he was doing. Take note: Christ has begun to rule as King, first in the midst of his enemies, (Psa 110:1-2) and now over all. (1 Cor 15:25-26 of 12-28) Organized religion is and has always been a snare and a racket. It is "individuals" who are Christians, not groups. Christians made so by knowing and being friends of God; that by having learned from and expessing faith in the words of God's son, or they are not... (Luke 10:22) There is no human membership card or approval that can help you. Only your own personal faith can! This chart and referenced scriptures should make clear why, "now is the time." For additional scriptural support...
  • Go to: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: About Jesus Christ.
  • Go to: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: The coming of the King.
  • Go to: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: Christ on a white horse.
        If possible you should read "Christ on White Horse."
        while viewing these charts in another window.
           Right click on any link to have that option.
This first graph is personal!

It is a view of the 1914 forward section of the larger graph that follows.
This shares a dream from my youth that only now makes sense!
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Click here for view of Sweet Dreams that can be magnified...

This link displays a full size image of the above Sweet Dreams chart "with an overlay of hover over to click links" to additional information. FYI... To function properly, the graphic must be displayed actual size, which means it takes up about half of a 4K computer monitor. It might not display at all or be hard to make sense of on a device with a small screen.
Click here to display mapped image.

Graph below documents the tribulation and Christ as King!
auto display same “scroll image” but magnifiable like it does when selectively linking the image

Click here for view of "Christ as King" that can be magnified...

Below is a viewport onto 6000 years of recorded Bible history!

auto display same “scroll image” but magnifiable like it does when selectively linking the image

Click here for view of Time Scroll that can be magnified...

As described and I believe scripturally supported above, the Bible marks out early October of 2024 as the start of Armageddon. The Bible is not just a collection of short stories. It is one long account of humankind's lives and 6000 year history, as God had recorded to explain how He sent his Son to teach us about him; (John 18:37; Luke 10:21-22) and how we can gain eternal life. (John 17:3) If you truly know Christ, you also know God, (John 14:6-7) because that is God's arrangement. This world has gotten so wicked and vile because they have individually rejected God's instructions. Noah tried to help similar people in his day, (2 Pet 2:5 of 5-9) and Lot did as well. (Gen 19:4-11; Gen 19:12-14) Most of the people alive in their day thought they were fools. Those wicked ones individually refused to be dissuaded from their course. Like Noah when God shut the door or the ark, (Gen 7:16) and Lot when he was being led from Sodom, (Gen 19:15-16) I believe this time in which we are alive is no longer about you saving the people of this world... It is now about you saving YOU! Our history and Bible prophecy indicates most of the people of this world are being destroyed. (Luke 17:26) What about you? Have you realized your faith in what Jesus taught is your only hope. No church membership, no religious or racial or political affiliation, nothing except your faith can help. Just think about the simple thing that is really required of you! You must have real and true faith in what you have personally read so as to know Jesus Christ promised; recorded in the four parallel Gospel accounts of his teachings. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)

This Bible solution is very simple and faith in it turns your worst nightmare into happy dreams of deliverance at God's hand. (Mal 3:16-4:3)
The Happy end!

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