Why is God protecting wicked people along with the Righteous?

Jesus said in Matthew 5:43 thru 48, and specifically in verses 45 and 46, that God cares for the wicked along with the righteous; because God loves everyone. (1 John 4:7-10) Jesus encourages us to follow that pattern by God and show love for all people.

God's protection is for everyone because He is directing each of us to the teachings of his son. (John 6:44a) Then, we are judging ourselves by our response to the words of his Christ. (John 12:48) Once individuals have made the decision to be wicked, (Deu 30:19-20) demonstrated in their rejection of Christ while having knowledge of what they are doing, they are no longer under the protection of our Creator. In fact, as the tribulation draws to or near its end, God will destroy the wicked by using Christ. (Rev 19:11-16) We don't need to concern ourselves about that. (2 Chron 20:17a) What we must each continue to do is extend kindness to everyone because none of us have the ability to judge who is wicked and who is just lost and searching for God.

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