Joshua 7:7-12: These Bible verses illustrate the great danger of group worship bringing group responsibility. The ancient nation of Israel was not protected by God because they were good people, (
Deu 9:4‑6) but because He was using them to produce the promised Messiah. (
Gen 22:18 of 15‑18;
Mat 1:1) The Law Covenant was entered into between God and the whole nation, voluntarily, as a group. (
Exo 19:3‑8) They were thus blessed and kept clean as a nation, but, they also shared national group responsibility for sins. In these verses, one man named Achan stole items God devoted to destruction, and the whole nation suffered until Achan and those who helped him, along with the items he stole, were destroyed... Group responsibility is one reason the Law Code was replaced by Jesus Christ, he being the mediator of a new covenant. (
Gal 3:24;
Heb 8:7‑13;
2 Cor 3:4‑6;
Heb 9:11‑15) Don't be deceived: If you are a "Christian," it is based on your personal faith in Christ's words. (
John 4:21‑24 of 14‑26) If you let
Religionists entice you to join their sect, do you incur their group responsibility? True Christians are identified by following only Jesus Christ. They call themselves only "Christians"... (
Acts 11:26) [For more detail on
group responsibility, read the whole 7th chapter of Joshua.]