--- Are you stupid,
or just ignorant? ---

Most people are quick to opine, "I'm neither ignorant or stupid." Please take a moment to consider, however, you are for sure and certain one or the other! Ignorance can not be avoided. A man driving on a road toward a section knocked out by a rock slide is ignorant of the danger he faces. He may plunge to his death as he rounds a curve to find the road gone. But, that is not his fault. Other factors not considered, God will likely resurrect such a man. [Luke 14:13-14] He couldn't help or avoid being ignorant because he was not exposed to required knowledge to develop understanding. If that man refused to heed danger signs that the road was closed, however, even as he drove past several clearly posted warnings, he left ignorance behind and made himself a stupid person: There is no excuse for being stupid!

Here's the great danger with being ignorant: None of us can ever know what we don't yet know! If, for example, you have never been exposed to what Jesus Christ came to teach, you remain ignorant. It is impossible for you not to be! Babies are all born ignorant and growth to maturity is in part the taking in of knowledge to erase that ignorance. So, young people are more easily misled... (Mat 24:23-25) Although there are many individuals who claim otherwise, we all remain at least partially ignorant about hearing, and certainly about understanding and applying, what Jesus was sent (John 3:16-21) to teach. (Heb 1:1-2; John 7:16; John 17:3) If you refuse God's command to learn from his son, (Mark 9:7; Deu 18:19) you abandon your ignorance by making yourself a spiritually stupid person... God has overlooked the time of our ignorance (Acts 17:29-31) but stupidity has no excuse. (John 15:22) Spiritually stupid people are worthy of death in God's eyes. (Pro 13:19) Be a wise son or daughter! (Pro 27:11) Sit at Jesus's feet (and be doing the work of God - Mark 3:31-35; John 6:28-29) by reading the Gospels. The words recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John can build a faith that will provide you a future that is both wonderful and real!

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