To those trying to extend loving support to others, or building friendships based on a shared faith in and love for God's word the Bible: Following is the gist of a letter I wrote to a friend based on our shared respect for God's word. It has been modified slightly for the web site. As this page is a personal letter, it is generated by one person rather than the group responsible for the site. It was originally intended for one person, but seems beneficial for many (the scriptures referenced seem beneficial).

Most of us truly enjoy it when we have opportunity to visit with someone who loves the Bible. Not someone who wants to lord themselves over others and expound their own righteousness mind you; But individuals who demonstrate their love for God's word through their loving kindness extended others. Friendships based on the simple free exchange of scriptural truth, in an effort to better understand and share God's word, become lifelong true friendships. (1 Samuel 18:1) Reflection on a recent conversation I had with such an individual resulted in a new page for the web site: That because our conversation taught me things about myself I hadn't realized for fifty years. It's probably true of some others as well.

This person [Brad] whom I consider my friend, told me about Jehovah's Witnesses calling on him recently. He knew I had just been disfellowshipped by the group and it seemed he was a little uncomfortable telling me about their visit. I hope he will always feel free to tell me what ever he thinks; And I don't want to interfere with any relationship he has or might be developing with the Witnesses. I do not want either, to cast sincere individuals who come to his door in a bad light. Truth is truth though, and truth needs to be out in the light! (1 John 2:9-11) I say to him and to all, just as I have said during the years of my membership in that group: Learn Bible truth in any way you can. That is certainly what I try to do! After being disfellowshipped by Jehovah's Witnesses for refusing to accept their assertion that all their literature is spiritual food, thus implying all their writings are coming directly from God, I am obviously forced to reexamine my faith. I must now reevaluate everything I believe to be certain it comes from the Bible. I think I have been careful over the years, to be certain my faith is built on the scriptures; But in light of what I've learned about the group I must be certain I have not been influenced by the thinking of men. These circumstances all work together to highlight a problem I have as a result of my circumstances though; as I talk with folks about faith in the Bible. The problem I have is I no longer have anywhere to send people, to attend meetings or to be with a group. I do of course, recommend membership in the earth wide group united through their shared faith in the Bible. I have come to believe that is the superior way; but I must admit it is not the same as being in a large assembly of people you believe are fellow believers. Two or three gathered to discuss and learn about Christ do make an assembly. (Matthew 18:20) Perhaps such small groups are really the best way, or even the only way. Larger groups or organizations tend to be quickly corrupted toward the self interest of the organization itself, seemingly unable to maintain the pure motive of sharing Bible truth.

The Witnesses are [many of them] sincere and kind as they can be. (They are of course, no longer kind to me.) Their organization has a Bible study program that I still like to sit in on from time to time. [I keep hoping they will turn to being Bible students.] The problem is, being sincere does not seem to be enough. Jesus said some would come to him in the last day (apparently up before the judgment seat) and assert they were his followers; as they had even cast out demons in his name. They must have been sincere, to approach Jesus in that way. He replied they were workers of lawlessness, and told them to get away because he never knew them. (Matthew 7:21-23 ; Romans 14:4) Jesus also said in those verses in Matthew it was the one doing the will of his Father who would gain life. Those workers of lawlessness were obviously not doing his Father's will; Even though they imagined they were. How could they have gone so wrong? It seems it must have been because they did not know God's word; or did not follow it. (Mark 12:24) In light of their bold approach to Jesus, those ones whom Jesus did not know must have had people telling them they were righteous: For them to gain such certainty they were in the right. They must have been listening to religious leaders who were substituting other teachings for the Bible. They became superfine apostles, rendering judgment over others using the measuring line of organizational traditions they developed to supplant Bible truth. (2 Corinthians 11:5)

That seems to be the thing we all have to be on guard against: Being misled by organizations of men [often, well meaning men]. Put another way, we must guard against being misled by the Man Of Lawlessness . While most of the Witness membership is loving and kind, they seem not to recognize what is happening to them as they are required to do obeisance to the writings and teachings of their organization. It is demanded they elevate the governors of the organization to be above question or error. Those of the group who assert as lords over the faith of others act stealthily through secret writings the lower members can never see. As the men asserting leadership carry on their secret activity; they openly profess they are sincere Bible students. It took me thirty years to realize them. Early in the lengthy process of removing me, one of them who had served at the organization headquarters said he had seen this happen before. I guess he has! It is the normal process which results to the righteous ones who have been deceived by them. The organization professes openly they are Bible students, and they do a pretty good job of teaching basic Bible truth (that is no small feat and is commendable). Secretly though, their goal is protecting and promoting their organization, no matter what sin they have to cover over to do so. They first encourage Bible students toward membership in what they assert is God's only true organization; comprising all the ones having any hope of being protected for life. I was able to believe that as long as I could believe the organization was a gathering of sincere Bible students. Soon after joining though, they strive to convince members they must retain the blessings of the organization to have hope. Then finally, they assert all their organizational writings are "spiritual food" coming from God, which the Bible actually is of course. No one is tolerated to question anything they put in print, and by extension, no one can question anything said by any elder appointed by their group. If any one of the men they have appointed as elder is harsh and unyielding, and can get some fellow Doeg to go along with him, they can disfellowship anyone they choose for any reason they assert. At the point when the organization makes the assertion all they put in print is spiritual food, they break the Bible rule about not going beyond the things written. (1 Corinthians 4:6) They attempt to load responsibility for all the errors contained in that literature onto our God and Father. I don't know what the fix is for them, but clearly part of it would be for them to humbly return to being students of the Bible; Rather than continuing as students of their own writings. They seem to have no interest in changing though, as anyone who mentions the problem is disfellowshipped. They want to make sure no one else will be "infected" with truth [become apostate in their mind of course]. (Proverbs 21:13) This is a problem most of them in authority are aware of. Elders step down all the time, but they must be careful to give some personal problem as their reason for doing so. To openly state they are stepping down because of this problem would result in their immediate disfellowshipping, and would separate from their family and friends. Few have the courage to openly discuss the problem, as those who do are disfellowshipped.

In summation I must say most of the Witnesses try to teach the Bible. They are misled however, and are actually teaching what ever the organization chooses to put in print. They believe it is one and the same thing of course. Make no mistake though, only the Bible is alive and has the ability to exert power in your life as you study it. (Hebrews 4:12) If you are careful to compare everything they say with the Bible, they might be a help in learning what it says. Be careful of membership though, and of being influenced by their judgmental and condescending attitude! If those in the group are sincere and upright Bible students, they should be open to talk about these things. Their leaders will be adamant they not hear any of this however, and most of them will be terrified to consider these ideas. To even entertain such thoughts is considered apostate, and you can easily be branded as such in their midst. Just mentioning it can make you an apostate to them. It is sad!

I am sorry for the pain brought to some as I expose this activity! I have the same sorrow because of the sin of Adam and Eve, and the knowledge that because of their sin we are all born dying [with just a few years between our birth and the grave]. Mostly though, I must confess, along with my sorrow I am glad for the overall understanding of truth we can have today! I am glad the sacred secret of knowledge of God's method of repairing all the damage brought upon humanity is revealed in our day. (Romans 16:25) Those who seek truth will soon be lifted out of all the pain and suffering and turmoil through faith in Christ Jesus. Most importantly, revealed Bible truth indicates we can remain forever free of the pains of this system. I hate turmoil, but I am glad beyond what I can express that truth is being revealed. (Colossians 1:27-28 ; Romans 16:25-27 ; 1 Corinthians 2:6-10 ; Ephesians 1:9 ; Ephesians 3:4-9) I am happy we are rapidly approaching the paradise solution to all of creation's problems. (Romans 8:22) This Bible secret of knowledge of the kingdom by Christ is now clearly revealed, so all have opportunity to build faith through an accurate understanding of truth as defined by the Bible. That is the preaching work! (Matthew 24:14) The man of lawlessness is revealed as well. (2 Thessalonians 2:3) Jesus said the end would come following the accomplishment of those two things. These are exciting times to be alive! We simply must be careful not to directed away from our study of Bible truth; Must be careful not to be consumed by the agenda's developed by organizations of imperfect men, no matter how righteous they might imagine they are. It is not the judgment by any imperfect men that will make you Jehovah's friend. It is your personal relationship with him through your faith in Christ; And that through an accurate knowledge of truth as defined in the Bible [and only by the Bible]. (Romans 1:28 ; 1 Timothy 2:3-7)

Best to all who love God's word the Bible. May we soon be together in the paradise the Bible promises. (Isaiah 11:1-12 ; Romans 4:13-5:11) May we also find joy and peace now, in the undeserved hope of that kingdom. (Psalms 103:10-14) Learn truth and exercise faith, and so choose life for yourself and for all who will listen. (Jeremiah 21:8) Praise Jah you People! (Psalms 104:35)

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