A message of hope for those who are being trodden down by this wicked system; A real hope for lowly ones.

Do you love a winner! We all do. We love to see great athletes perform, and we love when someone being mugged gets the better of his attacker. We all love a winner.

That likely springs from the fact we all want to see righteousness triumph over evil. We all desire to live in a world where no person would do harm to another. That is natural and healthy. We all want to believe good will prevail. What can happen though, if we start to imagine winners are good and losers are not. If we start to elevate the winners over the losers in our mind. That could be alright, as long as the losers are wicked and the winners are righteous. The problem is, in the system we live in today, that is not always the case. (Ecclesiastes 9:11-12) In fact, in the world we live in, it often appears it is the righteous who are ground under foot by the wicked. It will not be so for long, but it appears that way now. (Psalms 10) Did you note in Psalms 10:17, the Bible mentions Jehovah would prepare the heart of the lowly and afflicted ones. That is what is happening to us all in our day. Jehovah is preparing our heart. He is helping us decide who we are in the real person of our heart, and He is coming to know who we are as well. (Genesis 22:12) Are we persons who freely abuse others to gain our own advantage, or will we rather try to become people who refuse to take advantage of others even if it costs us something? Will we strive to become Christ like?

Most grasp the concept that this theatrical spectacle (1 Corinthians 4:9) of our lives around us, as we live through the drama playing out in our interactions, affords us the opportunity to decide who we are: To those displaying wicked tendencies, an opportunity to make changes or to become fully wicked; And to the righteously inclined, a chance to choose obedience and life. (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

We must then note, as this goes on day by day, those who are trodden down are often the righteous. But what effect can this caste system of winners and losers have on those who are down trodden and lowly? If you are one of those lowly ones, (and most or all of us are at some point in our life,) it becomes something you should consider and understand. We come to realize the whole world respects a winner, and conversely that they have little respect for those who are not. How will it make you feel if/when you are one who is looked down upon or even judged as wicked? From the world's perspective, if you have a giant boat and airplane and home, you are a winner; And if you drive an old car and live modestly you are a loser. How can that make a person feel? There is real danger if you allow it to make you bitter. Lowly ones can be driven to look for those who are even lower in the judgment of men, and can then perpetuate the abuse in an effort to fell better about themselves or to be accepted by their peers. The meek can thus start to beat up on the meek in an effort to gain the acceptance of the wicked.

If we grow up among the elite of this system, there is the inherent danger we will actually start to imagine there is something special about us; That we are entitled. Such thinking leads to downfall. (Acts 12:21-23 - Proverbs 16:18-20) An elitist attitude can develop and exist in at least two areas of life: It most commonly exists financially, as ones strive to gain and horde wealth, but it can also effect people spiritually as ones start to imagine they are judges over others. There are a couple of questions we might ask if we are concerned we might have been infected with this elitist thinking. 1. Do we keep secrets? Do we think we are worthy of having information others are not worthy or capable of being exposed to; And even imagine we need to hide this secret information from them. Are there secret writings that only we are privy to. 2. Do we recognize two types or classes among the friends and associates we keep? Are there certain ones we share everything openly with? Are there others whom we have to protect from too much knowledge? Do we need to judge, or do we allow others to judge, what truth these lowly ones should know? In other words, do we openly expose who we are at heart with all persons, or do we have only a select group with whom we can let down our hair? (Hebrews 4:13) The early Christians didn't even hide the faults of themselves or of others. (Galatians 2:11)

Those who make a pretext of being "just like everyone else" but who really imagine themselves something special, can be identified by these criteria. They make a pretext of caring for the lowly and downtrodden ones, but they always maintain a position above them. They are boisterous and tell of their exploits among the crowd, but they never include the lowly ones in their intimate conversations; Those conversations where they discuss the secret things only they are privy to. In these last days, under scrutiny of ever growing truth revealed from the Bible, such ones scurry around behind the facade they have created, trying to keep up their pretext. They borrow a line from the Wizard of Oz as they assert we should pay no attention to the men behind the curtain, but rather keep our attention fixed upon the grandiose image they have created in the form of their religious and financial organizations. If it is a spiritual representation, they assert all should bow down to it's image without questioning anything their organization might assert. They believe and assert the lowly ones have no ability to understand the Bible on their own, and must look to their image to explain it. Those who train themselves through a study of the Bible, and who know what it says, are never fooled for any length of time. In the mind of those trained by the Bible, the facade worshiped by such men fades into nothing like early morning fog into the breaking rays of sunlight. The Bible enables us to see such men clearly for what they are.

As we grow up and live our lives as one of the non elite, we will be forced to recognize that many of our friends, and often even our own family members will have more respect for those who are among those favored financially, or who are elevated by some religious organization. It will sometimes occur that even a spouse has more respect for the so called "winners" of this world, than they do for their own modest and humble mate. If you have a mate who is not swallowed up by such madness, you should appreciate it and consider yourself fortunate. How can that all make us feel though? If ones are not careful they can be led along with the pretext (Galatians 2:11-13) and imagine something is lacking in them. They can start to imagine they really don't measure up to those claiming to be lords among them. They should never fear such self appointed lords. (Philippians 1:27-28 - We must remember, it is obedience to the Bible that will keep us in harmony with those who love Christ Jesus.) Thankfully, how we feel about those with undue entitlement is the part of the scenario that is completely up to us as individuals. Bible knowledge gives us power over it. If we recognize our grand Creator gives no respect or preferential treatment to the wealthy or self proclaimed judges/lords, and we understand the period of judgment we are living through, it can minimize the impact being slighted or rejected will have upon us. God is no respecter of persons. (Acts 10:34) Jesus came performing miracles such as raising the dead and healing the sick. Do you realize one of the miracles Jesus mentioned, right along with raising the dead and healing the sick, was that the poor were having the good news preached to them? (Matthew 11:5) The good news Jesus taught will set you free from slavery to such false thinking as infects those who imagine themselves judges or lords over others. (John 8:31)

If you are striving to be a person of integrity, you should take great pride in your efforts. (Proverbs 19:22) That is far better than seeking to have these self appointed lords among men slap you on the back and welcome you into their sect. They will only do so if you bow down to their organization. The Bible's message of hope is for all, but especially for those meek ones who groaning and sighing over the detestable conditions of this current system. (Matthew 5:5 - Ezekiel 9:4) The fact is, as far as hoping to become/remain a friend of our Creator, you might be better off if you are not rich, and certainly if you don't imagine yourself a lord among men. Remember, it was men unlettered and ordinary who mostly made up the men chosen and used by Christ Jesus. (Acts 4:13)

Do not be swallowed up in the caste system between the wealthy and/or the elite; And the poor and the humble ones! Allow yourself to be drawn to those who love righteousness regardless of what they might have materially, or what stature or title given by men they might have. Make no mistake, the righteous are the ones who will be survivors of the great tribulation which today surrounds and looms before us. Wealth will provide no protection from God's judgment. (Ezekiel 7:19)

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