a page title
Christ Enthroned as King in 1914
(See: JustBibleTruth.com Select: Promised Savior -> Messiah -> King)
Christ Rules Amidst Enemies Until 2024

As the chart "Important Dates?" [or the larger "Sweet Dreams are made of these!"] reflects my attempt to explain, many Bible scholars and students have believed Bible prophecy marked 1914 as the year Christ was enthroned king of the earth. Since wickedness is still prevalent, that obviously means for about 110 years, as prophesied, (Psalm 110:2 of 1-3) Jesus has been ruling in the midst of his enemies. He has been ruling fully over those who did express faith in him.

When Armageddon brings about the death of all of God's enemies in or shortly after October of 2024, Jesus will begin ruling all creation. He will continue do to so until the will of his Father is fully accomplished throughout the earth (Isa 11:1-13) and all creation. Then, at some unknown future time, when all enemies including death are done away with, Jesus will return the kingdom to his Father; so God may be all things to all people. (1 Cor 15:24-28 of 12-28) Jesus will continue to rule the earth forever, apparently residing with mankind. (Rev 21:3 of 1-4; Mat 26:29; Luke 1:32-33; 1 Chron 17:11-14 of 7-14)

This brief webpage only conveys one event, but one which is related to several others... The importance of noting this is only one event is that the overall understanding of its interrelationship with the others is not self explanatory. (Heb 5:11-14) This page was created as part of a set of pages connected by graphs of events over time. The graphs were created to help understand, and now to explain, the interrelationships between Bible prophecy and current events, as they impact us in what I believe are the last days; (2 Tim 3:1-7) and, how I believe this event fits in with those others. Individual supporting pages like this will likely have little meaning without the graphs showing their interrelationships.

Those graphs can be viewed at:
Go to: "JustBibleTruth.com"; Select: "Important Dates?" or
Go to: "JustBibleTruth.com"; Select: "Sweet Dreams Are Made!"

It can be helpful to look at the graph and this [or any] supporting page(s) at the same time. Right-Click on any link to have the option to open the link in a new window to view both. The graphs with links are large files and may not work well or at all on devices with small screens.