Can God foresee the future? This question causes a powerful emotional response in many people. Some have a knee jerk response that God can do all things: "Don't try to limit my God," they will respond, "of course He can see the future." "Yes, God
can do anything," others will counter, "but has chosen to place certain restrictions upon himself." Though many will argue otherwise, the Bible does not give us a direct answer. The Bible does say God is the one foretelling the finale from the beginning, but that is not necessarily the same as foreseeing the future. (
Isaiah 46:10) Let us herein consider the meaning of three words: Foretell, foreknow, and foresee. The dictionary provides little help as it defines foresee as to see in advance; and the others with little more clarity. It does say foretell means to predict. For the sake of our consideration, lets consider foreknow and foretell as synonymous, meaning
to predict in advance; while foresee means to be able
to actually see in advance. While they sound similar, we submit those are very different meanings. Let us consider why.