Are you blessed to be among the relatively few who have been set free by Christ to know and use the personal name of his Father? (John 8:31-32; John 15:7; John 5:37-38) Be careful! Many people believe they are when they actually don't know, or don't use, God's Name at all. According to what
Jesus said, it is important! (John 17:3)

Jesus Christ prayed to his "Righteous Father" as he said he had both come to know God and had made his Father's name known to his followers. (John 17:25-26) Have you included yourself in the group Jesus there indicated he had introduced to his Father?

When Jesus told his followers he was going away to his Father and their Father, and to his God and their God, do you know who he was talking about? (John 20:17-18) If you do, have you imitated Mary in bringing that message to everyone you know?

The personal name of God is   יהוה   and we can be certain of that because He inspired (2 Tim 3:16) his Name recorded over 6000 times in the most ancient copies of the Hebrew text. We know that Hebrew text today as the Old Testament. Every single time   יהוה  inspired that name recorded [the Divine Name sounds like ], it was in reference to himself. He clearly wants his Name known and used.

The religious peoples of this world use many names and titles to try and represent our Creator. They have and do worship Isis, Horus, Ishtar, Tammuz, Baal, Ashtoreth, Aphrodite, Zeus, Adonis, Dionysus, Kolob, Allah and many others, including animals in some cases. Even many of the people who assert faith in the Bible are  divided  confused. Some of them use "LORD", while others use "Jehovah", and still others use "Yahweh" or just "God" in calling on their Diety. As they do so, most are pleased to judge and condemn those who won't join in their choice of a name to represent God. The reason Bible students selected one from among those names was because, a few hundred years ago, the men and women who created the different Bible translations from Hebrew into English used one of those words to replace   יהוה   in their various Bible translation works.  יהוה  is the name God gave himself when He inspired it written down by Hebrew speakers as  יהוה . "The Name" is not just a Hebrew word though.  יהוה  is God's personal name and remains the same in all languages. There is no translation into any other language because there is no evidence God has inspired one! So... What ever translation the founders of the different sectarian Christendom religions was using when he formed their group, and established their doctrine, provided the basis for the name the newly formed sect gave to their God. In other words, each sect named God after what ever name the translators of their chosen English Bible translation had given to God. None of those attempted replacements, however, is the name the Bible actually teaches to be God's name. The true God's name is     which is pronounced like sounds to English speakers. ("Yea," go team, followed by the first two letters of "Va"ult.) Please know however, God's name is always , what ever language you speak. It is read (or written) from right to left and its letters are pronounced Yod ( י ) He ( ה ) Vav ( ו ) He ( ה ). Knowing and using God's personal name provides a grand unifying force in this divided world. Giving voice to our Creator's Name unites all those persons who, like Jesus, realize their need to know and use the Divine Name. (John 4:34; John 17:25-26; John 18:37b; Mat 4:4) This is very serious! You should not take it lightly. You should respect and keep God's Name holy under the perceived danger of death. (Ex 20:7; Lev 19:12; Lev 24:16) It would seem hard to show respect for the Divine Name, however, if you didn't even use it. Knowing and publicly praising God, by using his personal name, may be our modern day equivalent of pronouncing "Shibboleth." (Judges 12:5-6) And... Like the ancient Ephraimites trying to pronounce Shibboleth, you probably can't wait to learn it at the last minute. The Divine Name should flow off your tongue regularly as you express appreciation for God and his grand creation! (Heb 11:6) (You will note in using this website for Bible study, some of the older pages still use the English word Jehovah as a substitute for God's name. Those pages were written before we knew better. We apologize and are working to change every occurrence of Jehovah with  יהוה , God's actual self-given name. (Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 12:2 & 26:4) Anywhere you see Jehovah on this website, just please realize it should be  יהוה  and . We can not, of course, replace "Jehovah" or "LORD" or "Yahweh" with  יהוה  in those instances where we have quoted one of the Bible translations that replaced God's name with one of those words. Our quote of their material reflects their choice.)

for a more in depth consideration of the name of our God and it's importance in our life. Knowing and using  יהוה 's  name may be as important to us as the ark was to Noah. (1 Pet 3:20) It is not just those who profess faith in the Bible that need to be exposed to God's name. Those who don't know about the Bible and its power (Heb 4:12-13) need to hear and know the name (John 17:25-26; Mat 24:14) of the true God as well. (Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 12:2 & Isaiah 26:4)

May you have peace eternally as you glorify the God and Father of our lord Christ Jesus. (Rom 15:5-6; 2 Cor 1:3-4; Gal 1:3-5; Eph 1:3; Eph 5:20; 1 Pet 1:3)

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