--- Catholic or Protestant? ---
You are most likely one or the other; or, you could be Muslim...
Abandon them to become a Christian!

Written: December 2024

The Catholic Church might be thought of or referred to as the "Old Church." That because the Great Apostasy that created her sprang from the third century, and from the midst of the true followers of Jesus Christ. Some of those early Christians abandoned their faith in God through knowledge of the words of Christ, to seek protection from the Roman State. They formed what has come to be known today as the Catholic Church. The new church made a deal with Rome [and the Devil] to become the State religion portion of what they labeled the Holy Roman Empire. The church got protection and then power from the Roman State; and Rome got the allegiance and respect of the Old Churches followers, to bolster government power and authority. That apostate Church then hid the Bible from mankind by forbidding it to exist in any except the dead language of Latin, which only her specially trained priesthood could read. At the point of a Roman spear, then, Catholicism became the only and world wide religion. For over a thousand years, during what has come to be known as the Dark Ages and with her influence persisting to our day, Catholicism ruled the earth by publicly torturing and doing their best to kill everyone who didn't join them.

The Protestants; ending Catholic rule!
Sadly, though, not ending mankind's problems with false religion...

To break the yoke of the so called Holy Roman Church and to free true Christians from her domination, starting in the 17th century AD, God awakened and raised up Bible students who unveiled and exposed some of the Old Church's lies. From the Church's originally intended derogatory term of "'protestors' against the Holy Roman Catholic Church," as she liked to be called, the Bible students quickly and proudly came to be called Protestants. They undermined the Old Church's power and allowed for Bibles to be printed in English, as English had become [and still remains] the most common world language. More and more people gained access to the Bible, which started bringing an end of the Dark Ages. Enlightenment continues into our day... (Pro 4:18; 2 Pet 1:19) While Protestants did much good, as they searched the words of Christ for truth and shared it; sadly, most quickly became mired down in some of the teachings of the Old Church they had remained infected with. They thus fractured into the many Protestant Christendom religions we see today. If you are a Baptist, Mennonite, Amish, Presbyterian, Jehovah's Witness, Lutheran, Methodist or any of the many other Christendom sects, you are a Protestant and a "spawn" of the Old Church; similar to the Calvinists. One thing the newer breakaway churches all commonly brought with them from Catholicism was some version of the priesthood; hence, they demonstrate they remain her children. (Rev 17:5-6) Their common problem was: Jesus taught his followers he was to be their only lord and leader, and they were all equal as "his" followers. (Mat 23:1-15) One of the ways the Old Church had abandoned Jesus's teachings was by establishing a priesthood of leaders among men. All the protestant groups who broke away from the Old Church sadly followed that pattern. Some of them call their leaders ministers or preachers or elders, or what ever other title they have given them, but they each one have an elevated group or a man they look to for guidance. No matter how well intentioned they might be, all who refuse that command by Jesus on the equality of his followers, and appoint some hierarchy of men to lead them, make themselves and all who follow "them" enemies of Christ. The only group who isn't following an elevated group or class of humans, are those who are true Christians. They all happily follow only Jesus Christ; understanding their membership roll is kept in heaven. (Luke 10:20 of 17-24) No true Christian imagines any human or group of them have any say in the matter of whether they are pleasing to God. True Christians follow Christ and have his teachings as their only doctrine. They answer only to יהוה. Most and soon all Christians recognize יהוה to be the Hebrew Name of God; given Moses on the stone tablets. (Exo 31:18)

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