Order Thumb Drive

If you would like to receive a thumb drive pre-loaded with the complete JustBibleTruth.com website, similar to the one pictured [both sides], please remit a minimum of $50 to JustBibleTruth.com.* The drive contains the entire website [as of the date of your order] so the site can be run from your local computer without internet access. It can also be copied to you or your friends computer local hard drive and will run from there.

Enter any information you would like to provide to us with your order in the two input boxes, and then click the "pay now" button. You will be directed to the PayPal payment screen and to enter the number of drives you wish. Your contribution will be calculated at $50 per drive. PayPal gives you the option to pay using your credit card; or with PayPal [if you are signed up or wish to create an account with PayPal]. PayPal obviously prefers you pay using their service. They will try and minimize your option to pay with your credit card. Carefully select credit card payment if that is what you want. PayPal does provide an excellent service if do you wish to create an account with them, instead of using your credit card.
      Click the "pay now" button to contribute. - You must be online to order drives!
Any brief note for us about your order. This information will show on your invoice sent via email.
Brief Website Suggestions?
After entering any information you wish above, Simply click the "pay now" button below. The PayPal payment entry screen will then offer the option to contribute [pay] with your credit card as a guest [entering your card number and shipping information], or with PayPal [if you are signed up with them or wish to create an account with them]. If your computer offers to autofill your personal information, "do not" allow it. [Using personal info autofill on my system causes a start over reset error that requires all information to be reentered and seems to try and direct a payment to the Cayman Islands. PayPal seems to require you type in every single field in the credit card and mailing address section. For security reasons I assume.] Your card will be billed $50 times the number of drives you request. Note: If you make a contribution and obtain 1 drive, you can copy it to additional blank and unmarked thumb drives... The intent and purpose is to spread Christ's words of truth! Also, to be certain people know where to go online to have access this Bible information.

Your contribution will be processed in $50 increments based on the number of drives you order. If your only interest is to contribute, let's use $500 as an example, just order 10 drives which will produce a $500 invoice, and then mention in the "brief note" box how many drives you actually want to receive and that the balance is a contribution. Please be sure you specify the number of drives requested to establish an invoice amount. The drives do make excellent gifts...

*The intent is to spread God's Spirit using the words of Jesus Christ. (John 6:63) If you can not afford the contribution, the website software [to produce your own USB drive] is available free online at:
     JustBibleTruth.com; Select:Download Website

Ordering directly from us does mean there is no danger of corruption, since the website is created on an air gapped [very secure] computer and loaded directly to the drives. God does have a lot of enemies... Please do not permanently mark any manufactured thumb drives or other copies of the software with the "JustBibleTruth.com" website title. That is reserved for those who contribute, and thus for drives known to be safe when they left our site.
If you are a wealthy person who would like to do some good with the wealth you are favored with, please consider a large contribution. By God's grace, I would like to produce a movie of the entire Bible. We have seen many movies about Moses and Abraham and David and even Jesus, but never one about the Bible as a whole. Without that overall view, the Bible's message can be seen as incomplete or even be missed altogether. For an idea of the script of the movie, Visit: JustBibleTruth.com Select: DisplayScroll.html

The current and ongoing effort of my life is a study of God's Word. I believe we are all living as witness to the revelation of Jesus Christ as King. (Mat 25:31-34) So... My primary effort of life is to study the word of God for my own survival (and, of course, to please [the original Old Testament Name of our Creator is יהוה]). For an overview of the purpose and perceived benefit of my life's effort, please visit:
JustBibleTruth.com/Observations/ANote_Difference.html and/or
     Go to: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: "Deliverance?"
     Go to: JustBibleTruth.com; Select: "R U Compliant?"
I pray for a life of peace as I work to study God's Word; and thus draw on his Spirit. (John 6:63) I want to avoid getting distracted worrying about money (Pro 30:7-9 of 4-14) or pleasing other humans or any of the other less important things of life. (Pro 30:7-9) That said, I still desire to make "the" movie of the Bible's overall theme and its message containing (John 6:63) and/or granting life. (John 5:24) If you want to help by providing what I would consider a large lump sum ($5,000,000 +) to fund that effort, please contact me to discuss it further. Email me (Joe) at: support@justbibletruth.com [I will post something on the site so you can verify you are talking to me, to start our conversation.]
Please understand, I will not accept any direction as to content, or advertise anything. You can contribute anonymously if you wish... But, unlike many or even most "preachers," I do not assert such a gift will buy you any special favor with God. Just like everyone else, to please God, you must obey what יהוה sent his son Jesus to teach. (John 7:15-18; John 6:28-29) What you need is to "Git ta readin" your Gospels... (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) There are no shortcuts and no one can help you except Jesus. (John 6:63) Teaching you about his Father is "his," that is Jesus's, assignment. (John 18:37b; John 12:49; John 5:30) [Well, those directing you to actually listen to (read) Jesus's Words for your-own-self can also help; by helping Jesus.] I do promise this on the exertion of my very life: You will be blessed if you do your best to help people understand יהוה's simple message to listen to his Christ (Mat 17:5) [his Anointed One]. (Rom 10:15 of 11-15; Rom 10:11 of 8-11) Well, listen to Jesus and talk with others about him; tell them what you learn... (Mal 4:2 & 3 of 3:16-4:3) See you soon in paradise!

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