--- Are you sighing and groaning? ---
If so, why?

May of 2022

Whether you are distressed by what you see in this world is important because God told us in Ezekiel 9:3‑4, He is marking for life all those sighing and groaning over all the detestable things they witness being done.

What does the Bible even mean by the term "sighing and groaning"? From a similar scripture, we can know it references those who are vexing their righteous soul (2 Pet 2:8 of 5‑10) because there is just so much suffering, by so many people, in this world. We must surely be distressed by those who are causing the tribulation. Are you one made ill by it all (one who is sighing and groaning), or, are you able to ignore it and go on with life with little concern? (Mat 24:36‑42) Even worse, are you one of those adding to the suffering. If you are upset by wickedness, how much? That's apparently what God is analyzing about you and me, and then, is marking us accordingly; for death or life. (John 3:16‑21) If you haven't even noticed all the millions of people starving, the millions more being murdered and raped and driven from their homes by war and unrest, the untold problems with disease and natural disaster; how bad will it really have to get before you do notice? Do you think it might reach a point where God decides you don't need to be marked for life?

According to that scripture in Ezekiel, (Ezekiel 9:3‑4) God does care if you have noticed all the suffering! He also expects you to realize our problems have grown beyond the ability of mankind to fix. He has taught you through Christ you don't have to fix it. (2 Chron 20:17) You do have to notice, and be made sick at heart over so much suffering. You need to recognize the tribulation because Jesus told you to watch for it. (Mat 24:21‑22) You also need to realize God already has the fix in place, and, it is being worked out before our eyes. (Acts 17:29‑31) It's so simple: God sent Jesus Christ to teach us, and those who put faith in the teachings of Jesus have the mark for life. (John 5:24) That knowledge gives you the ability to bear up under a life in this dying world system that is almost unbearable. Having that hope doesn't change, though, what is right now happening around us (temporarily). Even so, the faithful will be protected. (Psa 91:7)

It's interesting to note just how bad some people feel about all this world's suffering. Some feel so distressed they pick up a rifle and travel half way around the world on their own money to serve in the Ukrainian military; during this time Ukraine is being destroyed attacked by Hitler Putin. If those traveling to fight have motives that are pure, their effort is commendable. Can they, though, in making that great sacrifice, fix the problems? No, they really can't. Even if they do save Ukraine, there are just too many other problems facing mankind... (Note: There are no doubt Russian sympathizers mixed in among the Ukrainians. They would surely receive payment for turning in the location of foreign troops to Russia. Too: If a foreign soldier talks on a radio or cell phone, the Russians can pinpoint them.)

What action, then, can we take that has real value to help the people of this world? That is, of course, left by God for each one of us to decide. That's what God is watching to see about us, what "our" decision is. But, He did send Jesus to teach us what we need to know to make our decision. (John 6:28‑29; John 18:37‑38)

Since I just stated your decision to be pleasing God, is actually being made based on how you feel about all the world's suffering; I now want to express how I am trying to make that same decision. The first question for me is: How upset am I by the suffering overwhelming this world? Next, what am I doing about it? Well, to start, let me say I'm just worn out and exhausted by having to live in a world full of law defying people. It seems most everything directed at me, that comes out of anyone's mouth, or any action they take toward me, is to benefit themselves in some way. We see on the news, many don't mind harming us to take what ever they want from us. Some are so vile, it seems, they harm others, including little children, just for fun. It's just terrifying! If your not living with bombs falling all around you, you have to worry about some good for nothing person (or a whole pack of them) breaking in your door to do you harm. It's nearly inconceivable. The news broadcasts security video of herds of the wicked roaming through neighborhoods like some zombie movie, going from car to car and house to house to take from and harm others. The legal system has become so corrupt, if a homeowner shoots one of them, even in self defense, the homeowner is the one who gets in trouble. Sometimes I feel so bad and worry so much, I actually pray to God that if He isn't going to make it better, by stopping all this suffering like his Bible promises, (Psa 37:8‑15; Psa 91) to please just let me fall asleep in death. Maybe when the suffering is past, He can wake me up. (John 11:17‑26) Do you imagine such prayers are the kind of sighing and groaning God is looking for. I don't think so! Even thought my faith might sometimes get weak enough to have those thoughts, I don't think that is what God wants:

Jesus Christ said he came to make our joy complete. (John 15:11) He also said when we recognize this tribulation, the one we are living through, we should lift our heads high knowing our deliverance is near. (Luke 21:28; Mat 24:21‑22) When I read scriptures like those, and have God's spirit from doing so, (John 6:63) I am happy. I don't fear this system because I know God can protect all those signing and moaning about the harm being done, but maybe not those distressed because of their own sadness and weakness or lack of faith. So, then, what can I do? What I have realized I can personally do to help others, is write this letter. I can share these scriptures with you, thus providing the hope faith in them can will grant you. Everyone alive needs to hear the simple message of Christ; as all who are righteous absolutely must put faith in him for the preservation of life. The tribulation is forcing everyone alive to consider God's place in their life. (Isa 45:22‑25) Then, the only path to God is through Christ. (Acts 4:8‑13) You can help! Simply print and share this webpage with everyone you know... (Rom 10:13‑15)

This ain't rocket science my dear friend! Hear God's command to listen to Jesus. (Mat 17:5) Then, hear Jesus warning he must be your only teacher, (Mat 23:1‑12) because there are so many false prophets saying they speak for him; when they don't know Christ at all. (Mat 7:21‑23; Luke 13:25‑27; Mat 7:15‑20) Based on faith in your scriptural knowledge of Christ, then, have faith in all the promises of God. (Job 33:13‑30) Then, based on your knowledge of Christ's teachings, be happy! Not the same happy we will have when all these problems and suffering are past, but nearly so. Happy because you know through your faith the wicked will soon be gone. (Psa 37:10‑11; Psa 37:29) What you can do, then, is first build this scriptural faith and hope for yourself. Next, share it with anyone and everyone who will listen... (Rom 10:11‑15) Print this webpage and send it to everyone you know!

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