a page title
1914, "The Great Tribulation"
Understanding how and when "the tribulation" [or
the "tribulation of those days" or
the "beginning of birth pains" of distress],

then turned into "The Great Tribulation."

1914 marked the beginning of the "Great Tribulation" and was the year World War I broke out. Many in the world did know! 1914 was also the year Christ was enthroned King of the earth.

You should take note the "Great Tribulation" is different from, or is actually the extreme culmination or finish of "the tribulation," or "the tribulation of those days," (Mat 24:29 of 29-31) which are both the same thing as "the beginning of childbirth pains." (Mat 24:7-8) For about 1000 years prior to 607 BCE, the ancient earth was ruled by God using his Temple in Jerusalem and his anointed Kings and Priests among his Jewish Nation. Then in 607, God's Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians and the Gentile Nations began to rule the earth. (Luke 21:24) The end of God's earthly Kingdom obviously brought about a time of trouble; which was the start of "the tribulation." That tribulation would run until God destroys all his enemies, probably in 2024. But, Jesus made note the last years of that tribulation would escalate and get worse, becoming or bringing about what he referred to as the "Great Tribulation," which "Great Tribulation" only started in 1914. (Mat 24:21-22) That "Great Tribulation" we are now living through [having started in 1914] is about to be ended by Armageddon, likely in 2024. It then seems Armageddon will likely need to be over and done by 2026, as that year marks the end of the 6th, and start of the 7th, one thousand year long periods of human existence since Adam and Eve were created. It now seems logical to wonder if that 7th millennium will also be the one thousand year reign of Christ... (Rev 20:4)

This brief webpage only conveys one event, but one which is related to several others... The importance of noting this is only one event is that the overall understanding of its interrelationship with the others is not self explanatory. (Heb 5:11-14) This page was created as part of a set of pages connected by graphs of events over time. The graphs were created to help understand, and now to explain, the interrelationships between Bible prophecy and current events, as they impact us in what I believe are the last days; (2 Tim 3:1-7) and, how I believe this event fits in with those others. Individual supporting pages like this will likely have little meaning without the graphs showing their interrelationships.

Those graphs can be viewed at:
Go to: "JustBibleTruth.com"; Select: "Important Dates?" or
Go to: "JustBibleTruth.com"; Select: "Sweet Dreams Are Made!"

It can be helpful to look at the graph and this [or any] supporting page(s) at the same time. Right-Click on any link to have the option to open the link in a new window to view both. The graphs with links are large files and may not work well or at all on devices with small screens.