Who are followers of Christ? Christians are identified by having both the "ability" [1 John 5:20-21; Pro 1:1-4] and the "desire" to help other people; by drawing from "wellsprings of waters of life" out of their own heart.
[John 4:14; John 17:20; John 6:53]
(Written: October of 2020)
Be careful YOU understand this simple truth: No one can talk about Christ in an effort to help other people, unless the teachings of Jesus first reside within them. [John 17:6; John 17:26; Acts 18:5-6; Luke 10:1-12; Rom 10:11-15; 1 Cor 12:3] That doesn't mean people who don't know Christ can't use his name, or say his words when reading some asserted Bible study aid, or even from the Bible itself. They can never, however, be motivated to pull his words out of their own heart; if they haven't first made the effort to put Christ's teachings into their mind and heart. [John 4:10 & 14] Further, no one can have Jesus's words ("wellsprings of waters of life") in themselves if they don't have the spirit of truth he sent us. [John 15:26-27] That spirit lives in the words Christ spoke... [John 6:44] Integrity and truth must be important to you. Gaining God's spirit, by listening carefully to Christ, is a choice granting a mindset that will help you define and control who you are. [1 Cor 2:16] You are reborn as a new person by consuming the words of Christ. [John 3:3; John 6:52-59; Eph 4:23-24; 2 Pet 3:11-13] Christians must become people of loving kindness and faith; made so by unwavering obedience to God's son. [John 6:28-29; 1 John 4:19 of 14-21] It would seem foolish to believe you could obey Christ, if you haven't read and become familiar with what he taught. Not reading his words once, mind you, but through beginning to end many times; to the point of familiarity. [Deu 6:5-9; Deu 11:18-28; Prov 2:6-3:8; John 5:19-24] Stressing the danger of being misled, Jesus cautioned you must not listen to other people. [Mat 7:15] Because of that warning by Jesus and his followers, [Acts 20:30; Mat 24:11] you must meditate on Matthew, Mark, Luke and John so as to become an intimate friend of Christ [John 15:14-15] and a part of his family. [Mark 3:31-35] It is a simple thing God has asked of you. [2 Kings 5:13] Heed God's only latter day command: Listen to his son! [Mat 17:5; John 17:3; John 6:63] What you need to give others, and more importantly, the only thing you have to give, is to direct them to listen to Christ for themselves. That's the only "wellsprings of waters of life" you can offer, but, that is their perfect solution. [Acts 4:12] If you comprehend that simple truth, it must mean you are blessed by God. [John 6:44] Treasure and guard that understanding! The world is full of religious people who hear these words but don't get the sense of them at all. Instead of realizing their need to direct people to read the words of Christ for themselves, they want to drag you away from Christ to follow their doctrines of self made laws. [John 7:46-48] They all try to deceive you to imagine a membership in their sect, and being approved by them, [1 Cor 4:3 of 1-5] provides you "wellsprings of waters of life." Many of them mean well and some even sincerely believe; [Luke 13:23-28] but, they all remain ignorant. None seem to grasp God's one latter day command to listen to his son. [Mat 17:5] They proudly imagine God's command to listen to Jesus is too simplistic for them. [2 Kings 5:13] Rather than making an effort to listen to Christ, they construct elaborate doctrines of approval for themselves and those they can deceive. Don't join them in misleading and being misled. [2 Tim 3:13] Obey God! [Mark 9:7] Listen to Christ. Love Christ! [John 8:42 of 42-47] Maintain openly before everyone  you  we can only know for sure  you  we are getting Christ's message by reading the Gospel records of his teachings. [Mark 4:31-35 & Mark 11:22-23 & Luke 11:9-13 & John 6:63 & Mark 3:31-35] That simple knowledge is the wellsprings of waters of life...

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