Which is more important, knowledge or faith? While both are important, we should start by saying we don't know where the line is drawn as to how much knowledge a person must have. We herein consider what the Bible says about the matter, but must admit, we do not see a clear answer. It seems, to some degree, a personal matter. We actually feel a need to caution anyone who imagines they do have a clear answer! Please allow us to explain. The Bible says both knowledge* and faith are important! Someone will quickly mention the name of Jesus, quote Acts 4:12 or John 20:31, and assert faith in the name of Jesus is all we need. Even if that were so, that expression requires some basic knowledge, and leads back to the question: How much knowledge do we need as the basis of a faith that can preserve us alive? (Heb 10:38-39 ; Rom 9:33)
[*The knowledge we assert to be important should be understood to be an accurate knowledge of God's word the Bible. (Col 1:9-10 ; Rom 1:28-32 ; Col 2:2-4 ; Rom 10:2 ; Eph 1:17 ; Eph 4:13 ; Philippians 1:9) All Religionists base their faith on some kind of knowledge: They all follow after some sect or religious teaching. Some build their faith on a misapplication of (part of) the scriptures. (2 Pet 2:3 ; 2 Pet 3:16) Be aware: All such persons (either purposely or ignorantly) are trying to subvert your faith in the Bible. (2 Tim 2:18) Knowledge of Bible truth will set you free of fear of all such false religious efforts by men. (John 8:31-32 ; John 8:34 & 36)]
As to the relationship between faith and knowledge, then, a measure of accurate Bible knowledge is obviously necessary. (1 Cor 15:33-34) Some man might choose to build faith in a great oak tree, or in an image he has carved from one. It seems plain there can be no help from faith in such an image. In fact, there is danger from such worship. Images can neither see nor think nor feel. (Psa 115:4-8) Such ignorant (or even foolish) worship can offend our great Creator. (Hos 13:2-4 ; 1 Kings 19:15-18 ; Rom 1:20-23) Knowledge of Bible teachings can protect us from such foolish influences. (John 8:32)
Jesus himself connected our eternal life to our knowledge when he said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3) We must, according to those words, have knowledge of Jesus, and his Father. Agur, of Solomon's time, agreed under inspiration that knowledge of God and his Son was required, along with knowledge of God's word: "The words of Agur the son of Jakeh, the weighty message. . . 4 Who has ascended to heaven that he may descend? Who has gathered the wind in the hollow of both hands? Who has wrapped up the waters in a mantle? Who has made all the ends of the earth to rise? What is his name and what the name of his son, in case you know? 5 Every saying of God is refined. He is a shield to those taking refuge in him. 6 Add nothing to his words, that he may not reprove you, and that you may not have to be proved a liar. (Pro 30:1~6)
There is an important reason we draw attention to, and freely admit, we don't know how much knowledge is necessary as the foundation of a saving faith. While some knowledge is clearly necessary, knowledge can also be dangerous; because knowledge can make one arrogant and judgmental of others. As Paul said: (1 Cor 8:1-3 CEV "In your letter you asked me about food offered to idols. All of us know something about this subject. But knowledge makes us proud of ourselves, while love makes us helpful to others.
(2) In fact, people who think they know so much don't know anything at all.
(3) But God has no doubts about who loves him.") According to Paul, then, those who think they do have knowledge, really don't. Such pride is just an indication of their lack of humility. We want to be careful we don't join with much of the world in judging others unfit for life because they don't share our understanding of the knowledge we believe we possess. How arrogant is that, really? (1 Cor 4:5 ; Luke 9:49-50) It seems ignorant, or even stupid, to think we are judges! As we make an effort to search for God, we should certainly remember: God knows who loves him; And He is judge of all. (Heb 12:22-24 ; Rom 14:4)
There are many trying to find a place to fit in spiritually – to find a group who can help them understand the Bible. Such individuals seek truth because they fear God; Not with some morbid fear, but they fear him in the sense of wanting to know how to be pleasing to him. (Isa 11:2-3 ; Heb 11:2-3) Many of such people have been terribly disappointed with the religious groups they have come in contact with. Some have given up their search because of the terrible things they have seen done in God's name. This website exists for all such seekers of truth! While all Religionists claim to spread love, most manifest hate. We want to help truth seekers realize, they have likely been surrounded by people who fear God, being quietly influenced by them all their life. The purpose of this study is to draw attention to a simple and beautiful truth:
It is individual persons who worship God; It is not groups organized by men who worship God. As God says in his inspired word: "But in every nation the man (person) that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. 36 He sent out the word to the sons of Israel to declare to them the good news of peace through Jesus Christ:. . . (Acts 10:35, 36) Paul there says, those who fear God and "work righteousness" are the individuals who are acceptable. Jesus then told us plainly what it means to work righteousness: Matthew 22:36-40 CEV (36) "Teacher, what is the most important commandment in the Law?" (37) Jesus answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. (38) This is the first and most important commandment. (39) The second most important commandment is like this one. And it is, "Love others as much as you love yourself." (40) All the Law of Moses and the Books of the Prophets are based on these two commandments. We have believed, and we still do believe, it is learning the Bible teachings of Jesus (while being careful not to be misled by what men say Jesus said) which can help us build faith for the preservation of our lives. (John 17:3; Mat 8:13; Heb 10:36-39) These scriptures help us realize: All those individual persons who love God and neighbor are the ones who will gain life. Every member of every religious group will say they love God, of course; It is loving other people, however, which demonstrates whether we really do. (1 John 4:20-21; 1 John 3:9-15; 1 John 2:1-11; 1 Pet 2:15-17; 1 Pet 1:22) It is not for us, nor any other man or group, to imagine we are judges of who loves God. (1 Cor 8:3 ; Rom 2:1) God is watching and is helping all who are inclined toward him [all who are inclined toward righteousness]. (2 Chron 16:9 ; John 6:44-47 ; Rom 14:4) It is what is most important in our own mind, which can become the identifying mark in our forehead to preserve us alive. (Eze 9:2-6 ; Heb 10:39 ; Job 33:24-25 ; John 11:26)
Our life course brings each of us to a problem common to all men (those who are fortunate to live any length of time). We start to wear out in mind and body. The loosing of one's mind seems the greatest worry for most. People don't want to forget who they are, and the place God has in their life. The Bible becomes more important than ever to many of those facing old age. Doctors assert having an active mind is the greatest protection to longevity. (Pro 14:30) The problem thus becomes: How can we keep our mind active, and healthy? Watching TV and reading the ideas of men is certainly not the solution. Reading the Bible is a good source of protection. (Heb 4:12-13) God's word reveals one long and beautiful thought by him; his thought to repair the damage satan and Adam and Eve caused back in the garden. The more we learn about the Bible, the more we are in awe of that solution. Sixty six books written over two thousand years by forty some different writers, and all in complete harmony with itself. No men could ever have dreamt such a work. It had to be the finger of God. It is the perfect aid to an ordered mind.
This comfort from the scriptures does not apply to older people alone. Many young people have health problems. In addition, the world is facing problems on a scale never beheld before.
It is terrifying for any sane person! Worry about our future can rob away our peace of mind, and, therefore, our life. (Pro 14:30)
That is part of the reason for this website: To help us all remain mentally healthy and active through a study of the inspired word of God, and to give encouragement on how we can do so. We want to help bring comfort from the scriptures. (Romans 15:4) May we all find comfort, for example, in awaiting the fulfillment of the inspired prophecy of Job: (Job 33:24-30 ; Job 33:28-30) GNB
(24) In mercy the angel will say, "Release them! They are not to go down to the world of the dead. Here is the ransom to set them free."
(25) Their bodies will grow young and strong again;
(26) when they pray, God will answer; they will worship God with joy; God will set things right for them again.
(27) Each one will say in public, "I have sinned. I have not done right, but God spared me.
(28) He kept me from going to the world of the dead, and I am still alive."
(29) God does all this again and again;
(30) each one saves a person's life, and gives him the joy of living.
In our study effort, we view God's word as the primary tool to maintain or gain mental health. (John 1:5; John 17:17) We can also learn by listening to the observations of others who love our Creator and his son. (Pro 30:4) We must, however, be very careful to remain noble minded when we listen to other men. [(Acts 17:11 ALT) Now these were more noble-minded [than] the [ones] in Thessalonica, who received the word with all [fig., great] eagerness, every day examining the Scriptures [to see] if these things might be so.] We must be careful in listening to others because even very nice people make mistakes. If we believe their mistakes, we become responsible. We are made responsible because God gave us his word to help us know what is truth. That, then, should help us understand why organizations can't worship God. It is each individual who must learn, and then build personal faith, in what Jesus taught. No exceptions!
While the Bible is our only purely dependable source of truth, (Ps 119:159-160 ; John 17:17) we can learn even from the mistakes made by organizations of men. The mistakes of the Holy Roman [apostate] Church of the dark ages is an example. When they tortured thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands - they didn't keep very good records of their deeds) of people to death in the name of their religion, we can learn they were not followers of Christ. Those members who said the “Church” told them to be part of [or support] such abuse were likely not forgiven. (Mat 7:22-23) Their apostate form of worship still does provide, however, a learning experience: They teach us how organizations of men sometimes teach us what we should not do. (1 Cor 4:5 ; Mat 7:1-2) Detail knowledge of how organizations of [even well intentioned] men get it wrong, can help us. Such knowledge can help us avoid being swept along in their sin; And from making the same error even on our own.
Before Christ, the Jewish nation was in a covenanted relationship with God. They swore to obey as a group, and, because they made a contract with God as a nation, the whole group was responsible when one failed. (Ex 19:1-8 ; Ex 24:3-8 ; Josh 7:4-26) God knew they were imperfect, and could not perfectly keep the Law Code He gave them. The law was given them to help them manifest love toward others, and as a tutor leading to the Christ. (Gal 3:23-25) Christ replaced obedience to the Law with faith in the teachings he gave us from his Father - the Christian law of love. (Rom 13:8-10 ; Gal 3:26-29 ; John 10:16-18) Those determined to assert themselves as judges of who is wicked and who is righteous, by means of an approved membership in their group, are trying to turn you back under a law code. If you join such a group, you become responsible when their group sins. The only organization we can join is the group demonstrating a love for God, such love always manifesting itself in love of neighbor. That is the group Jesus started. Those who love peace are members of that group: By virtue of the peace they extend. Those who don't love God have no interest in truth, because it appears foolishness in their eyes. (1 Cor 1:18-31)
Be careful not to be part of some sect who define their own righteousness by virtue of their great knowledge, as demonstrated by glorifying an approved membership in their group. (Luke 18:9-14) Such people may be fooling themselves. (Mat 7:21-23 ; 1 Cor 8:2) Christians are not organized as a group who will arrogantly assert themselves as your judges, assuring you are upright - or judging you wicked. They are all the individuals who are (and will be) kind toward you. They will do what they can to help you. They will try to avoid causing you (and everyone else) any harm, as they do their best to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. (Philippians 2:12) Do your best to recognize and appreciate those quiet and mild individuals among the people who surround you; Those who love you, and others. If they have acquired enough knowledge, they will share their hope from the Bible, by showing you the scriptures which support their hope. (Acts 8:34-35 ; Acts 18:24-26 ; Luke 11:27-28 ; Acts 18:11 ; 2 Cor 2:17 ; 2 Cor 4:2 ; Php 1:14 ; 1 Thes 2:13 ; Acts 13:7) They will try to help you learn because they recognize knowledge of truth to be the most important gift of life. (Mat 13:41-43 ; Mat 13:44-46) Such people also recognize, pointing you to the Bible is not asserting their own knowledge. They are sharing God's knowledge; As did even the Christ (anointed one) himself. (Mat 26:39 ; Mat 11:25-27 ; John 3:32-36 ; John 7:16 ; 1 Cor 15:27-28 ; Heb 10:7) All true Christians recognize: Making use of their Bible knowledge is the manifestation of wisdom; And that wisdom is the most important endeavor of life. (Prov 4:7)
In summation, then, an accurate knowledge of what the Bible teaches is important. The more the better, as long as such knowledge is tempered with humility. We must always remember to support every single thing we believe [and teach] using the Bible. If the Bible doesn't say it, it's just our opinion. The opinions of men are worthless at best! (Ecc 12:11-12) Our building faith in the Bible knowledge we gain is important as well. Even above our faith, however, it is our love for others which is most important. Understanding and expressing love is the whole reason for gaining knowledge and understanding of, and building faith in, the teachings of Jesus! (1 Cor 13:2 ; Rom 13:8-10) Love is the manifestation of faith! If you don't love others, you don't have faith! (James 2:24-26) Showing love for others is the only "works" we can perform! (James 3:13-18 ; 1 John 3:9-12) Direct others to this website, as an aid to learn what the Bible teaches. Help them recognize our need to build faith in our Father and Creator through our knowledge of his word. justbibletruth.com
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