How are true Christians organized?
There is one and only one group you should be trying really hard to join. Membership in that group will grant you eternal life. The group has a long history and it members are so numerous as to be referred to in Hebrews 12:1 as a cloud. (Heb 12:1 of 11:32 thru 12:3) You must be very cautious about identifying members of that group, however, and in how you seek membership. You must realize: No man or earthly group can grant you membership, nor can any person assure you have it.
How, then, are true Christians organized?
(Written October, 2018)

What we are about to consider is the failure and corruption of organized religion. Doing that can be terrifying for some persons. In trying to avoid facing that reality and truth, one person asked: "What is wrong with being organized? Do true Christians just wing it or what?" True Christians are not, or course, "just winging it." True Christians comprise all the "individuals" who recognize the approval of their own Bible trained conscience to be the only approval among men that has merit: Faith in truth, out of a good conscience, provides eternal life. (Romans 2:15-16 ; John 12:48 ; Matthew 17:20 ; Matthew 8:13) Christ's followers are organized into a group only in the sense they are all among the "individual persons" gathered "by God": Gathered from among the worthless religious liars comprising much of our world. Gathered from among people having become emboldened to be ever more vile during these last days. (Ecc 8:11; John 11:52; Matthew 13:29-30) In the 1970's, a U.S. politician stated our modern world had become ungoverned and ungovernable. Those who teach resistance to law and order have certainly not let up in driving the world deeper into anarchy in the decades since. We see people form gangs to actually teach each other how to steal and do harm; and then mob together to accomplish it. (Judges 19:22) Some are so vile as to imagine stealing is a job. And when they get caught, they just lie and fabricate some story of justification. Liars form a big part of humanity's problems. (That just makes sense, really: Satan is a liar and God can never lie! - Titus 1:2 of 1‑4; John 8:44 of 42‑49) The world is largely without integrity and has become so vile and dishonest no human can begin to judge who is good or bad, let alone construct laws to control it; and that even if we lived in a society that respected its own rules. That is the very great danger, then, with allowing yourself to be organized by other men and women. (Mat 7:15‑23) Liars and hypocrites use religion only to control and manipulate other people, often calling people they can deceive "their sheep." Religionists all share the same dereliction of duty in failing to teach and give warning about the one simple command our Heavenly Father has given each one of us: We must listen to his son. (Mat 17:5) True Christians thus wisely refuse to submit themselves to the judgment of other imperfect men (and women). (Proverbs 12:6 ; Acts 15:23-24 ; 1 Corinthians 4:3) They recognize the Bible, and more specifically the words of Christ, as their only safe source of spiritual direction. Individual Christians also recognize the villainy of most organized religious sects. (Mat 7:15; Luke 13:23‑28) Rather than join such groups, they await deliverance at God's hand through their personal knowledge of, and faith in, Christ's words. (Hosea 6:6-11 ; John 16:1-4 ; John 17:3) True Christians are thus united in sharing a loving relationship with all persons who love righteousness through a common knowledge of Christ. They manifest who they are simply by trying to show love for their neighbor. (Luke 10:25-28) True Christians love to talk (but not argue - Proverbs 17:14) about the Bible. Christians are pleasant to talk with because they do not imagine God has given them authority to judge who is wicked (nor do they presume to judge who is righteous).

You must realize: Being a mature Christian lies, in part, in your being able to recognize who the Man Of Lawlessness is? (2 Thessalonians 2:3) You also need to recognize good fruitage from bad. (Mat 7:20 of 15‑20) As we become aware of the danger posed by the many apostate forms of worship, and realize the importance of Jesus's scriptural warning about not being overcome by the spirit of that wicked "man of lawlessness"; (John 14:26 of 23‑27; 1 Corinthians 2:12) we naturally start to wonder about how true Christians can be organized. We don't want to forsake the gathering of ourselves together, (Heb 10:25 of 19‑25) but how, if we can't even judge who is righteous? Hebrews 10:25 is the scripture all Religionists use to convince "their sheep" to keep coming back and gathering with their group (where then can tithe their wealth, of course). They seem to be failing to notice: We are in the midst of the tribulation. If Christians physically gathered together in the midst of some nation like Ukraine, Putin's forces would see their gathering as a target and kill them all... Meetings together would further spread the diseases making up part of the tribulation. Christians gather together in the sense they are each and every one gathered at one table feeding on the body of Christ. (Luke 17:37) That simply means they are each one reading Christ's words. They then declare their faith publicly by their act of telling others what they have learned; by directing everyone else to also read the words of Christ. Each one is feeding on Christ for themselves. This website can help! Gather here and tell others to gather with you. Print these web pages and share them with everyone you know... Encourage them not to join you or me, but to join Christ Jesus; through the safety of their own Bible. If we are sincere Christians, of course, joining Christ will be joining us as well. They just don't have to worry about judging our faithfulness! (1 Cor 4:5 of 1‑5)

Sadly, we must realize, most groups who band together [ostensibly to learn the Bible and worship], are subsequently overcome by their desire to create a celebrated name for themselves. (Genesis 11:4 ; James 1:14) They start creating doctrines of faith to judge who is faithful enough to become or remain a member. In light of that danger, it is logical to wonder: Where can the faithful turn? Where can sincere persons look for help in seeking truth; since there is so much danger from organizations of even well meaning [but imperfect] men? (Mat 7:15‑23) There is even more danger from those who are deliberately deceitful and only pretend to teach the Bible. (Mat 7:15 of 15‑23) We should recognize: The hatred developed among members of such apostate religious groups seems always to be based on their desire for power and control over others? That is what you must avoid, then: A longing for power and prominence among men. (Matthew 6:1‑2; Mat 23:1‑15) Even those who seem sincere [and maybe did start out being sincere] in their attempt to promote Bible truth, often get turned aside toward protecting unity among the organization they have formed. Their next step is to leave off studying the Bible, and thus the expressing of love for their fellow-man. By their doctrine, they set themselves forth as judges of who is worthy of life. That seems the point where they get lost. All such groups next start to imagine being pleasing to our heavenly Father is the same as having the approval of their group. In light of such prolific danger, then, how can true Christians think about how they actually are organized, or what organization they can proclaim they are part of? That's really easy: Saying you are "Christian" is the only Bible approved designator for the followers of Christ. (Acts 11:26) If you are part of a group calling themselves anything besides, or in addition to Christian, you are in danger! If your sect is saying their teachings are spiritual food, you are in danger! (1 Cor 4:6)

There is no reason to be alarmed! Just first remember always: The Bible is inspired by God and is completely trustworthy. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Knowing what your Bible actually teaches, then, is your protection and is the solution to this problem! It is actually the solution to all your problems... You must be skeptical of every man (Acts 17:11 ; 2 Peter 3:16) but you can always depend upon the Bible! (2 Timothy 3:16 ; 2 Peter 1:21) Learn what the Bible teaches! If someone teaches something about God, make them support their teaching with the Bible. (Acts 17:11) Their sincerity has no meaning! The Jewish nation existed [in large measure] to produce the promised Messiah. (Matthew 1:1 ; Genesis 22:18; Gal 3:23‑26) The Law Code was given to keep the Jews clean so they could be the nation giving birth to Christ. The Bible Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, then, present the teachings of their promised Messiah. (Luke 4:16-21) The books following the four gospel accounts show us how early Christians tried to implement Jesus's teachings, after he died and was resurrected. Much of their effort was spent trying to correct Jewish converts who wanted to turn back to the Law Code and to Judaism. All that history serves primarily as a tutor leading us to faith in Christ. (Gal 3:23‑26) Understanding our requirement to have faith in Christ leaves us with the need to know intimately what Jesus taught; as recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and the Apostle John. Most of the balance of the Bible exists to support and substantiate those teachings by Jesus. The Bible is a big book. It doesn't seem near as hard to think about becoming intimately familiar with those four short Gospel accounts, does it? (Mat 17:5)

Please note what the Bible teaches about the exact same process   יהוה   uses in dealing with each one of us. It teaches God's eyes are roving about in the earth, to show himself powerful in behalf of those with a heart complete toward him [those who are sincerely seeking him]. (2 Chronicles 16:9 ; Acts 17:27) Jesus then teaches us to know his Father, which is the means by which his Father helps each one of us. [That can only happen, however, after God first takes note we have a complete heart]. Note again: All who want to please God must come to Christ, (Acts 4:12 of 8‑12) but must first be drawn to Jesus by his Father's spirit. (John 6:44) That defines Christianity! That is how Christians are organized. Christians are reborn by the spirit when they are drawn to Christ. (John 3:1‑8) So then, we know   יהוה   looks through the earth to show his power in behalf of those who are looking for him; and then, he reveals himself to such individuals by directing them to faith in the teachings of his son Christ Jesus [recorded in those four gospel accounts - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John]. All persons with a heart complete toward our Creator, are in one way or another directed to Bible knowledge of Christ, that being the only means of their salvation. (John 6:35 ; John 6:28-29; Luke 17:26‑30) There were days in mankind's past when people could literally sit at the feet of Jesus to learn what he came to teach. The way we today learn what Jesus teaches, is through the inspired parallel Bible records of Christ's teachings by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. (John 8:12) There will, of course, be people to preach: Sincere "Christian" preachers are those who direct other individuals to those same teachings of Jesus they are themselves using to learn. (Romans 10:13-15) That is one way we can show we love our Father, and that we appreciate his provision of life: By sharing with others what we learn from the Bible; what we learn from Jesus. (John 6:28-29) We must always remember, however, while we can prove useful to God by sharing the teachings of Jesus, none of us are needed to accomplish that preaching. Jesus said the stones could cry out if necessary. (Luke 19:40) It is a most precious and wonderful gift from our Father: That he allows us to represent him with our lips. (Psalms 51:15 ; Hebrews 13:15) It is not something he needs from us. It is what we can choose to offer. (Rev 4:8) The rewards of drawing to God through your faith in Christ are beyond our comprehension. (Isa 60:1-9)

Always remember too, it is   יהוה   God who is drawing righteously inclined people to unity with his son. (John 6:44-47 ; John 17:11b) Those who are fortunate to be able to help others learn Bible truth, are simply allowing themselves to be used as tools by our Father. No one should imagine they are special and above others, or start to imagine themselves lords and judges over the faith of others. None should imagine they need a special title or name, such as Elder, Monk, Priest, Deacon, or "most reverend" or "most holy" so and so... (Luke 14:7-11) Any person thinking he is special in the preaching work would be akin to a blade of grass thinking it was special because it was used by our Father to feed one of his sheep. The sheep of   יהוה   will be fed, and there are lots of blades of grass to do it. We can only choose if we are helpful or useless. (Deu 30:19‑20)

It puts you in grave danger if you choose to elevate other persons over you, [or to allow them to elevate themselves,] and then look to them for their spiritual approval. It is at your peril you feel the need to accept the interpretation of the Bible by such arrogant ones. Remember: Interpreting the Bible for you is not the same as teaching it to you. You can listen to what people say about the Bible, of course, as you strive to learn what it says. (Acts 8:26-40) Just carefully remember: The accounts by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John amount to the interpretation of the Bible by Jesus Christ himself. That's what Jesus was sent to do. (John 18:37b) Those who are faithful to Christ will always support what they say using the Scriptures. As soon as it becomes evident some person or group is not supporting what they say using the Bible, they should be viewed as a waste of time at best, and possibly as apostate. In either case, they are useless for learning what the Bible teaches. The man of lawlessness will dribble on and on about one scripture [or a few] they pull out of context. The lawless ones will try to divert you toward their own writings as your source of truth, often asserting those writings are the teachings of God [are spiritual food] as only the Bible actually is. You will find yourself spending all your time in their midst involved in studying their asserted "Bible study aids," rather than simply reading and studying the words of Christ. If you are trying to learn the truth, you must learn to recognize the difference between persons teaching Bible truth, and those trying to misuse the Bible to elevate themselves (so as to manipulate people). (John 7:16-17 ; John 5:44) True Bible knowledge sets aside the fear of such religious hypocrites. (John 7:47-48 ; John 9:22 ; Luke 13:10-17) We would all like some person or group to wrap their arms around us and tell us we are saved, righteous, and pleasing to God. Many groups actually want us to believe we require them to approve us! Ask yourself, however, did the world wrap Jesus in their arms and tell him he was doing good? (John 15:20) If you learn from Christ to be kind, all other righteous people will love you; and paradise awaits. (Isa 11:1-12) If you are a kind hearted person, the religious world will not like you! (John 15:17‑20 of 17‑24)

Equipped with this scriptural knowledge, it is easy to understand how true Christians are organized. It is not the way other organizations of men take direction. If you are a Christian, you are personally known by God... Normally, among groups of men, there is some boss or leader at the top, with a number two, and three, and so forth, down their hierarchy to the bottom. The one at the top often does not even know those at the bottom [and they certainly can't give them the help they personally need if they don't know them]. What number one says is distorted through the imperfect men who pass it along down to their laity members [those not appointed or anointed or ordained], such that their leader's intent may be nearly unrecognizable. The same process occurs with any message going from the bottom of such organizations up to top. It is not that way with true Christians. Christians are organized from the top down of course. Our Father   יהוה   first gave mankind laws, which served as a tutor leading to the Christ. (Galatians 3:24) Those laws were fulfilled or taken out of the way by the teachings of Jesus. (Matthew 5:17 ; 2 Corinthians 3:14 ; Colossians 2:13-14) Now that Christ has arrived, Christians recognize only Jesus as our God appointed head. God provided the Christ, but it is God's way to first select us personally and individually before we can approach his son. (John 6:44a) As God draws us to Christ, we find the complete [as far as our needs go] teachings of Jesus recorded for us in the Bible Gospels by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The perfect son of God taught us only what he learned from his Father. (John 7:16-17 ; John 5:19-21) We can thus come to know our Heavenly Father personally, through the perfect teachings of his son. (Matthew 11:25-30) We use Christ's name to talk [pray] to our Heavenly Father directly; and we are heard by him. (John 15:16 of 11‑16) We can come to know what God loves and what He hates. (Amos 5:14‑15) All sincere Christians are thus united and organized directly under   יהוה   through their faith in Christ; with no need for any imperfect men in the middle of that relationship. [If some can help others to learn what the Bible teaches, that is a good thing, of course. There is nothing about any of them, however, to illicit our worship or loyalty beyond our hearing what Jesus said; while being careful to accept only what comes simply and clearly from the Bible. (Acts 17:11)] We worship and obey God as ruler through faith in, and obedience to, Christ Jesus. (Acts 5:29) Christians are also organized from the bottom up in a similar sense: Even the lowliest one among faithful Christians worship our Father, and talk with him directly, in prayer through faith in Christ. (John 15:7; John 16:23‑24) That is how Christians are organized: We address   יהוה   personally in prayer through Christ's name, and God's eye is upon each of us as individuals. (John 15:16 ; 2 Chronicles 16:9) It is a truly sobering realization. You answer directly and personally to our Father   יהוה  ; based upon your faith in, and your reaction to, the teachings of his son Christ Jesus. (John 17:3; John 12:47‑50) By our faith in Christ, we become united with others who are also made "Christian" by that same bond of individual personal faith and choice. If we reject Christ, we make ourselves wicked by refusing God's gift of life. (Luke 11:23) We either learn the teachings of Jesus, and thereby gather to him; or we become his enemy. That is our simple choice; and the purpose of our life! (Deu 11:26‑28)

We sometimes hear well meaning religious persons ask others if they are saved? There purpose is no doubt to help that person be clear about their decision to express faith in (the teachings of) Christ. There is no account in the Bible, however, of any person ever asking another if they were saved. Christians encouraged everyone to gain salvation through Christ, (Acts 4:12) but they never put them on the spot by asking if they were saved. (2 Corinthians 2:14-17) Each humbly remained concerned with their own salvation. (1 Corinthians 10:12 ; Philippians 2:12) The scriptures indicate it might be presumptuous of someone to assert they were saved, and then to go asking others if they were. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6; John 6:63b) The Bible teaches the one who endures to then end will be saved. (Matthew 24:13 ; Mark 13:13) It might be brazen to assume we have already endured to the end! The intent of Jesus followers was not to judge others, nor was it to be concerned with what others thought about them; (1 Corinthians 4:3) beyond a need to listen to what others might share from the scriptures. (Acts 17:10‑11) Even when Jesus identified his betrayer, the others did not get all concerned to judge or expel Judas from their midst. Jesus did at one point tell Judas to get on with his business, (John 13:27) but Jesus had known for some time Judas was the one who would betray him. (John 6:64) Jesus followers knew God would deal with those who were unfaithful. (Acts 5:1-10) Jesus told them to watch out about themselves. (Luke 9:49-50) Rendering judgment over others, or even trying to force others to declare their faith, might result in stumbling them. (Mark 9:38-42) Each person is, and must remain, free to choose to obey our Heavenly Father solely because they realize God is good; and because they love him. (Isaiah 48:17 ; Hebrews 11:6)

True Christians are united, then, in and through their own personal faith in the words of Christ Jesus [as the ransom sacrifice lovingly provided by our Father]. The identifying mark of Christians will be the love they show for others. (John 13:35) Their unity [or the sign of their organization] exists in that love [they show for God and for others]. The most pronounced display of love will be in sharing Bible truth with their brothers in Adam. Sharing Bible truth is not to be confused with what most of the world calls evangelizing. Every religious organization preaches [or evangelizes] in their own way. Not all evangelizers are acceptable to God, however. (Matthew 7:23) Those who truly love others show it by teaching what the Bible teaches, and that means teaching only what the Bible teaches; which also means directing everyone to the words of Christ! Christians recognize the Bible as the only source of spiritual food coming down from our Father. Realizing some  might  will appear to be teachers of the Bible, while actually being hypocrites (Matthew 15:7-9) and therefore part of the man of lawlessness, helps us recognize why it is dangerous to throw in our lot (Proverbs 1:14) with any [large] group of people; joining with them as, and/or because, they "profess" they are all Christians. Jesus taught us not to be judging others; and that would include judging them either righteous or wicked. (Luke 10:5-6) If you join an organization and thereby give them credibility, and they render judgment over other people for good or bad, do you not make yourself responsible for the judgment they render? Think about that seriously: If you join individuals who assert as governors and judges over an organization, and they render wicked judgment against or abuse others, will you be jointly accountable before   יהוה   for their wickedness? (Leviticus 4:3a) If your leaders assert members are righteous, and those members use that affirmative judgment to cause harm, are you responsible? It seems a very dangerous situation to be in. The record of who is righteous is kept in heaven. (Luke 10:20) Jesus taught us who his Father is, and how to be pleasing to him. (Matthew 11:27) Which persons are among those sincerely following Jesus can not be judged or even known by imperfect men. Only   יהוה  , his son [and the spirit creatures helping them], and the individual Christian know if they personally are Christian. True followers of Christ can judge only themselves, and must use only the words of Jesus to do so. (John 12:48) That is likely what being marked in our forehead means. (Ezekiel 9:4 ; Revelation 22:3-4) Even those who attempt to be Christians can be fooled, if they do not strictly adhere to the Bible teachings of Jesus. (Galatians 6:3 ; Mark 12:24; John 8:31-32) If you are a member of a group of persons asserting they are judges over who is righteous, you have most certainly become part of the man of lawlessness. Be very careful about throwing in your lot in support of organizational judgments as to who is approved by God. (Proverbs 1:14) YOU will most certainly be held accountable! (Acts 17:29-31 ; Isaiah 11:1-5 ; Psalms 9:8) If some group has claimed writings other than the Bible are spiritual food, they are trying to take away your key of knowledge. (Luke 11:52-54 & 42) Stand firm and stand apart from all such hypocritical organizations of imperfect men, by having your feet planted on the teachings of Christ Jesus. True Christians are organized by gazing into the light of truth shining directly upon their faces from Christ's words in the Bible. (2 Corinthians 1:11 ; 1 Corinthians 16:13‑14; Ephesians 6:10‑13; Ephesians 6:13‑24) Unite with those demonstrating such faith; be united with them in your loving obedience to   יהוה   through personal knowledge of the words of his Son. (Luke 10:25‑28) Such obedience provides true happiness; and life eternal! (Psalms 41:1‑2; 1 Corinthians 15:22‑28; Philippians 2:16) If you have come to believe you will find happiness in anything other than our Father's blessings, you have been deceived and believe a lie. (Matthew 5:3 ; Psalms 33:12 ; Psalms 34:7-9) If some are teaching you it is membership in their little sect that can judge you righteous, you are deceived. The danger applies for those researching and maintaining this website, as well as to everyone else. Growing closer to our Father, through a better understanding of what his word teaches, is the purpose in maintaining the site. If justification of the site becomes the goal, replacing the effort simply to know God better through Christ, those who maintain it may be lost. It is building personal faith based in truth that is important. Know the truth of the Bible and the truth will set you free. (John 8:31-32) Read your Bible daily! (Deuteronomy 6:6-9) Read individual Bible books through beginning to end, so as to get the intent of it's writer. The four short Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John record the teachings of Christ Jesus himself! (Mat 17:5) You should join the group of "individuals" spread all through the earth who truly know Jesus Christ! God will praise you... (1 Cor 4:5 of 1‑5) (Feel free to let us know you are a Christian [it is confidential]. Write: )

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