--- The Judges Delivered Israel---
Who were they?
When did they live?
Written: January 2025

Recognize: יהוה is God's Hebrew Name
as used over 6000 times in the original
Old Testament Scriptures.
(Exo 31:18)

The Book of Judges is a thrilling record of the some 330 years between the conquest of Canaan in the Promised Land and the beginning of the monarchy [rule of the Kings - sometime between 1400 and 1000 BCE depending on which Bible scholar / historian you choose to believe as to exact dates they ruled].

"No king in Israel, each one does what he thinks is right" (Judges 21:25)
"The children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord" (Jud 2:11)
"Nevertheless, יהוה raised up Judges to deliver them" (Jud 2:16)



Saved From

Of Note



Judges 3:7-11;
Judges 1:11-14


Gained wife after battle. (Judges 1:11-13)

1394 BCE
8 Years


Judges 3:12-30

80 yrs peace

Left Handed. Made two edged sword. Killed King Eglon with his sword.

1336 BCE
18 Years


Judges 3:31


Used oxgoad as a weapon.

After 1336


Judges 4:1-5:3
Jdgd w Deborah

40 yrs. peace

Overwhelming army mired by rain.
Sisera killed by Jael w tent peg.
Refused assignment unless Deborah accompanied him!

1296 BCE
20 Years


Judges 4 & 5
Deborah's song-
Judges 5

40 yrs. peace

Only woman Judge. Prophesied Sisera's death by Jael; not Barak.

1296 BCE


Judges 6:1-8:35

40 yrs. peace

Had an Army of 300 picked from 32,000. Sacrificed his father's sacred bull. Gideon requests wet/dry fleece. Bad son Abimelech killed by woman dropping millstone; as Jotham prophesied.
Ephraim not punished for assaulting Gideon.

1249 BCE
7 Years


Judges 10:1-2

Midianites Amalakites

1206 BCE
23 Years


Judges 10:6-12:7


His rash vow led to tragedy.
Many killed in Ephraim for assaulting Jephthah as Gideon!

1143 BCE
6 years


Judges 13:1-16:31


Great physical strength.

1140 BCE
20 Years


Judges 10:3-5

Midianites Amalakites

7th Judge.

1138 BCE
22 Years


Judges 12:8-10


Thirty sons and thirty daughters.

1137 BCE
7 Years


Judges 12:11-12


Zebulunite Judge.

1130 BCE
10 Years


Judges 12:13-15

No Wars

Forty sons and 30 grandsons riding 70 full grown asses - Wealthy

1120 BCE
8 Years


Hebrews 11:32
Acts 13:20
1st Samuel


Promised to "Nazirite Service" of God [Dedicated to יהוה; no alcohol or grapes, unshaved head, touch nothing dead.] in the Temple by his mother Hannah before his conception. (1 Sam 1 & 2) Boy called personally by God as Prophet; (1 Sam 3:2-21) and as a delivering Judge. (1 Sam 7:15-17) Anointed Saul and then David as Kings. Though not in the Priestly line of Aaron, Samuel could offer sacrifices at places other than the sanctuary.

Click for printable graphic of chart.

The Book of Judges documents the exploits of men of faith who were raised up by יהוה to deliver ancient Israel from oppression. The oppressors came from various directions; the areas where the Judges were active were not always the same. But, regardless of how powerful the enemy was, when Israel humbly repented of their bad practices and truly trusted in יהוה, the Judge would deliver them. This Bible book gives a fore-gleam of the greater deliverance which God is now providing for his servants by means of their unwavering faith his Son. (Mat 17:14-20) Consider Luke's brief overview written about 56-58 CE of how Judaism morphed into Christianity during the years 3 BC to 33 CE! (Acts 13:16-41)

Remember as you read about the Judges and what they did, the record of the lives of them all serve as a tutor leading us to Jesus Christ. (Gal 3:23-26) Read the Bible while following God's only later day command to focus your attention on Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; which record the words of his son. (Mat 17:5) The words of Jesus are your link to God's Holy Spirit; to help and protect you alive. (John 6:63; Job 33:13-30) If you are one listening to and talking about Jesus and his Father; rejoice that you are remembered... (Mal 3:16-4:3)
Listen to Jesus. (John 6:28-29John 18:37John 12:49Mat 17:5)

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