--- Messiah Cut Off ---
With nothing for himself?
Written: January 2025
In chapter 9, the ancient Bible prophet Daniel foretold some important things about God's promised Messiah. Please give special consideration to one verse that makes up part of that prophecy. In Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 26 , Daniel said:
[NWT] “And after the sixty-two weeks Mes·si´ah will be cut off, with nothing for himself...
Or, as John Calvin worded this verse in his translation:
Daniel 9:26 [Calvin 1856] (26) Then after the sixty—two weeks, Christ shall be cut off, and become nothing...
And again from the Contemporary English Version:
Daniel 9:26 [CEV] At the end of the sixty-two weeks, the Chosen Leader will be killed and left with nothing...
Why did Daniel prophesy Jesus would die with nothing to himself; or, that he would become nothing? Simple enough, because Jesus did die! (Ecc 9:5 of 4-6)
When Jesus died on the cross or stake [Since the Romans used both to crucify individuals, no one is quite sure which it was; maybe even a tree. (Acts 2:22-24; Acts 5:27-32) Don't let yourself become one of those religious people arguing about such foolish details as what Christ was hung on, and so they miss the point!], he became or was left with nothing in the sense he didn't exist any longer, except in the memory of his Father
יהוה. (Ecc 9:5) You should know and use our Creator's Bible given Hebrew Name. His Name is יהוה.
There are lots of forms of one single religious lie about Jesus Christ actually being Almighty God; rather than the created son of God. (Col 1:13-15) If you believe that lie, it would seem hard to appreciate something wonderful about God's arrangement of salvation: that wonder being "Christ's" sacrifice! As you consider this material, think about that term: "Christ's" sacrifice... Christ wasn't forced to give up his life. (Mat 26:53 of 48-54) He chose to do so in order to help us, and more importantly, to glorify his Father's name; (John 12:27-28) to remove the reproach Satan's lies heaped on our Father and God. (Gen 3:4-5 of 1-5) Jesus was willing to make that sacrifice because he knew his Father was good; and because it needed to be done. Jesus knew his Father's goodness would not allow him to be lost in death. (Acts 2:26-28 of 22-29) He knew by faith his Father would wake him up, just as we can all now know He did. (1 Cor 15:3 of 1-34) If, as some religious liars try and assert, Jesus didn't really die, or was himself God who can not die, where would his sacrifice be? His sacrifice "is his" sacrifice; because he "did die" with nothing to himself, except, of course, his Father's memory of him. (Ecc 9:5 of 4-6) After three days, God brought his Son back to life; but that didn't negate Jesus's great and wonderful sacrifice in our behalf. (Mat 20:28) We have the opportunity for life, because Jesus did sacrifice to give his very life's blood for us. (1 Tim 2:5-6; Psa 40:6-9) There is absolutely no hope for you besides your personal faith in that sacrifice... (Acts 4:12 of 8-12; John 5:24; John 11:25-26) and in the words Jesus was sent to bring. (John 6:28-29; John 18:37; John 12:49; Mat 17:5) How could you have a real and protecting faith in Christ's sacrifice, if you didn't really understand it? So, do you truly believe? Are you earnestly looking for Christ's return? (Heb 9:24-28) Do you have faith to see it happening and to be rewarded by it? (Scriptures for faith to eternal life and health: Luke 6:19; Mat 9:27-30; Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:48 of 42-48; John 7:37-39; John 19:34)
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