--- Parousia Or Revelation? ---
Are these the days of Christ's presence?
Or, are we witnessing the Revelation of his Kingdom?

Written: July 2024

Jesus Christ was foretold to arrive by many prophecies. We draw attention to two of them. The first foretold the arrival of the Christ or Messiah. The second foretold the arrival of the King. Some rejected Jesus at his first coming; because they expected him to reestablish the Kingdom of David at that time. (Luke 1:30-33; Isa 11:1-5 of 1-13; Acts 1:6-8 of 6-11; Luke 19:11-12 of 9-12; Acts 1:11 of 6-11; Mat 26:29) He explained to those who were listening to his Father's only latter day command, (Mark 9:7) and thus to him, (Heb 12:2 of 1-3) he would return later as King of God's Kingdom over earth [and all creation]. (1 Cor 15:20-28)

We are all well aware of the first arrival of Jesus as the Messiah, and the brief curtailing of his personal efforts in the preaching work about 2000 years ago when he was killed in 36 CE; but then he was resurrected to heaven 3 days later. (Acts 2:29-36 of 14-42) Our modern world calendar system is based on the birth of Jesus Christ... Of more interest to most of us is the prophecy foretelling the return [second coming] of Jesus as King of all Creation. (1 Cor 15:12-28) When and how that might happen has sparked a great deal of debate among mankind. Since around the 1850's, Bible students from several denominations started to recognize the prophecy concerning the second coming or presence of Messiah was about to see fulfillment. By the late 1800's, Bible students had calculated the return of Christ would occur in 1914. Some made a very public affair of it, and then waited to be taken to heaven with or by him in 1914. When that didn't happen, many concluded the prophecy had been wrong. Many others, however, concluded that Christ had actually come to Kingdom power in the heavens, and mankind was living [after 1914] in the presence of Christ as King while he went subduing in the midst of his enemies. (Psa 110:2 of 1-3) The Bible's language does actually convey that it was the "presence" [Greek: Parousia] of Christ that would begin in 1914. That does make perfect sense and is what I believe. The early 1900's coincides with many of the churches breaking free of the spiritual darkness that enveloped the earth during a period referred to as the dark ages. After Christ was killed and taken to heaven; a false church arose to actually hide and separate mankind from God's Word the Bible. The church forbade common people from owning or ever reading the Bible. Hence, the "dark" ages... Some of Jesus's followers abandoned his teachings to form what has become the Catholic Church. They forged an unholy alliance with the Roman state. In return for the Church's blessing, Rome gave the Church power to kill her enemies indiscriminately. During the thousand plus years of the dark ages, which the church prefers to refer to as the Christian Crusades, unknown thousands were killed or force converted to Catholicism by force of the Roman war machine. Untold men, women and children were tortured to death at the whim of church inquisitors. By the early 1900's, however, the United States and some other nations had established democratic forms of government that were separated from the wicked influence of Religionist's churches. Nothing is more cruel and harmful than a group of people who think they are blessed by God in dealing with his enemies. That Satanic mindset is still destroying our world today. Thanks to God, people in many nations have been freed to study and talk openly about the Bible. That, along with the development of the information age, has created an environment where most anyone who wants to know what the Bible teaches, can learn; if they will just put forth a little effort. (Luke 13:23-24 of 23-28) JustBibleTruth.com is dedicated to helping people understand their need to listen to the words of Christ so as to learn what the Bible teaches.

Ok... That's all well and good, but doesn't it make you wonder what comes next? In spite of the efforts and influence of Christ's enemies, (Psa 110:2 of 1-3) we have seen him finish his preaching work by spreading his words [the words you are now hearing] throughout the earth; (Mat 24:11-14) making use of those seeking to unravel the truth of the Bible; and having the good sense to follow God's simple command to focus their attention of the words of his Son. (Mark 9:7) The preaching work has been, or is being completed; done by those looking intently at the chief agent and perfecter of our faith; Jesus Christ. (Heb 12:1-3) The work of sincere Bible students in directing to Christ is in stark contrast to all the many Religious groups. Religionists all continue to try to glorify themselves by saying "your need" is for them to teach you the doctrines of the dark ages; in Satan's attempt to confound the truth. The simple truth is this: Jesus's words have been spread through the earth by those who are actually following Christ; rather than looking to a sect of men for approval. (John 5:39-44) Christians tell others to simply hear God's command, (Mark 9:7) and so listen to his Son by personally reading the Gospels of Christ! (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Christians have recognized Christ's presence in heaven, as he completed his work since 1914. Now, it seems, we are witnessing the revelation of his Kingdom. The tribulation is rapidly turning the whole earth into a wasteland so that no one is safe. If the spread of wickedness isn't stopped soon, everyone would die. (Mat 24:21-22) How, though, is the tribulation consuming our world being stopped?

Our worlds wickedness and trouble is being stopped by יהוה's final simple solution. (Mal 3:16-4:3) God constantly searches the earth for those who are looking for him. (2 Chron 16:9) Each one he finds, he then draws to his son. (John 6:44) Such people are able to hear and understand God's only latter day command to listen to Jesus. (Mark 9:7) Listening to Jesus means Christians hear his warning about wicked false prophets (Mat 7:15) as well as those religious people who imagine they are doing Christ's work; (Luke 13:26-27 of 23-28) but have not been actually listening to Jesus. Instead, they have chosen to be misled by listening to each other. (John 5:39-44) True Christians drink in יהוה's Spirit by consuming the words of his Son. (John 6:45-59 & 66-68)

God's Spirit, taken in through Jesus' words, (John 6:63) then instills faith. Faith in turn, protects alive (Mat 17:19-20) all those who are brothers and sisters of Christ (John 15:11-16; Gal 3:23-29) and sons and daughters of God. (Psalm 91; Mal 3:16-4:3) Very soon [possibly already started], Armageddon will begin. Christ and his angels will ride forth [or are riding] from heaven to specifically target and destroy all who are wicked. Being wicked is defined by each person who is not wicked having chosen to mark themselves in their forehead for preservation... No mark, no life. Your own personal faith; your having chosen to be a willing and compliant and dedicated subject of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, is your mark for life! Your rejecting Christ is death... (John 5:22-24 of 19-30; John 17:3; John 18:37)

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