Why are some people afraid, or unwilling, even to discuss the Bible?

For people to enjoy a conversation in consideration of the Bible, they must have an interest in seeking to learn about our Creator, (2 Corinthians 3:15-16) and they must be comfortable the conversation will not pressure them in some way. That is hard for some. Many simply tune you out as soon as you even mention the Bible. Understanding why that is so can help you be more effective in discussing the Bible with others. That attitude of being uncomfortable in having a leisurely discussion about the Bible seems largely the responsibility of false religion. There are some common reasons people have for being unable to simply relax in talking about what the Bible teaches:
  1. The worst to cause people to be leery of talking with others about the Bible are the Bible thumpers who spread lies with Bible in hand; All the while claiming what they teach comes from the Bible. They will use one or two scriptures to support some teaching or other, and then demand everyone accept their expanded doctrine as Bible truth; even when there are other scriptures that seem to contradict it. [Anytime there appears to be a contradiction in the Bible, it is because there is a misunderstanding on our part. If a scripture seems to contradict others, there has been a misapplication of some of those scriptures. Continue to examine all the scriptures and it will become clear. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) That is the purpose and method of studying the Bible: Learning to fit all the scriptures together, because they are all truth! That is the method by which we can know we correctly understand what God is telling us in the Bible: All the scriptures fit our mental picture of truth.] Bible thumpers will warn the penalty of not listening to "them" is death or eternal torment. They misdirect that your salvation rests with them or with membership in their group. Not with the Bible and it's teachings mind you; but with them and their doctrine! Most people have been hurt by being exposed to such hypocrites; And are absolutely sick of them! The worst danger they pose is that some people confuse the lies or exaggerations those Bible thumpers put forth, with actual Bible truth. They get lies mixed up with Bible truth. Such hypocrites thus turn people away from the Bible. [That is not something new. (John 7:47-49 ; John 12:42-43 ; 1 Corinthians 10:13)]
  2. Then there are others who claim to have faith in the Bible; but who's only real interest is in being part of a group or club. Whether such individuals want to be members who go every Sunday and get a pat on the head [which they likely consider some form absolution]; or they desire to become lords over the group, so as to make laws for and control others [and/or to figure out a way to benefit themselves from the association]. All such persons put others off from the Bible. All they feel is the pressure such ones apply to cause them to join their club. Since people recognize the interest of such individuals is only in gaining new members for their organization, and in supporting that group and furthering it's interest, they also recognize there is no real interest in truth. Such individuals appear to have no interest in the unselfish love for others the Bible teaches; or at best their interest is divided by loving and protecting their group, right or wrong. (Matthew 6:24) Many people will thus fear we are seeking them as members for our club [or trying to get something from them] as soon we mention the Bible. [We are, of course, hoping everyone will become Christian. (Acts 26:28-29) But we do not assert or imagine we maintain those membership rolls; and we seek no advantage over others. We are simply considering what is truth. That is a benefit to everyone! - We do not here imply all large gatherings are bad. We just assert the danger associated with them. You must be careful the people you gather with are gathered for the purpose of learning and sharing the truth of the Bible. Be careful of those who want to present themselves as judges over others and to assert their organizational writings are spiritual food as is the Bible.]
  3. Then there are others who seem hesitant to discuss the Bible simply because they wish to avoid conflict; And that is easy to understand. Many persons become self righteous and even belligerent regarding their faith. [The most violent being the ones who strap on bombs and blow up women and children; doing so in the justification of their own self righteousness. Such vainglorious persons, lacking love of people, are prone to opine or even render judgment their group alone are the righteous in the earth; And that everyone not in their group, or approved by their group, are lost or even wicked. They reckon membership in their cult means salvation, thus steering people away from faith in Christ as the means of salvation. (Acts 4:12) Any who display a hatred of others certainly do not know teach what the Bible teaches. Such individuals have been misled by the lies of men.] True Christians, true students and teachers of God's word, are loving and kind people. They are pleasant to be around. Discussing the Bible with them is a joy.
  4. Some who get angry during a discussion of the Bible do so because they start to realize they can't defend their own faith in the light of the scriptures; Or they may realize the Bible is leading them to have to abandon some of their current beliefs. Most of us suffer in that way to some degree or other. In such cases, and if they become beligerent or unreasonable, the Bible encourages we simply take our leave. (Proverbs 17:14) There is no reason to fight about our faith. Perhaps such individuals will give further consideration to truth, as they move forward in life. Perhaps it is something we don't yet understand that has upset them.
All of those can seem good reasons to avoid talking about the Bible, until persons having such beliefs can be helped to see behind the curtain. [We all need help to recognize the wolves in sheep's covering. (Matthew 7:15)] If these truly are "the last days" which Jesus spoke of; (Luke 21:28) then the sincerely meek and humble individuals of this old system [many of whom have lived a life of abuse at the hands of the self glorious and self righteous and judgmental lords of this old system] suddenly find relief in the hope of the Bible. [The meek and humble are different from those who seek advantage over others. They are trampled down by this system as weak and undeserving. That will soon change. (1 Corinthians 15:24-28)] As people learn it is Bible knowledge that can help them easily recognize the hypocritical religious "wolves" among us; they also realize the Bible provides us weapons so we have absolutely no reason to fear those wolves. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5 ; Ephesians 6:14-18) Many who are hesitant to talk about the Bible today, may well change to appreciate doing so tomorrow; We can help by showing them we simply parrot what they Bible teaches. If we demonstrate we render no judgment as to how they feel about that truth, and show them we recognize our judgment over them wouldn't matter anyway, it can help. We are not judges over others and we recognize it is our personal faith we discuss with them. They are free to do with Bible knowledge just as they wish. They can elect to build faith, or refuse to do so. It is the same decision we are all making, and it is a struggle for us all. (Romans 7:21-23) If they refuse even to hear what the Bible teaches however, they throw away their chance to build or even consider faith. (Romans 10:14) What they choose, one way or the other, should not cause us to become upset with them. Again, our tolerance of others is because we recognize it is not something we can see and handle that we are discussing; but it is our personal hope and faith! (Romans 8:24-25) God has not whispered in our ear. We are deciding what to believe by using our own power of reason; (Romans 12:1) and then trying to realize our own hope based on our decision to exercise faith in the Bible. All during our effort to apply Bible truth in our lives, is our own ongoing effort to understand it. (Philippians 2:12) How could we really assert ourselves as judges over others? (Matthew 7:1-5) We are all [even angels] just fellow-slaves of God. (Revelation 19:10) We must place our faith only in the truth of the Bible, and that is what we should share with others. We should not however, judge others wicked because they don't share our faith; nor should we join with, or continue in company with, those who are anxious to render their judgment over others. If some person or group is dogmatic about asserting their own teachings as spiritual food however, [in place of or in addition to the Bible,] we should be cautious about association with them. While not judging others as good or bad, we should draw to and associate with only those persons who assert and demonstrate they love the truth of the Bible. Only the Bible can give you the ability to live that way. (Hebrews 4:12-13)

So then, all who don't wish to even consider the Bible are missing the most wonderful point of our very lives: That we all have opportunity to get to very personally know the God of Creation. We can personally know Jehovah; the God of the Bible. Having a discussion in appreciating such things as God's patience, and his sense of humor, and his love then; is not something which can be enjoyed except by those who have a sincere interest in the truth of the Bible. By those who have grown comfortable in peacefully discussing the Bible with others.

To become comfortable in talking about the Bible with others requires only a few simple steps: We are therefore, each and every one of us, judging our own selves through those previous few steps: We are either choosing to develop faith based on God's inspired word, or we are refusing to do so. (John 12:48 ; John 17:3) There is no third option!

For those who do love God's word, it is a joy to spend time discussing it with others who share that love. It is a joy to associate with those who are sincerely trying to get to know the God of creation through his word the Bible; and most specifically, through the teachings of his son Christ Jesus. Such persons are united in appreciation of the love, the power, the justice, the wisdom, and the mercy of our Creator. All lovers of truth are united through their individual effort to know Jehovah personally. It is the Bible, and only the Bible, that can guide us. (Psalms 119:105) It is God's word after all! (1 Thessalonians 2:13) It is alive and exerting power in the lives of those who love it; as they apply it in their lives and simply talk about it among themselves. (Hebrews 4:12) It seems certain, throughout mankind's history, all those who have been drawn to the true God have shared joy in discussing the Bible and in reflecting on God's qualities. If we have now arrived at the end of this system, at the time Jesus said we should lift our heads up, (Luke 21:25-28) then those who have real faith will be among the group who have opportunity to never die at all. (John 11:26) They will be preserved alive, just as were Noah and Lot. (Matthew 24:37-39 ; Luke 17:26-30) Do you believe this?

Jehovah's blessings upon all who are turning to him through faith in his son. As Christ Jesus himself taught us to pray: "'Our Father, the [One] in the heavens, let Your name be regarded as holy; Let Your kingdom come; let Your will be done, as in heaven, [so] also on the earth. 'Each day be giving us the bread sufficient for the day. 'And forgive us our sins, for also we ourselves forgive every [one] being indebted to us; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil [or, the evil [one] for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen].'" (Luke 11:2-4 ; Matthew 6:9-13)

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