a page title
The 70 Year Old Dream of a Child?

Being born in 1947 has now given me 77 years of life here in this scripturally important year of 2024. I am Murray Cummings and I should begin by expressing my belief trying to get meaning from dreams in most cases leads to demonology. There would likely be no reliable interpreter; so a person trying to get the meaning of life from dreams would open themselves up to influence from demons; pretending to be something else. (Mat 7:15) So, I warn there is great danger in trying to understand meanings of dreams. God condemns it... (Deu 18:9-13) That said, I have a rare situation that has caused me to make an exception. Not all dreams are bad or meaningless. (Gen 37:5-11 and 45:1-8 of 37:2-47:12) And, God did use dreams to communicate with mankind in the past. (Num 12:6 of 6-8) But now, in our day in time, He directed us to listen to his Son. (Mat 17:5) Dreams are not, then, the way God "normally" communicates with us anymore. (Heb 1:1-4 of 1-6; Acts 2:14-21 of 14-22, Daniel 1:17; Num 12:6) That doesn't mean He wouldn't occasionally use a dream! Just be very careful... In this particular and only case of a dream having meaning for me personally, because I believe my dream has helped me in understanding my purpose in life, I herein share the dream I had in youth. And, I have come to believe it has proved to have prophetic meaning; and again I say, "for me" personally. Be very careful in allowing my dream to impact your faith! [See a description of the dream in Note #1 on the chart "Sweet Dreams are made!" on JustBibleTruth.com. {Briefly, at about 7 years old [and in about 1954], I dreamed a 6 foot tall black bird was trying to kill me; and others as well. I had a special pistol that could kill him when I shot him 3 times, but he would only stay dead for 7 days. Then, since I had the weapon that could harm him, he would wake up and come looking for me again and again and... Obviously, no one wanted to be around me!}] The dream was terrifying and having it three nights in a row made it much more so. While I tried to pass it off as meaningless, and almost never talked about it, I still wondered what it meant all my life. There surely must be some reason for such a specific and graphic dream coming to a 7 year old boy three nights in a row. For some period after, I was afraid to go to sleep at night for fear of its return.

My adult lifetime has been spent searching for God: Without any perceived connection to my dream of youth, I have studied the Bible most of 70 years, and prophecy for many of those last years. Only recently, in the last 15 or 20 years, some of those prophecies I studied have fallen into place; all fitting together and painting one clear mental image or understanding. Since I did start to suspect my dreams meaning a few years ago, it's not really surprisingly to me, with the recent coalescing of the Bible knowledge I have gained over the years, to find my dream of youth now fits right in with and supports my understanding of and faith in Bible prophecy. And, that fit of my dream into prophecy gains me a better understanding of my dream as well. What was terrifying in youth, I now consider a blessing from God.

Seventy years of spiritual activity: Being born in 1947, and having the dream at about age 7 or in 1954, has left me about 70 years of life searching for God; that's 70 years where I was old enough to know what I was doing and bringing me here to 2024. That is to say, from about the age I had the dream in 1954, until 2024, has been 70 years of my 77 years of life, during which I have been acutely aware of God's existence and my need to know him. That 70 years is the time I have spent being old enough to know to search to find and know my Creator. I must confess I am not altruistic; from my early knowledge of Jesus's teachings, (Mark 11:24; Mat 21:21-22) I have searched for our Creator "honestly expecting" blessings at his hand in response to my search; (Mat 17:19-20) carried on in my faith in a God who is good. (Heb 11:6) So, trying to see what those blessings would prove to be has been important. I must confess I was not whole souled early on in life, but even so, my sincere search for truth did cause me to spend much of my life fighting against many Religionists over those years. I early on found all Religionists wanted to mislead me to follow their doctrine and sect, from them and their books; rather than actually encouraging me to follow Christ by immersing myself in his teachings, from the Bible. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Their failings thus caused me over and over to have to shoot down their false doctrines, which now seems similar to the "giant black birds" of my dream. But, sadly, only overcoming one of their doctrines to have some other religious sectarian "black bird" come to life against me with yet another false doctrine; after the 7 days of my dream I assume...

Having to fight against Religionists should not be surprising... When Jesus Christ went about announcing the coming Kingdom of his Father, (Mat 4:15-17) he constantly had to fight with the religious leaders of his day. (Mat 22:1-22) Actually, they are the ones who finally put him to death. (John 19:12-16; Luke 23:13-25) Jesus indicated many times similar false prophets would spell trouble for his followers. (John 15:17-20 of 17-24) Since youth, I have understood the churches and organized religions to be a snare and a racket as abusers and misleaders of people. While I actually did try to fit into several churches, I was always rejected by them because I believed in the Bible; and refused to support Religionist doctrine without specific Bible proof. Some of them said terrible things about me publicly. Those false prophets have thus proved to be the destroying giant black birds of my dream. My efforts have been helping to set people free of their death dealing influence all my adult live. You should know and clearly understand, true Christian have no human group membership to indicate who they are. Trying to have such an emblem of worship is a bad thing! Christian are all those "individuals" who are the willing and true followers of the words of Jesus Christ. Jesus instructed them, and God knows who they are. (Luke 10:20 of 20-22)

My dream only recently found what I now consider real supported meaning from my Bible study. I have seldom spoken about the dream over the course of my life; and I have never tried to assign meaning to it. It's meaning has only recently come clear to me such that I am impelled to make it public. I think I first published it in July or August of 2024. My reason: JustBibleTruth.com seems to have gained the interest of quite a number of sincere Bible students in recent months. In part, then, I make my dream public because anyone listening to me, so as to be encouraged or influenced in their faith, should have the opportunity to fully understand what I believe. Everyone needs to clearly understand, my dream is personal and God has not whispered in my ear. Mostly all I know about God, I know from Creation and from the same Bible you have access to. By Christ, through the Bible, is how God speaks to us in these last days. (Mat 17:5) If as I believe, God actually did speak to me by my dream, it is a once in 77 a year event. Let me say again, most of what I know of my Father I have learned from Jesus through the Bible. (Mat 11:27 of 25-30) Warning: You can't know Jesus by knowing me! You must know Jesus by hearing and putting faith in "his" words. I fear thinking you know Jesus through me, or through any other human or group, will leave you at the marriage feast improperly dressed... (Mat 22:11-13 of 1-22)

Giant black bird dreams aside, my faith is simple: The tribulation destroying this world has everyone so agitated and upset they are all ready to fight anyone or everyone about anything. (Mat 24:10-12 of 9-14) I am convinced the stark truth is this: We live in the time of the end and Christ is preparing to kill all those who have rejected his Father's clear and simple counsel; (Acts 17:31 of 29-31; Mat 25:31-34 & 41) by refusing to put faith in the teachings God sent Jesus (John 15:15-16) to bring. (Rev 19:11-21) Whether you choose to acknowledge or even realize: You are judging yourself by your response to these words of Jesus Christ. Jesus is also preserving alive all who are marked in their forehead by their faith in the words he spoke. Are you marked for life by your absolute faith in the words you know Christ spoke, (Eze 8:17-9:8) or are continuing on to die in your sins? (John 8:24; John 17:3 of 1-4) It really is just that simple: As you and I talk [as you read these words], God is and has been listening; to see if YOU have been following his instructions to listen to Jesus, (Mat 17:5) and so, He can get to know if you have put faith in Christ's words; or, if you have refused. That is the basis of your judgment. (John 3:19 of 16-21) There is no in-between... (Mal 3:16-4:3)

This brief webpage only conveys one event, but one which is related to several others... The importance of noting this is only one event is that the overall understanding of its interrelationship with the others is not self explanatory. (Heb 5:11-14) This page was created as part of a set of pages connected by graphs of events over time. The graphs were created to help understand, and now to explain, the interrelationships between Bible prophecy and current events, as they impact us in what I believe are the last days; (2 Tim 3:1-7) and, how I believe this event fits in with those others. Individual supporting pages like this will likely have little meaning without the graphs showing their interrelationships.

Those graphs can be viewed at:
Go to: "JustBibleTruth.com"; Select: "Important Dates?" or
Go to: "JustBibleTruth.com"; Select: "Sweet Dreams Are Made!"

It can be helpful to look at the graph and this [or any] supporting page(s) at the same time. Right-Click on any link to have the option to open the link in a new window to view both. The graphs with links are large files and may not work well or at all on devices with small screens.