--- The Burning Bush! ---
Have you seen God's burning bush?
Written: March 2024

About 3500 years ago, a Jewish man named Moses saw at a distance the bright light of a burning thornbush; but, the bush was not being consumed by the flames. It just continued to burn. Moses was, of course, drawn to the phenomenon and as he approached, God spoke to him from the light. (Exo 3:2-5 of 1-10) God went on to tell Moses He was going to set Israel free from slavery in Egypt. יהוה chose to free Israel primarily because He was using their Jewish nation [the son's of Abraham and Jacob] to fulfill the promises he made to Abraham and to Eve that He would produce a seed of promise, a Messiah to save righteous mankind. (Gen 22:15-18; Gen 3:15) God did not protect the Jews because they were good people. (Deu 9:4-6) Jesus was born some 2000 years ago as a member of that Jewish nation; and, as our promised seed of salvation. (Gen 22:18) The purpose of the Jews as God's chosen nation was largely fulfilled in the preaching work of Christ. (Mat 23:37-39)

[יהוה is God's Hebrew Name. (Exodus 6:2-3; Psa 91)]

Do you recognize the parallel between you and Moses in this drama of Moses and the burning bush? Simply stated, the modern day burning bush for each one of us is Jesus Christ. That's one reason John, in introducing the Christ, referred to him as a bright and shining light. (John 1:4-5 of 1-13; John 1:29)

The light from the teachings about and by Jesus Christ keep shining eternally. By taking in the light in the words of Christ (John 6:63) we can behave wisely (Psa 119:104-105 of 97-112) and even share that light we gain with others. (Luke 11:36) Jesus is compared to light of a morning star. (Rev 22:16) יהוה is the Father of Celestial Lights and the words of Christ convey or reflect that light to us. (1 Pet 2:4-10 of 1-12; James 1:17; 2 Cor 4:6; Isa 2:5; Psa 43:3; Psa 27:1)

Most of us heard about Christ when we were just young. And, many of us were affected like Moses, not able to look away. Moses's life was drastically altered by his experience with the burning bush! Taking to heart the message he received from that bush consumed the rest of Moses's days. Finding Christ is like that... First hearing about Jesus's Father sending him to save mankind when I was a young boy, my heart was changed. Please don't imagine I am saying I was or became a righteous young man. I was rowdy and wild and trying my best to excel in having the joys this world had to offer. But, God influence was present all the time from that first hearing. Just "all" the time! I remember being in a church as a young person and hearing the call to come down to the alter and be saved. Afterward, though, and even though the church promised my being saved was a life altering event, and was a once and done forever experience [once saved always saved], my own life seemed pretty much unchanged. My life was influenced by Christ, of course, but I wouldn't refer to myself as being eternally "saved." I believed in Christ after my trip to the alter to be saved, but I had believed before. I believe my trip to the alter was another step on my path to "being saved." (Mat 24:13 of 11-14) I believe building faith in Christ was a course I could have abandoned; and, I suppose I still could! (Heb 6:4-6) I longed for God in my youth but just didn't really know a lot about him. Maybe my desire to know God just wasn't strong enough, and then again, maybe I am right where I should be... Maybe it takes time and effort to become יהוה's friend. (James 2:23; John 15:14-15) As a young adult, I got more serious about life and associated with a string of churches in my search for God, but nothing really changed. I would listen to emotionally charged sermons, but they didn't really alter my life. I was reading the Bible all the while I was listening to all those preachers, but their different doctrines just made the Bible seem confusing. Being dissatisfied with one after another church in my search, I finally awakened to a simple truth: God isn't in a church. God is in Jesus Christ's words. (John 6:63) That awakening, not going to the alter in some church, was the great change of my life. Perhaps the most influential thing I learned about the Bible was my realization: No human can direct any other person to God, because that is what יהוה sent his son Jesus Christ to do; (John 6:43-47) teach each one of us about his Father. (Mat 11:25-27; Mat 17:5) We need to take in God's spirit alive in Christ's words. (John 6:63; Heb 4:12) Listening to well intentioned humans trying to tell you what God said only confuses Christ's message [except as they direct you to listen to Christ for yourself]. (John 12:48-50; John 10:27-29) As for me, I really wish just "one" of the churches I attended would have told me, if I wanted to know God, I just needed to pick up a Bible and read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Are you a person who is able to hear that message as I share it with YOU? (John 6:43-47) If you want to know יהוה, just pick up a Bible and read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Isn't that a simple and beautiful and wonderful thing to know? Even being so simple, that knowledge is a secret it took me most of my 70+ years of life to realize: (Rom 16:25-27; Mat 24:14) God's secret [and now mine] is this: If you want to know יהוה and how to properly worship him, YOU must listen to and follow his son! (Mat 17:5) Be careful, though, Jesus warned there are lots of false prophets trying to deceive! (Mat 7:15)

Once I realized that simple truth and started "actually listening" to Christ, [by reading the Gospels] my life was "drastically" changed. I guess that is still a bit like going to the alter... It is the alter of יהוה, approached through or by your faith in the words of his Christ. Be warned, though: If you join Christ in speaking this truth, you will be hated by "all" the leaders of the churches; because they have their own agenda and this truth exposes they are false. All the "churches," that is all true Religionists, are trying to convince people what they need is to join their sect and listen to and follow them to be saved. That effort of directing people to themselves, to their own sect, is what makes and distinguishes them Religionists rather than Christians. The churches [their leaders] obviously don't like me telling people to avoid being misled by sects of men, and that what they actually do need is simply to listen to Christ from the Bible; for themselves. Everyone who gains that knowledge is set free of the influence of false religion, (John 8:31-32) set free by realizing the churches are useless at best. (Mat 23:1-15) Many "individuals" out of those churches, however, will love you for sharing Christ's truth, and, they love to talk about it. Strongly religious people, however, often view truth as an assault on their faith. If a person's faith in is Christ, truth reinforces it. If their faith is in some sect of men, rather than in Christ, the truth actually "is" an assault on their faith. So, choosing to follow Christ as the light of God (Rev 21:23 of 22-17) becomes a serious journey that is not popular with the throngs of this world. I have close friends and even family members, some being very religious, who have turned against me because of my expression of faith. That is not really surprising, Jesus said some would. (Mat 10:34 of 32-39) Some individuals I befriended and cared for actually make fun of my trying to share my faith with them. That hurts! Sometimes, they can even make me feel I want to turn away from my faith; to turn away from the light, from the burning bush of Christ's teachings... Never for long, though! That light has become my life. Inside that light is where I live. And, like Jesus said it would be, it is wonderful. (John 15:11) I am coming to view my hope and my faith based in Jesus's teachings as the very literal preservation of my life. (John 6:63) No matter what some sect has deceived you to believe, your judgment [opinion] of me has no meaning. My opinion of you has no meaning. All that matters is this: What do you have faith is saving you from Armageddon? And, what does your deliverance look like? Visit:
To continue alive, you must do your best to be sure you are a member of יהוה's organization, his one organization. Doesn't that require your realizing who that class of true Christians are? But also understanding, only God knows who they are as individuals. (Luke 10:20-22) Do you hear יהוה speaking to you out of the burning bush that is Jesus Christ? (Mat 17:5)

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