Jewish and Christian Organizations
Does God see you as a Disciple of Christ?
Are you a Virgin?
(Rev 14:4 of 1-5)
Written: April 2013

The name of the God of the Bible is [That sounds like to English speakers. There is no Bible approved alternative to, or translation for, that Divine Hebrew Name of  יהוה. (Exo 31:18) is God to all disciples (student followers) of Jesus Christ. (John 17:25-26)]

You should not be or become deceived by this worlds scholars and Religionists. (1 Cor 1:21-2:10) The simple truth is has used "only" two distinct organizations [among men] in the recorded 6000 years of Bible history [since Adam]. If you are part of any sect different from the two mentioned in the Bible as being God's, you have been deceived and misled... We might actually view God's two organizations as one. Please allow me to explain...

For about 2500 years after Adam, prior to 1513 BCE [or about 3500 years ago] when the Jewish nation was established and given the Law Code, God dealt with individuals using angels. (Gen 16:7-12) While God started out dealing with individual upright persons, He soon favored the creation of his Jewish nation. With the birth of Judaism, God stopped dealing with individuals so much and started to deal with that nation as a whole. The nation willingly entered that agreement [or covenant] with God. (Exo 24:3-8) [When one of them broke the Law, the whole nation was guilty... (Joshua 7:1; Joshua 7:4-26) That group responsibility is one reason group worship can never make persons righteous. Only God's spirit, alive in the words of Christ, can make "individuals" righteous through faith. (John 6:63; John 4:19-26; John 15:26)] Being descendants of Abraham, the Jewish Nation constituted God's chosen people and his first earthly organization. Please understand! The Jewish nation was created and used for God's purpose to produce the seed of promise: Jesus Christ. (Gen 3:15; Gen 22:15-18) [You should not imagine the Jews were used by above all other nations because they were "good" people. God said they were not. (Deu 9:4-6) made clear He used them because it was his purpose to "help all mankind" by using them. He used the Jews because of the righteousness [faith] shown by their forefather Abraham. He used the Jews to fulfill his promise to faithful Abraham that his seed would bless all nations of earth. (Gen 22:18 of 15-18)] About 1500 years after mankind was given the Law Code, when Jesus was born into that Jewish Nation as the seed of promise, (Gal 3:16; Gen 3:15) Jesus established the Christian congregation [or nation] born out of Judaism. (Gal 3:23-26; Acts 15:12-18) Remember: Christ was a Jew. (Mat 1:1) Jesus thus opened salvation to all mankind [both Jews and Gentiles] through Christianity. (Gal 3:26-29) All righteous people from all nations could benefit. (1 Cor 1:18-27) Jews who wanted [and were required] to relinquish their dependence on the Law in favor of faith in Christ Jesus, (Mat 17:5 & John 1:12 & 8:26 & 15:15) and Gentiles who wanted an approach to God, could all receive hope through the truth of the Bible as revealed in Jesus's words: Those followers of Jesus thus becoming God's second organization, his "Christian" nation. "Christian" is the only Bible approved name for those following Christ. (Acts 11:26; Eph 2:11-21) Members of the Jewish nation who wanted to express faith in the Bible and in Christ were thus enrolled, with all other like faithful persons, into Christianity; Christianity happening as a result of, or as an outgrowth or completion of, Judaism. (Gal 3:23-26) Both organizations were the one purpose of God to arrive at a world full of people willingly dedicated to God's faithful son Jesus Christ; (Gal 3:23-25) and thus to himself through Christ's chosen submission to his Father. (1 Cor 15:12-28) Just like in the days of Noah and Lot, (Luke 17:26-30) this is once again and for the last time God's arrangement to provide or produce survivors out of this wicked world our disobedience has created (2 Pet 3:5-7) and into his eternal new earth society, (Isa 11:1-12) his New Israel. (Gal 3:26-29; Eze 34:23-31)
*1[As a point of interest: I have heard it asked, "if Christ is given authority over all, but then returns his rulership to his Father, how can he still be King of eternity?" (Luke 1:30-33) Because God made it so! (1 Cor 15:24-28) In a Christian household, the wife is head of the children but the husband is head of them all. (Eph 5:28-6:4) Choosing to be in submission to her husband does not mean the wife is no longer head of the children. Christ is king of eternity, but by his own choice, he re-submits to and places his Father over all. Christ thus joins his Father as the second witness in proving for all eternity that God's rulership is perfect above question. (Mat 18:16; 1 Cor 15:24-28) No one will ever again be tolerated to continue alive (even temporarily and briefly) after an assault on God's righteousness and right to rule... Under Christ's judgment and by power of Holy Spirit any wickedness (if any should arise) will be immediately destroyed. Eternal peace will prevail. (Isa 11:1-12)]*1
Since the birth of Christianity, then, we have had it as the only organization used by ; with his Jewish Son Jesus appointed as king of that Christian nation or kingdom: Jesus has been appointed King of all Creation... (1 Pet 3:22; Rev 11:15) And please understand: True Christians are the "New Creation" and/or the latter day or new "Israel of God"... If you express faith in Jesus Christ, you are adopted as a son or daughter of Abraham and will receive the blessings promised him. (Gal 3:26-29)

You might verify whether you are a member of the new "Israel of God" in another way: Consider whether you have given yourself a rebirth by God's Spirit (John 3:3 of 1-8) thus becoming a member of God's "New Creation"? Carefully weigh your answer... You can only know if you serve God by measuring yourself using "your personal" knowledge of Christ's words. (John 6:63; Mark 4:35-31; Mark 11:22-23; Luke 11:9-13; Mark 3:31-35) Remember, though: Most every single religious person is convinced they are serving God... Jesus Christ said, however, many or most of them remain deceived as workers of unrighteousness! (Luke 13:26-27 of 23-28; Rom 1:18-23) Such lost souls can only realize truth by "really listening" to Christ...

A real danger to everyone is all wicked religious people, just like real Christians, have a common similar phrase to indicate their conviction they are being used by God: They all have some version of saying God has brought them to this point in their lives; and/or, led them to be doing these "works" of theirs. Many of those being misled are convinced they are doing God's works... That "is certainly" what I believe! Careful, though. Don't you now see: The danger for you is true believers, as well as sincere but deceived demon worshipping doegs; most of them alike believe they are upright and in service to God. (Mat 24:24; Luke 13:26-27) And, some are sincere even to the point of dying for their perceived cause! [A young man in the U.S. publicly burned himself alive (Feb. 2024) in protest to the horrors in this world. I guess he was trying to awaken people... He could likely have helped more people by sharing this message of Christ! The whole difference in people is, some have been actually listening to Christ (and are thus real Christians); while others are listening to what some sect of humans told them Jesus said (following human doctrine is what defines and segregates Religionists from Christians). (Mat 15:8-9; John 5:39-47)] Since anyone saying their work is the work of God does seem a serious action bringing judgment, meaning we take responsibility to ourselves when we say God is responsible for what we do, (John 15:22; Acts 5:1-11; Acts 17:22-31; Rom 3:1-2; James 4:17) we should each consider it very seriously before saying our work is God's work. (John 6:28-29; John 3:19 of 16-21)

As an example of how common this very serious problem is, and how some of those claiming to serve God are defined to be wrong by actually killing each other over their opposing views, I introduce to you a beautiful young Afghan woman I think named "Setara Hussainzada." Setara is hereinafter referred to as "Salima" [from a movie supposedly based (loosely I think) on Setara. The movie is called "Rock the Kasbah"]. I'm not at all sure about the girl's true name. She is or was [something I read seemed to indicate she had been murdered] a Muslim and Islamic; Islam being the Muslim form of worship and faith. The founder of Islam and first Muslim was Muhammad, [570-632 CE] who claimed to have been given the Quran [the Islamic Holy Book] by the Angel Gabriel in about 610 CE. [That is somewhat similar to Joseph Smith, who was supposedly given the Book of Mormon by the angel in 1823 CE.] Muslims teach and apparently believe there is no God except Allah; and the Quran is his message  to them  to us all. Many seem adamant that we "all" accept their faith; or die... Seeing some of what she considered the abuse of women by her nation and religion, Salima decided to unmask and to sing and dance in a national Afghan music competition. Salima [and a lot of other people it seems] believes she was doing God's work. I do not assert to know, and I am not saying, if Salima was doing God's work or was not... My point in considering her, and what I bring to your attention, are the words she is credited with using to justify her singing. In the face of real danger to them both if she did sing in the competition, she is quoted as saying to the talent scout who encouraged her: "From the moment you heard me sing, since you found me in the cave, since we were put here on this earth, everything in our lives has led us to this time, this place." He replied: "Our story is already written, and now... now we must play out our parts. We must. There is no choice. It is God's will." Salima then continued: "I must honor him with my music. I must celebrate my God with my singing." So Salima did sing! At risk to her very life, she sang.

Like most all of us do about those things we "choose" to believe in and do, after we convince ourselves they are good works, Salima justified "her works" by saying her singing is God's will for her. So, she feels she has no real choice! Then, revealing to all the world the obvious and undeniable folly of religion, and how Christendom and all other "religions" are very different from true Christianity [real Christians don't judge or harm anyone (1 Cor 4:1-5; Mat 26:51-52)], a young zealous Afghan Muslim man who appeared clean cut and seemed to have good sense, was interviewed saying of Salima: "She deserves to be killed." For singing, he seems every bit as sincere as Salima, only his judgment and belief is his God Allah dictates Salima must be killed for singing to her God Allah; that she "deserves" to be killed; that anyone who murders her is blessed by Allah. Really...? Allah, the same God Salima claims to worship in song, is believed by the young man to have told him to order her murder... I don't know if Salima's singing is God's work, but I do know for sure and certain the judgment and order by that young man to kill her is not in service to my God. The true God is, of course, temporarily tolerating that young man's existence... If you know him, tell him: 's toleration of him is to give him a chance to learn better; and change! (Acts 17:29-31; 2 Cor 5:17-6:2)
[Muslims seem not to have much of a public voice about how Allah tells them in their Quran to kill all of us unbelievers (infidels). I had to really search becasue none of them told me about the Quran commanding them in 2:191-193: "Kill them wherever you come upon them... for that is the reward for unbelievers." Seeming to hide it from the general public, Muslems talk about such commands by Allah only amongst themselves; until they can pop out of their spider holes and kill any and all they judge infidels. They seem secretive about Allah's teachings, except, of course, when some zealot among them comes out in public to put a bounty on someone's head, by announcing Allah will bless the person who kills the individual they publicly mark as wicked; like that young Muslim man did to Salima. The true God doesn't strike without warning... (Acts 17:29-31; Rom 1:18-32; 2 Cor 5:17-6:2)]

Don't you see, "that" is what your life has brought you to. That is what your life is all about: Which God do you serve? Finding the "true" God is his work for you! (Acts 17:22-28) Just know; if you are looking, He is helping. (2 Chron 16:9) And, his solution is really simple: Just listen to his Son! (Mat 17:5) Choosing who you should express faith in is most certainly "the works" (John 6:28-40) your life has brought you to: Not only which God do you serve; but also, are you really following his directions? (Mat 17:5 & John 1:2 & 8:26 & 15:15) Be very careful... (Mark 13:21-23) The God of the Bible has made it clear He has in the past, and will in the future, destroy all those God's besides him, along with their worshipers. Jesus has proven his Father alone is good,*1 which defines all others claiming to be Gods to be bad. (Mark 10:17-18) The witness Religionists give in slaughtering each other proves the followers of those God's are bad as well. (Mat 26:51-52 of 48-54) Be aware and warned: The true God decimated the Egyptian world power because they chose to be led into badness by worshipping their Pharaoh, along with a host of other false Gods. (Exodus 5:1-2; Exo 14:21-22; Exo 14:26-28) made a sacrifice to the God they worshipped of the 450 prophets of Baal. (1 Kings 18:18-40) Recognize and worship the one true God, the God of the Bible, our Creator. Like Salima seemed to feel: I am convinced my sharing this truth in these scriptures is "my singing" to my God... Join me! Join in Christ's song. To do so you must first set yourself free of all forms of religion. (John 8:31-32) Bad is what religion always does to people; enslave and separate and segregate them to "their sectarian work" of judging others. Religionists judge as "wicked" or as "lesser people" everyone not wise enough in their eyes, but foolish enough in God's eyes, to seek approval as members of "their" sect. [Religion being the opposite of Christianity, even when they are calling themselves Christians (Mat 24:23-25)] Hence, Jews kill Palestinians while Palestinians kill Jews. Blacks bowing to totems and whites asserting Christianity hate and kill each other. Catholics judge wicked and kill Protestants, Protestants judge wicked and kill Catholics. Russians and Ukrainians hate and kill each other. In most all cases, each killer or judge views what they are doing to be God's work... Can it all be so? Of course not! [The Bible records 6000 years since Adam. The first Bible Book was completed about 3500 years ago, around 1500 BCE. The Bible is 66 Books written over a period of 1600+ years by 40 different men, yet it is one story and in complete harmony.] Here is the simple truth that you can know has to be truth, because it is the only thing that makes sense. The Bible teaches the Jews were used as God's chosen nation for a period of time, but, He used them for the purpose of benefiting "all" of mankind; because the Jews were used to produce the Messiah and savior of "everyone" righteous. (Luke 1:28-33; Luke 2:8-14) Christianity was born out of Judaism and remains God's only approved organization. [Not those who are just calling themselves Christians, (Mark 13:21-23) mind you, but those who actually are.] You can't point out any "group" of Christians because their membership rolls are kept in heaven and you can't ever know who is apostate... (Luke 10:20-24) You can, however, spot the actions of true Christians. They have learned from the Bible to be servants of the one true God . That means, they are the individuals showing love for their brothers and sisters in Adam; in part by learning from Jesus not to join those killing or harming, or even judging, others. (Mat 7:1-5; 1 Cor 4:5 of 1-5) If Salima's singing was pleasing to , then God bless her. Happily in my mind, that's not my judgment to make... Even Jesus doesn't judge others. He doesn't have to. We are each and all judging ourselves, me and Salima and you alike, by our response to what his Father sent Jesus to teach. (John 12:48 of 44-50) It is just too wonderful... (Luke 10:21 of 20-24)

Why, though, would I ask at the start if you are a virgin? Because God said one group of people He has chosen or is choosing, are virgins! (Rev 14:1-5) Those verses talk about a group of virgins standing with Christ on Mount Zion [New Jersualem]. (Heb 12:22-29; Rev 21:2-4) [The group is numbered 144,000, which was a number given the 12 tribes of Israel, with 12,000 per tribe. It might mean only the "complete" or "proper" number, rather than being literal.] They have the name of Christ and his Father inscribed in their forehead; showing what is most important in their lives. They have never told a lie and are virgins. What could that mean? Well, it does say they follow the lamb where ever he goes... There are lots of different ideas about what their being virgins means, but they are all just speculation until God makes it clear. Here, then, is my speculation. [So please, do not say I said this is Bible truth.] It seems clear to me all the different religious sects and other movements of this world, as they judge and make war and kill each other, are actually all working toward one single purpose. They form one giant multi-headed monster of world powers, each working to secure the allegiance and worship of everyone alive. (Rev 13:11-18) We are all being enticed and/or coerced to join their efforts; and promised by each we will be serving God by joining them... The masses of mankind, with all their religious and sectarian involvements, are thus riding on the back of the beast [the governments] trying to control the direction of the beast [this world]. (Rev 17:3-6 & 15) They are all liars, both by promoting the false religious teachings they have been led to believe, and by saying anything they think might help them maintain control and get what they want. Then, in the midst of them all, there are these chosen servants of God who are virgins and are not liars. [I do have to hope, because of my youthful actions, that doesn't mean they have never told a lie.] Those virgins seem to me, then, to be the people who have never given their heart completely to any of these religious sects, so as to become liars in support of their false teachings. They have avoided joining in judging and doing harm to others, either physically or emotionally [by rendering what each group proclaims are God's judgments against nonmembers - like the young Muslim man did in saying his God Allah will bless Salima's killer]. Don't be naive, though, we have all been influenced by religion and/or false Christianity, but, not all have become heartfelt devoted members of any of those sects. In that sense, those refusing to be misled might be virgins and without spot from this world. (James 1:27)

As God continues to use Armageddon to destroy or end the tribulation currently destroying our world, we will just have to wait and see the details of how He does that. As for you, you should become familiar with, and exercise faith in, the words of Jesus Christ; (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) thus making certain you have been reborn as a member of the last days Spiritual Israel of God. (Gal 3:26-29; Gal 6:15-16) This is not hard to understand but you do have to first hear Jesus's words (Rom 10:11-15) and then think about what he said. Everyone looking at [knowing] you should see Christ and his Father are written in your forehead [are most important to you]... (Rom 10:8-11) "Disciple" [a student follower] or "Christian" are the only acceptable titles for followers of Jesus Christ. (Acts 11:26) You are lost if you are identifying and/or thinking of yourself as anything beyond "Christian" or "Disciple of Jesus." If you say you are a Catholic, Baptist, Buddhist, Lutheran, Methodist, Muslim, Jew, Jehovah's Witness, Amish, Alliance or any of the many other Religious sects, aren't you identifying yourself as just a follower of that sect of men? (Mat 10:32-33) Do you really even know Christ and at all? (Pro 30:4; John 8:31-32) Doesn't directing people to your chosen sect of men make you part of the problem rather than the solution? Shouldn't you join us in directing everyone to Christ? Many of you know I am right about the other sects, but still believe "yours" is the one true organization of God! Is that reasonable or sensible? Much more importantly, is that what Jesus taught? (Mat 23:1-15; Mat 7:13-23) Many individuals know their organization does some harm, but think God will forgive their support because of the "greater good" done by their group. Really...? Germans followed Hitler's orders in killing over 7 million people in WWII. Russians follow Putin in killing Ukrainian women and children. Followers calling themselves Christians supported the so called Holy Roman Church of the Dark Ages as they burned and tortured and killed hundreds of thousands or millions; all in the name of God. Do you think God forgives the participants in all that carnage because they are just following orders, the orders of their "chosen" religious leaders? If each one had just made the simple choice to hear and follow Christ, they would not have caused all that harm. Don't be fooled, if you have joined yourself to any group and they do harm, you share responsibility! (1 Tim 5:22; Eze 3:17-19) Who you worship is, of course, your decision to make. Whether you are pleasing God is certainly not my judgment. It may surprise you to know it's not your judgment either. Becoming a Disciple of Christ is certainly your "choice" to make, but Paul indicated even you can't be sure if you are actually following Jesus, or have just allowed yourself to deceived... We all await God's judgment. (1 Cor 4:1-5) The solution? Just listen carefully to Christ and do your best to be pure at heart. Jesus is eternal life to all who will simply exercise faith in his words. (Eze 34:23-31; John 11:21-27) You can't get there by joining me; or any other human or group. If you have any group's approval and blessing, (Luke 6:26) I fear for you! I can't imagine how you can be joined to Christ in exposing religion, and, be praised and blessed by Religionists at the same time! You must "personally" be a Disciple of Christ [a willing and obedient student]. Have you actually even read what Jesus said from the four short Gospel recordings of his teachings? (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Have you read his words over and over to familiarity? (Mark 3:31-35) Can you really imagine you are "Jesus's" Disciple if you aren't "intimately familiar" with what he said? This is just "so" simple!

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