--- God's Final Solution ---
Written: January 2024

Adolph Hitler coined the phrase; "The Final Solution." He apparently imagined himself a righteous man and a servant of God; or, he wanted to deceive everyone that was true. Nazism was his religion... He imagined or asserted his Third Reich to be the thousand year reign of Christ. One reporter said, after hearing Hitler speak, "there is no man; there is just the noise that he makes." Hitler seems a fool without moral character; just a lot of talk about what he would do with no real idea about how to get there. The world was starving and sick of politicians telling them everything was all right and getting better when they could see it was not. (1 Thes 5:2-3) They were ripe for Hitler's grand deception; his "Final Solution"! Sound too much like the politicians and world conditions of our day? Adolph was able to deceive and unite to lead a few; who then helped him conscript others to blame the world's problems on minorities; on the poor and infirm, and on the Jews. While Adolph tried to paint a pretty facade of decency and beauty as cover to his "Final Solution," what Hitler really offered the world was the extermination of everyone Adolph judged to be a lesser people. He murdered millions. Sadly, many Religionists went along: Catholic Priests sprinkled "holy water" on the German tanks and troops; all while Hitler's Nazi Germany slaughtered women and children... The terrible and overwhelming problem for Hitler was, he had no right to judge and no ability to ascertain, who should be exterminated to leave behind the "excellent" race he envisioned. His foolish experiment was sad and damaging nearly beyond human comprehension. Thankfully, Hitler is long dead and his "Final Solution" with him. Or is it...

Because of Hitler's very existence, my just using the phrase God's "Final Solution" makes some people uncomfortable. Truth is, some people should be uncomfortable! (1 Cor 6:9-11; Rom 1:18-32; Jude 5-7)
Image Desc God's Final solution!
Are you the solution or the problem?
Please just do consider, if you love righteousness; this message is a blessing for YOU. Since the tribulation indicates we [humanity] have arrived at the end of days, (Isa 2:2-4; Dan 2:44) much of mankind have likely allowed themselves to be led too far into badness to want or to be able to change. (Isa 37:28-29; Eze 38:4 of 3-23) Those rejecting Christ will view what I say as foolishness; or, they will pretend to... (1 Cor 1:18-25; 2 Pet 3:3-7) If, then, YOU are able to hear and understand these words; (John 6:44) the message of Christ in your ears is "your" deliverance... God's "Final Solution" is an everlasting blessing, or a final eternal curse, depending on which side of his judgment you place yourself on. (John 3:18-19 of 16-21) God loves you and has given you every warning He can; doing everything He can to help you; without, of course, making himself wicked! You surely do understand, if you refuse to stop causing harm, God would share responsibility if He helped you. God is good! (Mark 10:17-18) You must know and believe: God is Good! (Heb 11:6) The simple truth is: If you refuse to stop hurting other people, you deserve and need to be destroyed. God sent Jesus to teach you how to stop being harmful; and then, God told you to listen. (Mat 17:5)

The only question of life that has any real importance is this: Are you paying attention to God? Are you following his instructions to listen to his son? (Mark 9:7) The terrible world conditions we live in today stand as the eternal witness to what disobedience to God brings. The tribulation we have wrought, and God has allowed, is caused by our refusal to accept God's standards for our lives... Do you want to live like this forever? Aren't you sick of all the pain and suffering; sick of politicians telling you all is well when you can see it is not! (1 Thes 5:2-3) I hear them telling me crime statistics are getting better and inflation rates are down. What silly things to say! [I hear where one or several people are gunned down for no reason every single day in Nashville, TN. And, I can see what a dollar buys.] May those constructing and spreading such lies (1 Thes 5:3 of 1-5) receive what they deserve. (Rom 1:18; Eph 4:15-25) Aren't you afraid of all the extremists; ready to repeat or already implementing Hitler's catastrophic mistake? While the world stood up nearly as one against Hitler, we have seen the nations semi-quietly accept Putin's demonstration of his "Final Solution." His solution is for Russia to invade and steal the wealth of one nation after another, just as Putin chooses; and then use the stolen wealth to bomb what is left into the stone age. China has announced to the world she plans to follow Putin's same "Final Solution" to invade Taiwan. [Of course, Chinese President Xi has told the Taiwanese people if they want to open their coffers and give him everything they have, he will let them live as slaves. "Reunification" he calls it... You don't imagine he could actually "believe" they could do that? The little people he has claimed to want to protect are the ones who will suffer for his greed! Why doesn't he just build for himself what ever it is he wants to steal from the Taiwanese? Sadly, like all tyrants, he will do as he pleases; if God doesn't protect those he oppresses. (The Taiwanese are very wealthy... Who is there knowing whether they have nuclear devices?) Thank God it is his time to act. (Eze 38:18-39:7) We'll all soon see... All powerful world rulers like Putin and Xi are in constant danger; so, they expend lots of energy and money trying to surround themselves with people who are loyal and trustworthy. Those people chosen to advise and protect them often have no other job than keeping their leader informed. (Esther 2:21-23) If you are such a person, tasked with giving council to the powerful, you should tell your lord what my God has said about him. (Isa 37:28-29; Eze 38:4 of 3-23) Most powerful men [powerful only by human standards (Isa 40:17 of 10-23)] won't care, or will be too proud to hear. (2 Kings 5:1-14) But, who is there knowing... (Esther 4:14b) Since all rulers are being allowed to reign by God; maybe yours will become wise and show some respect and appreciation for his gift from our Creator! (Romans 13:1-2; Exo 14:21-22; Exo 14:26-28)]

The unprovoked October 7, 2023 invasion of Israel shows the Palestinian "Final Solution" is to exterminate Israel. That invasion forces Israel to view their "Final Solution" to be the complete annihilation of Hamas and all their supporters. They know that as soon as they stop their assault, the Hamas women and children and men, as a society all alike, will start rebuilding for Israel's harm... Are you terrified of "all" those human "Final Solutions"? God foreknew and specifically noted they would come; but, He promised deliverance: Because you are right now hearing these revealed words of Christ, which is the Good News of Christ's Kingdom, (Mat 24:14 of 3-14) it means we are alive during what Jesus taught were "the end times" or "the last days," (James 5:1-5; 2 Pet 3:3-7) so, if you have faith in Christ, you don't need to be afraid! (Luke 21:28 of 25-28; Isa 33:1; Acts 17:30-31)

What, then, "can" you hope in for a real solution? And yes, for your "Final Solution"? We are witnessing the revelation of 's Kingdom by Christ as his "Final Solution"! [You should certainly "know," (Pro 30:4)  יהוה is God's Hebrew name as given Moses on the stone tablets. (Exo 31:18)] Ignorance is a tool of Satan that has benefited the churches and all false religion to control ignorant people. (Rom 1:22 of 18-23) God is awakening all the earth in our day... (Isa 45:22-25) Ignorance will no longer be an excuse: (John 15:22) Ignorance has been washed away in the revelation of the words of Jesus Christ. So, whether you choose to realize, or to continue on dying (John 8:24) with your head in the sand [choose to remain in ignorance], God's "Final Solution" is happening whether or no you choose to see. The churches that misled mankind for the nearly 2000 years of the Dark Ages have been destroyed. (Jer 51:44-49; Rev 18:1-5) Only their shadow remains: Few of the false church's sheep "really and truly" believe any more... Less than a hundred years ago, for example, the Catholics and Protestants still had their members killing each other in Ireland. Those were "true" believers! Fools in faith, for sure, but "true and zealous believers" to the very death. Sadly, their zealous faith was in their own religion's doctrine rather than in what Christ actually said. (Mat 26:52 of 48-54) The Christendom Churches have been exposed and so lost the control over mankind they established during the Dark Ages... (Rev 18:2-8) They no longer have power to burn alive anyone who speaks truth about them, such as exposing their hundreds of years of homosexual priesthood abuse of little boys. (Rom 1:18-32; 1 Cor 6:9-11) Religions like Islam, however, still hold sway over many ignorant people as they use them to destroy our world. What you are now hearing is not just another penny-anti church doctrine of falsehood, like you have been listening to all your life. The churches have preached their own doctrines designed for the sole purpose of taking money from, and controlling, all they can deceive to become "their" sheep. In contrast, you are now hearing the words of Jesus Christ as he came to announce his Kingdom... (Luke 17:20-21) While you needed faith to recognize and submit to the Kingdom in its infancy, no faith will be required to recognize the results of Christ's Kingdom. The Kingdom is revealed... (Rev 6:1-2; Rev 12:7-11; Rev 17:14) Armageddon is here. (Mat 25:31-34; Mat 25:41) By your response to these words of Jesus, you accomplish Christ's separating work of placing yourself on his right or his left. (John 3:18-19; Mat 25:31-34 & 41; Mat 24:29-31; Mat 13:44-50; Mat 13:16-33) There is no public parade or fanfare; and you don't have to judge or harm anyone besides yourself. You just need to have faith in the words of Christ, and so stand still to see the salvation of in your behalf. (2 Chron 20:17) The only option God's Final Solution leaves is whether you are being blessed by your faith in Christ's words, or cursed by your faith in men and their sects... (John 3:16-21) The tribulation we have caused is destroying mankind. Armageddon is fast approaching [or happening] as 's war to protect his children (Gal 3:26-29) by bringing the end of the tribulation. Just please know: Armageddon is יהוה's "Final Solution." Armageddon is the final enthronement of Christ's Kingdom... (1 Cor 15:25-26 of12-28) Christ's Kingdom means blessing for those who love righteousness and death for those who don't. If God didn't destroy the wicked completely and eternally in that way, no one would survive our tribulation and be set free of sin's influence forever. (Mat 24:21-22) This is not my judgment nor is it complicated! Listen to and follow God's son... (John 3:18-19 of 16-21) That is your only hope! Avoid any and all sectarian religious involvement. (John 4:19-26; Mat 24:23-25) Your personal faith in Christ's words is a perfect hope. It is God's perfect promise. Pleased just understand: A world full of people "individually" dedicated to and following Christ is God's "Final Solution"... (John 17:26; Joel 2:32) It is what He intended when he placed Adam and Eve in the Garden. (Mat 25:34) Are you part of it? God has patiently tolerated mankind's resistance to his will to the point we have created a world unfit to live in [or even to exist]. Anarchy rules this world! (2 Pet 3:1-7; 2 Pet 3:8-13) God's "Final Solution" does necessarily include destroying all who won't recognize "His Solution" by submitting to his Christ. (Gen 6:11-13) Are you zealous for Christ even to death, or rather, to some church or sect or nation... Know for sure, you are one "or" the other. You can not be both! (Eph 2:1-5; Eph 5:6-14) By taking in this knowledge, you have made yourself important in your own right: In the midst of a dying world, you have favored yourself with life saving knowledge everyone alive desperately needs! You have heard God's righteous decrees... (Rev 15:4 of 2-4) Hearing what Jesus said has, however, given you responsibility... (Eze 3:17-19) What a precious gift! You can help others... (Isa 52:7) The number of serious visiting students [disciples] of Christ to JustBibleTruth.com indicates possibly 25 to 100 or more people a day are studying to be made aware of this truth. If you would like to make yourself a beautiful messenger of God, (Isa 52:7) it is an easy thing: Support this effort! If you print this webpage and scriptural references, and share this truth with just 4 people every week, and they each follow the same pattern to tell 4 more, in 6 weeks you will have made 4 million people aware. In 7 weeks, everyone on earth would hear. (Mat 24:11-14) All you need to share is this one simple truth: You [and everyone else] are becoming either a Christian, thus being protected by God's spirit through your knowledge of, and your absolute faith in, the words of Jesus Christ; (John 6:63) or, you [and they] have refused to know Christ and will soon be dead and forgotten... (Psa 37:10-11; Pro 10:6-7) Christ gave many illustrations of the separating work his Kingdom is accomplishing. (Mat 25:31-34 & 41; Mat 24:29-31; Mat 13:44-50; Mat 13:16-33) These words are good and different from religious judgments; because it is not my human judgment, it is God's blessing to protect you if you love good! Bless yourself by being involved in God's work: Share this webpage [these scriptures] with everyone you know! Maybe you don't need to say you know it is right and truth, just ask them if it might be... Ask them if all these world problems might be the tribulation or even Armageddon.

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