--- Glaring Difference? ---
What is the difference between JustBibleTruth.com
and the many and varied Christendom Churches?
A safe space in God's Spirit! But how?
A Revelation...
Written: April 2024

There is a clear and distinct difference between true Christians and Religionists! And, that difference presents a danger for all: Jesus Christ warned every single professing Christian must be a suspect of deception; especially leaders with grandiose titles. (Mat 7:15; Mat 23:1-15) Some are pretend Christians and deliberate deceivers (2 Cor 11:13-15) while others don't even realize they are missing the point... (Luke 13:25-27) The difference between real Christians and false prophets can be hard to identify; if you don't have help... Jesus went on to provide that help in saying you can identify "false prophets" by "their works," or by "their fruits." (Mat 7:16) What "works," though, was Jesus talking about? We should all begin with thanking יהוה that He sent his Son to teach us what we need to know to live forever. (Mark 9:7; John 17:3; John 12:47-50; John 5:24) Possessing that simple truth, an awareness of our need to listen to Jesus, is a wondrous gift from our Father. (2 Chron 16:9) Realizing our need to listen to Christ is evidence יהוה is drawing us to life [drawing us to his son]. (John 6:43-47)   [You should recognize and know יהוה to be God's Hebrew Name (Pro 30:4) as written by God's finger to Moses on stone tablets. (Exo 31:18)] What, then, is that bad fruitage Jesus taught us to watch for, (Mark 3:31-35) and, how does understanding God's command to listen to his son help recognize it? (Mat 7:15) That is, what is one clear and easily identifiable difference between true Christians and wicked or misguided false prophets [spiritual wolves clad in sheep's skins]? (Mat 7:15; Mat 24:11 of 11-14)

One obvious difference is this: "All" real Christians direct you to follow God's command (Mark 9:7) and so read and express faith in the words of Jesus Christ; for your‑own‑self. Christians recommend that because it is what they are "each one" trying to do! (Rom 12:1-2) Contrariwise, "all" Religionists direct you to join  some  "their" sect; that being the group they have chosen to believe can teach you, and then, they imagine those humans they worship are qualified to judge if you [and they] are righteous and are pleasing God [by their granting you an approved memberships in their sect]. "All Religionists" accept such human judgment as God's approval of them! That, don't you see, is what makes them Religionists and distinguishes them from Christians... All of such religious efforts by men and women have nothing to do with the real problem faced by humankind: Since Adam and Eve sinned, there has been one long parade of generations of men and women "all" born marching to the grave. (Rom 5:12) Here, then, is a hope that may be new to you, new only in the sense it seems lost to most Religionists. Because it has been hidden or unknown to the churches, it seems most people have never even heard about this new hope. [In all fairness, it might have been allowed to remain hidden because it wasn't God's time for it to be revealed. (Rom 16:25-27; Mat 13:15 of 13-17; Eph 3:5 of 1-9) This is the day of salvation! (2 Cor 5:17-6:2)] Please now recognize [and gain] this hope; please share my hope: Accept knowledge of the promises by God He is ending that cycle of being born headed to the grave; ending the death cycle for the righteous by causing our flesh to become fresher than in youth. (Job 33:13-30) He also promised the restoration of the paradise He created and intended when He set Adam and Eve in the Garden. (Isa 11:1-13; Psa 37:29; Mat 25:34) [How, though, even if you do recognize these promises by God; how can you take advantage of them? How can I? How, really, could anyone take advantage if they don't first know about them? (Rom 10:11-15) Helping God make this truth known is what can give your life real meaning: Now that you are hearing these promises of Christ, make yourself beautiful in God's eyes by telling his message of hope to others. (Isa 52:7) Print this webpage and talk about it with everyone you know!] In part, Jesus came to teach us about our deliverance, including how to take advantage of יהוה's Spirit to obtain the relief God has provided for our day: Which deliverance comes through, or is, our personal faith in the words of God's son! (Luke 17:26-30) In part, then, he taught we can receive God's promises by learning from Jesus how to make personal use of God's Holy Spirit! (Mat 10:20 of 16-20; Luke 11:13 of 9-13; John 4:23-26 of 19-26)

This revelation that so thrills me, and that I now do my best to share, comes in large measure from a simple "familiarity" with the Bible Book of Matthew, and from pondering [meditating on] the teaching of Jesus in chapter 14, verses 22-33 [quoting from the English Standard Version (translation)]: 'Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. (23) And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, (24) but the boat by this time was a long way from the land, beaten by the waves, for the wind was against them. (25) And in the fourth watch of the night [between 3 and 6 AM] he came to them, walking on the sea. (26) But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, "It is a ghost [or spirit]!" and they cried out in fear. (27) But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid." (28) And Peter answered him, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." (29) He said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. (30) But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord, save me." (31) Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, "O you of little faith, why did you [give way to] doubt?" (32) And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. (33) And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."'

I have for many years been familiar with this account, as you probably are. What I only recently realized about these verses is simply my need to question just what it was Peter needed faith in [or, what faith he had lost or hadn't yet gained]. What was Jesus's teaching Peter he yet needed [also needed, of course, by all the rest of us]?

Every church I've ever known tells me to exercise faith in Jesus Christ and be saved. That is good advice and absolutely true. (Acts 16:31) This lesson by Jesus using Peter teaches there is more. To be able to preserve ourselves alive in the midst of danger, we need faith in Jesus, "and in addition," we need to learn from Jesus how to make use of יהוה's Spirit... (John 14:15-17; John 16:7; John 15:26)

In this account, God's Spirit was keeping Peter above and safe from the storm of destruction raging right under his feet. But as Peter allowed his attention to focus on that danger, his faith wavered and he started to sink. What, though, was it about Peter's faith that was lost or changed? Was it his faith in Jesus? It surely was not! Even in the midst of his fear and lack of faith, it was still Jesus Peter cried out to for help. Peter's faith in Jesus remained strong. So, what was lost or missing? Well, Jesus was walking on the water by the power of God's Holy Spirit. (Luke 5:17 of 17-26; Mark 2:5 of 3-12; Acts 14:9-10 of 8-21) Peter wanted to do that also and asked Jesus to "command" him to walk on the water. Jesus said "Come" and Peter walked to him on the water, being supported by God's Spirit. (Mark 13:11 of 8-13) So, it wasn't his faith in Jesus Peter lost or didn't have. What seems to have failed Peter was his faith in the power of God's Spirit; in this case the Spirit's power to keep him above the danger. That highlights one glaring difference between my faith and the faith of most people in the Christendom Churches. I believe in the power of God's Spirit, based on faith in Christ's words, to support and protect; right now! Even being organizations with conflicting doctrines, the churches do all share one thing in common: They each one teach and apparently believe it is being an "approved" member of "their" sect that is saving them. They look to the men who lead their chosen religious group to tell them what is right and wrong, and even, whether they are pleasing God. They want me [and you] to submit to their judgment as well! Conversely, I warn you must listen to Christ and that you can't depend on any human, including me, except as we direct you to read Christ's words for yourself. The comfort such Religionists receive from "their" kind or form of "group" worship (2 Tim 3:5 of 1-5) is simply "being in association" with their chosen sect; receiving what they consider the blessing of others of like faith. They like looking to a crowd to pat them on the back with approval. (John 5:44) They even believe they have hope for God's help by praying for each other. I freely admit the prayers of any righteous people among them do have power! (Jam 5:16) But, who can know which among them are truly righteous? [Only God and his Son know! (Luke 10:20)] Do you think it's safe to request prayers from, and even to pray for, any "group" of people? Jesus warned we must be careful we do not pray for the unrighteous! (John 17:6-10) Do you imagine joining some sect of men makes each member righteous? Very different from those churches trying to direct attention to themselves, I promote Jesus's warning and/or promise we must all be learning from him how to use God's Spirit, (John 6:63) and then, be actually using it to protect us alive. Peter was protecting himself alive by his faith God's Spirit could  cause  "enable" him to walk on water! The simple encouragement I offer, then, is to actually read the words of Jesus Christ to familiarity; including his instructions to depend on and use God's spirit! (John 17:3; John 12:48-50) This is not a condemnation of anyone's chosen faith in Christ. If you express faith in Christ, I commend you for it! If and only if, of course, your personal faith is truly in what Jesus Christ taught. (Luke 13:24-27) [If you do have faith in Jesus, don't allow yourself to think about the bad things your church leaders will say about me. (Mat 12:22-30) Consider if what I say can be an extension of your faith in Christ. Just realize only you and יהוה and Jesus know if you are a Christian, and, you can never judge who the other faithful are! (Luke 10:20 of 20-22; 1 Cor 4:1-5) Don't join with or let yourself be controlled by those who imagine they are judges of who is pleasing יהוה !] Listen only to Jesus so as to avoid being fooled by sects of men! (Luke 13:25-27 of 23-30) Simply listening to and following Christ makes you a Christian! As for JustBibleTruth.com, we only encourage everyone to expand and invigorate their faith in Christ's words, by reading them over many times; while being careful not to let any sect of men infringe upon their knowledge of Christ's teachings! (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) This is really simple: Listen to Jesus Christ (Mat 17:5) and you will be set free of any worry about false prophets! (Mat 7:15; John 8:31-32) "Churchy" people may hate or fear you, and say bad things about you, but they will no longer be able to deceive you... For many years, by "my choice" to listen to religious people [thus demonstrating my faith in "them"], I allowed their ideas to cloud by understanding (2 Cor 3:14-18) of the Bible, including my building faith in this simple scriptural teaching by Jesus. As we read and thus relive or are witness to Christ's use of Peter's walk on the water, let us be encouraged to make use of, and to rely on, God's Holy Spirit [to help and protect us alive]... You should think deeply about that: Jesus taught us to use God's Spirit! (Mat 21 21-22; Luke 17:6; Mat 17:20; Mat 13:31-32) If you have true faith in Jesus, you also have faith in his promises of Holy Spirit! (John 14:15-17; John 15:26-27; John 16:7-8 & 13)

Peter's efforts and shortcomings should make us aware: Acquiring the use of God's Spirit does seem a learning process. We note Peter did better at utilizing the Spirit as he continued developing his ability after Jesus was resurrected to heaven [there awaiting his enthronement as King of all Creation (1 Cor 15:12-28)]. (Acts 4:9-10 of 5-13; Acts 2:34-35) Like Peter, we need to learn to depend on God's Spirit even if Jesus isn't standing there to pluck us up. [Not asserting there would ever be a time when Jesus wouldn't be there to help! Just noting we need to grow to Christian maturity. (Heb 5:11-14; John 15:16) Being a Christian does mean being like Christ!] Using God's Spirit is and must, of course, be built on the foundation of our personal faith in Jesus's words. Doesn't that first require knowing what he taught? This account about Peter makes it appear being preserved alive requires more than a basic faith in Jesus's name [in other words, protection requires our learning to use God's Spirit as an extension or a part of our faith in Christ]. We must have faith in what Jesus taught us, including his teaching to use, and maybe to depend on, God's Holy Spirit! (Mat 17:20) This is not a burden for you! Jesus taught faith in the words he spoke is our link to God's Holy Spirit, (John 6:63) and, that Spirit can do anything we need it to do. (Luke 17:6; Mat 17:20) He often told them it was their own faith that helped the people he blessed. Faith in what we personally know Christ taught grants use of God's Spirit! (Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:40‑55) Meditate on this teaching by Jesus: Christians simply "expect" a thing to happen, based on our faith, and it will come to be. (Mark 11:24 of 22-24; Mat 7:7; Mat 18:19; Mat 21:22; Luke 11:9; John 14:13; John 15:7; John 16:24) [Assuming, of course, what we expect is in harmony with God's will; which must include our being careful not to try and help someone who is without faith... Jesus specifically said we should not pray for people without faith. (John 17:9 of 6-10)] The Bible account of the Acts of the Apostles indicates that without faith, the spirit is not present. (Acts 14:8-10; Mat 9:27-30a)

The tribulation mankind has caused is escalating rapidly to destroy the vile world system our own wickedness has created [malformed, really; only God can "create"]. The very fabric of society is corrupted. A generation ago young people grew up aspiring to wear a white hat and ride a white horse, to help and protect those being oppressed by the wicked. They recognized that as a valid and righteous hope from our Creators teachings. (Rev 6:1-2; Rev 19:11-21) Today, young people grow up being encouraged to resist the rule of law (Rom 13:1-2) and even to join a gang or the Mafia; actually being taught it is right to take advantage of others. (Gen 6:9-14) Surely every sane person understands people trained toward such badness, if not awakened by יהוה, are being made fit for destruction at God's hand. (Rev 19:11-16; Rom 9:22:24) And, God says they are all inexcusable! (Rom 1:20-21 of 1:18-2:2) Don't you now understand? Faith in the words of Christ is your ark of deliverance! (Gen 6:9-14) With all the wars going on, now even among nuclear nations, all wise persons have to realize we may awake on any given morning to find the skies ablaze with radioactive fire. (2 Pet 3:8-13) What do "YOU" believe will help you if or when that happens? Do you believe God's Spirit will protect you? At least one religious sect teaches "their sheep" God will never allow a nuclear war. They must have forgotten Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What will that do to the faith of "their" followers when war does break out. Don't doubt God's ability to protect because of unscriptural assertions of some sect of men. Listen to and believe Jesus... Just carefully consider what the revelation of truth we can glean from Peter's walk on the water really means. What do the people in Gaza or Ukraine, surviving while seeing their neighbors slaughtered all around them, what do you think they "need"? As you consider your answer, do not imagine you are above the same danger they face or similar ones! Do Ukrainians and those living in Gaza need to hear a Baptist or Catholic or Jehovah's Witness or Mormon or Protestant or... telling them to come on down and join their church to get saved? Do they need to cower before the Pope [or any other Religionists] seeking his prayers or blessing? Or, is what they need "a true Christian" telling them to get hold of a Bible and to read and take to heart Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to obtain their own deliverance by means of their personal faith in what Jesus said? Don't they need to be told to learn and follow Jesus's instructions on how to make use of his Father's Spirit; to protect themselves alive from this tribulation/Armageddon [like the Spirit lifted Peter above the raging storm]? [Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and the entire Bible are included free on JustBibleTruth.com.] Everyone needs to hear and know: (Mat 24:14) God promised our return to perfection, to "better" than our youthful vigor, (Job 33:13-30) and, that we can have life in paradise; forever! (Isa 11:1-13; Psa 37:27-29) Do you "really believe" God's Spirit is fulfilling those scriptures in you? If so, you should tell this truth to everyone you can. Just share this webpage with them [print it out if they don't have a computer]! (Mat 24:14) Make no mistake, whether we are following יהוה's command to listen to his son (Mat 17:5) is the same decision we are each one making! That decision, and it is a decision you alone can and must make, (Isa 45:22-25) is your own judgment of yourself... (John 3:19 of 16-21) We live in a world that has chosen to refuse to be disciplined by man or God! (Rom 1:28-32; 2 Tim 3:1-7) Society is torn apart by resisters and/or terrorists. They don't care what or who they harm or destroy to get their way. They all proclaim their own righteousness, some even using Christ's name... Only God can identify and stop them! Whether it's war or famine or natural disasters or disease or old age or gang violence and/or the death of respect for the rule of law... we are all facing imminent danger! What, then, do you truly believe is protecting you? God is destroying all the wicked. (Acts 17:29-31; Psa 9:1-8; Psa 37:10-11) Stop being one of them! (1 Cor 6:9-11) Build and possess faith in the words of Jesus Christ (2 Thes 3:1-2) and thus take in God's Spirit. (John 6:63) Then, learn to make use of that Spirit to keep yourself alive during God's final solution; as God's war of Armageddon ushers in the paradise God intended and started when He planted Adam and Eve in the garden. (Mat 25:34; Isa 11:1-13; Psa 37:10-11 & Rev 20:10~21:11) If you are to live, personal faith in the promises of God through Christ must be your reality. (Rom 6:20-23 of 16-23) It must be who you are and where you live!

One clear difference, to recap then, between the works of true Christians and false prophets is this: False Christians direct people to their own religious sect for truth and help. True Christians direct you only to Jesus Christ, to gain help from his Father by your personal intimate knowledge of the words Jesus was sent to speak. (John 6:63; John 12:49-50; John 5:19-24; John 5:30; John 8:28-29) You can only safely hear Jesus speak by reading the Gospels. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) One of Jesus's wondrous teachings is that we can draw on and use his Father's Spirit. (Mark 11:24; John 14:15-26) While the truly wicked of this world will continue to view knowledge of Christ as foolishness or as the opium of the weak minded, right up until they are each one destroyed, (1 Cor 1:26-31 of 21-31; Psa 37:10) Christ's truth is not hard to understand! Don't you be fooled... (Mat 11:25; 2 Pet 3:1-7) Do not fear the rapidly escalating tribulation being ended by God's war of Armageddon. Rather, see them as the signs of deliverance Jesus promised! (Luke 21:28 of 25-28) Share these scriptures and so tell everyone you know; what is happening to them and why. (Mat 24:14) You should not, however, expect to find a sect of "good" men and women to help and lead you. (Mat 10:32-38) God made clear He sent Jesus to be your only leader... (Mat 17:5; Mat 23:8-10 of 1-15) You must prove your-own-self an obedient and willing follower of Jesus Christ; by actually listening to and learning from, well, Jesus Christ. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Have you taken to heart this message from our perfect instructor, as Jesus sent his disciples out in the little boat on the raging sea, and then used the Apostle Peter to instruct you about the power of, and your need to make use of God's Holy Spirit in "your" life? That's what everyone alive needs to hear. (Mat 24:14 of 3-14) Reading and putting faith in the words of Christ is how we gain paradise... (Mat 25:31-34; Isa 11:1-13)

Please understand about me, I'm not "preaching down" to anyone about these scriptures! I freely admit I'm just talking out loud as I try to learn and understand these things for myself. This is a vision onto "my" Bible study! I reconsider these scriptures most every day, seeking to understand and keep faith in God's help and deliverance... I'm just trying to share my efforts as I "work to learn" how to make use of God's Spirit. But even having said that; it's probably not about learning to do some special thing or the other; the waving about or laying on of our hands. (2 Kings 5:11 of 1-14) It rather seems just about what we truly believe! It's probably not about our strength of will, as we some how "drive" or "command" God's spirit to do what we want; or to fill someone up with it. Then again, for you, it will probably happen just how "you" imagine it will happen; based in your faith built from "your own personal" study of Jesus's teachings. Just always remember: "Jesus" is your teacher! Your only dependable teacher! (Mat 23:1-15) It seems to me it's wholly about our being a friend of God through faith (James 2:23) based in our personal knowledge of the words of his Christ, (John 15:11-16) and then, about our "truly believing" and "expecting" what we want to happen, or are trying to accomplish, "will happen"; (Mark 11:24) because God is good and said it would happen. That all requiring, of course, that what we want to happen must be good [God's will]. If true Christians simply believe a thing will happen, it will happen! If you are a true Christian and believe you will survive Armageddon, you will; made so by our Father's Spirit and you being in step with "his" works. If you believe in God's promises of the return of our youth and vigor, you will have them! (Job 33:13-30) Faith in God's Spirit is a powerful tool... If you are able to appreciate these teachings of Christ (John 6:43-47) and are still part of some religious sect, print this webpage and share it with your fellow asserted Christians... They should all appreciate these words of Christ as much as you do. Now is the day of our salvation. (2 Cor 5:17-6:2) If someone tries to harm you or someone you love, call to mind the scriptures promising the wicked will die in place of the righteous. (Pro 21:18; Psa 37:10-15) Share God's warning with them if you can! The destruction of the wicked will then happen for you because you have faith God said it would. This is not magic and there is no trick. Just believe in God and in what He said.

That knowledge leaves us all to ponder the one same question: Do we have faith? Do you? Do I have true faith? I want to. I pray I do. I maybe even believe I do; but I also know, wanting to, or even imagining I do, does not mean I do have true faith. In the final analysis, I either believe God's promises or I don't!!! (1 Cor 4:4 of 1-5) It seems just that simple! I've always thought I was pretty good at figuring out how things work. Even if I am right about my ability, understanding what is happening is not the same as having faith. Judas Iscariot knew what was happening... He spent 3 1/2 years in the presence of our Lord Christ. He saw him perform countless miracles including bringing the dead back to life. He surely knew he was in the presence of God's son. All the while, however, Judas's real love was stealing money from their common bag and causing trouble, while lying to cover it up. (John 12:3-8) Did he find some sick joy in his imagined trickery? Judas obviously did not have faith, and finally betrayed our lord for 30 pieces of silver. (Mat 26:48-49) Since Jesus's life style was constantly exposing Judas in his own heart for what he was; Judas must have despised Christ... Did he imagine he was "fooling" Jesus by the things he was allowed to get away with. He probably was a sadist, constantly doing his very limited best to cast doubt on or even undermine what Jesus was doing. (John 12:1-8; Mat 26:6-13) When Mary, the sister of Lazarus and Martha, put the expensive oil on Christ, Matthew mentioned how "the disciples" got upset with Jesus. (Matthew 26:6-13) Matthew apparently didn't notice Judas was responsible. John, however, noted and recorded it was Judas who stirred up the trouble among the disciples against their own Lord. (John 12:1-8) It was right after Jesus there rebuked Judas for causing trouble that he went to make arrangements to betray Jesus to Judas's religious leaders. (Mark 14:10-11) Judas had apparently never chosen Jesus as his leader. Even on the night he would betray Jesus, with plans in place, Judas seemed to try to fool or even torment Jesus saying "It is not I, is it, Rabbi?" when what he was in the process of doing was mentioned. (Mat 26:20-25) Why did God not kill Judas in place of Christ? (Pro 21:18) Because Christ was a very special circumstance. He came to give his perfect human life as the sacrificial payment to buy mankind back from sin and death; that is, to  allow  "help" God satisfy justice while pardoning repentant sinners, who, even being repentant, still "deserved" only death under the law of justice. (Rom 6:23; Rom 3:23-26; Mat 20:28; Heb 9:28) Jesus had volunteered for his assignment long before, during his pre-human existence. (Heb 10:5-10; Isa 6:8; Pro 8:22-36; John 1:18; John 8:57-58) Still, Jesus didn't desire to die and it distressed him greatly awaiting his suffering; (Mark 14:35-36) even while his words did accomplish his Father's will in setting the whole world on fire in a judgment separating the righteous from the wicked. (Luke 12:51 of 49-53; John 3:19-21 of 16-21) [Even as you hear these words, you must and are picking a side!] Jesus wasn't protected from Judas, then, because the death of Christ needed to happen. Please know, however, Judas was punished: He went and tried to hang himself, [no doubt trying to escape God's wrath] but the tree or rope or something broke and he fell down and his bowels burst open on the ground. (Mat 27:3-5; Acts 1:18) He laid there dying [possibly for days] in a pool of his own blood and guts to contemplate... While Judas was allowed to accomplish his wicked goal, because he was unknowingly accomplishing God's will; God's Spirit "did" protect the congregation of Christians from wicked liars and deceivers. (Acts 5:1-11) That knowledge leads to other serious questions... If what you have faith in isn't happening, does that mean your faith isn't real? If you lack faith, could you allow or cause harm to someone or something in your care? God help us but those are answers we are required to understand and give for ourselves... This letter expresses the faith I work to maintain: My faith is God's Spirit can protect you [and me] to survive his war of Armageddon... (2 Chron 20:17) So, let your personal reliance be on God's Spirit. (John 15:26-27; Luke 17:6) Believe Jesus as he explains how God will help you survive, and then, to live the "real life." (1 Tim 6:19 of 17-19; John 5:24) If you do have faith; your "real life" has begun. Realize it. Expect deliverance. Praise יהוה you people! (Rev 19:1-6)

Our relief: What am I seeking for myself and what am I trying to share with you! I am terrified by the world we live in... So, I seek relief; a place where I can feel safe. The sad sobering truth is we have all lived our whole lives under the shadow of death. (Psalms 23:4 of 1-6) Living every day from infancy knowing death was coming for us. That fear defined who we are or were. (Heb 2:15 of 14-18) The jobs we chose, the mates we sought out, the desires of our heart we cultivated; they were all because of or in spite of that fear! And, world conditions are "rapidly" degrading... This knowledge of Christ's teachings, however, can set you free, forever! (John 8:31-32) Well, faith in Christ's promises grants "wisdom" to set you free. Don't you now see: If you have true faith in Christ, and  truly believe  "know" God's spirit is protecting you, you are free. (John 8:31-32) God's Spirit makes it so! You can live the life you truly want to choose. Simply find comfort waiting in peace on יהוה, in the interior room of your mind. (Isa 26:20-21; Lam 3:26; Isa 30:15; 1 Chron 16:23) That interior room, which no one else can see or know, your personal faith, is a safe space. Nothing and no one harmful is there. Your faith in God's spirit is your interior room; where you can hide at any time. When you concentrate on it and picture it in your mind's eye, and  imagine  see yourself inside, it is an impenetrable wall all about. (Gen 15:1; Deu 33:26-27; Psa 34:7 of 1-9 1 Pet 1:3-5) I hope you can understand, my writing this is a reflection of my effort to learn how to be there myself; and to encourage that same hope in you. If you believe it, God's Spirit makes it so, because you know He has spoken it... Begin your real life now! (James 1:25; Rom 6:22) Give your life real value and meaning! By sharing these scriptures with everyone you know, you can help "speed" us through this destruction and into paradise! (Mat 24:14; Rom 10:16-18; Rev 14:6-7; Isa 60:22 of 20-22; Hab 2:2-3; Luke 13:23-28; Isa 5:18-25)

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