Hey... I'm Murray Cummings and in spite of what the world news portends, I come bearing news of future good and happy times. What makes my words have value, of course, is they are the words of my Lord Christ Jesus. It is my hope he is your lord as well. If he is or you would like him to be; or, if you just seek to know more as you ponder the value of putting faith in him, this message is for you. You may be like me in that I try listening from time to time to some of those TV preachers. • What I invariably find is they quote a few scriptures but then their message doesn't go anywhere that makes sense to uplift and impart life. [John 4:14] If a message doesn't carry you anywhere, all claims to the contrary, you are not hearing the words of Christ. [Matthew 7:28-29; Luke 4:31-32] (Hebrews 4:12) The word of God has a distinct and clear message that focuses on having faith in Jesus Christ. It would seem impossible, though, to have real faith in what you don't first understand. That's why I come today, to highlight for you the easily understood theme of the Bible. The Bible's theme is a sort of backbone on which you can hang everything else you learn about God's word. Any Bible truth you hang on it's theme can never be moved. Truth is eternal. [Psalms 119:160] • Let me begin our consideration of the Bible's theme, then, by looking at something Jesus said in John 17:3. He said our knowledge and understanding are very important. What he actually said was our lives are dependant on taking in knowledge of him and his Father. Those words draw specific attention to an idea presented in the Bible that I fear few people are learning about.

This scriptural idea, central to the Bible's theme, is presented in a small group of interlinked scriptures. We have considered the beginning of them, that Jesus said at John 17:3 we require knowledge of him as well as his Father. • The second verse we will read is 2 Chronicles 16:9. ➘ To aid in displaying supporting scriptures, let me introduce JustBibletruth.com as the Bible study aid I will be using as a backdrop. ➙ At 2 Chronicles 16:9, then, the Bible tells us the eyes of God are roving about through the earth seeking to find those with a heart complete toward him. It also says He wants to show his power in their behalf. Those seeking God can have faith from that scripture, God knows who each and every one of us is! Do we, however, know God?

• Next, please consider something else Christ said in John 6:44. He there said no one can come to him unless they are first drawn by God. One translation says they must be "dragged" by his Father. Think what these three scriptures taken together really mean. First, you need to know Jesus and his Father, and then, Jesus's Father is looking for all those looking for him. Now, in this scripture, Jesus says the only way we can come to him is if we are first dragged by God. • Knowing the truth these scriptures afford, if you listen when reading Christ's words from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, you will find he often spoke about people he said wouldn't or couldn't listen to him. (John 8:43-44) These scriptures help us understand people who can't listen and get the sense of Jesus's teachings are not first being drawn by his Father. [John 6:44] That Bible truth applies to me and to you. • Jesus spoke in illustrations we can not understand unless we are truly seeking God. (Matthew 13:13-17) If you are seeking God, it means you are valuable to him and also that you are being drawn to his son. • The Bible explains how we make ourselves valuable to God at [Deuteronomy 30:15-16 and Deuteronomy 11:26-28]. Obedience to God, you see, is the important thing! (Romans 1:5-6)

• These scriptures combine, then, to provide a simple message: If we are identified by God as one looking for him, (Heb 11:6) we are being drawn by him to Christ. What that infers for you, is you will then be able to hear and understand what our Heavenly Father said in regard to his son at • Mark 9:7. God there told us very simply and clearly we must listen to his son. That we should listen to Jesus is the only command God has given mankind since Jesus started his preaching work. [Hebrews 1:1-2] Question is: Have you heard that command from God?

• Jesus further said at John 12:46-50, he came not to judge or condemn, but to save the world. Please note from those verses we do have a judge. Christ elaborated at [John 3:17-21] that our personal response to the words he spoke amounts to our own judgment of ourselves. • He explained at John 3:19 that our response to his words of light and truth is the basis of judgment for all humankind.

That command by God, then, that you listen to his son [Mark 9:7] is what I am now making sure you are exposed to. • Clearly, God has born witness [John 12:28-30] that He sent Jesus to bring us knowledge imparting everlasting life. [John 18:37b; John 5:37-38] What do you personally believe it means when Jesus said our life depends on taking in knowledge of both he and his Father? (John 17:3) More importantly, do you believe you have done that? • Please consider: Are you sure you haven't let down your guard to become misguided by one of the well intentioned religious sects that use Christ's name while remaining workers of lawlessness? (Matthew 7:21-23) Have you followed Christ's command to know both him and his Father? • Though it's not a command, did you note the second of two things God has said since Jesus started preaching? At John 12:28, God said He had and would bring glory to his own name. That begs the question: Do you know the name of the Father of Jesus Christ? [Proverbs 30:4] Since you are aware Jesus specifically said your life is dependant on knowledge of both him and his Father, and now in [John 12:28] God told us he would bring glory to his own name, shouldn't you know that Divine Name? [John 17:25-26]

Like most matters people use in creating their doctrines, religious men have for a very long time hotly debated the name of God. One religious group even named their sect after what they believe to be God's name. [Acts 11:26] Religious turmoil is always vanity and striving after the wind. [Ecclesiastes 1:14] There is nothing to debate! • In the Hebrew language of the Old Testament, God had his name recorded over 6000 times. God's name is   יהוה   and that number is not a typo.   יהוה  inspired his name used in the Old Testament over 6000 times. What ever language you speak, you should recognize the Hebrew name of our Creator and know him as the Father of Christ Jesus. [John 20:17] In the words of Christ, knowing his Father means your very life. [John 17:3] Take a few moments reviewing JustBibleTruth.com/DoesGodHaveAName.html.

By meditating on these few scriptures, you join yourself to those who know the God and Father of our Lord Christ Jesus [John 20:17] by his self given Bible name of   יהוה . • You also know God told us to listen to the words of his Christ. [Matthew 17:5] That is important knowledge. It is important because Jesus warned us at Matthew 7:15 & 16a about false prophets who would come teaching lies to deceive people and lead them away from God. His followers said in [Acts 20:29-30], • that problem would grow worse in the last days. Just as we are witnessing in our day, Jesus said there would come a tribulation like the world had never seen. (Matthew 24:21-22) So many people are suffering so much in this world today, and many just don't seem to care. • Everyone alive should be distressed (Ezekiel 9:4) and talking to their neighbors about how faith in Christ is the only hope for any one of us. [Ezekiel 8:17-9:8]

Jesus foretold, in the midst of these terrible times, • people would rise up saying the Christ is in the midst of their sect, (Matthew 24:23-25) and we must join and be approved by them in order to be saved. He also said, however, everyone who is sincerely looking for the Christ would be able to see him like lightening that lights up the whole heavens and earth. • Jesus shines as a brilliant light out of the Gospel Books by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. His words illuminate all those individuals being drawn to him by his Father. In other words, every person being drawn by God is feeding on Christ's body, or his remains, as he is preserved and contained in those Gospels. (Luke 17:20-24 & 37)

• Please be certain you are aware of and understand Jesus's command to eat his flesh and drink his blood, so as to have the source of life within yourself: Reading the Gospels is how you feed on the body of Christ, that nourishment bringing life. (John 6:53) [John 6:52-58]

• God's warning to listen to his son exposes a great danger you must avoid: Don't become trapped in religion by listening to what other men and women tell you Jesus said. [unevenly yoked] If you are wise, you should now be wondering if that means you must be cautious about listening to what I am saying? You bet it does! That's why my message is always very simple: I always encourage everyone to listen to Christ Jesus by reading the Gospels. (Acts 17:11) • The Gospels are four short Bible Books written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; and they are your one and only safe source of spiritual food and truth. That is made clear by what our Heavenly Father said at Matthew 17:5. All the Bible is inspired by God and true, of course. • The Books of the Bible outside the Gospels, however, are to encourage faith in the teachings of Christ. (Galatians 3:23-25) Jesus's teachings, then, the teachings God told you to listen to, are recorded in the Gospels.

• If you are going to follow Christ, you must comprehend the great difference between religious people and Christians. (Matthew 7:22-23) Religious people study the scriptures looking for judgment of themselves and others. They develop a doctrine from some few scriptures to set themselves apart and to judge non-members of the sect they create as lost to God. • Many of them do mean well and most believe they are righteous beyond question. By establishing their own doctrine, however, as Jesus warned them at [John 5:39-40], they fail to simply listen to Christ. He went on to explain in verses 41-44 they are not able to listen to him because they are seeking and accepting glory from each other rather than from him and his Father. So... Even I say: Be cautious of listening to me beyond hearing my words that you must listen to Christ. • I believe every word I say is truth from Christ, of course, but you must make yourself noble minded by listening to Jesus to prove what I say is true. (Acts 17:11) In my youth, I was wrong many times... Each time I was wrong, I was also sincere in what I believed. That's why you must trust only Christ. God sent him and no one else. [Luke 4:17-21] We are all just men and women working to learn what he taught. Read the Gospels for your-own-self.

I have a dear friend of many years who confided he feels torn between two religious sects. He believes they are both doing God's work because they always quote scripture to support everything they say. • After he admitted he was familiar with Jesus's warning about false prophets, [Matthew 7:15] I reminded him even Satan quoted scripture when trying to deceive and destroy Christ. (Matthew 4:5-7) Then, I asked if he was aware the two religious sects he was trying to defend are avowed spiritual enemies, each condemning the other as lost to God. Probably more to suggest I was wrong in telling people to question religion, he replied both groups must then be wrong then, if they condemn each other. • He is right: They are both wrong. And that is my point! We are all wrong except Christ Jesus because He is the only one taught and then sent by his Father with knowledge [John 5:19-20; Luke 4:17-21] of what we need to hear. (John 6:29) He is the one God specifically told us to listen to. [Mark 9:7] That's why my message is always that you should join those sitting at the feet of Jesus by reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. [Mark 3:31-35] And that, my dear friend, can never be bad advice, no matter who gives it. • Even if Satan himself told you to listen to Christ, it would still be good advice. He never would, of course. Satan and his followers always tell you to listen to Satan's preachers. (John 8:42-47) Satan's preachers can be identified because they tell you to listen to "them" and to join their sect in order to know Christ. [Matthew 24:23-25] Make no mistake, learning what Christ taught is the most important thing in life. You can't get that gift from God except by actually listening to Jesus's words, by reading the Gospels. [John 6:52-54a; John 4:14]

• Jesus told his followers to offer peace to any household where they shared the Good News he taught. (Luke 10:5-6) That helps us know peace is a very good thing. Peace is what you should seek for yourself and for others. [1 Pet 3:10-12] Just remember: It is not your job to force people to change. • The best we can do for others is to share the words of Christ. His words help them see themselves for what they are so they can choose to change themselves. (James 1:22-25) Helping them change, by first convicting them of what they are, is what Jesus himself came to do. [John 15:22-24] • Even Christ couldn't really change those who loved what they were. (Matthew 23:37-39) The only ones being changed, then, are those first being drawn to Christ by  יהוה . [John 6:44a] You have no authority or power to draw people to Christ, or even to know who should be drawn. • Just find peace in your faith God does know each and every person who is righteously inclined, and that He is drawing each of them to Christ. As for you: Seek and pursue peace (1 Peter 3:10-11) [Matthew 5:9] because a calm heart means your very life. [Proverbs 14:30]

• Along with peace, may you choose eternal life and happiness through faith in the teachings of God's son. [James 1:19-25] If you are doing that, you are being born again by the spirit. (John 3:3) [John 1:12-13] We are all born of water and blood at our natural birth by our human parents. One thing obviously meant by our need to be born again is what we have just learned from the scriptures considered: • If we are looking for God, He has taken notice and is drawing us to the teachings of his son. (Hosea 11:4) That is the only way we are able to listen to Jesus. Everyone can hear Jesus's words, of course, but only those drawn to him by God's spirit can take his teachings to heart. • Choosing to build and express faith in the teachings of Christ thus gives them a new birth by the spirit of God. (John 5:24) [1 John 3:14] • People of this world can never understand what followers of Christ will do because Christians are driven by the spirit. (John 3:8) It's not like God's spirit takes over and controls them, he just helps them understand what Jesus taught. • The teachings of Christ then help them become better people, and to be forgiven and rewarded by Jesus's Father on the basis of faith! [John 15:15-16] (Matthew 21:22) God also uses his spirit to do what ever else He chooses, of course. • The Bible teaching on being born again by the spirit is worthy of a study dedicated to just that. Perhaps the clearest understanding, however, is gleaned from reading Jesus's words at John Chapter 3 versus 1 thru 21. There we learn about a religious leader and teacher named Nicodemus who approached Jesus at night saying it was obvious Christ had come from God as a teacher. Nicodemus was a Jew and his Jewish nation had been looking for the appearance of the promised Messiah for 2000 years. That he came to Jesus by night, and that he didn't address him as the Messiah, probably indicated Nicodemus was less than wholly sincere and didn't really know Christ. If Nicodemus could not have complete and total faith in Jesus because of what he physically saw him do with his own eyes, how could he really have faith in the spiritual things Jesus taught him. Nicodemus, along with everyone else, needed to abandon their previous religious beliefs and publicly express faith in Christ. [Matthew 21:23-27] Rather than fearing God, Nicodemus was afraid of displeasing his religious friends. [John 5:44; John 12:43] The interchange between Jesus and Nicodemus illustrates why you need so desperately to listen to and really hear Christ. Jesus came bringing large thoughts. He came to help us know and have a relationship with his Father. None besides Jesus can teach you what you must learn to gain life. Those 21 verses combine into one large understanding. Read them as you meditate on how they are an overview of Jesus's counsel to be born again, and what that means. Jesus had been performing many wonderful miracles to prove he was the Messiah. Those earthly visible activities of Christ are what brought Nicodemus to Jesus, but apparently lacking true faith. If Nicodemus could not understand the simple teaching that Jesus was God's son and the promised Messiah, as proved by the miracles he performed, how could he hope to understand the spiritual teaching on being born again. It was Nicodemus's choice to make, of course, just as it is for each one of us. Read and build a proven faith in the words Christ left, so as to understand spiritual things.

• People who refuse to choose life [John 8:42-47] can't understand why Christians won't join them in lying and cheating and stealing. (1 Peter 4:4-6) Religious people take great pride in their own judgment they are righteousness, • as they wrongly approve themselves by their doctrine and by the approval of each other. (John 5:44) They fail to recognize their absolute need to actually listen to Christ so they might comprehend true righteousness. This is all so very simple if you have only heard   יהוה 's  one latter day command; to listen to his son. [Matthew 17:5] • Conversely, if you are searching the scriptures as an approved member of some religious sect, (John 5:39-44) you will likely not be able to grasp what Jesus taught. You can't serve two masters. [Matthew 6:24] • Join yourself to those who sat at the feet of Jesus almost 2000 years ago. (Mark 3:31-35) Read Jesus's words in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

• You are hearing this message today because it is God's time for its revelation: Christ is God's anointed King and is riding forth in the midst of his enemies to destroy those who are not seeking   יהוה . (Psalms 110:2-3) [Revelation 2:16; Revelation 6:1-2] • Jesus is using the words from his mouth to first expose, and then to destroy, the wicked. (John 3:17-21) Rejecting Christ brings God's judgment you are wicked. As in the days of Noah, the wicked must be destroyed for life to continue. [Genesis 6:11-13] We are witnessing the second and last destruction of this world because it has once again become filled with violence. • Christ is selecting each individual who will survive that destruction. (Matthew 24:37-39) For you to be protected, you must be a person resigned in your heart to follow   יהוה   no matter what. • Christ Jesus set the example of perfect obedience to his Father. (Luke 22:41-42) The only way you can survive the tribulation of our day is by following Jesus's example. It is not that you must die as Jesus did, but like him, obedience to God must be more important than even your own life. • (Mark 14:34-36) What ever has been the driving desire of your life must be forced behind the will of   יהוה . That is true because God's will is perfect and any disobedience to him will always harm you or someone else. Be careful to ask yourself: Are you remaining ever vigilant you have turned to God? • Jesus said many people would be fooling themselves by listening to wolves in sheep's covering while they imagined they were listening to Christ. (Matthew 7:21-23) It is not a time to be seeking glory from men or to be trying to please them by following their doctrine. Most doctrines of men do include some scriptures, but misapplied. [Matthew 4:5-7] Jesus said there in [Matthew 7:22 & 23], knowing and calling on his name is not enough. • You must know Jesus intimately and be known by him as well. (John 10:14) [John 14:21] You can only have that relationship through effort spent sitting at Jesus's feet. Read the Gospels. Popularity among sects of men is surely a bad thing. Human doctrine does not build faith in Christ but is an assault on it. Do you think Noah had time to worry about pleasing men when He was selected to lead his family as the lone survivors of the destruction of the wicked earth of his day. (2 Peter 3:5-6) [Genesis 6:5-8:17] Do you think Joseph had time to worry about how popular he was when he was sold into slavery by his own brothers and then raised by   יהוה   to become second in command of the ancient world power of Egypt; for the preservation of life? [Genesis 37:2-47:12]

• The tribulation of our day is similar to the days of Noah. (Matthew 24:37-39) Loving-kindness and integrity have largely disappeared from this world. People are divided into gangs over race, politics, money, sex, actual gang allegiance, and the many wars instigated by religion. Most people care nothing for morality and righteousness and truth, only for protecting the other members of their gang. In Mexico, the drug gangs make war with the legal government. Uncounted numbers of people (unnumbered by humans, God is watching) die because of them. Most people today have no integrity and will lie to protect those they consider part of their group. [They will sell information confided by their intimate acquaintances if they consider it will get them some personal gain.] We see over and over that the political leaders crucify upright people who try to speak out about what is true and right. Liars attack the righteous with lies and innuendoes. • The wicked feel compelled to attack the upright in an effort to justify their own badness toward the righteous. Their activities should make it obvious to everyone: True liars will never stop. (John 8:42-47) When caught in a bare faced lie, wicked persons will just keep saying they have done nothing wrong. • Sadly, there seem to be lots of ignorant or stupid people who are ready to believe, or at least to go along with, those lies. (Psalms 14:1) Even famous people who create charities supposedly to help the less fortunate, only do so to gain something for themselves. Otherwise, they would be directing people to Christ. Not to religion, mind you, but to Christ. Humanity seems amused at the carnival like display the governmental leaders put on as they watch the poles and dance to popularity. • It is so bad in this world... The evening world news is an ongoing horror story. In the city of Nashville, TN, in 2119, 3 teenage men and 2 women robbed and killed a man of another race. They passed a hand gun among themselves as each one took a turn shooting their helpless victim. Their race rallied to protect them and hide what they did even after such a vile hate crime. In another incident, a young beautiful mother in her mid thirties shot and killed her handsome 14 year old son, and then killed herself. All the pressure from the tribulation of this world is breaking people in too many ways to count. (Ecclesiastes 7:5-7) • People without integrity believe they have a right to take what they want from the righteous, because they believe integrity is stupidity or weakness. That rampant and rapidly escalating attitude and personality is why they must be destroyed by God. [Psalms 92:7; Proverbs 2:21-22] God sent Christ to warn us all. (John 15:22) • Only a real and abiding faith built on the truth brought by Christ can save you. His name is not, however, a good luck charm; you must be doing your best to really know him. [Matthew 7:21-23]

• For many years of my life, I have been familiar with Jesus's warning this tribulation was coming. I have also known God said He would make things better by speeding up mankind's destruction [brought by our own hand] in it's own time. (Isaiah 5:18-22) He speeds it to its end so as to put us past the suffering our wickedness has brought. Because of those Bible teachings, I have probably been expecting what is happening as much or more than anyone. • Even so, I am shocked by how fast badness, along with the destruction it is bringing, is escalating. Liars have taken control or our world and wicked people just keep doing worse and worse things. Apparently, they think no person will be able to hold them accountable. (Ecclesiastes 8:11-13) If it seems to you they are right, don't despair. • They have overlooked, or maybe they don't care or don't believe, what God has said about them. (Psalms 92:7) The deeds and activities of the wicked have piled up around them like loose snow on a mountain. • They go about the activities of their life on top of that snow, while their lies and wicked activities spew as more and more snow under their feet. (Isaiah 5:20) Now, we see the first slippage of the coming avalanche of their own destruction, as country after country fails under the weight of corruption. Those nations still functioning struggle to survive. • In the midst of them, the followers of Christ are standing on the rock mass of the truth of Christ's teachings. (Philippians 1:27-28) Christians will not be swept away in the sudden final destructive avalanche of the wicked. (Matthew 7:24-27) [Psalms 92:12-93:1] • Even having believed these scriptures for many years, it is still shocking to see how suddenly lying and corruption have proliferated and the destruction has come. [Daniel 8:23-26; Daniel 2:44] Do not be afraid, only express hope and have joy! (Luke 21:25-28)

Remember, as you witness this world continue to degenerate into lying and chaos: God did not create this badness. Satan and Adam and Eve did. • What   יהוה   has done is provide the solution. He never said integrity and loyalty to him in the midst of a dark world would be easy. It is, however, far better than remaining in ignorance to be kicked around and finally killed by Satan as he is doing to all his wicked followers. Hope is protecting God's righteous ones with regard to the limits of their endurance. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13) • God's son is [or will very soon be] protecting them for eternal life in paradise (Isaiah 11:1-12) by means of their faith in his words. [Job 33:24-25] The question for all: Do we really know Jesus Christ and his Father  יהוה ? • (Proverbs 30:4-6) If you do, you have been reborn by spirit from death into life, which also indicates you understand what that means. [John 5:24] Being reborn by the spirit is the conscious decision to learn what Christ taught and to express faith in his words. Spend time every day of your life sitting at the feet of Christ by reading from the Gospels. • While the return of Christ's kingdom we are witness to is similar to Noah's day, instead of needing to build an ark, your salvation is the act of taking to heart the words of Christ. (John 8:51) [James 1:16-18] • Then, instead of being swept along in the death of this world system, it will happen to you just as you have faith. (Matthew 8:13) It really is just that simple.

May you have peace. I encourage you, and please encourage others,

Give praise to  יהוה !

1 Corinthians 15:20-28 GNB (20) But the truth is that Christ has been raised from death, as the guarantee that those who sleep in death will also be raised. (21) For just as death came by means of a man, in the same way the rising from death [and eternal life] comes by means of a man. (22) For just as all people die because of their union with Adam, in the same way all will be raised to life [or preserved alive] because of their union with Christ. (23) But each one will be raised in proper order: Christ, first of all; then, at the time of his coming, those who belong to him. (24) Then the end will come; Christ will overcome all spiritual rulers, authorities, and powers, and will hand over the Kingdom to God the Father. (25) For Christ must rule until God defeats all enemies and puts them under his feet. (26) The last enemy to be defeated will be death. (27) For the scripture says, "God put all things under his feet." It is clear, of course, that the words "all things" do not include God himself, who puts all things under Christ. (28) But when all things have been placed under Christ's rule, then he himself, the Son, will place himself under God, who placed all things under him; and God will rule completely over all.

Give praise to  יהוה !

Join the spirit creatures in heaven
who choose to cry out day and night:

Revelation 4:8b MWT . . .“Holy, holy, holy is   יהוה   God, the Almighty,
who was and who is and who is coming.”

Revelation 4:11 MWT . . .“You are worthy,   יהוה  , even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things,
and because of your will they existed and were created.”

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