--- Sincerity? ---
Sincerity and good intentions have no value,
if you're not following God's
only later day command
to listen to his son... (Mat 17:5)
Written Aug, 2022.

Michael Servetus and John Calvin provide an excellent real world example proving that, as they say, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," and, "with lots of sincerity." Michael Servetus has the notoriety of being the only poor soul in history to have been burned at the stake in effigy by the Catholic Church; and then, being actually burned to death by another Christendom sect.

John Calvin (JEAN CAUVIN) was a man who found fault with some non-scriptural teachings (doctrines - Mat 15:8‑9) of the Catholic Church during the 1500's (part of the period now known as the Dark Ages). The church's intent was to burn John at the stake. Calvin's apparent search for truth thus forced him to flee to Geneva; where he quickly set about creating his own new religious group; along with, sadly, their new doctrine of faith. (Switzerland was not under Roman Catholic control and so Geneva quickly became the "Protestant Rome.") Since Calvin escaped their intent, the Catholic Church burned him in effigy (they created some kind of life size doll or manakin of Calvin and publicly burned it at the stake in his name). Keep in mind: The reason the Catholics tried to kill Calvin was because he questioned their doctrinal teachings. Michael Servetus soon had a falling out with the Catholics and was himself forced to flee. Knowing of Calvin, Michael fled to Geneva. Just as they had done with Calvin, the Catholics burned Servetus in effigy. Servetus soon had a disagreement with Calvin, however, about the Calvinist's new doctrine of faith. So, in 1553 CE, Michael Servetus was burned alive at the stake by the Geneva Convention and John Calvin; while Michael cried out to Jesus Christ for mercy. Mr. Calvin's apparent good intentions in seeking truth seems to have proved little benefit to him, as he obviously did not use his new found freedom (John 8:31‑32) in taking to heart God's command to listen to his Christ. (Mat 17:5) Maybe Calvin was more concerned with making a celebrated name for himself than he was with what Jesus Christ said. (Gen 11:4; Mat 15:8‑9)

Throughout humanity's sad history, righteously inclined but ignorant and misguided religious people have joined to judge and harm other righteous people, all because they allowed themselves to be deceived and misled by pious religious leaders. (Mat 7:15‑16; Mark 12:24) That was only made possible, remember, because they made the wicked or ignorant choice to elevate and look up to other men and women, (Mat 23:1‑15) as they joined them to establish and/or support their chosen doctrine of faith. (Mat 15:8‑9) All Religionists feel the need, you see, to judge who is righteous enough for membership. In establishing their own rules (which is really creating their own new Law Code - Gal 5:4; Gal 5:18 of 14‑26), they actually fail to follow Jesus guidance; which must include his warning he must be our only teacher, and his Father our only God. (Mat 23:1‑15) Jesus is the one, and the only one, appointed by God to teach us. (John 15:14‑16; Mat 17:5;) Jesus is referred to in John 1:1 of the Analytical Literal Translation of the Bible as the "expression of the divine logic" of God. (John 1:1 of 1‑9) Hence, "the Word of God." (Rev 19:13) God has anointed Christ king over all creation. (1 Cor 15:25 of 12‑28)

If you prefer a Bible example of the dangers of following humans, we have Saul who was renamed Paul and became the "Apostle Paul." Paul loved God and was zealous in his worship from youth. He was a Pharisee of the Jewish nation, which nation had been protected by God for 2000 years from Abraham to Christ. [Note the Jewish nation was not protected because they were good people. (Deu 9:4‑6) They were protected because of the promise God made to faithful Abraham, that He would bless all nations of the earth through Abraham's seed. (Gen 22:18 of 9‑18) The ancient Jewish nation was thus protected by God so they could be used by him to produce that Messianic Seed of Promise: That is the same Seed the Jews rejected and put to death when Jesus appeared. (Many individual Jews did put faith in Christ, but as a nation, they rejected him. - John 1:11 of 9‑13; John 11:45)] Saul/Paul worshipped zealously according to his Jewish religious teachings. Jesus Christ had, however, fulfilled and concluded the Jewish Law Code which Saul was still trying to serve. (Mat 23:37‑38; Gal 3:23‑26; Col 2:13‑15; John 4:5‑30) Zealous and very sincere young Paul actually persecuted and killed members of the Christian congregation Jesus had started. (Acts 7:54‑8:3) Please be careful to understand: Saul/Paul persecuted the resurrected Christ (through his earthly followers) even while "sincerely" believing he was serving God! His religious leaders had assured him he was doing good. (Acts 22:1‑5) From heaven, the resurrected Jesus addressed Saul to correct his thinking. Paul did respond! (Acts 22:3‑16) As long as Paul listened to his religious leaders, even in complete sincerity and even while listening to the religious group God had previously used for 2000 years, he was fighting actually against God. When Paul abandoned religion and heard Christ, he was blessed. (1 Tim 1:12‑13)

As you contemplate your dilemma, remember and consider this: Likely most (if not all) religious sects will say I am absolutely correct about all the other religious groups I warn you about; except their own. Few of them can or will consider applying this Bible principle to their own religious sect. (2 Tim 4:3‑4) A common response is they believe what I say, but still feel the need to be part of a religious group. They believe they find comfort there, in approval by numbers. It is false comfort... (John 5:44; John 12:42-43; Mark 7:6-9) Another common response, even among those who recognize the failures of their church, is they don't want to forsake the gathering of themselves together. (Heb 10:24-25) Most every single church uses that scripture to scare people into remaining a part of their group, no matter what they see wrong about the sect. Please note: You gather with other Christians, only when you talk about these scriptures, the words of Christ that warn everyone about the danger from the churches. (Mat 7:15) Warn them of their need to stop seeking the approval of men, (John 5:44) and to actually listen to Jesus. (Luke 13:25-27; Mat 7:21-23) Maybe the tribulation is awakening them! (Mark 13:19‑20) Knowing the truth, of course, isn't really a dilemma. It's a gift. (Deu 30:19‑20) Knowing the truth allows you to abandon any religion you have been part of, and thus become infected by their false doctrine. You can separate from them by simply putting on the mind of Christ. (1 Cor 2:16 of 14‑16; Rom 15:4‑6; Php 2:5 of 5‑11) You can only put on the mind of Christ by taking in God's spirit living in the words Jesus spoke: (John 6:63) Please be clear, you take in God's spirit by listening to Christ's words. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Just meditate on the many times Jesus told people it was their faith that healed or helped them; and then, build that same faith for yourself. (Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:48 of 42‑48; John 7:37‑39; John 19:34) Jesus came to help you have faith in his Father, (John 5:19‑20) so that in believing, you might have life! (John 20:30‑31; John 21:25)

World events and mankind's history should help you realize and understand, we live today in the midst of the tribulation of the last days. (Mat 24:21‑22; Pro 10:27‑32) It is judgment day! Our world's tribulation will soon be ended by Armageddon; which is not to be feared by righteous people. Armageddon is God's righteous war to destroy wickedness. You surely must realize: Ending wickedness does require the destruction of all those refusing to stop causing it. The simple question is: Are you directing others to Christ, or are you adding to mankind's problems? You are for sure and certain doing one or the other; but not both! Please realize it is not your sincerity that can save you. A sincere belief in what is untrue will surely kill you. (Gal 1:8; Mark 12:24) Thankfully, this is not complicated: Deliverance is based solely on what is true and real. God has gone to great lengths, over 6000 years of time, to produce the Savior so desperately needed by mankind. The Bible is God's introduction to that Messianic Savior. To be preserved alive at Armageddon, you must be righteous. Being righteous means you appreciate and truly believe in what God has done for us; done for you. Righteousness thus requires you believe in the words of Jesus Christ. (John 6:28‑29) It's not my judgment to make, of course, but I fear you can't have real faith in Christ if you haven't made yourself familiar with what he taught. (Mat 7:21‑23) Jesus is your one and only source of righteousness. (Isa‑1:18 of 16‑21; John 1:29 of 29‑34; Rev 7:14 of 13‑17; James 2:23) You can't even know what righteousness is apart from your knowledge of the teachings of Jesus. (John 5:44; Mat 15:8‑9) So, the question is not whether you are sincere, nor is it whether you have a big group approving you; like Saul/Paul did have when he had the whole Jewish priesthood and nation supporting him. (Acts 22:3‑16; Luke 13:23‑28) The question is: Do you truly appreciate what God has done for you; and, do you understand and accept his help is available only in the words of his son? (John 6:28‑29) Have you heard and followed God's only later day command to listen to Jesus? (Mat 17:5) Do you really know Christ and his Father? (Pro 30:4‑6) Jesus Christ started a preaching work 2000 years ago to enlighten mankind to the simple truth you are right now hearing. (John 18:37‑38) These words are truth! (Deu 30:19‑20) They enlighten the righteous while leaving the wicked without defense. (John 15:22) The preaching work seems to be coming (or has come) to a close; with only the destruction of the wicked and the preservation of the righteous left to witness. (Acts 17:29‑31; Psa 91:7‑11 of 1‑16) Even if you are one of only a few individuals in all the earth who will survive, (Luke 17:26‑30 of 20‑30) if you are a kind hearted person allowing yourself to be drawn to Christ, (John 6:44) please spend all your free time actually listening to Christ [by reading the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John]. Do your best to help everyone realize: Religious organizations of men just set rules and doctrines to judge other men, thus granting group approval by membership. Religion (being very different from Christianity) is a snare and a racket. Religion is actually Satan's tool to divide (Pro 16:28) and deceive and mislead. (Mat 23:1‑15) All religious groups want you to join them... Don't do that. Don't join any of them! Don't join me either... Join Jesus Christ. Each sect will assert joining them "is" joining Christ, of course, but it isn't. Your wisdom is manifest by your realizing God's Spirit, taken in through (or by) reading the words of Jesus Christ, is your only hope! (John 6:63)

The Bible knowledge summarized in these scriptures gives me more happiness and peace than I can speak. We are witness to a glorious restoration brought into existence during and by the end ( death  destruction) of the 6000 years of horrors caused by our human rule over each other; (Ecc 8:9) rulerships largely in rebelliousness and disobedience to God. (Mark 13:19‑20) The end of the tribulation (caused by our disobedience to God resulting in our abuse of the earth and of our fellowman) ushers in the Kingdom of Christ. (Acts 17:29‑31) That's our only hope! At 75 years of age, the list of my failures causing or allowing harm to others is long: I couldn't protect myself or my younger brothers or my friends from the harsh trials of youth. I couldn't protect the 100 or so men I served with in Vietnam; with 28 of them killed a few at a time over the course of my tour. (Visit: VietnamJC.com) I couldn't protect my first wife and our 3 small daughters from the ravages of a failed marriage. Perhaps my greatest pain comes from having to know I failed to do my very best to save my young daughters parents marriage; even though I was zealously religious at the time. Through it all, I was actually convinced by my religious sect that I was righteous. (My daughters mother and I were members of different churches. Mine told me it was OK to break my marriage vow because my wife spoke against the sect I was part of. Her church leaders told her similar lies. That's just what religion always does; separate those familiar with one another. - Pro 16:28; Rom 16:17) I'm sure we all have life failures we are broken at heart about. Foremost must be our inability to protect our families and loved ones, or even ourselves, from the ravages of old age, sickness and death. That, however, was the past! What now brings me great happiness and peace, can't you see, is knowing those days are over... (Mat 24:21‑22) Please hear the change I proclaim: I can now help and protect every single person who will listen to these words. That is true because they are not my words, but God's promises. (Isa 11:1‑12; Psa 91; Job 33:13‑30; Psa 37:29 of 27‑40)

If you are a blood line Jew, you have the distinction of being a descendent of Abraham. That is special because Abraham was a friend of . (Isa 41:8; James 2:23) ( יהוה   is the Hebrew Name of God.) The Jews as a nation were protected by God for 2000 years from Abraham, (and/or by their Law Code for 1500 years after Moses) down to the birth of Christ. Jesus was born a Jew. Jesus established a new covenant, (Heb 12:24 of 22‑24; Col 1:13‑23) doing away with (or completing) the old Jewish Law Code. (Luke 22:19‑20 of 13‑20; Heb 7:22 of 18‑25; Heb 8:10 of 6‑13) How foolish you would be to turn back to Judaism (Gal 4:6‑11 of 1‑11) when something far greater is here. (Mat 12:5‑8) The Jewish nation had first opportunity to become Christians. (Rom 1:16 of 16‑18; Acts 13:44‑47) Now, in our day, all people who worship God must do so through Christ. That is highly personal and you can only gain that relationship with by listening to Christ, never by joining some religious sect (even though each group will promise they are the very ones who can/must do that for you; if you will only join them and follow their doctrinal law)! The only God approved name for the followers of Christ, however, is Christian; (Acts 11:26) no matter what you were before. Being a Jew and following their Law had spiritual value during one period in history. That time is gone! (Gal 3:26‑29) If you have been part of one of the modern day Christendom religions (all the groups who assert they are Christian), and even if they had some time of special use by God (like John Calvin apparently had briefly; as it appears God's Spirit allowed or helped John break free from the apostate "Holy Roman Church"), their day has past. Jesus said the only way you can serve God today is in spirit and truth, (John 4:23 of 19‑26) through personal faith in his words. (John 4:5‑26) If you are part of any group who calls themselves anything besides, or in addition to, Christian, these scriptures indicate you have been deceived. (Acts 11:26) Make certain you are listening only to Christ; by reading the Gospels for yourself... (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Then, protect everyone who will listen just by telling them to do the same! I believe we are witnessing the tribulation being brought to its end by God, which must include the destruction of the wicked at Armageddon; as the followers of Christ are protected alive. (Luke 17:26‑30) Survivors will live forever in the restored paradise (Isa 11:1‑12; Psa 91; Job 33:13‑30; Psa 37:29 of 27‑40) where they will welcome their precious dead loved ones back to life; without tribulation. (Luke 8:40‑55) What God started in Eden will be accomplished. (Mat 6:9‑10) If I am wrong, I will be in shocked disbelief on the day I realize I am dying. The scriptures don't lie. I'm not wrong... If you want to share my hope, like Jairus and the unnamed woman with the flow of blood, you must be a true believer... (Luke 8:40‑55) Only a natural familiarity with the words of Christ can grant you that hope. That hope in Christ, the hope of being protected alive forever, while also helping others by sharing the same words of Jesus you are learning; that is true happiness! (John 15:11) People can use scriptures out of context and make the Bible say anything they want. (2 Pet 3:14‑18; Mat 15:8‑9) What is here presented is the only understanding that harmonizes all the scriptures, so the Bible paints the one mental image God intended, beginning to end. If I am wrong, shed light on me... (Only scriptural light, of course. Write: support@JustBibleTruth.com) See you soon, then, in paradise! (Isa 11:1‑12)

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